JUKJBArS surrly 9.0. Box 821, Brawnslmm, PA 17508 Wa Deliver 717-656-6508 For Your Best PRICE, QUALITY & SERVICE • BALE WRAPPERS • BALE WRAP • SILAGE BAGS • BAGGING MACHINES 5 LIQUID P MANURE 3 HAULING ft (717) 284-5710 f (717) 464-1344 J Btm l<hm«n OBERHOLTZER’S GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Valley Vlaw Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 ,(215) 286-2062 < Custom Round Baling and will plastic wrap . Claas Rotocut * String or not wrap NEED SOMETHING HAULED? Will do your cattle hauling. Also, hauling with our 24 foot Gooseneck Trailer w/Wlnch Local Or Long Distance 717-354-7992 CUSTOM GRINDING PORTABLE TUBGRINDER Tom Wood Waste into Valuable Mulch Reduce Bntty> Material 50 to 75% V for hauling m HELP WANTED Assist Owner with General Dairy Farming, must be ex- perienced with milking, de pendable, self-motivated, non-smoker, non-drinker. Good salary, housing. 410/472-2623 Combine operators and truck drivers needed for harvesting. Begin immedi ately if you have mechani cal background. Experi ence and references necessary Guaranteed wages plus room and board. Jack McCreary Harvesting, Rt#l, Box 250, Burlington, OK 73722 (405)829-4427 (316)825-4698. Drivers Wanted: Class A CDL w/wo Tanker En dorsement Farm Pick-Up (Bulk). Excellent Wages and Benefits. Clover Farms Dairy 215-921-9111. Edi Han" Ir .diger Harvesting, Inman KS, Help Wanted for truck drivers and machine oper ators from May-November. Will help get CDL. Call (316)585-6903. Experienced help wanted to milk cows in double 8 herringbone milking parlor. Lebanon County. (717)272-7566 Experienced fall-time crop employee for large dairy farm, guaranteed 2 raises Ist year, paid vacation, hospitalization. 216-682-5786; Fax 216-682-9222. Experienced small and large engine mechanic w/ several years of hands on experience. 610-298-2011. Experience Pole Builders, Post Frame Construction Workers or Crews. Send Resume to 1400 W. Laurel Blvd., Pottsville, PA 17901 or (717)622-1918. Experienced person wanted for Southern Lan caster County dairy farm. Dairy and general farm work Good salary, vaca tion, housing. References required Call (717)786-2957 Farm hand for Spring planting. Must be able to operate large equipment Northumpton Co 610-252-7222. Farmhand needed de pendable person to work on hog farm in Berks County, must be 16 or older (215)488-6491. Truck Driver, must have CDL License, must be 23 yrs. old, farm backround appreciated. Call Daytime (717)859-6601; Evenings (717)736-3012 Truck drivers and combine operators needed for 1994 harvest run COL license required, guaranteed wage, room/board pro vided. 316-486-3213 evenings, Farm Manager w/Wite but no children to live on island in Maine. Take charge of 100 head beef cattle, ma chinery, haying. Experi ence necessary. Know ledge of boats, woods work helpful. Send resume to: Don Homer, 180 Bedford Rd„ Tarrytown, NY 10591. Feed Management Con sults for areas of Eastern Lancaster County. Know ledge of dairy cow man agement and/or dairy feed ing programs required. Ex cellent income potential. 302-264-9431 Mail re sume to. VIGORTONE AG PRODUCTS. RO3, Box 590, Wyoming, DE 19934. Fulltime Help Wanted for Pole Building Construction. Stoltzfus Builders, Lititz (717)664-3540. Full-time day and night shift positions in Ephrata Formica Shop. Small tool experience a must. Good benefit package. Apply in person LAM—TECH IN DUSTRIES. 1215 Ridge Ave , Ephrata, PA 717-336-3577. HARVEST; Texas to Mon tana Need combine, truck and tractor operators (or (arm work wheat and (all harvest. Must have experi ence operating trucks and (arm equipment. May thru November. FRANZ HARVESTING 316-227-7679. Harvest Help Wanted. combine/CDL truck driv ers, starting 5/15 through November HAM Harvest ing, Culberston, NE, 308/278-3168. Heavy equipment opera tor experienced only, (ull time, year 'round, clean driving record, possible liv ing quarters, Southern Chester Co. (610)869-8709 days, (610)444-1020 nights. Help Wanted for Custom Harvest Run. Travel from Texas to Montana, May thru Sept/Oct, no experi ence necessary but must be willing to learn, must be 18, no-patters, we try to run a dean-cut crew. Call soon, Kenneth Pauls, Buh ler, KS. (316)543-6659. Horse farm and carnage shop in Northern NJ seek ing couple, housing in cluded. (201)827-4302. Landscape hand (lawn seeding) needed for Spring & Fall, approx. 5-6 months Farm background desired. Tractor driving experience required. Drivers license a plus CDL license excel •vit! Hardworkir Leolr len Hardworking, .eola area, Lancaster, PA 717/656-7270. Landscape Foreman needed for growing quality conscience landscape con tractor Must be exper ienced, offering full be nefits and year round work. All replys confidential. Contact Diebolt Landscape Co (717)445-5400 w/ experience, goals and fi nancial needs OUTSIDE WORK. Lancas ter Co. landscape com pany is seeking several in dividuals to join our fast growing team at entry level positions Wanhay Land scaping, 717/872-0755 Person available to work as needed, part-time w/PA Agriculture Statistics Must have car and like to meet people Farm backround helpful $6/hour w/mileage. Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon County (717)653-5016 Collect Prefer Married Person to work on steer and crop farm, must have recent ex perience operating modern farm equipment and be able to repair and maintain 'achin'*' Mode hor machinery iern . juse and pnvileges. References required. Chester Co. 610/669-2527. Spray Truck Applicator w/ our John Blue Truck Sprayer Will Pay by Acre or Hour (717)786-7348 Subcontractor needed immediately lor pole build ing erection. Insurance & references 1-800-328-9792 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 23,19M-C3l WANTED: Farm help with good values. Repair, oper ate forage harvesters, combines; trucks. MT.Joy, PA. 717-653-6923. Want Ag intern to assist in all aspects of running a start up produce farm in York County, May-Sept (longer if possible). IPM and regenerative tech niques utilized 5-6 day work week. Salary $1,200/month plus nice home Produce experience preferred. Write to: Swampfox Farm, PO Box 102, Glen Rock, PA 17327. Wanted' Husband and wife to work 2 weekends per month on farm. More part time work available, w»<- ’id o- fo r paid or trade for farm house. Man hei m. 717-664-2629 Part-time: Set your own hours, dependable person to operate portable seed cleaner In York and Lancaster Counties, July to September. Need own pickup truck. (717) 653:4123 PART TIME WORK For National Aaaocla llon Stata Dapartmenta of Agrlcultura and EOF. Naada aurvay In larvlawa In York and Franklin Countlaa. Muat Hava valid drivara llcanaa, rallabta vahl ela. $6/hour Including training plua mllaaga. Ag background daalr able, not aaaantlal. Contact Phyllla A. Groaa, Suparvlaor 717/206-2838 Experienced Rider to Exercise Horses and Groom for Polo. Requires some weekends and some short travel. Season is April to October. (717) 626-9314 Modern dairy farm needs herdsman on second milking operation. Duties are milking, mixing feed, feeding, scraping feed lot, and heat detection. Job provides: salary, house, regular time off and vacation. (610) 786-6993 “JACK OF ALL TRADES” For Christmas Tree Farm, northwest Chester Co. Full time, year round. Maintenance on machinery and buildings, field work, clean driving record. 610/273-3032 FULL TIME MAINENANCE FARM & BUILDING Must have carpenter skills. Apply in person 8 AM - 5 PM ESBENSHADE FARMS 220 Eby Chlques Rd. Ml. Joy, PA 17552 717-653-8061 Taking Application* for harvaat halp, truck drivara, combine operator*. Muat hav* CDL Mean**. Pettlet Himstinf Tulla, TX (806) 998-4278 CARPENTERS WANTED • Immediate Openings • Good Benefits • Full Time or temporary Ag Building Preferred Call 1-800-874-7531 Aak for John or Paul Triple H Construction Laneaalar, PA WANTED Workers for wheat harvest Texas to Idaho. Room and board provided. CDL preferred. No Sunday Work. Starting in May 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE on an 800 sow confinement farm No experience necessary. Benefit Package. For more information call (717) 336-3710 Farm Help Needed: Progressive swine company seeking full time employee for Northern Berks Co. Duties include feeding, hog move ment, sorting and general labor. Individual would work every third weekend. Salary, vacation, time off, and benefits prog ram provided. Contact Gary of White Oak Mills 610/488-6099 Tam- 4pm or 610/488- 7753 after Bpm.
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