836-Lancaster Fanning, Srturttey, April 30. 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. MAY 7 - 9AM Real estate, contents for Marion Hopkins of Jonestown, Pa. Real estate @ 12 Noon. Dwight Miller, auct. SAT. MAY 7 - 9 30AM, Paving Equipment, Trucks, Backhoes, Track Loaders. Located 1 Mile South Of St. Marys, Just Off Rt. 255 - Just After Entering The 4 Lane Highway l (Watch For Citgo Gas Station), Approx. 3 Blocks Past Citgo, Turn Onto Linnwood St. (On Top Of Hill) Follow Auction Signs (2 Blocks) To Auction Site. Watch For Auction Signs Along Rt. 255. Sale By, Kronenwetter Paving Co. Ron J, & Ron S. Gilh gan, Aucts. SAT. MAY 7 - 9:3OAM Brand new lawn mowers, string trimmers, chain saws, etc. South of Tama qua, turn E. off Rt. 309 onto Rt. 443 toward Lehighton, Vt mi. past Snyders Farm Equip., turn N onto Valley Park Rd to Golf Rd, turn R to 2nd farm. Carbon Co. Pa. For Mrs. Gladys (Paul) Zehner. Ralph W. Zettle moyer Auction Co , Inc. SAT. MAY 7-9:3OAM Real estate, automobile, house hold items & misc Located at the Basom Memorial Park in Richfield, Pa just off Rt. 35, approx. 50 miles N of Harrisburg. Estate of Janice E. Goodlmg. Robert L Leitze, aucts SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM Clarks Daily, tractors, combines, refrigeration equip., vehi cles, forage and tillage equip RD #1 Box 291, From valley, Pa. Lawrence Co From Enon Valley, take Rt 551 N approx 3 miles cross over Turnpike Bridge turn left to Auction. Hostet ler aucts SAT MAY 7 -10 AM Fire truck, Wmross ,tm & die cast Ridge Fire Co Blue Rm Along Rt 23 between Phoemxville, Pa and Rt 100 Ted Maurer, auct SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM Ro- Dale Farms Battle Creek Rd , Rome, Bradford Co., Pa offßte 187 at the north end of Rome Borough, 8 miles N. of Wysox, Pa and Rt 6 Tractors, equip , barn equip, silos Roe and Mary Russel, owners Glenn P Shores, Howard W. Vis scher, sales manager and auct SAT MAY 7 -10 AM Anti ques, collectibles, autos, guns, fishing and hunting items, arrowheads, base ball cards, etc Montour- Delong Fairground, Washmgtonville, Pa On Pa Rt 254, just S of Washmgtonville, Pa Arthur Auct SAT. MAY 7- 10AM Estate of Clifford W Swain, irriga tion and farm machinery auct Campbell (Steuben Co) NY At the farm along St. Rt. 333 at the corner of Town Route 4, 1 mile west of 1-17 exit #l4 at Camp bell, New York Owner Loretta Yost James P, Pir rung, aucts SAT MAY 7 -10 AM, Con tents Of Bortner's Green house & Produce. Located Off Route 216 At Glenville Post Office, Follow Auction Signs R V Polito Auctions, Inc. SAT MAY 7-10 AM, Victor ian Furniture, Cranberry Glass, 19th Cent. Rifles Swords, Parrish Prints, Old Musical Instruments, 1941 Playball Baseball Card Set, Etc Located 304 Birch St, Honeybrook, Pa From Exit 22 (Morgantown) Follow Signs To Morgantown After Red Light At McDo nalds, Turn Right At SS On Rt 23 After Next Red Light, Turn Left At Top Of Hill On Rt 10 Turn Left At Red Light In Honeybrook Go 2 Blocks, Make Lett After Sunoco Station Fol low Signs To Sale. Harold M Smith Jr., & Annette T. Smith, Aucts. SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM ATW Business Liquidation Auc tion, Vehicles and Misc. Equip Columbus, New Jersey. Conducted by Dingman & James. SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM Six tractors and farm machin ery. East of 1-81 at Green castle, Pa. Exit 3 for 3 miles, South 2 miles on Hallowed Church Rd , East on McDowell Rd. to Ist farm on right. Victor & Mildred reynold. Robert C. Mullendore, auct. SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM Furni ture Tools. Located At 877 E. Pleasant View Road, Manheim. Owners, Sylves ter & Mary Pierce. John Stauffer, Aucts SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM Farm equipment and related Items. Approx. 40 miles N. of Harrisburg, or 20 miles S. of Sunbury, along Rt. TUBS., MAY 3, 10.00 am. ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES. FURNITURE. COLLECTION OF JAMES BEAN. EZRA BROOKS. WINNO ROSSI. DANT DISTILLERY DECANTER BOTTLES, GLASS PRISM CHANDELIER. OLD TOYS. OLD 16 MM MOVIES. ROLL TOP DESK. ADV. ITEMS. WOOD CHEST TYPE REFRIGERATOR. CUT OUT DOLLS. ETC. Sale consists of; Furniture; 5 ft. oak S roll top desk, oak desk chair, oak wardrobe, oak dresser w/mirror, oak library table, oak sewing machine, 4 pc. depression bedroom suite-bed, vanity-three mirror-bench, dresser, highly decorated, 4-pc. depression bedroom' suite bed, dresser, vanity w/shield mirror, depress ion china closet. Queen Anne table, Windsor chair, chest type wood ice box -D. Eddy & Sonco, Duplex fireless stove #5, Durham Mfg. Co., 2 wood cellar cabinets, Franklin Caboose 2 plate stove, pegged benches, misc. items, water bench, McCoy Aunt Jemimah Cookie Jar, McCoy Bear Cookie Jar, Roy Rogers, Marlyn Monroe Picture, Elvis Presley Memoribilia-Plate, Tray, Playing Cards, Albums, Music Box, Etc., Tin Toys, Old Tin Childs Store w/Products, Counter, Scale, Old Doll Tin and Glass Wash Machine, Doll Sink, Old Tin Doll Table and Chairs, Old Doll Fur niture, Cut-Out Dolls-Lg. Paper Dolls w/Open and Closing Eyes, Shirley Temple Cut Out Doll, Snickers Super Circus Puppets, Gone With The Wind Cut Outs, 16MM Projector and Exclusive Movies- Popeye, Free for all; Betty Boop, Mystery Cave; Our Kids, Ball Game; Mutt & Jeff, Shipwrecked, Charlie Chapin, the Hobo, Charlie Chapin, the Hero, Tom Mix, Roamin Wild, Tom Mix, Breed of the West, Advertising Items, Copper Wash Boilers, 2 Hanging Chandeliers, Hanging Chandelier With Checklosavakia glass prism, approx. 34 James Bean Decanters-Baseballs 100 Anniversary, Mooses 50th ann. Keystone state, Ponderosa ranch, man at war, space cap sule, decanters are the years 1960-1970’5, some in original boxes, gas model fling wing McCoy 60 plane, gas stunt fox plane 59, this is only a partial listing, a nice clean auction. SCHULTZ AUCTION SERVICE Rte. 209, Zerbe, Newtown Exit 32 1-81 (Ravine) South Exit 34,1-81 (Heglns) North 717-695-3222 Francis (Pete) Schultz Auctioneer AU-813-L RH-6L TERMS: Cash, Day of Sale, No out of state checks, personal checks only if known by the auctioneer. Refreshments Available 147, in the Village of Dal matia, turn East onto School Rd. and proceed approx. 2 miles into Village of Hickory Comers, farm is located next to the Hickory Comers fire co. Marian and Cloyd Miller, owners. Way ne A. Hommel, Leonard L. Shaffer, aucts. SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM, S/S Kitchen Equip., Folding Chairs, School Desks & Chairs, & Surplus Items. Located At The Alsace Elementary School At 17 Basket Rd.. Turn W Off Rt. 73/662 At Oley Traffic Sig nal Onto Friedensburg Rd. -or 3 Mi. To Five Point, Then N At Elm Food Mtk. Onto Old Spies Church Rd. -or V/f Mi. To Basket Rd. Watch For Signs. Alsace Twp., Berks Co. Frey Aucts. SAT. MAY 7 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Consign ment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in Hew Holland, Go South On Brimmer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left Dn Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Left -ram Rt. 340 East Of Inter course Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE A PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION 67 ACRE FARM Center Lisle, N.Y. (Broome Co.) Saturday, May 7, 1994 PP-11:00 AM - RE-1:00 PM Auction & Showings to be held at Parcel #3 at the buildings, at the corner of Granthouse & Browntown Rds. Use Rt. 79 west from Whitney Point 6 miles to Center Lisle Rd., turn at Church to Center Lisle-Hunts Cors Rd., go 1 mile, bear left and go to Granthouse Rd, turn and go VA mile to farm. Arrows off Rt. 79 at Center Lisle. 67 - ACRE FARM - 67 (Opportunity Knocks) This very desirable property consists of a complete Veal Raising Operation at Parcel #3 w/good 4 bedroom House, 2 new Baths, new Kitchen. IS7 Veal Stall Bam set up for Veal Calves, High Pressure System, Temp Con trolled, ready to go; plus Pole Buildings - lots of other uses. 7 other Parcels ranging from 3 Acre Trailer Lot w/Septic & Electric-to 5 to 15 Acre Parcels w/lots of frontage. Great views! All are Surveyed. Some nice pieces here! To be sold in Parcels, Combinations, or its Entirety. ABSOLUTELY SELLS TO THE HIGH EST BIDDER(S) REGARDLESS OF PRICE! Brochures Available by mail or in a Mailbox at parcel #3. All parcels are marked. You may also walk them at your leisure. Terms -10% Down Day of Sale. Balance in 30 Days on closing. Also selling Personal Property at 11:00 AM - Int. Backhoe; GMC 1 ton Dump; Lots of good Shop Tools, etc. Call for full listing. Owners - ROCKCASTLE & BURNS MEL MANASSE Auctioneer & Licensed Real Estate Broker Whitney Point, NY 607-692-4540 / 1-800-MANASSE PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday. May 14, 1994 9:30 AM. Located In Perry County, 3 miles north of New Bloomfield on Route 34N or 6 miles south of Shermansdale on Route 345, across from Midway Garage. Watch for Auc tion sign. Very large oak display case from New Bloomfield Pharmacy with Hon head (Or. Book's), oak china closet with curved glass and claw feet, tall secretary's desk, oak beds, old wooden medicine cabinet, large wooden display case with marble on the bottom, pump organ, old wooden doors (some with glass panels), large stained glass windows (dated 1833), oak drop leaf table, round oak table, pictures and frames, chopping block, all kinds of glassware - Depression, Homer Laughlin, Nippon, Hall. Noritake, Blue Willow, & Avon, cast iron skil lets & griddles (some Grlswald & Wagner), wicker baskets, old cookie jars, kero lamps, old cracker tins, sad irons, cast iron toys, Lightning glider & wooden sleds, doughtray, dated blue jars, ice tongs, buggy lamp, lanterns, old Pepsi Cola clock, Kalamazoo cook stove, toys & old marbles, dinner bell. Large one dollar silver certificate 1923, Barr dollars, one dollar silver certificates, Two & Five dollar United States Notes, Five dollar silver certificate, Ten & Twenty dollar demand notes, 1 - Twenty dollar gold demand note 1928, Silver Dollars: Peace 1922-1935, Morgans 1878-1921, Eisenhower Dollars, Silver Half Dollars, Franklins 1948-1963, Walking Libertys 1918-1947, Kennedys 1964-1970, Washington Quarters 1932-1964, Mercury Dimes, Roosevelt Dimes, V-Nickels, Indian Head pennies, White & Wheat pennies, 1848 Large Cent, 1872 seated half dime, War & Buffalo nickels, 3 cent nickel, 1868 Flying Eagle penny. VEHICLES, TRAILERS, AND TOOLS 1984 Honda 750 - 45 mag. -12,500 mi., 1964 & 1965 Chevrolet El Caminos, 1972 Ford 10 wheeler dump 50,000 GVW, 1967 Nova for parts, 1965 & 1966 Chevrolet SS for parts, 3 trailers: 7xlo, 6x12, 6x16, 3 ft. bucket for backhoe, 14’ Insert truck camper, 100 CFM air compressor, jack hammer, gas Lincoln welder, 90 amp Mig Welder radio graph cutter, Greenlee pipe bender, acetylene hose, Bosh air compressor for nail guns, 3 HP electric motors, 2 -15 ton jacks, LP gas heater, kero heaters, gas driven hand auger, trailer tires, combination coal & wood stove, aluminum welding rods, phone/fax machine, satellite dish. Auctioneer's Note • Many more Items too numerous to mention. Auction will be held In a tent. Bring your own chairs. Money sold at 12:00 Noon. I.D. required for Bidder's number. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch stand available. m mum mHiHiiiiHHiM»niiitm>tiHWMiNmmwwimMmiM ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES OLD MONEY AND SILVER Owner; PRESTON & SHARON SWARTZ R.DJI Box 329 D New Bloomfield, Pa. 717-582-8873 Kling’s Auctioneers - AU 1994 L R.D.#l BOX 64 Landlsburg, Pa. 717-7*9-3616 PUBLIC AUCTION ATJ.R. MEATS 1509 Ryan Road, Fallston, Harford Co.. Md. Rte. 152 to Oakmont Rd., 6/10 ml. to Ryan Rd., Rt. 4/10 Mi. to sale on left. Sat , April 30th , 1994 @ 9:30 a.m. A.C. 4050 Tractor w/loader, W.F., P.S. good; Farmall M Tractor looks & runs like new; J.D, B Tractor w/mower deck; Interna tional Cub Lo-boy tractor; J.D. 60 tractor w/ loader; Farmall C tractor w/rear mt. sickle mower; Lots of tractor wts.; new 3 pt lift booms; new 3 pt. carryalls; Case 222 lawn tractor Hydro Trans. & Hydraulic lift w/44” deck v,g.; 1450 Cub Cadet w/44” deck Hydro, dr. & Hydraulic lift v.g.; M.F. -=lB7 ft. scrap er box v.g.; 12’x6’ steel utility trailer w/ removable cattle racks w/3* drop down gate; N.I. hay conditioner; Homelite 3” trash pump v.g.; Master 7 hp concrete finisher trowel v.g.; new turbine roof vents; (40 potted nursery 4x6 Spruce trees), many Blue spruce. White pine, White spruce, Norway Maples, Lilacs; Beautiful Walnut 5 pc. bed room set w/turned ball feet, mirrors on both chiffonier & dresser, night stand, cedar lined wardrobe; Several nice desks, office chairs; storm windows; steel tool chest; Bolts & nuts; pumps; jacks & small hand tools;' weedwackers; Sofas & chairs; and much more by day of sale. TERMS: Cash or Certified Bank letters w/checks - No out of State Checks. Accept ing items on April 28th & 29th - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. only. Not responsible for Accidents Lunch served & toilet on Grounds CALL NOW IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL RYAN AUCTIONEERS 410-836-8953 838-3643 836-3218
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