C22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9, 1994 H HORSES & MULES SADDLEBRED & MORGAN HORSES Broke to ride and drive Ben F. Stoltzfus Box 688, Rt 2 Watsontown, PA 17777 On Rt. 44 Between McEwensville and Turbotvllle MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717) 949-3246 Good Blonde Sorrel Jack |T*' White Mane V & Tall Standing At Stud Proven To Throw Good Colts Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shlrktown Road Narvon, PA 17555 for Information 717/445-5956 Aak for Ivan **-QHERQKEE -«« TRAILERS "Mfy of A[( Aluminum Trailers" Horse*Cargo*Liuestock*Car Haulers RUNNING M STOCK CO. Horses*Equipment»Supplltt*Tack (618)327-4068 458 Kleman Rd. (618)754-7211 Gllberlsuille, PR 19525 FaH 618/754-9859 MEL’S STABLE £ O fil t <*< C‘* / v * E s L v ' I D ? WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE SAT.. JULY 16. 1994 • 10:30 A.M.I HORSES HITCHED AT 8:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT 834 WALLACE RD., NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS; PROM RT. 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, GO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE., GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD. TURN LEFT ON HLL RD. PROCEED 1.2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD., ZS MILES TO HILL RD.. RIGHT ON HILL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. COME AND DRIVE THEM YOURSELF. BARN OPEN ON FRI., JULY 15 FROM 9:00 AM. TILL DARK. MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME- 717-354-8387 BARN- 717-354-6431 AUCTS. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS • BIG URAFT MULES O Pr. 17-2 Hand, 3 S 4 yr. old ★ Ready for Work or Rides Mules On Hand Year-Round paamm nasi K & K HORSE SALE Fredericksburg, PA JULY 23RD Directions 1-78 to Exit #l, Lebanon Valley Livestock Market, Next To Esther’s Diner on Old Route 22. New and Used Tack 2 PM Horses 6:00 PM Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day Of Sale 717-865-2881 Regularly Scheduled Sales Will Be Held The 4th Saturday Of Each Month, 7/23, 8/27,9/24,10/22,11/26, No Sale December. SAVE UMM SWINE RUNNING U STOCK FARM Boarding and Training Facility. Performance and cow horses for sale. •Tune up your panning and cutting horses on cattle’ Tue.£ Thtir. evenings 7 pm. by apt onlys2o/hr. Breaking and Training, new and used trailers, horse shoeing. Contact: Joe Williams . 215/970-5649 (home), 215/287-1166(barn)« KM SHEEP & GOATS 100 White Faced Ewes, $7O Each. (717)437-2700. 2 Polled Dorset Rams, Re gistered, 2 Years Old, Sire Sturdy, Growthy Lambs. $lOO Each. (717)865-5693 2 year old Dorset ram, $75 4 open faced ewes, $45 each All for $250. (717)359-4383. Alpine and Saanen doe kids and milkers. Saanen buck kids. Angora buck kid. Row and processed An gora goat fleece. (717)776-7002. Black Finn Ram, reg. purebred, excellent breeder for meat or wool, $lOO. 410/758-0963. Flock of 15 Grade Dorset Ewes with Ram Yearling to Three Years Age. Lan caster County. (717)354-5640. Jacob Ram, $l5O (609)467-1036. Mature Pair Barbados Sheep, One Ram Lamb $225. (717)733-7074 After 5 PM. Picker and Carder for Wool Processing. (609)467-1036. Reg 2 Year Old Suffolk Ram, Good Blood Lines, Call (717)859-2953 After 4PM Lancaster Co 7S brood ewes, some w/lambs, some fared, all sheered, wormed, and ready for pasture. Entire flock $4,900. (717) 762-8525 Reg Nubian goats, milk ers, kids, bucks. Dehorned, wormed, shots. (410)635-6239 Maryland. Reg PI B Lincoln Ram, beautiful fleece, handspin ners delight. Moving, pr iced to sell. Pet quality, ex cellent 4-H project. Bucks County. 609-397-1423. Rocky Mountain Big Horn and Dali Sheep hybrids, sold in lots of 10 or more. No other sheep like these in Eastern USA. For more information, William A John<- ROB 87 c- Johnson, JB 87. Everett, PA 15537, (814)652-2319 Tunis and Romney Sheep and Lambs. f908)689-3492. DO YOU WANT A EWE THAT CAN DELIVER AND RAISE ■■f 8 LAMBS I 1 \\ AYEAR? TRY REG. ROMANOV SHEEP! TO FIND OUT ABOUT ROMANOV'S OTHER ADVANTAGES CALL JEFF AT 814/871-3061 RAMS, EWES & LAMBS AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES! SWINE The H| Of Tomorrow At Oar FUm Todajt apiL I'A-R JV4 - <S mm GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS 40 yurt if Tntod Gmrtlet Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Certified Brucellocle end Peeuderablee Free Herd riuno Thamae Perk Thomee Meric aieh, (71/) MjSjSM (717) 222*2244 (717) €O-7007 RD *l, Box 2441, Peavertown, PA 17213 f&L Land race Dune Yortehlre* Large WrJtee FI Cmcbrede
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