Crawford County Dairy Princess Jamie Rynd, right* with Alternate Jayme Smith. fjgaii Agriculture - Residential - Commercial • Buildings • Basement • Floors • Retaining Walls • Footer • SCS Approved Manure Storage Pits • All Types Of Flat Work invest Ift Work That Will last A Lifetime CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CONTACT AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE ROY SBNSBNIG CONCRETE WALLS CAN BE 717-355-0726 Authorized Dealer For Keystone Concrete Products n) Ip) E f] © E con crete rirlEy WALLS, INC. 601 Overly Grove Road, New Holland, PA 17557 SCS Approved Manure Storage Facility Do/fy Royalty Farming. Saturday, July 16, 1994-817 J . _ Smith of Centerville. The daughter (Continued from Pege B 16) of Joyce Smith> Jaymie , iv * on her grandparents’ farm where she paralegal. Jamie is also the daughter of he, P s witll a hef d of 85 Guernsey Carol Musser and has a brother, 1, an d Jersey cows. She graduated and a sister, 5. from Titusville Senior High Assisting Jamie in dairy promo- School and plans to study psychol tional duties is Alternate Jaymie °gy at Edinboro College. Clarion County Dairy Princess TIONESTA (CLARION) milk 70 Holsteins. Tracy works Tracy Lynn Wagner represents with the calves and milking, both Clarion and Venango Coun- She is pursuing a degree in med tieLas Excess. ical technology at Clarion Univer- The 19-year-old is the daughter sity. She is a member of the health of Gaylord and careers club and a 4-H dairy ta. The family farms 210 acres and leader. For All Your Concrete Walls And Construction Needs (Turn to Page B 18) BARTVILLE WELDING SHOP LMi Nohk' Kd , ('hnsti.m.i, I’A I 7 sn ( » (jt B;nl\iilc) Burns Coal, Wood, Oil or Natural Gas FUEL USED IN STANDARD UNIT: WOOD & COAL & WOOD BY PRODUCTS (SAWDUST, PAPER, ETC.) FUEL USED IN MUL T '-FUEL MODEL: SAME AS ABOVE INCLUDING OIL, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS Efficiency Rating 83% to 85% - Cut Emissions by 90% 3-Year Warranty Except Electrical Components (1 Year) 35 Years Heating Experience PROUDLY BUILT IN INDIANA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA lOO,OOO ■ 500,000 BTU 36" 60" Fire Boxes ★ The only outdoor furnace made with a Catalytic Combuster. ★ Mahoning Catalytic Combuster Will Help In The Following Ways; 1. Burn one cord of wood which 4. You get more heat from a log corn equals 166 gallons of oil. pared to the non-cat furnace. 2. Your fuel source becomes enor- 5. More burn time - less reloading mous inexhaustible and poses few time! risks to public safety. 6. Zap 90% of pollutants, made from 3. Overall efficiency of 85% which fire source means the heat no longer goes up 7 Saves you a lot of money' the chimney! 8. User friendly, emits no smoke! SCIIOENLY'S NURSERY 5510 Boyertown Pike, Birdsboro, PA 19508 Cut Your Heating Cost With Our Outdoor Furnace k ; .. - Tracy Wagner Clarlon-Venango Co. Dairy MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACES "72e /VaCosaf h/ap To Meat tyour Tomt" (610) 689-5230 Princess
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