PfrUncMter Fanning, Saturday. April 23, *994 ■ FARM EQUIPMENT JD's FOR SALE. 1949 GW w/fender, (3) unstyled A, (1) on skelton wheels, 1941 G, engine rebuilt, 830, 730 D 717-222-4432 evenings JD 65 silage blower, 540 PTO, like new, $6OO (301)898-7426 JD tractors 60 w/801 3pt D w/electric start. WF for G All very good condition. Al ter 6PM, (412)548-5996 John Blue 500 gallon sprayer, ground driven pump, 34' boons, good shape, $2,100 Call 717-243-5768 John Deere 50 3pt hitch with loader and plows, $3,000 (717)436-8857 John Deere M tractor, new paint, excellent condition, $3,000 Berks Co , (610)987-3760. John Deere 215 disc dura cushion with buster bar, excellent condition, $5,000 Lancaster County (717)548-2849 JR 700 Ag Bag forage bag ger, good cond , asking $7,500 Information (717)626-0846 evenings before 9PM ask for Tom. Kennco plant setter w/ water wheel, 135 gal. tank 301-829-0943 Evenings Kuhn Hay Tedder, 2 Bea ter. Field Ready Burling ton County, N J (609)723-6265 Evenings Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 717-394-3047 or Ulilz 717-026-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon.. Tuoa., Wad. A Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thura. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tha following categories ara available lor your elasalllad advertising. In Section 0. Daadllna- Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq. Wanted The following categorlea are available in your calsslfied advertising. In Section C. Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. la-Construclion Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- 9- 8i Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq. & Supplies 14- & Supplies 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities! 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate JO 440 crawler/dozer. JD 550 sprayer JD 640 hay rake Int Cub 10-boy w f Woods mower Call (908)879-5851. JD 4430, coming in from midwest, cab, air, inter cooler, syncro, clean, $12,800 410-833-9091 JD 4440 Tractor, Cab, Air, 20-8-38 Tires, Sharp $21,500 (301)733-2195. JD 4440 tractor; JD 12' roller harrow 610-593-5574 NO Sunday calls JD 450 Hydro Push Man ure Spreader, End Gate, Upper beater, Like New Flotation Tires, Nice, Must See (516)727-1786. JD 4 bottom reset plow 717/464-5590 Lancaster Co JD 4xlB plow, No 2500 spring reset, excellent con dition 412-349-2541 JD 55 combine needs mo tor parts or whole (609)393-5947. JD 620, 2 cylinder, mid west tractor, runs excel lent, 3 pt available, $3,200 410-833-9091 JD 6X plow #1350-1450, good condition, $l2OO 717/733-9145, 717/733-8860 JD 7000 conservation 6RN cross auger, insecticide, markers, cast iron press wheels $6,800 (814)466-7074 late evenings JD 716 A forage wagon, good condition, on heavy tandem chasis. Martms burg, PA 814-793-3672, 814-793-3053. CLASSIFIED MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P.O. BOX 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE; Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets- Address Zip Please startin ft . I enclose . Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION JD 2800, 5 Bottom, Vari able Width, On Land Hitch, Buster Bar, Many Extras. $3BOO Field Ready and Priced to Sell. Call Sheaf fer Evenings 410-778-0185. JD 2950 SGB, MFWD, new trans. clutch, new MFWD clutch, new paint, field ready 717/445-4726, 717/354-6141. JD 2 cylinder factory 3pt hitch fits 520, 530, 620, 630 Cleaned, painted, ready to go Shipping aval able $750 Days (304)772-3741 JD 2 cylinders, restored. See picture ad under Belmont Farm. JD 2RN corn head for 3800 harvester, fair condition (717)792-1503. JD 3010 gas, $4,250. BN 1050 forage wagon, $7,250. JD 716 forage wa gon $4,250 Case-IH blower $3,950 JD2lsdur acushion disc $4,250 16' wooden square bale wa gon $BOO All reasonable offers considered. No Sun day calls. (301)824-2340. JD 3020, gas, NF, nice midwest tractor, 70 h.p . $4,500 410-833-9091 JD 335 3RW corn head, good shape, $5OO (609)393-5947 JD 350 sickle bar mower, 3pt, like new, $2,700. Cen tury 50 gal. 3pt sprayer, $5OO (410)363-1660. JD4OO 15' rotaryhoe; IH 53 6R cultivator; Brady 630 stalk shredder/Windrower; 6 no-till opener for JD 7000 planter 717-386-2842, 717-668-4458 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY Phone( word ad times üblish m with the DEADLINES: JO 4010 Diesel, Dual Out lets, 1100 Rebuilt R's, 16.4X34 Tires, Excellent Paint and Condition. Best Offer (717)665-3220. JO 4020 diesel, SR, engine and transmission over hauled, 18.4x38 radiate, like new. 2 year old paint, new seat, ’excellent (717)584-3651 JD 4020, equipped as sprayer, 1972 model, side console, WFE, syncro range, canopy, saddle tanks, 3pt hitch leveling boom, monitor, excellent condition, field ready. York Co 717/993-6152. JD 4020, gas, wide front, 2 outlets, $5,500 410-833-9091 JD 4040 power shift, turbo, excellent rubber, good con dition, field ready. $14,500 080. (717)354-6338. JD 4230 Diesel, 4 Post Roof Quad Range, Good Condition $10,000; IH 140 New Woods Mower $3850 Ford 420 Backhoe, ROPS, Good Condition. (610)777-4272. JD 4230 diesel, 4 post roof, 1300 hrs. since overhaul, excellent tires, good oondi tion, $9900 080. 717-867-4538 After BPM or before 7AM JD 4250 Tractor, Cab, Air, 15 Speed, PS, Sharp. (301)733-2195 JD 4400 combine, excel lent condition, like new, 215 gram head included. 71 7/966-9704, 717/966-3794 Union Co. JD 215 disc harrow w/ JD 2155 Tractor w/143 leveler 14 19 blades. Loader, 625 Hours. Excel good condition, $2250. , ent Condition. 717-524-7009 (717)294-3404 Evenings. AD ORDER BLANK PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State issue. Classify under 7 38 39 (Phone Numbers Count As One Word* international. 464 Diesel w/ Loader, 3Pt. Hook-Up. (717)445-4410. International 300 Utility, Fast Hitch and 3Pt. Hitch, Dozer Blade on Front, High Reach on Back, $3OOO 080 (610)965-8584. JD 10' cultimulcher, JO grass pickup attachment. 717-665-4743 JD 1240 corn planter; Gehl 1080 disc mower condi tioner, Lockwood Mark VII potato harvester; Haines potato washer; 40' Haines conveyor, 20’ Haines con veyor: other grading equip ment 609/259-2630, 609/259-7494 JD 1260, 6R, no-til, corn planter, 30’R, 71 flexip lanter, monitor, good con dition, field ready, $l,lOO 410-374-6088. JD 12’ cultimulcher; NH 717 W grass pickup attach ment. 717-665-4743. JD 14' disc, $1400; IH vibra shank, 19', $1400; Rhino rockflex disc, 18', new blades, $6900. 717-273-6105. JD 20 blade KBA disc, $500; JD 9' harrow. $225; Ford 3pt. post hole digger, $275; Nl 4-wheel hay rake, low rubber, $250; Int. #llOO mower pull-type, belt driven, $875 Berks Co 610/562-4464 JD 210 Disk, 14', Excellent Condition, Carroll County, MO (410)756-6708. JD 2120, same as 2030, diesel, w/hi-low & ind. PTO, w/rebuilt motor. 717/445-5598 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAT 380 per word per week - 1 or 2 times 320 per word per week - 3 or more times 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 4.18 8.36 4.56 9.12 4.94 9.88 5.32 10.64 5.70 11.40 6.08 12.16 6.46 12.92 6.84 13.68 7.72 14.44 7.60 15.20 Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1R foldup spnng tooth lever harrow, transport, 18', $7OO. (301)808-7426. IH tractor 884, TA, 800 hrs., White planter, 543,4 R no-till; MF baler #124 w/ kicker, IH silage wagon #5l, (2) hay wagons; IH #lO semi-mounted drill, 7-13; IH #56 blower; IH #315 tnp plow 3 bottom. 301-733-7018. In-line bale wrappers, for „ ... . ~ any size silage bales. Self 735 6/bottom, V/width, powered, high speed, low P' ow ASR power hitch, ex mamtenance. For more in- cellent, $4,000 formation Glenn Beidler, (410)376-4375 (717)539-8993 DISMANTLING FOR Int 10' grain drill; Int. 7', 3pt hitch, sickle mower; (3) irri gation pump; 3pt hitch ce ment mixer, MM 4R corn planter w/fert. att; MM com shellers, 4R cultivator: Mayrath conveyor. 609-728-7299 Int 510 sxlB’ trip bottom plow w/hillside hitch, shed kept, excellent condition, $lOOO (2) 20.8x38 tires and tubes, good f/duals, $2OO for all (215)766-0479 evenings Int 56 4R corn planter, dry fertilizer, only planted 300 A, $lOOO 410-346-7514 International 18 Double Disc Grain Drill; Nl 324 Corn Picker w/12R Husk ing Bed, White 13' 252 Fin ishing Disc, 3Pt. Air Blast Sprayer (610)944-8380. International 600 Blower, Good Condition, JD 3R Corn Head, Good Condi tion (610)932-7916 International Hydro 100, Good Condition $7500 (717)949-2202 ■* *■# of-sp * ; f# 1 ■< { • IH 56 4-row com planter, IH 12' disk, NH com hay elevator, Daffin feed grin der with diesel engine, Oliver 4-bottom plow. Sus quahanna Co (717)434-2103 IH 656 tractor, motor over hauled, new tires, WF, good paint; Farmall H, valve job. Both good 717-264-5137 PARTS Just arrived for parts IHC 239 Turboed Engine, Good Running Take-Out Fits TD-8E or 125 E or C's and other ap plications Call For Price BALANDA EQUIPMENT PO Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070 1-800-322-8030 IHC 2-way plow, excellent condition, NH mower, parts and service Nickle Mine Welding, 2133 Mine RD, Paradise, PA 717-786-7363. IH Cyclo 4R corn planter, dry ten , insecticide, $BOO, 4R Oliver tool bar planter, $300; 2R Farquar potato digger, $3OO 717/993-2814 IH cyclone 800 corn planter, 6R, 30', no-til, ex cellent condition Best of ter (301)694-8624 IH cylo 400, no-til planter, $4OO 080. McCormick MF drill, $lOO 080 (717)334-7276. IH field cultivator w/wingt, good condition, $llOO 717-354-4430. 3 Times 10.56 11.52 12.48 13.44 14.40 15.36 16.32 17.28 18.24 19.20 20 ;
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