Ma f 2f, r tti4 Livestock Auction, Wost — minster. Md. ►0 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. JUNE 11 -2PM, Real Estate, 13 Acre Farmette With 2 Bay Truck Garage. Parcel #1 Buildings With 2 Acres. Parcel #2 11 Acre Lot. Located 2 Miles From Ephrata At 660 Schoeneck Rd„ W. Cocalico Twp. Auc tion By Melvin & Laura Weaver. Aaron E. Martin Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 11 - 6PM Arnold Hog Production Sale, Lebanon Area Fair grounds, Leb., Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. TUES. JUNE 14 - 9AM, Antiques & Personal Prop erty. Located 430 Maple Street, Manchester, Pa. (Between Manchester & Mt. Wolf, Pa.). Seller, Madaline B. Kochenour. Rentzel's Auction Service. WED. JUNE 15 - 4PM, Butcher Equipment Tools. Located Trevorton Comer Of 4th And Shamokin Streets, Route 225,1 Block East Of Route 890 And 225 Intersection. Zerbe Town ship, Northumberland County. Owners, Marie P, Schascheck & Kenneth R. Wolf. Mark J. Jones Auc tioneering Service. WED. JUNE 15 4 THURS. JUNE 16 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc, At Our Place Of Busi ness Six Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. And One Mile East Of Marion, Pa. Owners And Mana gers, Marion Auction Ser vice, 5174 Horst Rd.. Chambersburg, Pa 17201. THURS. JUNE 16 - Real Estate- IVi Acres & Per sonal Property. Located 344 South Churchtown Rd , Narvon Owner, Ethel M. Styer. Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. THURS. JUNE 16 - 9AM Real estate, household goods, antiques, collection of coal oil lights & 1965 Ford Mustang. In the bor ugh of New Holland Rt. 268 West Main St. New Hol land, Lane. Co., Pa. By Rebecca Baxter, admini stratrix for Helen I. Robison Estate. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, aucts. THURS. JUNE 16 - 4;3OPM, Antique, Furni ture, Farm Tractor, Coins, Columbia Bicycle. Located At The Lisburn Comm. Fire Co., 1800 Main St., Lis burn, Pa. If Traveling On 1-83 Use Exit #lB, Take Rt. 114 West For 5 Miles Or Traveling On Rt. 15 Use The Bowmansdale Exit Take Rt. 114 East For 6 Miles To Fire House. Sign Posted. Owner, Mary E Glass. Little IKE Eichelber ger Auct. THURS. JUNE 16-7 PM, 2 Premiere Parcels In Lane. Co., Pa. Kenneth A, Geyer, Auct. FRI. & SAT. JUNE 17 & 18 - 3-D Picture, Quilts, Crafts, Furniture, Tools. Located At Ephrata Monnonite School, 598 Stevens Rd„ Ephrata. Proceeds To Ben efit The School. Local Aucts. FRI. JUNE 17-9 AM. Trac tors, Trucks, Paving Equip ment, Tools & Mlsc. House hold Goods. Located Cur vin E. Crowl Estate, 4590 Oavidsburg Rd., Dover, Pa. Seller, Estate Of Curvin E Crowl Rentzel's Auction Service. FRI JUNE 17 -11 AM, 6 Acre Tract ML Commercial Real Estate. Located 1300 E. King St, Lancaster, Pa (Lane. Twp) Auction For John & Georjean Lefever E.M. Murry Assoc Auct. FRI. JUNE 17-IPM, Abso lute Real Estate Auction Located Headquarters Road, Tmicum Township, Erwinna, Upper Bucks Co., Pa. Sanford Alderfer Auc tion Company FRI. JUNE 17 - I:3OPM, State Graded Pig Sale. Located Westminster yi PUBLIC Pk AUCTION Of Antiques, Furniture, Household Goods, Glass & China Bell Collection, Post Cards, Snapper Riding Mower, Tools, Electric Mobility Chair Pressed & Pattern Glass, Custom Jewelry, Aljo Aly - Sky line 24’ Travel Trailer Camper - Loaded - Full Size Show er (Excellent Condition). Thursday, May 26, 1994 »4 p.m. 49 Greenfield Road, Lancaster, PA Dir.: East of Lane, at Melllnger Menno. Church, turn left on Greenfield Rd. Approx. 1 mile, sale on right. Sale For: Raymond C. Creamer, Est. MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717) 687-6857 • AU-1723L POULTRY AUCTION Thursday, May 26, 1994 9:00 A.M. The Pennsylvania State University Poultry Research Facility (behind Natatorium) Ron Gllllgan - Auctioneer #AU339-L All items are subject to prior sale. All items are sold “as is, where is”. All sales are final and terms are cash or check. The University will not be responsible for the security of any item after the auctioneer has awarded the said item(s) to the highest bidder. 1968 Ford Dump-truck C-50; Walk-in cool ers (1) Penn KD 6’x9’ 1 door, (1) Victor Products 9’xlO’ 1 door, (1) Penn KD 9’xl2’ 2 door; Walk-in freezers (1) Penn 914 ’x2o’ 1 door (like new) (1) Bally 1514 ’xBl4 ’ blast freezer; Robbins Redwood turkey hatcher settler 17H, Robbins Hatchmatic; (2) Robbins Incubator model 131; Robbin Hatcher w/4 roll-in dollies; Delta wood lathe 3 ft.; Delta combination table saw/jointer; Delta table top router w/attachments; Delta drillpress #6400; wood working tools, misc. shop equip: misc. hand tools; power tools; (2) R-120 salaman ders; 5000 watt Onan generators: 18KW Ka tolight portable generator; Ashley scalder (propane); 40 shackle processing line; misc. processing equip.; misc. s/s sinks; s/s kettles; ovens; (3) Brock feed bins 6 ton w/augers; (2) Brock feed bins 4 ton w/augers: (1) Schuld feed bin 3 ton w/auger; Duplex feed mixer 1000#; Sprout-Waldron feed mixer 500#; Platform scales; Trailer van storage bldg. 714 ’x2o’; misc. s/s pots & pans; Salem- Wagner stuffer #2; Quaker City #4 grinder; Enterprise grinder; John Bean FMC portable sprayer; 24’ Fanner elevator; 20’ grain eleva tor; Flat bed wagon; Lawn sprayer; scales; Kuhl egg washer; candler & grader model HEW 10; 600 egg washer/grader; misc. chicken, turkey & quail cages; brooders; chicken & turkey crates; chicken & turkey feeders; wateters; PVC pipe; feed cans & bins; elec, motors; fans; shutters; 30 Big Dutchman drive motors; drive units; gear boxes; Air Compressor; doors; desks; beds; shelving; chairs; stools; filing cabinets; win dows; overhead garage doors; chicken wire; chicken debeakers; feed crates; misc. metal; misc. screens; AC units; misc. lumber; 55 gal. drums; cash register; heaters; hundreds of misc. items too numerous to list. All Bidders Must Register To Bid. Food will be available on premises PSU/Auctioneer will not be responsible in case of accidents. Auction will be conducted as per auctioneers Terms & Conditions, Verbal terms on day of auction superceed any written terms & all discrepancies will be settled by the auctioneer. FRI. JUNE 17 - 4PM & SAT,, JUNE 18 - 9AM Household Goods, Anti ques, Autos., Lawn, Gar den & other tools & misc, farm machinery, real estate. Located approx. 8 mi. W. of Lewisburg, Take Rt. 192 to Col. Kelly Rd., just E. of Forest Hill, approx. 2V4 mi. to sale (6 mi. N. of Mifflinburg) Union Co. Robert C & Martha G. Yocum, owners. Wayne Hess, Lori Hess-Lauver, aucts. FRI. JUNE 17 & SAT. JUNE 18-7 PM, Sat-9AM. Fri-12 Head Of Top Stan dardbred Driving Horses, Trotters. Sat.- Antiques, Carnival Glase, Toys, Household Goods, Quilts, Furniture, Blacksmith Tools, Sleigh, Buggy, Milk Bottles. Located At Village Of Springville, 1 Mile N. Of PUBLIC AUCTION MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30,1994 9:30 AM ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, TOYS AND OLD CHRISTMAS ITEMS Located at the Mt. Joy Fire Company on New Haven Street Just off Route 230 in Mt. Joy, Lancaster County, PA. Pie safe w/punched tin panels; Approx. 30 pieces old graniteware (blue, green, purple, red and gray); Pine farm table; Hand painted checker board (Adams County, PA); Iron JD sign; Crocks; Jugs; Old spongeware; PRR items; Advertising items; Tinware; Postcards; Books; Tobacco carts; Old toys and games; Fully jointed teddybear; Occupied Japan celluloid ends; German Santa and blimp candy container. And much much more. PA Driver’s Licenses (1917 and 1918); 14 PA Hunter’s Licenses 1938, 39, 40 etc.); 3 PA Fishing Licenses (1938, 39,41) Auctioneers Note: This is only a partial listing. Call for additional information or directions. H. Edward Johnson Auctioneer -n> AU-001842-L (717)285-2365 DAVID WILCOX DISPERSAL AUCTION Cortland-Homer, N.Y. Area Friday, May 27,199411:00 AM Auction to be held on the farm on the Cutler School House Road. Use Exit 12 off 1-81 to Homer, take Rt. 281 north to Rt 90, proceed on Rt. 90 north 5 miles to Lake Como Road, turn and go less than a mile, turn to Creech Road, go 1/2 mile, turn to Cutler School House Road. First farm on left. Arrows off Route 90. 96 - GOOD CATTLE - 96 78 Milking (All Holstein, except 2 Jersey, & 2 Half Jersey, and a couple of Super Beiders). A real nice herd w/38 milking w/lst calf; 39 fresh in last 60 days; 19 due Aug. thru Oct.; 10 due Nov. & Dec balance in all stages. 4 Hoi. Heifers handling or bagging; 14 heifers (Mostly Hol.-a few colored) ranging from started to short yearlings. Lots of Milk, Youth, and Nice Udders here! They have been Pregnancy Examined, Blood & TB Tested, and are eligible for immediate interstate shipment day of Auction. A nice herd to buy replacements from. MACHINERY Ford 6600 diesel Tractor, 18.4 x 34 Rubber, nice; Ford 5000 diesel Tractor w/new 6600 engine and Ford Front End Loader; Farmall Super M gas Tractor, NF, nice; New Highway Chains 34” & 38”; JD 145 4 Btm Trip Plow; Int Transport Disc; NH Super 717 Chopper w/ 1 row Com & Pick Up Head; NH 27 Whirl-A-Feed Blower; Dion 1016 SU Wagon on good Gear, a beauty; Int 990 Mower-Conditioner; Wood Kicker Wagon on Good Gear; Kewanawee Hay & Grain Elevator; NH 145 ft. Steiner Single Chain Elevator on Wheels; Badger 8 ft Conveyor; BARN EQUIP.: Aeri-Metal 530 SP Feed Cart, nice; Agri-Metal Bedding Chopper w/11 HP Honda, new in winter; Royal 48” Portable Bam Fan; 14 Bu. Plastic Grain Cart. PS-No small items! We will start immediately on Mach., then Bam Equip., then Cattle (Around noon). Mr. Wilcox is dispersing because of other business interests. Nice dispersal here! Terms- Cash or Good Checks w/positive ID. Payment in full day of Auction. Owner>David Wilcox Lunch Available Mel Manasse Sales Managers & Auctioneers Whitney Point, N.Y. 607-692-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE Selling for a neighbor: JD 345 5 btm Hyd. Reset Plow; Gchl SU Wagon on Gear; Port. Floor Fan; Plastic Grain Cart. 897, 5 1 40 Aloni Mile S. Of Blue Ball Off Rt. 322 Along Rt. 897, Lane. Co. Pa. Watch For Sale Signs. Terms By, Jonas & Elizabeth Beiler. Snyder's Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 18 - Asst. Car penter Tools & Shop Tools 9AM Village of Schubert Berks Co., Bethel Twp. Porta Johns Auct bwjflhf PT MMler. ' o r ' p r V«fti SAT. JUNE 18 - B:3OAM, Approx. 130 Acre Fflittr to York Co., Antiques, House hold Goods. Located Fel ton Rd.. Between Village Of Felton & Rt. 74. From Red Lion Go South On Rt 74 To Laurel Road, Turn Right, Go To Ist Crossroads And Turn Right On Felton Road, Follow To Sale On Right, PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES & PERSONAL PROPERTY MONDAY. MAY 23,1994 9:00 AM 85 SOUTH MAIN STREET, DOVER, PA Dutch Cupboard w/Blind Doors, 2 Pie Safes, Blanket Chest, Spool Bed, 20’s Bedroom Suite, Cane Chairs & Rockers, Oak Rocker, Cedar Chest, Oak Bed, Dresser & Stands, Spool Stand, Mission Oak Desk, Oak Child s Rocker, record Cabinet, Wooden Drying Rack, Slaw Cutter, Hanging Cupboard, Zenith Table Top Radio, Clothes Tree, Bookcase, Magazine Holder, Dover Advertisement Items, Metal Bread Box, Miniature Blanket Chest, Empire Chest of Drawers, Old Pictures & Frames, Reverse Paintings, Mirror w/Comb Case, Iron Crib, Bench, Baskets, Braided Rugs, Living Room Furniture, Flat Irons, Cast Waffle Iron & Fry Pans, Flowered Kerosene Light (Base Only), Almanacs, Large Assortment of Books, Table & Floor Lamps, Kerosene Lamp, Wooden Ironing Board, Glassware, Autumn Leaf, Refrigerator Dishes, Westinghouse Bowl by Halls, Plates, Flatware, Blue Jars, Creamers, Portable Washer w/Spin Dryer, Brooder, Crocks of Various Sizes, Meat Saw & Hooks, Canners, Lantern, Hanging Scales, Electrolux Sweeper, Long Handle Tools, and Many Other Old items. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SELLER ESTATE OF MARY J. SHELLENBERGER EXECUTORS: PAUL R. SHELLENBERGER CARRIE J. CLICK AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: RENTZEL’S AUCTION SERVICE EMIGSVILLE, PA 764-6412 PA LIC. #761 [ PUBLIC AUCTION | f SAT., MAY 28, 1994, | P 9:30 a.m. \ P HOUSEHOLD, HORSE HEMS, \ P ANTIQUES, SLEIGH \ Alhe Auction will be held at 1919 ML? Carmel Rd. Harford, Md. Balt. Co. Take? \ ML Carmel Rd. off RL 83 at Herford, go j r west approx. 2 1/2 miles to Auction f'left, or take Mt. Carmel Rd. off Falls Rd.! Aat Whitehouse, & go approx. 3-miles? * East to Auction on Right. j K Laser Disc-Vision machine w/29 movie rapprox. 1000 45-rpm. records; cameras;! blue dishes & bottles; splatter ware;'? * metal horse plates; old books; advertising tins;? K wooden ironing boards; plank btm. chairs; j r baskets; old rocker; posters (preakness, etc.);! p elec. & kero lamps; kero, lantern; wooden fork;! I shoe lasts, (some 'for shoe shine stands); bow? saws; skis; B&W TV; shirts & jackets; f broiler; maniquin; some riding clothes; cement j f black-boy jockey: Maytag sq. tub wringer;! A flower pot; B”xl2’ I-beams; 3”xl6’ oak & pine? V beams; crab steamer; roof shingles; wood? \ chicken coop; milk cans; single trees; old J.C.) r Higgins bike; 1 l/2”-2” rough pine; Mac. string! hand & garden tools; new stove pipe;/ A elec. fixtures; nuts & bolts; English & western? \ saddles, some new halters, & bridles; r water trough; wagon wheel; horse jewelry; horse i p& wagon wts.; horse screen; meat hooks; cones;! As.s. kegs; aim. ramp; RT wheelbarrow; childs? i sleds; tubs; horse blankets; wire; large anvil; r wooden feed box; wood-stove w/firebrick; cari f ramps; bench sander; work bench; 1/2” drill! p press; vise; all-thread rods; apple boxes; misc.? V tools (some old); one-horse 2-seat, 4-person? I sled; 5-complete horse jumps; extra rails for^ jumps; plus many other misc. items. j P Jim & Doris Hooper j P (owners) 410-343-0025 j P Nevln E. Taste, Auctioneer j Iff Fi ill ‘Ol toi in low Main St To Sale On Left. Seller,- Estate Of Ruth Runkle. Rentzel’s Auction Service. SAT. JUNE 18 - SAM Tools, power equip., lawn equip, 654 Lorraine Ave., Manheim, Pa. Auction for Mrs. Norman Frey. John D. Stauffer, auct.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers