Sullivan County DUSHORE (Sullivan Co.) Despite a few rumbles of thunder in the distance, the Sullivan Coun ty Dairy Festival Parade started ion time in Dushore. This year’s parade theme, “Milk, 200 Years of Goodness,” brought out many floats made by the youth of the county as well as adult floats. The Sullivan County band was on hand to play a few songs and there were several marching units. Convertibles carrying the coun ty’s royality drove down the main street of Dushore, while crowds lined the street. The 1994 dairy maids Carrie Susan Pardoe, 1994 Sullivan County dairy princess, left, with 1993 Princess Amy Warburton. Roller/Blower Mills ika blowar mill* ar* built lor cour** cracking high iatur* ahall corn and blowing it Into vortical alios, •war mill* ar* aqulppad with Hanka’a 7 Inch dfamatar tal roll* and 60 Inch blowars. Blowar mill* ara illabl* with 36 Inch or 45 inch roll lengths. HENKE 1-800-228-1405 Dairy Princess Hottenstein, Jessica Lambert, Syl via Pardow, Kristina Paidoe, and Jill Broschart waved to the crowds as they passed. The 1994 Dairy Princess candidate. Susan Pardoe and 1993 Dairy Princess Amy Warburton and Daisy, the cow, delighted the crowd. Also present was Sullivan County Fair Queen Tanya Lewis. Floats were judged and prizes awarded. After the parade, each dairy maid introduced herself and her parents and told where in the county her farm was located. She then received her dairy maid ban ner from 1993 Princess, Amy THE NEW WHITE LINE FROM HENKE (Continued from Pago B 14) attractive to translate a favorable impression for the dairy industry. Participants at the seminar were taught how to use flattering colors, make-up, and hairstyles. “The better you feel about your self, the better you will do," instructor Mim Kauffman said in regards to the public speaking appearances. “You must first sell yourself in Warburton. Susan answered a few questions from the emcee, Fred Fiester, and Amy gave her farewell speech. She thanked everyone who had made her year a huge success and wished Susan the best in 1994. She then crowned Susan the 1994 Sullivan County Dairy Prin cess. The dairy maids and princess then made a huge ice cream sun dae for the crowd to enjoy. There was a cow milking contest for the adults and a goat milking contest for the kids. A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Tha Hank* KwlkKrackar la built for coaraa cracking ahallad corn for cattla faad. Tha KwlkKrackar la aquippad with 7 Inch dlamatar ataal rolls manufacturad In our own plant. Tha KwlkKrackar Is avallabla In flvs modal slzas from 18 Inch to 45 Inch roll lengths. Options available Include hydraulic driven Inlet auger and sloping discharge elevator. Henke Machine, Inc. Call For Dealer Nearest To You 3330 E. 23rd St. Columbus, NE 68602 Dairy Princess Training Seminar KwikKracker order to sell something else,” said Melinda Johnson, who taught the dairy princesses how to apply make-up to help them look their best She also met with each one individually to help them choose the colors that are most attractive for their skin tones. Jeff Lloyd, hair stylist, spent time with each one to determine the most flattering hairstyles for the shape of each one’s face. If the participant desired, he cut the hair and styled it. While he worked with each participant, he offered hints on hair care and suggested proper ph balances for hair textures. Teachings sessions on public speaking and working with the media were held during the day that began with breakfast at 7 a.m. and sessions held throughout the day until 10 p.m. Capitol Region Chooses to design her outfit when she was given a silk scarf from Paris. Here royal blue jacke is made from wool she won last year participating in the Make It With Wool competi tion. The jacket features slanted welt pockets, an asymmetrical closing, five bound button holes and is fully lined. Her fully-lined skirt has two pleats to the side. She also made the blouse to coordinate with the suit. • Cara Regitz chose a melon colored semi-fitted, slightly tap ered lined line dress. The mid-calf length dress has a mock neckband, covered shoulder pads, side front and back seams, a back zipper above the elbow sleeves, and nine gold buttons. The Henke KwikKursher ie built to proceee either or high moisture esr corn. The KwikKrueher equipped with 7 inch diameter steel rol manufactured In our own plant. The KwikKursher available In 24 Inch and 36 Inch models with either elevator discharge or with a blower discharge 1-800-228-1405 Uncmr Firming, Saturday, July 16, 1994-815 Each dairy princess was required to present both a speech and a skit, which was individually critiqued. Skits and speeches are made numerous times in dairy princess appearances but must be adapted to fit the audience. Senior cititzens have different interests than young families with children. Sessions were also held on industry concerns and how dairy promotion agencies can help pro vide information and resources to promote the dairy industry. Although the sessions were packed with information and free time was not available during the three-day seminar, dairy princes ses found the seminar enjoyable and reported that they were excited and eager to promote Pennsylvani a’s dairy industry that is the state’s number one agricultural industry. (Continued from Pago B 12) • Maggie Strausbaugh stitched a princess-style dress make with polyester flowered fabric. Her dress is semi-fitted with a flared skirt, short sleeves and a back zip per. To accessorize her outfit, she chose a pink chiffon scarf that she wove through the buttonholes at the neckline. • Juli Zcpp created a reversible coat, complete with a corduroy col lar, patch pockets, contrasting cuffs of olive and cream and top stitching. Her casual olive pants include a back yoke and side and back pockets. Julie designed her own vest pattern with 48 marching elephants in dessert colors. Each elephant is hand embroidered with contrasting thread. KwikKrusher HENKE
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