C22-Lancast«r Farming, Saturday, April 23, 1994 jjj CATTLE [E A 10 cross bred, breeding age, farm raised Limousin heifers Sired by purebred Limousin bull Csril even ings between S-Bpm or mornings 7 Bam (410)758-0265 28 Holstein Cow Herd, All Al Bred and Sired (717)369-2366 Before 9AM 28 young Jersey cows, all Reg . milking good, beauti ful udders, blood tested, ready to go. NO Sunday calls. 717-694-3917. 2 breeding age Jersey bulls Skyline sons out of EX Sooner dam. Pa +5B protein Can deliver (410)557-6450 (2) Charolais Bulls, 3 and 4 Year Old, Registered, Ready for Spring Season, Calves are Here. $l4OO 080 Must Go Soon! (410)378-4016 (2) Limousin bull calves, 6 7 months old, $350 each 814-847-2697 Bedford Co. (2) Red Angus bulls, ap prox 1250 lbs , 1 year old, sired by Leachman bull, Reg Angus dams . real fancy. $l2OO/ea , (5) short horned beef cows w/ papers, bred to red Angus bull and due to calve Sep tember, $750/ea, (5) calves approx 450 lbs , still on above cows, (3-steers, 2-heifers) $ 87/per pound for lot. 717-792-9930 For Sale Herd of 30 Holstein cows, celfhood vacci nated, tested, ready to go. Fresh and spring ing cows A heifers. Ser vice age registered & grade Holstein bulls. Also, 2 Angus bulls. (717) 653-5408 fbairy Cows & | | Heifers ! I Bought & Sold J t Freddie ) | S. Smith j < 703/639-2262 | Altar • PM I | BUT DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Oi Harrisburg, Pa, Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop Mixed Herd of Dairy Cows 35 Holstelns $ll5O/each 15 Jerseys $B5O/each 6 Mixed Breeds $875/each Prefer 1 buyer for each group Sachar Farm Erie County 814/756-3975 Yearling Polled Hereford Bull Out of Silver Ben chmark Dam $llOO 2 Year Old Polled Hereford Bull $l2OO. Those are Haulter Broke, Easy Going and Has Good EPD's (717)336-4241 Zimmerman’s t Custom T Freezing S Bulls Collected On Your Farm Complete T Mobile Unit Y P.0.1ei43 1 NewNollaad, PAI7S67 £ 1-800-472-2641* ts£ Park H. Myers Quality dairy cows (717) 898-2205 effles (717) 392-5001 Ham* BUI No Hyp*! No h*ad«ch**l Just quality dairy cows Herd SO Cows, Top Quality (19) Ist calf heifers out of 30 head, avg. over 62 lbs., mostly fall freshen ing. (5) big bred heifers, Vi PB's, (6) cows and heifers have milked 130 lbs. w/13% grain, no top grass, under 100,000 SC count 717-354-5561 717-768-8497 WANT TO BUY Down cows Young Cows w/muscle damage. Call within 50 hours down for best prices. Sorry, no broken bones or high fever (610) 286-9052 43 Cow Herd and (8) Bred Helfen 34 head due this year yet. Avg. 65-75 lbs. now, all A-l, all grades, tie stall, big fancy cows w/low cell count, 3.9%. 717-768-3320 717-884-4374 WANTED: Registered end Grade Holstein Heifers from 6 Mon. to short-bred. Highest cash prices. Immediate pickup. Call Collect (717) 349-2393 or (717) 349-7752 Fred McCartney & Son Box 148, Dry Run, PA 17220 LOOKING FOR A HERD? \ffil We have parlor and tie stall herds aEI for sale. We move herds from farm AsS to farm with experienced help and our own trucks so ih?t you the buy er have disease-free cattle. We buy the best and let the rest. Financing for qualified buyers in Lane. Co. FOR A HERD WITH QUALITY, call %n Marvin Miller or Ron Bard %■« m 7) 786-1146 TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OF CATTLE - Also Down ft Crippled Cattle Tom Mulvaney, Jr. Wgmff Euton, PA ||P9 SgSSSsr ( 6i °> 258 - 1670 ClcJ* In NJ-Wirren, Sussex And Hunterdon Counties NOW IN NEW YORK ■ ORANGE COUNTY In PA-Northampton, Bucks, Lehigh, Beiks And Schuylkill Counties A All Cattle Paid On Hanging Dressed Weight Registered Highland Cattle ♦ ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special traits acquired from its ancestors of Scotland. ♦ Great foragers, clearing most pest plants common to poor pastures ♦ Thrive in cold, damp climates ♦ Produce excellent lean beef In adverse conditions where other cattle would fail ♦ Docile and Hearty ♦ Calve easily due to small birth weights— something of interest to dairy people for servicing first-calf heifers ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and inoculated ' against rabies Come visit our farm and meet your future herdl Transportation Available Breed Information Available Upon Request ♦ Day Dream Acres (908)303-0798 WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 GBRIACH SIMMBNTALS Mt. Joy, PA 717/898-9723 Cows, Bulls & Heifers THE ANNUAL WAYNE CO. HOLSTEIN CLUB SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1994 Loeatod «l the Wayne Co. Falrgrounda, ona mlla*nerth of Honaadala, PA. juat off Reulo 191. -home of fine holsteins and HOSPITALITY” 80 TOP REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 80 Savaral fresh cow* and halfara, many daop pedigreed brad halfara and loti of ihow ago calva* to fill ovary dais, alio a faw quality ombryoi. Hara'i a small lamplo of tha calva* and halters wo hava to offarl • WARREN SUTTON of HILLSIDE FARMS, INC. send* an axtramaly sharp Jr. yooiiing by S.W.D. MARK from his EX-93 2E Astra Thistasa cow with records ovar 32,000 m. 4.S F and over 1400 lb. tat. Next Dam VG and over 145,000 life time. Theresa’ ha* been Grand Champion and winner of many, many classes at several of the area shows and Fairs over the past 4 years I ALAN A HELEN LONQACRE are sending a stylish PRE LUDE calf from a VG-86 Blackstar with a 2 yr. record over 22,000 m. and ha* 3 sons at A.B.S. Next two dams are VG-87 & EX-90 and both over 24,000 m. Also from LONQACRE’S come* a classy Oct. H.H. LINCOLN from an EX. Royalty with over 28,000 m and over 900 F. Next Dam VG-87 A over 28,000 m. •RIVERSIDE-F FARMS coniigni a beautiful senior calf by MASCOT from a VG-SS command dau. working on a 30,000 lb. record as a 5 yr. old. * ELLDAY FARMS consigns a flashy POLO dau. due July to Belltone. The VG-88 Creek Dam has records to 24,000 m, 900 F and over 170,000 m. lifetime. Also from ELLOAY com es a sat of Nov. ROYAL twins from a VG-87 Melvin. Next dam is VG with 140,000 m lifetime. Next Dam EX-00 2E. * From GEORGE It PAUL SHEYPUK comas an upstand ing Oct. ASTRE dau. from a VG-88 Melwood with 2-02 365 d. 24,640 4.2 1033 F 3.3 804 P. Next Dam EX-00 2E GMD DOM with records to 35,000 m 1300 F and over 170,000 lifetime. * JOE PAVELBKI sends two beautiful show age heifers. An Intermediate calf by COUNSELOR from a GP-84 Dele gate milking 00* as at 2 yrs. Also a H.H. LINCOLN Jr. year ling from a VG-88 Brent with records to 23,000 m. Next Dam VG-85. * BILL A SANDY HOLLAND consign a stylish Jan. V 4 H.H. LINCOLN from a VG-88 Dam with 20,000 m 8 nearly 800 F as a 2 yr. old. Next Dam VG-88 and never under 4.3 F with two records over 800 F. * From BILL BRYANT comes a Dec. TO GRANT calf. Dam is VG-86 with 4-08 36Sd 28,200 m 3.81064 F 3.1 836 P. Next two Dams VG-87 8 VG-85 with records to 23,000 m. * From CLEARFIELD FARMS a Jr. calf sired by CASEY from a Cavalier with 4-07 305 d 27,810 3.71017 F. Next two Dams as high as 24,000 m. * JIM WOODHANSEE, JR. sends an Intermediate BLACKSTAR calf from a young Mark with a 2 yr. record over 21,000 m. Next Dam VQ-86 with records to nearly 24,000 m. • MIKE NEBZXDOSKI sends a growthy Aug. 'S3 LEAD MAN. Dam Is VG-88 with many records over 20,000 m. Next Dam also VG-88 with 20,000 lb. records 8 high components of 43 F 8 3.6 P. TALCREBT FARMS oonilgn* a May '93 DANCER DUKE from a VG-B8 Command with IB,ooom 4.3 700 F. Next Dam VQ-88 Starbuck with 30,000 m A 1100 F. Next Dam EX-90 Morqult with an EX Mam. * DALE WOROBEY tends a nice Dac. S 3 ASTRE that will (howl Har Dam it GP-83 A working on a good record with a 4.5 test A over 750 F. IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR INDEX, THESE TWO SHOULD GRAB YOU! AND THEY'LL SHOW IWOII ‘ From GRAMONT HOLSTEINS coma a fancy Nov. OSCAR calf built In at 75 P # from the famous Wlnkan Anita cow that topped the Shay-Land dispersal In '92. Naxt two dams are Shsy-Land Nsd Apropos and Shay-Land Valiant Athena from which many, many embryos ate marketed worldwide. • WALTER BROOKS consigns a PRELUDE Intermediate call that would have gone to a bull stud if it wasn't a heifer. Her7oP#Tesk Dam was flushed as a virgin haifsr. Next Dam Is VQ-8B with 2-02 385 d 25,040 4.4 1094 F 3.8 891 P. Next Dam, the Nad Boy Lucy cow, has records over 25,000 m 1000 F and 4 sons in A.I. Next Dam, the famous EX-gt Jet son cow, has records over 41,000 m AlBOO F. and was bred rlgh there In WAYNE COUNTY!! NEED SOME MILK? TAKE A LOOK AT THESE YOUNG COWS AND HEIFERBI •DAVID BANICKY sends a GP-83 2 yr. old FARGO dau. milking almost 90*. Her Dam Is VG and working on a 23,000 lb. record. Next Dam VG-89 with 100,000 lifetime. * MARK A SANDY WILMOT sand a fancy VG-86 CEN TRA that sells fresh. Her Dam Is VG with records over 18,000 m. * From ROWE BROS, comes a fresh TEBK with a 3 yr. record of 20,696 4.7 972 F 3.0 62SP. Her Dam Is over 100,000 lifetime and next Dam with 230,000 lifetime. * HAROLD A JEROME HARTT consign a fresh UNITED NICK heifer. Dam Is VQ-86 with over 23,000 m. Next Dam is VG-85. * ANDY HUBAL sends a CLETTUS due after sale from a VG Dam with a 25,000 lb record as a 4 yr. old. Next Dam also over 20,000 m. IF THE EASTER BUNNY DIDN’T BRING YOU ANY EGGS, WE’VE GOT A FEW FOR YOUII * From SHEYPUK’S A DARLING’S TWO #1 PRELUDE embryos from a young Leadman with 60 P « and working an a good record with a 4.8 F. Next Dam Is a VQ-86 Blackstar with over 20,000 m & 1100 F as a 2 yr. old. Next D*m Is the VQ-88 Bell Christen cow with records over 32,000 m. ‘ SHEYPUK’S A SHERWOOD'S consign 4 number 2 CUBBY embryos from a 68 P# Blackstar with over 24,000 m as a 2 yr. old. Next Dam Is VG-85 with 1 -11 36Sd 25,537 m 3.7 053 F 3.6 014 P. Next Dam Is the VG-88 QMD DOM Bell Paula cow with records over 31,000 m A nearly 1400 F. This sale should have something for everyone. Plan to be With us on APRIL 30th. Cattle will be at the Fairgrounds the night before. They will be tasted lor Immediate interstate shipping A Inoculated against shipping fever. Our 4-H Coun ty Council will have lots of good food on hand for lunchl Far Catalogs call or write: Wayne Weaver David Banleky Auctioneer Sale Co. Chairman M4-L 717-7M-S6o* 717-727-2066 Ren Wood Randy Howell Pedigrees Club Pres. 717-14 9-4*ol 717-7U-SOO4 David Noble Osrarda BurMoh Sals Co. Chairman Club Sec. 717-72MM0 717-446-2*50 RR#l BaxSSA Ptaaeant ML, PA I*4*2 50 Head of 325 Lb. Holstein Steers. Vaccinated, dehorned, ivomec, calf raised, top quality. Best offer, Must go 717/837-3137 BUFFALO Calves - Yearlings Mature Bulls - Mature Heifers Clean Skulls Tan Hides Plus Meats 717-373-1181 Between 8 end 5 717-672-2656 Alter 5 PM Ask For Don Broken Wheel Bison Ranch - Messick Farms Polled Simmental Bulls 1200-1400 lbs. some blacks and reds (717) 944-3500 Kl HORSES A MULES FOR SALE 6 year old Standardised mare, traffic safe, sound, $1,350. Call (717)656-7450. Four wheel carriage with shaft and pole, red with a white fringe lop, $B5O. Call 301-733-6824. Gentle, 16 year registered Morgan mare, 14.2 H, saddle seat, Kingston bloodlines, loves Kids, great lesson horse, $2,600. (717)872-6615. MAMMOTH JACK, Regis tered, Red, 59’, big-boned, gentle, sires quality draft and saddle mules, 703/364-2565. Mammoth Jack 59', also pair of 4 & 5 year old gray driving ponies (717)738-1098 MILL RUN BUGGY SHOP Restoring and manufactur ing carts, carriages, coaches to your specifica tions (215)273-9665, RD#2, Box 7J, Mill Rd , Honey Brook, PA 19344 MINIATURE DONKEY TALK Magazine. Fun, in formative reading. Free Donkey Handbook with new subscription, $2O/year 1338 Hughes Shop Road, Westminster, MD 21158 VISA/MC 410-875-0118-Sample $4 Miniature and small pony carts, wagons, miniature horses 717/442-4510 leave message. Nice black 5 year old buggy horse Lane Co 717/354-5039 Open Amish Buggy, Good Condition $lOOO. Amos G Fisher, 42408 Red Well Drive, Kinzer, PA 17535 Purebred Arabian horses for sale. Dispositions ex cellent Most broke to ride Good 4-H project or plea sure horses $l,OOO-$2,000. Call (717)295-5454 weekdays Purebred Arabian Mare, 5 Years Old, Broke to Ride and Drive. $3500 080. (717)949-2661. Reg gray Percheron mare, 8 years old, 3 year old gray gelding. 410-656-6062.
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