■ HORSESS MULES Purebred Arabian horses for sale. Dispositions ex cellent. Most broke to ride Good 4-H project or plea sure horses $l,OOO-$2,000. Call (717)295-5454 weekdays. Purebred Arabian Mare, 5 Years Old, Broke to Ride and Drive $3500 080. (717)949-2661. Reg Belgians, pair light sorrels, mare and gelding, red sorrel mare, colts and others Bradford Co 717-596-3401 Registered Oocßar bred quarter horses for cutting or team penning Jo-Lar Ranch. (301)698-0954. Saddlebred 3 years old, stallion, 14.3, liver chest nut, rides and drives (410)838-5976 exotic animals Newest small exotic animals anywhere in the U.S. Perfect investment or fun for farm, town, or city dwellers. Great return. AFRICAN PYGMY HEDGEHOGS Best investment anywhere. Small, quiet and unusual AUSTRALIAN SUGAR GLIDERS New flying Marsupial New desert unusual rodent AFRICAN DORMICE Exotic w/fuzzy tail WINDING CREEKS FARM Lebanon, PA 717/865-4473 ----- -X HORSE MANURE | HY-TECH Mushroom Compost, Inc. I West Grove. PA 19390 * 215-869-0202 “THE HORSE INTERLUDE” Pictorial story of horse & Man in the Pacific Northwest’s soft white wheat area mid 1850’s-1930'5. Highly detailed photos of horse drawn equipment, extremely informative on harvesting tech niques. Covers headers, and horse-propelled harvesters 195 pages $17.95 “THE WORK HORSE HANDBOOK” from care and feeding thru hitching and driving, every aspect is covered. Find out for yourself why this book is considered by thousands of people to be the THE volume of working horses in harness 224 pages $16.95 “THE HORSE IN HUSBANDRY” Heyday horses on the farm, breeds, managing, working, harnessing, much more 105 photos, 128 pages. Hardcover $29.95 DISCOUNT SPECIAL! All above 3-books regularly $64.85 value for $55.95 NEW! “HARNESSED TO THE PLOUGH VIDEO” The Clarks run their farm entirely by horse power. This video is a permanent record of the fast dying skills of working with horses on the land and the cycle of work that make up the farm year. Everyone who loves draft horses will be enthralled by this video of approximately 60- minutes. VHS $34.95 Review from the Draft Horse Journal. It is a very good video, "the best draft horse video I've seen". Shipping and handling $4.50 per order. MC/VISA/CHECK/C.O.D. DIAMOND FARM BOOK PUBLISHERS Dept. LFH, BOX 537, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 Phone (613) 475-1771 Fax: (613) 475-3748 Reg. Morgan yearling, fitly, wel bred, Chestnut, good dispositon, win have good size, going back to school, must sell. CaH for details. 610-286-5489 Reg. Peroheron Geld. 6Yr.Old 16 2H, Dapple Gray, Broke to Cart Driven as 4H Project, Must Sell. $l5OO York Co. (717)235-5448. These Mules were working in plow last week X • Pr. Coming-3 Yr. Old 16-3 Hand Sorrel Mares • Pr. Comlng-5 Yr. Old 16-3 Hand Grays • Pr. Coming-4 Yr. Old 16-1 Hand Blonde Sorrel Mares • Pr. Coming-2 Yr. Old 15-3 Hand Mares, Fancy $3500 • Single 5 Yr. Old 17-1 Hand Lead Mule Mules On Hand Year-Round qjj PR\T PAUL SUCKER (*00)770-3721 (717) 299-3721 I JACKS. JENNETS. I " WORK MULES " I Bought and Sold I CHAMPION JACK 14 Hand Jack At Stud Will Buy Your Mule Colts At Five Month Old Jim D. Baker 443 Schwanger Rd Elizabethtown, PA 17022 ■ 717/367-7271 CLIP AND SAVE Straw Only. 15 Horse Minimum DRAFT HORSE BOOKS & VIDEOS Specializing in spotted and solid colored walking horses. SPOTTED FEVER FARM. 717-682-7831 Standardbred mare, 10 years old, gentle, quiet, light riding, $3OO 908-521-2325 Strush & Slough Sleigh, $450, Emerson buggy, $B5O Both need some work. 301/432-2197. Stephen E. Stollzfus I 5188 Mine Rd. I Klnzer, ■ PA 17535 ■ Pick-up Affordable Manure Spreaders MODEL 75, 62 cubic ft. capacity. Oparataa behind 18-hp tractor. MODEL 50, 44 cuble ft capacity. Shown with optional andgata. MODEL 25, 28 cuble ft. capacity Fits through 4-foot doors. Hundreds of small farm operators are using an affordable Millcreek spreader to solve their manure disposal problems. Why pay for a big spreader when a small one will do? You have a choice of 4 sizes I Ground drlvo I PTO models available' Ip r Manufacturing Co. J m P 2617 Stumptown Rd., Dept. LF * Bird-In-Hand. PA 17505 (717) 656-3050 IUJ SHEEPS, ■■ GOATS 1994 lambs now availalbe from natural colored (and white) Reg Lincoln 1993 NCWGA national champ ionship flock Pet quality also available Colored fleeces have won national wool shows... spinners de light Gettysburg area 717-642-6187 3 Barbados Breeding Bucks, sell or trade for other Barbados sheep 304/782-2551, Lambs Registered Rom ney and Black Wool Lambs Grade Lambs Available (610)346-8733 Llamas-Yearling female, yearling male, and a geld ing Reasonable, can de liver (717)247-7827 NY State Purebred Sheep Show and Sale, all breeds sell New York State' Fair grounds, Syracuse, 5/20 & 21 Sheep equipment, sup plies and sheep crafts will be on display and for sale both days For catalog W Keith Stumbo, Box 121, Honeoye, NY 14471, 716/367-2775. Uncastif FSnrtng, Saturday, April 30, 1994-C25 9 registered Hampshire ewes, 2-4 years old, sired by Southerland Apex Jr., $lOO each. (717)665-5960 Angora Goats (colored and registered whites) Kids, Adults Amity. 215-257-8847 evenings Breeding pair Australian Cashmere goats One and two year old, Saanen/ Cashmere cross milkers. Make great small milkers. 3/4 cashmere kids. Won derful for spinning or breeding. Nubian milker. Nubian buck kids, great studs, pets, companion animals CAE negative Chester Co 610-458-8458, Dorset, Suffolk, Dors/Suff Cross Ewes. Lambs, $6O your pick (10) or more ssNeg Tilt table, $3OO Berks 610-926-3841. FOR SALE Pygmy goats, dehorned, shots and wormed Ready to go sec ond week of May Call 610-926-4046. Jacob/JacobX ewes and lambs, $4O-$BO Nubian- Nubian/pigmyX does and kids, $5O-$75 All animals vaccinated, dewormed Goats dehorned (610)268-0474 FLOCK DISPOSAL REG. POLYPAYS: 60 Ewes and 2 Rams (Collies 4 year old, Sperry 3 year old) Also ewes & ram lambs Foundation ewes from top U.S. breeders Call John 410/374-4481 SHOW LAMBS Available Now! Hampshire & Crossbred Whethers Purebred Hampshire Rams & Ewes DAVE & BARB LYTLE 610-255-5048 Chester Co. Reg. Columbia and Natural Colored Stud Rams, Ewes, Ram & Ewe Lambs for Sale Excellent 4-H project lambs, replacement Ewes and starter flocks. We have sold many champion 4-H lambs in MD, PA, NJ. Take advantage of an established breeding program. Get started right! All sheep vaccinated and wormed. GERR GLENN FARM Box 147 A Hustontown, PA 17229 717-987-3219 CLUB LAMB SALE SATURDAY, MAY 7 11 AM to 3 PM Our lowa Supplier is not having a sale this year. All lambs will be for sale here in Pa. No lambs sold prior to 11 AM at either lo cation. Lamb prices begin at $75. Free lunch provided thru the day. Call for more informtion. At the Farm: K&K Livestock Co. (610) 944-6007 or Fastert Club Lambs (712) 472-2296 SO used S' steel poets w/ clips. 717-653-5675 Lan caster Co Premium all-bark mulch and mushroom soil. Wholesale/ retail, bulk/ bagged. Delivery or pickup. Oberholtzer's Mulch, Mor gantown. (610)286-2062. Reg Cheviots, excellent lines, yearling, aged Ewes proven Ram Must sell 610-399-1470. Registered Border Leices ter Spring Lambs and Yearling Ram. Long luxuri ous wool, a favorite for hand spinners and hand crafters Very prolific and hardy (814)479-4840 Reg Scottish black faced ewe, 2 years old, ready for breeding, $ 1 75 610-932-5808. Scottish black face sheep and lambs, hardy, hand some, thrifty. 914-726-3633. Sheep and goat shearing and blade sharpening. 717-862-3101 Sheep purebred Polypay ram, ewes, lambs. (609)691-7723 Sheep Superior Wool, Lincoln/ Corneldale cros ses, colored and white (717)229-2202 Hip Injury Causes Complete Dispersal Approx. 300+ ewes, commercial flock Targee Finn x Boorola x Dorset x Marino Hampshire, Suffolk 814/367-5822 Evenings
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