C2B-Uncast*r Farming, Saturday, April 30, 1994 amundson hay com- Soybean seed, Baas and _—_ ! CHUKAR PANY: Dairy quality, Al- Corsica varieties. CaN for CHICKS falfa, small squares. David good prices. Udoii/tov * cu* innn Amundson, Route 2, Box 717-382-4659. POULTRY S 694 by 1000 103, Westbrook MN 56183 ; SUPPLIES Plus Postage i-eoo/398-5931 Dried md l ** l °° r 2 ■—-■ Guaranteed live Baled shavings, _ baled (717)792-3216, York Co. Fx POULTRY HOUSES lO.OOOweddy Dry shelled «,rn. cleaned. VO WASHED 30 day free use SUNRISE *®?* weight High Pressure Low Volume WOLFE S FARMS. York Springs. PA. 717-733-4516. sss work For You When I Leave. So. If OAMRRIRn 717/528-4505 Ear | v C ut rye vetch early You’re Tired Of All The Water And Equipment vmiu&uuuj ——- Ma« on S2O/ton at farm Fato aveKfeA CiaiNMTiW HATCHERY Cheaper Tool W|H Travel - RD #2 Box 359 SKtTm " later.nMay.Callforpr.ee, Ray Eager ft Sons 717-949-3212 Brookville, Pa, 15825 chTs.rSiv To Hauling can be arranged. U Leave Message (814) 849-3430 nXr fk.no ia r»6 Dotterer Farms. Clinton a 1 ?Sy PaX ui lS Co. (717)726-3659 ' Chukars 65C Ea.-2500 Quail 220 Ea.-2500 . Call Harry (610)932-9457 FOR^JLE; Seed] oats Goslings, Seed Chukai gpbwhite . Ducklings, c D °:i f^JL O^ 3 " 5 1 $4B 50 $3O 50 1 Guineas, Turkeys, rf> R M * rF fraatfld "/ Phone (717)444 ' 3968 — , $BO • 100 $4O 100 Chicks. Bantams, S°K£^?2£ , $lB5 250 $9O 250 Pheasants, ery available. Lancaster 9 ' $350 500 $l5O 500 Chuckars. Quail, Co (717)898-7689 . l j— s66o 1000 $230 1000 1 Books JJJ *“» 2I«SSJ I _______ _ I Good Corn Silage, Delivery Q&, DOUBLE R - Available (717)872-5554 Mjm hatchery , rd #2 box 92 ftfll Round Bales / Templeton, PA 16259 S-J WfiSM A Wanted 1 I \ 412-868-2173 . wanted 8ea8888888®88e» \L2I ISCzw! Chicks Shipped Anywhere ■"* . j# aa, ,!<*»• ___ . « rjySSLiJ” ■•j In USA. Guaranteed Live f*l, n■l ■ ■Oi MUICII » Wanted | , Us?-PWn*sre*M» Delivery. Chukars CICaTViCW NfiW Of Old HflV ffl iI. tt 9 Available Year-Round StOCk Farm & r _„ Ctmnlnfie ffl Mlllch Hay 9 'L XX=3CXXX =C=^ CXX => CX =S Hatchery CaM Even,n 9 s 1 215-869-20781 Box 399 215/593*7317 ® John H. Lloyd a Gretx, Pa., 17030 717-365-3234 Pe* 717-368-3594. WANTED: Mulch Hay Ist cut timothy, and orchard grass; also feed hay and straw. David W. Rohrer Farms |Q FEEDS (717)866-4919 SEED Prompt Pay No Sunday Calls \ FREE NEW 1994 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexlinks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W. Rocks, Barred Rocks, Guineas, Pheasants, Ducks, Goslings, Plus Fancy Bantams, Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Black Australorps Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Turkey Poults. Special Wholesale Prices flUrv Write or Phone For Free Catalog Today We Guarantee You The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere’ PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk feed bins in a wide variety of capacities (or any application >s^s^ • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER* feed delivery flexible auger systems 1 • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding - „J systems including the new Chore-Time Model 2000 and the Model C feeders fwr ✓ \ • Fans & Complete ventilation systems « WTvyjwl** including the new lan oscillator • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH watering for any kind of poultry • Chore Times exclusive MEAL-TIME* pig and hog feeding and watering si • Chore-Times production boosting cow jjyWyj feeding system lor dairy operations Shenandoah BROODERS ~ INCINERATORS _ , T» _ ' v ' Ir*- h TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 Pennsylvania's Authorized*®* Master Distributor Northeast Agn Systems, Inc «n B Flyway Business Park store hours Mon-Fur 30 io< so Bj 139 A West Airport Road sasooionow H m LltllZ, PA 17543 2< Hf 7DW R.P.I S.VM gg ■Ph (717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580 |y| 10001 b Vet mixer, Ihp, S IP. V G.S , $550 080 410/833-1847 10 Bushel Cleaned Red Clover Seed, $5O/bushel Kennedyville, MD. 410/648-5207 after Bpm. 1994 ryelage for sale. Can deliver. (717)665-5772. Isdt cutting grass hay, mostly orchardgrass, some canarygrass, $9O-$ 100 Ear corn, local delivery (6 miles) Elizabethtown (717)367-3801 200* Bag Alfalfa Haylage, 2nd Cutting (717)653-4748. 3X4 Wrapped Round Bales, Move by Hand 2nd Cut Alfalfa, Guaranteed 4X4 Also (717)273-2608 [tf^ 5x5 Round Bales of Corn Fodder, $l7/bale. Lancas ter Co 717/484-2233. ALFALFA HAYLAGE, Top Quality Also, HIGH MOIS- TURE SHELLED CORN. Weed Free Lancaster County. (717)285-5544 ALFALFA, some white spots, baled w/leaves, $9O at farm 717/272-0041 Alfalfa Ist and 2nd cutting, square and round bales, delivery available (814)652-9512 Alfalfa Ist cutting $llO, 4th cutting $l4O, excellent quality. Can deliver. Lan caster Co. 717/569-2076 WANTED Good quality Ear Corn. Paid at scale. Eugene German R.D. #3 Sch. Haven 717-739-4469 TRIPLE-M-FARMS 1525 King Str., Lebanon, PA 17042 Selling # & Buying Soybeans pSgSKL' - Call Glenn @ 717-272-3225 Roasted Grains CUSTOMER FORMULA FEED MFC. BUYING EAR CORN Shelled Corn Soybeans Contract or Spot Purchase Picked Up At Your Farm Or Dallvarad To Manhalm NOLL GRAIN 341 Weaver Rd., Manhelm, PA (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Corn, Wheat, Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale Holtwood, PA 717*284-4628 717-284-3362 DiOfMEOMK 2MOMMMOK >MPC >■} EAR CORN WANTED 1 Picked up or delivered. Prompt Pay. i Kreider & Faus Farms I Mervin M. Kreider 717-933-8943 H Daniel 717-933-8473 | 1 No Sunday Calls | SWOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKMMKMMia WANTED MULCH HAY Round Bales, Square Bales We Need Much More Hayl Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman & Sons 717-437-2076 1 "buylng iYEiIiNG'; Shelled Corn #3 Barley 48% Soybean Meal Feed Ingredients [Call 1-800-692-6001 WANTED TO BUT: Organic Com, Soybeans Barley or Wheat Must Be All Chemical and Commercial Fertilizer Free For At Least Last 3 Years Affidavit Required Paying Premium Prices CORNERSTONE GRAIN 215-693*5027 | Middle Earth Farm \ I is looking for suppliers of | V quality timothy- I timothy/alfalfa mix I \ and bright wheaf \ t or barley straw. I \ (US) 932-59*8 j rfK Heidel Hollow Farm Inc, ffsJmLfh 215-767*1408 S(WB*f FAX 215-767-1312 iSSSSf Selling 3rd and 4th cutting balage WE DELIVER WORLD-WIDE j DAVID O. FINK l\SRil T^brT Germansville, PA 18053 MILK 91 r —: |i * I < M&R GRAINS, INC. | g SOYBEANS* 3 O DEALERS IN BARLEY, CORN & SOYBEANS B W|—— is FITNESS YOU CAN DRINK " R-K.IAIOGT -W ■' l 1225 > Colcbrook Rd. BUYING EAR CORN, SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prices available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM Marietta, PA 17547
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