HELP WANTED Prefer Married Person to work on steer and crop farm, must have recent ex perience operating modem (arm equipment and be able to repair and maintain machinery. Modern house and privileges. References required. Chester Co 610/869-2527 Subcontractor needed immediately for pole build ing erection. Insurance & references. 1-800-328-9792 Truck Driver, must have COL License, must be 23 yrs old, farm backround appreciated. Call Daytime (717)859-6601, Evenings (717)738-3012. Truck drivers and combine operators needed for 1994 harvest run COL license required, guaranteed wage, room/board pro vided 316-486-3213 evenings. Want Ag intern to assist in all aspects of running a start-up produce farm in York County, May-Sept (longer if possible). IPM and regenerative tech niques utilized. 5-6 day work week. Salary $1,200/month plus nice home. Produce experience preferred. Write to - Swamptox Farm, PO Box 102, Glen Flock, PA 17327. Wanted: Husband and wife to work 2 weekends per month on farm. More part time work available, wages paid or trade for farm house. Manheim. 717-664-2629. Modem dairy farm nedda herdsman on second milking operation. Duties are milking, mixing feed, feeding, scraping feed lot, end heat detection. Job provides: salary, house, regular time off and vacation. (610)786-6993 Part-time: Set your own hours, dependable person to operate portable seed cleaner In York and Lancaster Counties, July to September. Need own pickup truck. (717) 653-4123 ’help WANTED Small Company needs truck driver. Local or Long Distance. Must have CDL. Ephrata, PA. 717-733-8860 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE on an 800 sow confinement farm No experience necessary. Benefit Package. For more information call (717) 336-3710 Experienced milker and general farm worker on dairy farm. Edgefield Farm Quarryvllle, PA (717) 786-3591 r =-=3a——, I Crew Foreman and Laborers 9 Job 9 For Progressive Agricultural 61 # for y^p^rirnrrd W Builder, Central PA am 0 Agricultural Building Experience 9 I Combine Technician 1 Preferred. Respond In Writing to: 9 I Excellent Income Potential, Good I Knisely Built 9 I Benefits, Uniforms Provided, Full P 229 Cornfield Ln. 9 I Time Position With Progressive 9 Port Matilda, PA 16870 9 1. JD Dealer 1 Contact Phil Wheaton, Gen'l. Mgr, V 1-800-779-3616 A Contract Finishing Supervisor Progressive pork producers seeks person to supervise feeding, marketing, health of 28,000- head contract Finishing pigs in easl/south central PA, coordinate pig movements for 40,000+ finishing space and explore new contract finishing bam leads. Position may require driving company vehicle 600-800, mi ./week. B.S. animal science or related field preferred. Knowledge of contract livestock or poultry production a plus. Send letter/resume by May 15 to WHITE OAK MILLS, Att: Christine Nolan, 419 W. High St., Elizabethtown, PA 17022. E.O.E. Applicator Drivers Brand new post-emergence spray rig Need aggressive experienced driver. Full time w/good benefits, room for advancement. Please contact Lebanon Agricorp Whlteford, MD 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM or 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at (410) 402-8144. Salesperson Metropolitan Staple Coxp. a major supplier of industrial & construc tion stapling & nailing equipment seeks someone to expand our company into the Lancaster county area. This individual should have a solid sales background and some mechanical aptitude. Great oppor tunity to introduce a very strong product line into a new area with high usage. Lucrative commission schedule and benefits. Call 1(800) 255-7209 Monday through Friday Do You Have A DREAM?? We have a beautiful 270 acre Horse Farm in Chenango Cty NY We have a nice home where we spend approximately 6 months a year. The Farm is not in use at this time. If you would be interested in living and working on a farm like this, send letter with Ideas and Background to address below. Available Immediately • New Modern 20 stall Horse Barn with office and apartment • 3 Bedroom House • Over 50 acres of fenced paddock with sheds • 60 acres Hay Fields • Large Hay Barn • Tractors and New Hay Equipment Couples Only • No Dairy Mall to: Dream Farm P.O. Box 386 HoltSVille, NY 11742 Taking Application# lor harvaat help, truck drivers, combine operator*. Muat have CDL II can a*. Pettlet Himitint Tulia. TX (806) 008-4275 Grower for largo established, expanding 10 plus acre greenhouse range. Must have actual greenhouse or agricultural working experience or horticultural training. Permanent full time position. Excellent opportunities for advancement. Employment available for other family members Call 610-967-2181 HELP NEEDED Three people needed to work for Pen nsylvania Dairy Herd Improvement As sociation in New Jersey. They will be working with dairy farmers collecting milk samples and other data. Farm ex perience and computer experience desir able. Send resume to: PADHIA do Dean Amick Director of Field Operations 1318 West College Avenue State College, PA 16801 HELP WANTED Experienced Mechanic Benefit Pkg. Includes: Paid Insurance. Vacations & Holidays. Uniforms BHM FARM Equip., Inc. Box 611, Annviile, PA 17003 717-867-2211 MIG WELDERS PART-TIME STo 10 PM Monday Thru Fri day. Immediate openings for in dividuals to Join a progressive company giving you the ability to increase your earnings by being part of an exciting team of welders. Come Join us at Farmer Boy Ag, earning competitive wages. Openings available immedi ately. Could lead to full-time on the Ist or 3rd shift. Call George Cline At 717-866-7565 VKlbusiness H mjPPORTUNITIES Well established and well stocked feed end hardware business. Everything The Broad Street Market * In Harrisburg, PA since 1863 • On Verbeke St, between 3rd and 6th St. * 30,000 State workers nearby * Diverse and growing neighborhood * Looking for seasonal and year round vendors Call (717) 236-7923 or write Broad Street Market 1238 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg. PA 17102 necessary for a good hon est million dollar a year family business $BOO,OOO. Possible owner financing. Serious inquiries only. Owner retiring. Shade Gap MW. Box 672, Shade Gap, PA 17255, 614/259-3258 day. 814/447-3388 eve. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30, IW4-C33 USDA approved slaughter house building, equipment, and acreage. Excellent family business. Located South Western NY. For More Information Call (716) 782-3222 wSShousehold jSM PETS Electric hot water heater, 82 gallon, like new, $lOO (717)361-0894 Good condition, Kirby up right sweeper, $75. 215-754-6298. Lancaster architectural walnut 2 piece comer cup board w/blind paneled doors, circa 1770. 717-433-3476. APPLIANCES Central PA'a oldest A largest used only appliance store now open In Lebanon. Over ISO rebuilt appliances to select from. All appliances guaranteed 1 year. w.s. Enterprises 15 S. 9th St. Lebanon, PA 717-272-2405 Ijlfl PETS 3 male Border Collie pups, 3 months old, training be gun, price reduced (717)933-8473 No Sun day calls Adorable mixture Jack Russell Terrier and York shire Terrier, 6 weeks, $l5O. 215-754-6298 Call Buena Vista Kennel for prices and information on premium and super pre mium dog food Our pro duct has no soy. all meat base protein. No cheap fill ers. We give quantity dis counts arid make deliverys (717)658-6529 WANTED TO BUY Pup- Eies and kittens, mixed reed & AKC for resale in pel store. Call when young tor pick-up at 7 weeks. Fair price paid Call Norman Wheeler 215-380-1445. WANT. Lhasa Apso breed ing stock. (717)532-2599. PUPS WANTED MJO JO O’NEILL Daily Pickups In Penna l Need All Types, Pure and Cute Mixed Breeds and Barnyard Specials. All Pups Must Be Cleaned And Healthy And Free Of Bugs To 8 Weeks Only Now Picking Up In Belleville- Mifflln Co. Area Ik i P.S. A $lO.OO Prize If You Have I I If This Coupon Hanging Up > I;*, In Your Bam | I For Extra Prompt Reliable Pick-up i I Call Early Mon., lues., or Wed. I | tor beat results call all day Monday j | 1-800-392-4953 or 1-609-452-8903 | l CUp ft Save 1 Border Collie Pups, pa rents good with cows, but gentle, like an extra hired hand, always there and ready 610/273-3487 ARC Collie Stud Service Nice Markings, from good stock 717/284-5146 MfMf 'TnTrnTTTrrmrr WANTED | Hounds g 8 and a | Hound Crosses | > young and adult | I Call after SPM \ ; 203-546-9969 g 88888888888888888888
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