1968 MACK DM6O7S Tandem Cab & Chassis, 237 Mack, 5x3 Trans, Double Frame, 18F-44R, 134” Cab to Center of Tandems $8,500 Call 1-800-345-2829 Curry Supply Co. Curryville, Pa. R & R CAR AND TRUCK CENTER 1657 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, PA Jm 1985 Hino FFI9 20' Van, 6 H siaMi ' Cyl Turbo Diesel, 6 Spd., |Hlm. P/S. Air/Hyd. Brakes, 00 GVW, Will Sepa rate For Details. Vans, Reefer, Platforma fc Dumps, Many Sizes To Choose From. Call For Details 10 l9Bl |HC 51854, DT466, 5 IMS :BI * I Spd, P/S, Hyd. Brakes, 32,000 GVW, 20" C&C, New Paint, Very Clean. Call Ray Leed 717-560-4901 AC? ' ♦«nt I mm - *> ' v —■•-<-* Limetruck, 1972; Dio-Reo, 14' Stoltzfus body, 30* booms; Ford F7OO, 12‘ Boyerlown 2-cyl dump feed body. Best offer 215-264-6926. Slightly used complete for cars and big trucks, ser iel #HD93B. Best Offer! Also Coates power plus tire breaker, MO-40A. (609)794-1281. ‘Tmci & Equipment Inc. 6910 Route 309 Coopersburg, PA 18036 (215) 282-4090 (800) 283-4090 SPRING IS HERE! 1989 FORD F-4SO Super Duty Cab S Chassis Dual Rear Wheel, 7.3 0«el, 5 Spd. Trent., “ U T A ' Sl "* 1 '• ( S 01<) 2 0l000 W - *" AC, PS. PB. 40,000*Milaa, 14,500 Q.V.W Dump Bod "» ~ Will Take A 8’ Body, Excellent Condition, R<Mdy To Go To Wo,k - Ftoot Maintained From New ■■■■■■■■ 1981-S9 CMC *OOO Cab 8 8 2 19(8 FORD F7OO 1C Box Truck In-Line 6 “"S': ® ®jj d ' f®' Cyl. Dleiel, 5/2 Spd., PS, PB, AM/FM, GVVTO Whke 8 Gray Calling All Farmart - 103,000 Mllee 28,000 QVW -Why Buy New 1 Gre *’ For Dump °' St * k * iHims •_* 12-88 IHC1800 41700‘e 5 Spd., Dleeale K SIR or Cab 8 Chaaaia, 22,500 Q. V. W. No COL „ Required. Fleet Maintained, Starling At 1988 CHEV 3W Pickup Dual Rear Whl 62 84800. Many To Chooee From While They Dleeel, AT. PS, PB, Fleet Owned S Main- U,, talned From New. Weal For Dump. “COME TO ROYAL, WHERE EVERYONE IS TREATED LIKE A KING” TRAVEL EXI trawl axpanaajf you liw mom than 30 mrtat from «ar» Chavrolat OkkmoWla with tha purehaaa of a car or truck Ona vouehar par cuatomar lust ba autnoroad by your tafMparson A chack for $lOO win than ba mamld toyou Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 21, 1994-C37 QMC Tandem Dump Truck, Ford Tandem Dump Truck, $6,000 for Pair or Will Sell Separate Call (814)364-1136 Evenings Great Dane reefer, good rubber, brakes, 43', good condition. Lebanon Co. 717/865-4985 Int. 1900 S, 28' steel bed, just used for hay, $5500 080. 410/833-1847 Int. 1972 Cattle Truck, 12' aluminum body, new en gine, $3250 080, Chev 1975 C6O steel bed, new engine, $2200 080. 410/833-1847.
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