Animal Welfare Student Group Active At Penn State UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) When one group of Penn State students gets together, it isn’t to party or talk about the lat est music or clothes. This group focuses on the best ways to pro mote animal welfare and the con tinued success of animal agricul ture. Their goal is to educate students and the general public on issues pertinent to the welfare, care, and use of animals in farming systems and in agricultural, veterinary, and biomedical research. Other dis cussions focus on topics such as wildlife conservation and animal use and issues in international agriculture. These students are members of Students for the Responsible Use of Animals, (SRUA), a Penn State club sponsored by the Department of Dairy and Animal Science and affiliated with Pennsylvanians for the Responsible Use of Animals than just a state of mind... The Plate Kooler is individually sized. The “one size fits all” philosophy is no longer cool. See your local Surge dealer and learn more about the cooling benefits of the Surge Just Ask These Satisfied Customers • Flood Bros. • Stanley Burkholder cimton, me Chambersburg, PA _ .... • Robillard Farm • MattlinkFarms irasburg, vt ciymer, ny . Vernon Hurd • Mushala Farms Newport ctr., vr Saquoit NY • Laßerg & Son • Peck Farm Shelburne, VT Phelps, ny . E r | C Dandurand _ _ _ /STmrTl Franklin, VT Expect More fSMSSEr (PRUA). The organization began as an undergraduate student dis cussion group in 1989. Although most SRUA members are enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sci ences, students from other col leges participate as well. Organizing and staffing the Farm Animal Learning Center at the Pennsylvania Farm Show is a major annual activity for SRUA. This year’s Learning Center fea tured six species of live animals, including sheep, pigs, calves, chicks, goats, and a pony. The program’s educational effort cen tered around comparative diges tive systems and feeds for farm animals, including by-product ma terials from agriculture and other industries. Children and adults alike enjoyed viewing a preserved rumen, learning about by-pro ducts, and feeling the lanolin on sheep’s wool. SRUA members also tour var- Cool is more ...It means quality milk. Being cool is more than just an attitude or a state of mind. It’s a necessity, especially when it comes to quality milk. The Surge Plate Kooler redefines cool. By using well water alone or combined with ice water, the Plate Kooler provides instant milk cooling. Features and Benefits: □ Quick cooling reduces the risk of bacteria growth, resulting in higher quality milk and higher profits □ Pre-cooled milk means the milk tanks use less horsepower to cool milk, reducing energy costs. Adding a Kool Way Chiller to your pre- cooling system increases your benefits by: □ Using 20 to 30 percent less horsepower to lower milk temperature to as low as 36° F, further lowering energy costs. □ Virtually eliminating tank cooling by using chilled water, instantly lowering milk’s temperature to storage tempera! ious farm and laboratory facilities. Recently, they visited New Bolton Center and Wistar Institute, as well as Hoard’s Dairyman Farm in Wisconsin, Hooved Animal Hu mane Society in Illinois, and a veal farm in conjunction with the American Veterinary Medical As sociation’s Animal Welfare For um. Other activities include or ganizing animal by-product and care guideline displays and lead ing tours of Penn State’s farm ani mal facilities for elementary school students. Education of the public, espe cially children, is a primary goal of the group. To this end, SRUA has published seven Welcome to a Farm brochures covering sheep, pig, dairy, beef, chicken, veal, and horse production. They also have developed three Let’s Learn About pamphlets on goat, rabbit, and bee production, and plan to publish others on dairy products. Expect More eggs, international use of animals, and other topics. In addition, the club publishes a quarterly news letter, Pennsylvania Kids Care, concerning important contempor ary topics in animal agriculture. These materials are available to teachers and others through coun ty extension offices or by contact ing SRUA directly. Meetings held throughout the academic year provide opportuni ties for the students to discuss ani mal welfare issues with experts and critics. These discussions are often held jointly with other stu dent organizations having a shared interest in animals. Current SRUA officers are Elizabeth Carver, president (York County): Jodie Everly, past presi dent (Butler County): Matt Espcn shade, vice president (Lancaster County): Matt Stachmus, secre tary (Blair County): Karen Fogle, Agricultural Student Council rep- See These Dealers For Details... PENNSYLVANIA FORSHEY’S, INC. 110 Forshey St. Martmsburg, PA 814-793-3791 LONGACRE ELECTRICAL SERVICE, INC. Bally, PA 215-845-2261 HOSTETTER SURGE Rd. 2, Box 749 Annville, PA 717-867-2896 JIM’S SURGE SALES & SERVICE 215 Oak Bottom Rd. Quarryville.PA 717-786-1533 SHARTLESVILLE FARM SERVICE Rd. 1, Box 1392 Hamburg, PA 215-488-1025 BRANDT’S FARM SUPPLY 601 E. High St. Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1221 MARYLAND FINDER SERVICE CO. PO Box 7 Kennedyville, MD 301-348-5263 SHANK SURGE Hagerstown, MD 301-790-1226 301-447-MILK (Emmitburg) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, 1994-C5 resentative and publicity chairper son (Cambria County); and Shawn Jones, Agricultural Student Coun cil representative (Blair County). Brenda Coe, Lowell Wilson, and Stanley Curtis serve as advisers for the SRUA. This July SRUA members will attend joint meetings of the American Society of Animal Sci ence and American Dairy Science Association in Minneapolis to dis cuss their goals and activities and to encourage the organization of similar groups at other universit ies. For more information, contact SRUA, The Pennsylvania State University, 324 Henning Build ing, University Park, PA 16802, (814) 863-7738 or (814) 863-3659. 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