Dl2-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Junt 11, 1994 Snowco grain cleaner w/ electric motor, $275 717-534-1253 ' • 77 Ford F2SO 4x4 pickup w/John Blue 400 gal spraver w/foam marker • Various sizes used tires & rims • IH 1456 new rubber, TA, 3 pt hitch, rebuilt motor • Farmall 400 • New IH fertilizer attachments for IH 6R 800 planter • IH 5100 Soybean special. 18x7 • Parts: MTA D. 560, T 6 Crawler. 460. 450D.H John Thompson 302/492-1186 or 302/ 492-32 ft 7 Pal? TRACTORS JO 4140 Tractor w/Cab, Dual Whcda JD 4130 Tractor w/Cab, RaeondMonad JD 4030 Tractor w/Cab JD 4030 Tractor JD 3020 Tractor JD 2050 Tractor UFWD JO 2755 Tractor 2WD w/Cab JD 2750 Tractor w/Loadcr JD 2040 Tractor w/loadcr JO 2555 Tractor, 2WD, ml Cab JO 2550 Tractor MFWD w/ Lotdtf JO 3010 Tractor IH 1000 Tractor H 504 Tractor H 454 Tractor IH 404 Tractor IH 204 Tractor Ford ON Tractor David Broom 1210 Tractor HAY EQUIPMENT JO 340 Baler w/Ejeetor JO 337 Baler w/Ejoetor JO 330 Baler w/Ejeetor JD 430 Round Baler M 450 Round Baler M Hay Rake JD 1200 Mower Conditioner NH 1490, 1100 Hre., Excel. Rode NH 400 Mower Conditioner NH 000 Forage Harveeter w/s'4' Pickup 0 2 Row Wide Dead IH Rake PLANTERS AC 333 4 Row, Air Chomp., Dry Fortllizor JO 315 Dloe, Llko Now Uood JD 3250 Groin Drill COMBINES JO 0000 Side HM Com bin*, Rocondkionod JO 220 Flox PWform JO 143 Corn Hood MF 050 Com bln* w/13' PM* form A OR Com Hood ( MISCELLANEOUS Krouoo Wing Fold Dloe w/ CuMpoekor JD 1500 Rotary Mowor Rhino 20' Bot Wing Mowor Wood* 14* Rotary Mowor Com Modol 14, 0 Shook V Rlppor Uood JD 27 FMI Shnddor JD 2500 5 Bottom Plow, Spring Rooot JD 230 Dloe WlngfoM M O' Pull Typo Chlool Plow Steiger 4WD tractor w/air, 179 hp Cat 3208 diesel. 3pt hitch, aux hyd . duals on all 4 wheels, $11,600 717/388 - 6 5 7 6 717/333-4945 NEW International 9’ pull type hay tedder 51195 KUTZ FARM EQUIPMENT 717-345-4882 larrV L 55 Gal. Drum i Dellvarad Fra* 1 SO Ml. Radlua From York, PA (717) 755 800-755-01 L Call Early Morning Or WFE for Fannall M $350 IH Hydro 100, rebuilt engine 4c hydro, new paint..sl2,soo IH 1066, excellent condition, new rubber. $12,500 IH 966 Black Stripe, factory cab 4c air $12,500 16' hydraulic dump bale wagon w/8 ton running gear $2,000 IH 706 $5,900 IH 766 Black Stripe w/cab, new rubber..................... 511,900 (4) year round cabs $5OO - $1,500 IH 786 w/roll bar, new TA 4c clutch, excellent condition IH Super MTA, very good condition Financing Available 717-776-5291 JEFF SHOWAKER Clean off-the-farm, field test tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty Positively no out-of-state . Personal checks fr«i OH To On Engine Overhaul, 2 Outlets, Very Clean Midwest Tractor $11,750 410-833-9091 • I Shaver Post Drivers HDB $1095, HDIO $1695 Ta neytown Farm & Hard ware, 410/751-1500 Small Knife Kit, liKe Dura Drum for JD self propelled choppers 1-800-248-2151 v OILS a* PARTING OUT IHC TD6, TD6-62, T-9, TD9 150 loaders dozers, rpany parts Gallon 118 grader, CAT 955 H parts, running engines IHC 236, 282 diesels, engine parts, Ford 3cyl, 4cyl, diesels, running forKlift, towmotor 5000#, solid fires, propane double M NJ 908-658-3414 CRACKED or BLOWN OUT CASTINGS? • Now a permanent repair process that adds strength not stress • Cylinder Heads - Blocks - Housings Cast Iron or Aluminum • Many repairs pbssible without disassembly or removal ALL WORK GUARANTEED M&A Remanufacturing 964 S. Main St. Gt. Barrington, MA 01230 (413) 528-2130 JD 830 D 2 cyl. JO 850 diaaal, MFWD JD 316 hydro lawn mowar JD 318 hydro lawn mowar, nlca JD 322 hydro, lawn mowar, Ilka new, 118 hra. Impli Stocking Now Koykor Quick Attach Loadora For Most JD & IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To 180 HP. IH 720 6x18” auto roast IH 720 6x16” auto rssat IH 720 5x18” togglo trip plow, soml mount IH 720 4xlB auto resot IH 710 auto roast, 7 bottom 16” on-land IH 710 sxlB auto reset, on-land hitch IH 710 4x16 auto reset IH 480 Wing Fold Disc Kewaneo rock flex wingfold disc, 21 'A ’ JD 12T chisel Case IH stalk chopper #6O IH 60 stalk chopper Brady 12’ stalk chopper JD SlEQ|3kl baler JD SjgßWa rake Factory JD WF to fit 520 thru 730 Factory JD WF to fit 3020 thru 4020 (1) ‘9O Case 1840 skid steer Nl 324, 2RW, 12 roll bed, very nice IH 1850 loader off IH 574 IH 3 pt. »a«i4»t>«f mower $11,500 ..$3,000 Combines 1983 JD 6620 hydro, very nlca, w/2100 hrs. MF 850, hydro, 2100 hra. JD 4420 air, monitors, haadar halght MF 550 dlasal hydro, 1 ownar w/1069 orlgl- 1976 JD 4400 dl«Ml, tilc« JD 4400 D, air, 1974 modal Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.S. Used Parts Dual whaals - 34's and 38’a Tractor Walghta JD & IH IH 544 dlaaal, hydro Farmall IH 504 utility IH 856 dlaaal IH 706 dlaaal IH 1256 Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 fax 717-786-4773 Oliver 1650 diesel, dozer blade lor front of trader w/ bracKets for Oliver or White, Oliver 12' transport disc 215/538-1175 Oliver baler, good condi tion Disc harrow and hay raKe, all in good condition Must sell l MaKe offer (717)665-3201 iments & Misc IH 70 hydro IH 806 dlaaal & gas IH 560 D IH 706 gas tractor IH dual PTO units IH 826 dlasal IH 1026 hydro Martin’s Farm Supply (Formsrly Martlrt’s Custom) St. Thoms*, Pa. 17252 <717) 369-5702 Sun-Film Stretch Wn 20”x6000'x1 mil. $68.00 roll 25-47 $66.00 roll 48 (skid)... 30"x5000'x1 mil orrv Roll-Off Wraom 1-10.. 11-24 360 ST Stationery 3 Pt. Model 300 SL Trailer Model 300 C Self Propelled (One In Stock) Welger Balers, White Silage Covers Repair Tape, Clover Twine Round Bale Handlers DELIVERY AVAILABLE IH 84 hydro, 2800 hr*. IH 1468 V 8 cab, air IH 966 fandar tractor WF 3 pt., 300 hr*, on angina, clutch A T/A, vary nlc* IH 966 w/eab A air IH 966 fandar tractor, WF, 3 pt. 'B3 Caaa 2090 cab, air, Powar ahlft, 2063 hr*., vary nlc* Caaa 2090 Powar ahlft, cab, air, vary nlca Caaa 1070, powar ahlft, 4 poat Kubota L2350,4WD, powar ataaring, dlaael, w/Kubota LA 450 S all hyd. loadar, teas than 300 hra., Ilk* naw Heads MF 1859, 16' 6 Bat Ull Real MF 1859, 13’ flax IH 943 4RN, very nice IH 944 corn head IH 843 4RN, Good IH 810 rldgld head, nice condition JD 443 4RN High Tin, Very Nice JD 444 hl-tln, very nice JD 216 flex Black Reel JD 213 flex, black real JD 13’ & 15’ rigid head JD adapter for ear corn head to chopper Nl 763, 3 Row Chopper Head nal hrs. Farmall 400 !■ 450 D 6 gas Farmall H & M Nl 713 & 715 grain haads Ml 702 D ft 701 Q ft 702 G Nl 717 comblna JD 4020 dal., powarshift JD 3020 Q $64.00 roll $62.00 roll MF 1163 6RN MF 1143 4RN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers