|H FEED& SEED 10001 b. Vet mixer, Ihp, S IP. V.G.S., $550 080. 410/833-1847. 200+ tons high quality high moisture corn shelled rolled sBspt. 41 bales bean stubble s4opt. (717)865-4534. 3000-4000 bushel good 25% high moisture corn, $95/ton at silo. (301)694-8624. 4x4 wrapped Alfalfa, or ganic grown, guaranteed. Can deliver. 717-865-6220 Lebanon Co. 5 Bags Soybean Seed As grow A-3935. Akron. (717)859-1523. AMUNDSON HAY COM PANY Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares. David Amundson, Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56183 1-600/398-5931. Baled shavings, baled shredded paper. Storage Problems? Use our vans, 30 da/ free use. SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA. 717/528-4505 Round Bales Wanted For Mulch New or Old Hay Call Evenings 215/593-7317 HIGH MOISTURE SHELLED CORN Delivery Available John T. Wlker 322 River. Hill Rd. Conestoga, PA 717/872-4209 tJ SELLING HIGH MOISTURE CORN Will Deliver LUKE H. KURTZ 215-944-0263 Berks Co. ROUND BALE SUPPLIES Wat Bala Bag* ♦ft Bags 15 Per Rolls Mil $5l Sft Bags 10 Per Roll 5 Mil $5O 6ft Bags 10 Per Roll 5 Mil $55 Dry Bale Slaavas ♦ ft. Sleeves 25 Per Roll $25 4'/: ft Sleeves 25 Per Roll $3O 6ft Sleeves 25 Per Roll $44 6ft Sleeves 25 Per Roll $46 Bale Wrap 20”x5000’ White Bale Qard Call for quanltites & prices Bale Cover* 10'x100' 5 Mil $l9 Wrapping Machines for Sale or Rant Prices Start at $5,700 A UP HAT BAG ft COVER R.D.2 Portarsvllla, PA 16051 Ph. A Fax 412-368-0188 Ear Corn For Sale Delivered within Mlddleburg Valley Aree 203/243-1885 RI&SER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Com, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale Moltwood, PA 717-284-46Z8 717-284-3362 BAR CORN WANTED Picked up or delivered. Prompt Pay. Kreider & Faus Farms Mervin M. Kreider 717-933-8943 Daniel 717-933-8473 g 1 No Sunday Calls | | KaMMMMHNnMMMHnMOWMaMKaMKSMa NELSON L. ROHRER Extruded * Soybeans Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk Shelled Corn, Ear Com and Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 WANTED TO BUT: Organic Com, Soybeans Barley or Wheat Must Be All Chemical and Commercial Fertilizer Free For At Least Last 3 Years Affadavlt Required Paying Premium Prices CORNERSTONE GRAIN 215-693-5027 WANTED MULCH HAY Round Bales, Square Bales We Need Much More Hay! Bodman Farms Gcrtdd Bodman & Sons 717-437-2076 FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shayings Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged - Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-2552 RK.iaiogt -ilH|g r 1225 > Colcbrook Rd. BUYING BAR CORN. SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prices available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM |pj7l[ KEYSTONE MILLS Buying Shelled Com Also Buying Whsat and Barley During harvest Season Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 CONCERNED ABOUT Corn Quality? SUBSTITUTE Hominy Feed • Free of mold and toxins • Made from Human Consumption Graded Corn • Higher In Energy Than #2 Corn • Already ground into useable form • Available in most Md, Del, Pa., W. Va., Va., N.Y. and N.J. Points Call PACMA Today for details: 717-838-7050 1-800-PACMA Inc. znc* j»Flora * Topdress ALFALFA AFTER 1 St Cutting * Flora Stim will replace microorganisms * Flora Stim Replenishes Trace Elements * Faster Regrowth and Fuller Stems * Recommended 200 to 300 lbs acre * Soil Testing w/purchase Spreader Use w/purchase LOCUST BROOK AG CENTER 1822 Mastersonviile Road Manheim, PA 17545-9433 717-665-4821 • 1-800-248-4418 SALES—SERVICE—DELIVERY A I Marietta, PA 17547 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 21, 1994-C29 Wet Brewers Grain - Sawdust Ernest J. Tomer Trucking, Inc. 3109 Belvidere Rd. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 908-475-2578 M.H. MARTIN CO. *• LANCASTER COUNTY. PA (717) 738-1312 WHITE PINE SHAVINGS Picked Up At Barn $3.50 Per Bale 30 bales... 00 bales... Delivered (4 cu. ft.) 120 bales Bagged Dry Shavings For Dairy Picked Up @ Barn - $2.50/Bag Bags (4 cu. ft.) Delivered 1 30 for sloo°° I 60 for slBo°° Saw Dust and Shavings for Horses Picked Up @ Barn - $2.25/bag Bags (4 cu. ft.) Delivered 1 30 for. J 60 for. sl2o°° s22s°° s4so°° s9o°° | ...SISO“J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers