TRUCK* A TRAILERS Page Pusher lift axle with Neway control, 20,000 Iba. rating, good condition, $lOOO 717/463-3216. Vacuum truck 77 Ford F-600, 1,000 gallons, 60 gallons fresh water, 10,000 miles on rebuilt 330 en gine, $4,000 (717)382-4861. ARMY TRUCK PARTS H CHAMBERSBUftG, PA SERVING THE NORTHEAST OVER 40 YEARS THE NATION’S LARGEST ARMY J | TRUCK and PARTS DEALER |, , flMjjl »2. Request Our Free Army Truck Parts Catalog MEMPHIS ‘ EQUIPMENT CMC - REO - 5 TON DODGE Va TON 821 Lincoln Way West KAISER - JEEP VA TON P-O. Box M ALL 6x6 & 4x4 Chamberaburg, PA 17201 engines 717/263-4194 FAX 717/263-4555 TRANSMISSIONS art wpi i cd ocm m^d TRANSFER CASES ART WELLER ’ GEN - MGR - DRIVE TRAIN MARK SIPES, PARTS MGR. HT CAB KITS HESS Exclusive Centurion Dealer For The Harrisburg Area Fords Answer To Suburban F-150 F-350 In Stock Full Power, Air, Tilt, Cruise, 4x4’s, Stereo, Cassette, For More Information Stop In Or Ca 11... J.C. HESS FORD, 1250 Cocoa Ave., Rt. 743, Hershey, PA • 5 Miles Noreth of the Elizabethtown Exit off Rt. 283 • 2 Blocks South of 322 On Rt. 743 in Hershey 717-533-9115 Fruehauf 44' flat trailer, $1,250. Needs work- Frue hauf 45’ flat $3,250 Frue hauf 48’ flat $4,250. All have 20" tubless tires, fixed tandem, no slider. Felton, DE, call anytime, (302)284-8774. GMC Satan 366 V 6 gas, PS, 6500 senes, 10x20 good tires, 15' body, 5x2 speed 610/469-9633. Late 80's Mack Midliner w/JD SlO 24' rollback. 75,000 miles,- $23,000 410-833-9091 CENTURION VEHICLES INC 1989 International 1954, DT466, 210 HP, 5+2, Power Steering, Air. Brakes, Double Framed, 32,800 GVW With or w/o 18’ Scott silage & grain body 1986 Ford LMBOOO, 3208 Cat, 5+2, air brakes, power steering, 33,000 GVW, will take 26’ body Sunny Acres Sales RD 2, Tyrone, PA 16686 814/742-7303 FORD 11 59A farmette, 2V4 story house, bank barn, 4 car garage, excellent condi tion. 1 mile west of Leek Hill. PA 717-425-2318. INC. W«l REAL ESTATE 100 acres Somerset Co., good buildings and land, 1840 remodeled log house, 1150,000. excellent water, (814)445-4792. 140 acres containing (2) 20x50 silos, bunk feeder plus steel building, pole barn, never (ailing spring, stream in pasture (717)248-7666 14A m/l FARMETTE $155,000 NORTHUM BERLAND CO Klines grove area. Fenced pas ture, tillable ground w/ remodeled 4BR farmhouse, IV4 baths, open beams in kitchen, oak cabinets, living and dining rooms, oak floors, den w/ stone FP, new OIL H/W fur nace, 20'x40' pool, metal pole barn, SS'xIOS', nice setting on low traffic vol ume TWP road. More info call JOHN C GENTH 717-266-9380 154 acre farm, asking $189,900 We have buyers interested in farms, do you want to sell? Other farms and mountain ground avail able in MD and PA. Smith and Associates Real Es tate, Jackie Nichols, (717)762-8449, (717)597-8161 18 693 Acres Jordan Township, Northumber land County Road Fron tage, Ideal for Hunting or Build a House Call (717)445-5556 After SPM $30,000. 300 Acre Lowvllle, NY State Dairy Farm. Modern 61 Cow Bam, Pipeline, 800 Gallon Bulk Tank, Modern House. Call Owner (315) 376-8195 67 Acre Farm In Northwest Snyder Co. Two story house, barn, milkhouse, implement shed, corn barn. Many possibilities $145,000 negotiable (717) 658-3125 Lifwsttr Farming, Sturtty. April 23,1M4-C43 1990 2BR mobile home in excellent condition, C/A, appliances. $17,950. (717)867-2881. 225 acres, 75 cow free stall for lehse/sale. 12 unit par lor w/automatic take-off. All new 1989. Mobile home $l2OO/per month for lease Farm home available. Mid way between Bath and Corning, NY 607-527-8302. 151 A farm located, North Cnstian County, Kentucky. Deer country. 49A tillable, pasture, balance in timber Call STANLEY FRITZ REAL ESTATE & AUC TION, 1506 S. Virginia St, Hopkinsville, KY 42240. 502-885-3117.. Nights and Sundays Stanley Fritz 502-886-4216 375 A farm, 200 A tillable, 10 room house, 62 stall barn, 32-96 bunker, heifer barn, tool shed, new fences, 3 ponds, Steuben Co N Y $195,000 (814)326-4188 50 COW DAIRY FARM, 110 A, $69,900, $25,000 down Also, 100 A farm w/ outbuildings, $22,000, $5,000 down 315-347-3751 52 Acre General Farm, Berks Co., Center Twp., 40 acres tillable, bank barn, implement shed, other buildings 4-Bedroom Rouse- Irish creek. Addi tional land available $350,000 610/468-1306. 57 295 Acres, 4 outbuild ings, barn, 3BR. house, new septic, 40 acres till able 1 mi West of Loy sville, Rt 274 717-789-9407 57A, 1 stable, 2 springs, fenced for cattle 7 miles Northeast of Hopkinsville, KY Call STANLEY FRITZ REAL ESTATE & AUC TION. 1506 S Virginia St., Hopkinsville, KY 42240. 502-885-3117.. Nights and Sundays Stanley 502-886-4216 65 Acres of tillable farm land in Loysburg Area of Bedford County (814)766-3310. 68+/- Acres Prime Farm Land, Ontario County, NY. Doris L. Davie, 21 Glass Factory Bay, Geneva, NY 14456. (315)789-0824. 84A Farm, 42 tie stalls, heifer facilities, pipeline, 2 silos, 32x60 pole building, other outbuildings, 7-room house Eastern Lycoming Co . $225,000 717/584-3191 Abundant deer and turkey thrive on this secluded 172% level acres w/huntlng camp In cherry and maple forest In Chenango County NY excellent Investment. Make offer. (717) 535-5186 Columbia County, I*A 230 ACRE DAIRY OR BEEF FARM - 200 TILLABLE (LEVEL. TO ROLLING). DOUBLE-4 MILKING PARLOR W/LOOSE HOUSING, 2 NICELY REMODELED, 4 BR FARMHOUSES. LARGE BARN FOR BEEF OR-DAIRY, 2 LARGE SILOS, 2 GRAIN BINS, LARGE MACHINE SHED. NEAR DANVILLE AND BLOOMBBURG. PAULZEISLOFT 717/437-2305. call evenings. BEDFORD CO. DAIRY FARM I Price Reduced to $215,000 Milking equipment included, pipeline, milk I tank, gutter cleaner, silo w/unloader, machine I sheds, wire corn bins, 135 acres, 75 tillable. | Meadow with stream, 4BR house, I'A baths Cattle fit machinery available. Along paved country road. Call 814-224-2161 ask for : Martin Baum StOVOr/Slick, ll«C. 814-623-7009 Real Estate 95 acre farm. Honeyoe loam soil, 5 acres of woods, completely reno vated house. Quiet country road, Southeastern On tario Co., 9 miles north of Yates County. Owner fi nancing (716)526-6366. 97 Acre Farm, very nice well-kept house A bam, level prime ground w/ stream running through, good pasture. 717/649-6451. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA- Modern Dairy Farm -96 acres, 59-stall barn with 2" stainless steel pipeline Attached 120x40 heifer barn accommodates 60 head Alfalavel automatic feeder. 4 silos, liquid man ure system (new 1993), 100 x 40 machine shed, outbuildings Nice 4-bed room house For details call 717/297-2919 CENTURY 21/Colony A Co Lewistown, PA (717)242-2523 Close to Raystown, log home for year round living or weekend get-a-way $76,000, Cabin plus 3 acres, beautiful setting $41,900 DAIRY FARM FOR RENT in Harford Co., MD. Set up and ready to go springtime 34 large ties, feed avail able 410/692-9531 machine Dairy farm for rent, 102 free stalls, double-6 parlor w/take off, 2000 gallon bulk tank, lagoon Monroe County, PA (215)681-4134 Deer Hunting land South ern Steuben Co., N.Y. 114 acres, 25 cleared, balance woods and brush land. By owner, Ph 814-326-4188 115 Acres in Ovid. NY area. Well drained, 1 bam, lots of water. 607/869-3591 6pm or 12noon. Steuben Co., NY Amish Area 60 +/■ Acres Wooded Vi mile frontage. Good timber. Good hunting. Highway access Addison, NY $28,800 908-496-4623 Located In Union Twp. Lebanon County 88 +/- Acres Approx 6 miles to Penn National Race Course, Deed Restricted Agriculture, 4 Bams, 2 Implement Sheds, Silo w/Concrete Trench, 3 Rental Properties w/Possible 4th. 2-Car Garage, 2'/i Story 4 BR Frame Home Call for More Info. At (717) 865-3606 After 3 PM
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