D32*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1994 $8,5; u II Ford4oooTLU,Gßnniition JD JOieBBZF. New Tires §■ MF 65 NF, Excellent U Int 585 MF3Ow/loader B* Case SC/Cultivators. one owner ■I JD 8SIB&XD U 9N Ford R MF 135, 2700 hours HI OMC Small Skid Loader U MF 282 NH 519 Manure Spreader 513 Manure Spreader KSlavis 3pt Backhoe Attach . New Ji TFT * Ullll Meyers Implements, Inc. Im #1 I I 400 North Antrim Way, PO Box 97 ■ ■ ■ ■ Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225 *» ■ ■ ■ Telephone: (717)597-2176 RM & HARDWARE VI-1500 King Kutter rden Tractors OMC 14 HP Skid Loader, Good Cond. $2,495 $4,500 $4,250 $2,750 $6,500 $4,900 $1,595 $5,900 $1,350 $4,250 $2,495 $4,900 $lO5O $1,995 $2,900 Cardinal Field Sprayer N|272cujd»tioncr •i casmDKw JD 38 2R cCPPPa. Set ofßEßQvators NI culdilioncr #270 NH 256 rake JD 336 Baler w/thrower JD 9* blade Shaver dnvers HDB $1,095 HDIO Rubber rake teeth 20% off list on all Bush Hog® loaders Call For Prices I Daßos 10’ HavTeddas SII9S DESIGNED FOR THE FARMERS AND RANCHERS OF NORTH AMERICA The New 5209 Disc Mower Conditioner has a modular component shaft drive cutterbar for low maintenance and easy serviceability. And the heavy duty inter meshing conditioning rolls wear extremely well and provide superior conditioning for your valuable hay crop. And best of all, the 5209 was designed and built for the farmers of North America —you! Check out the new 5209 Disc Mower Conditioner today! WlnwMt s^. - ** +.\A JD 4020 S.R. Old style W«0 $6,400 .$2/495 ..$995 . .$395 ..$395 ....$250 ...$795 51,195 $1,150 . $1,695 . ..$1.59 - —- icA NEW IDEA • PLOW BIG SAVINGS ON GENUNINE GARRETT TURBOS Don't imss this opportunity to plow some big savings on Genuine Garrett Factory Remanufscturad turbochargers. Your Authorized Oarrett Distnbutor IVim Diesel Service should have a turbocharger or cartridge that fits your tractor, combine, or other farm equipment. If it'a a turbocharged Ag engine, there's most likely a Oarrett turbo on it Look at the following list of OB's. There’s a reason why they specify Garrett turbochargers for their engines • Albs Chalmers *ll. Case • Deutz Albs • John Deere • Fiat Albs • Ford • IptwwriiMl Harvester For those seme ream, when it's tune for a replacement trubo, it's time for Genuine Oarrett All Genuine Oarrett turbochargers era remenufictured to engine! equipment specifications at the Garrett factory. It's your aasuranca of angina! equipment quality end performance with a warranty that matches the new turbo. Genuine Oarrett turbochargers are remanufactured with this same high quality parts as new and reengineered for the most recent upgrades and refinements to maintain die exact perfonnance characteristics into die original turbo, for more information on Oanojna Oarrett Factory Raman Turbos, see your local Oarrett Distributer or call or writs; I PENN DIESEL SERVICE CO. 337 North Farlvlllt Avo., 1-31 Exit 27, Horrioburg, PA 17112 I (717) 548*4207 (800) 835*2913 JOHN DEERE TRACTORS JD 4650, 2WD, power shift. 3500 hrs CALL JD 720 2 Cyl., Diesel, NF Pony Motor, 3pt., 1 Rem 83,250 JD 70 2 Cyl. Diesel, NF Pony Motor, 1 Rem $3,500 JD 80 Two Cylinder, PTO, 1 Remote Good Tin $5,500 JD 40 Crawler $3,500 JD 4440 cab, QR, axle duals. 7900 hr5...519,500 COMBINES JD 643 Corn Head $7,500 JD 843 8R Corn Head :.... $7,500 9500 Combine 1800 hrs $79,500 HAY EQUIPMENT JD 336 Baler, Kicker, Excellent $5,000 JD 335 Round Baler. Rental Return..slo,ooo JD 530 Round Baler $12,000 FORAGE EQUIPMENT JD 3RN Corn Head 84,000 JD 716 A Forage Wagons. Tandem Axle $2,500 JD 3970 Chopper Less Heads $lO,OOO JD 3970 Chopper Less Heads w/ Spout-trak, iron-gard, NICE $21,000 JD 6 Direct Cut Head $1,250 JD 125 Forage Wagon, Tandem Axle $2,500 JD 714 Forage Wagon. Tandem Axle $3,500 NH 30 Whlrl-A-Feed, As Is 8500 PLANTERS JD 750 10' Drill, Caster Wheel Hitch $12,500 Haybuster 1206, DD opener, press wheel, 24x6 $3,250 JD 750 15'grass $21,500 JD 750 Less Caster Wheel Hitch, 10' Grass $13,000 JD 7000 6RN Llq Fert. & Frame mtd. Coulters. Recond $8,500 JD 7000 6RN Dry Fert., Frame Mounted Coulters Insec $7,500 JD FBB Grain Drill 17x7, Grass $l,OOO JD 6100 Single Disk Grain Drill 18x7,Gra55....51,500 JD 8300 Single Disk Grain Drill 18x7, Gra55...52,250 LiUlston No-Till 9680 Grain Drill $8,500 JD 8300 Double Disc Openers, Soybean Gauge Wheels, 21x7 $2,750 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT JD 550 Pull Type Sprayer, as is $1,200 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT JD 950 Roller Harrow 12' $3,750 JD BWA Disc Harrow, Manual Fold Wing. 24' $l,OOO JD 950 Roller Harrow 15' $2,500 JD BWA Disc Harrow, Manual Fold Wings 24' $2,750 JD 714 Mulch Tiller, 14' 85,000 JD F 125 4x16 Plow, Excellent $1,650 JD 960 21' Field Cultivator with Tine Attachment NEW $7,200 MISCELLANEOUS Oswalt 530 Mixer Wagon $19,000 JD 6758 Skid Loader w/7' Bucket & Rubber Scraper, 1334 hrs $12,000 Mckee 7' 3pt Snow Blower $2,500 JD AMT 600 82,200 JD AMT 626 $4,700 JD 450 Hydra-Push Manure Spreader $4,500 Oswalt 230 Mixer Wagon $6,500 GLADHILL TRACTOR MART. INC, in 900 East Patrick St. u P.0.80x 777 mm* Frederick, Maryland 21701 Phone: (301) 663-6060 Jon Sewell 1-800-245-0691 • Massey Ferguson • Navistar * Puhsi USED EQUIPMENT USED TRACTORS JD 2350, MFWD, Cab, 1750 Hi*., Nice $23,500 JD 2950, Open Sution, 2WD $17,900 Famuli H, Nice $ 1,600 USED GARDEN TRACTORS MF Model 12 w/42” Mower... JD 318 w/46" Mower JD 318 w/50" Mower Ford YTI6H w/Snow Thrower, JD 160 w/38” Mower Ford YTI6H, Nice COMBINES JD 4400 Combine, AC, Rouiy Screen, Dll. 213 Flex Head 443 Com Head JD 2IS Flex Head, Good Condition JD 215 Bex Head, Needs Skid Plates 9500 Combine, 1900 Hours thrashing area reconditioned 915 Hex Head 643 Com Head (2) 6S3A Row Crop Heads JD 444 Com Head JQ>B44 Head TILLAGE Knuie Chisel Plow w/Harrow Attach., Model 3515, 20’.. Oliver Cockshun, Model 246, 12’, Chisel Plow, Pull Type $ 1,700 IH 10* Chisel Plow, Pull type w/Buster Bar. $ 2,100 21' White Wing Disc, Rock Hex Model 273, Nice Shape Amco Model TJ3 Terrace Disc JD 885 6R No-Till Rigid Cultivator, Like New $ 7,800 JD 3 Section Drag Harrow, New Condition... $ 1,650 Int. 45 18* Hyd. Wing Field Harrow $ 2,750 IH 315 12’ RoUer Harrow $ 2,900 JD 610 25* Child Plow $11,500 JD 2500 6/18 Spring Reset Plow $ 3,500 HAY & HARVESTING NH Model 68 Square Baler. NH Model 275 Baler w/Thrower, New C0nditi0n....................... - Oliver Cockihutt 311 Hay Rake Heiilon Stackhand 10 Hay Sucker MISCELLANEOUS- USED Shaver HD-H-12 Pott Driver, New Condition (2) 18x4x28 Industrial Tires On Rim, 80% Rubber s3ofl/Each JD 8300 21x7 Grain Drill $ 3,950 Wood 5’ 3PL Rotary Mower $ 650 Gehl BF 87 High Throw Silage Blower $ 425 JD F BB Grain & Fertilizer Drill Bxl6 $ 1,750 While Vacuum Blower, Model 243, New Condition JD 575 Skid Loader, Good Condition Athena 13' Disc, Model 200 JD Model 350 7' Sickle Bar Mower IH 6X 16“ Plow w/Hillside Hitch Bunton Mower Model 36H Liquid Fertilizer Attachment For 7200 12R Planter w/Openen Kelly 810 Backhoe, New Condition, Used 1 Day 10* Tye no-till drill Gem Top, Topper For Pickup, 8’ Box MISCELLANEOUS- NEW JD 380 A Blade For JD 770 JD 717 Rotary Cutter Landpride IS' Rotary Cutter, 1000 RPM JD 1518 Rotary Cutter Landpride 60" Rototiller Landpride 1572 Rear Blade Land Pride 48" Oveneeder NEW EQUIPMENT JD Wagon Gear* 720, 740, 770 (Tandems) 550 Mulch Master 19’ TOBIAS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Halifax. PA 17032 Phone: 717-362-3132 1-800-362-3132 .$ 350 .$ 4,400 .$ 4,500 $ 2,100 .$ 1,575 .$ 1,500 $12,500 $ 4,000 $ 4,500 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 568,500 $ 8,500 slo,ooo $ 4,500/Each $ 4,400 $ 2,800 $ 5,500 $11,500 $ 5,500 .$ 695 .$ 3,850 $ 500 ,$ 1,500 $ 3,500 .$ 500 .$ 9,500 .$ 5,700 .$ 2,550 .$ 1,200 .$ 400 $ 3,500 .$ 4,750 . $5,500 .$ 200 .$ 1,550 .$ 2,475 $10,700 $11,700 .$ 1,695 .$ 295 .$ 6.350
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