Consuming Thoughts Fay Strickler Penn State Extension Home Economist For Berks Co. Spring cleaning means getting things you do need. If your lifes organized having a yard sale tyle is at all hectic, the way you with what you no longer need and organize your home can have a finding convenient spots for the direct impact on your productivity QUALITY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM Whether they're designed for small home gardens or large commercial farms, Kubota diesel tractors vary in size but not in quality. Each Kubota tractor is designed to run a long time with minimal maintenance From the smallest 10 HP models to turbocharged specialty tractors which deliver 91 HP at PTO, Kubota tractors are dependable. Sturdy. Fuel efficient. Comfortable. Kubota's quality is world renowned, from the bottom to the top of our tractor line. Kubota Tractor Corporation markets a full line of tractors from 10 to 91 PTO horsepower through a nationwide network of over 1,000 dealers. Kubota, ss PENNSYLVANIA Cochmville Avond«l« STOLT7FUS THOMAS POWER FARM EQUIP., INC. 215-268-2181 215-563-2407 KELLER BROS. eiwmihura mflStkmhm TRACTOR CO. TRACTOR cni ID iwr 717-949-2000 PADTQ PO EQUIP. INC. 717-569-2500 KAMI a lAJ. 717-367-1319 717-784-0250 Chamb«f«bum STOUFFER BROS., INC. 717-283-8424 See Your Local Kubota Dealer Homtdalt MARSHALL MACHINERY, INC. 717-729-7117 Labanon 4 Lancatter Miltlinburn MIFFLINBURG FARM SUPPLY, INC. 717-968-3114 Jwwv Shore THOMAS L DUNLAP 717-398-1391 Stroudsburg New Beriinville SEBRING'S ERB & HENRY POWER HOUSE EQUIPMENT, INC. 717-421-6980 215-367-2169 W«st Chester WENNER FORD TRACTOR, INC. 215-399-9615 York YORK TRACTOR, INC. 717-764-1094 and your family’s happiness. One of the best places to start the organization process is in the kitchen. Making the space you have work better, especially in the kitchen, is an important need in today’s home planning. You can begin by removing utensils or dis hes from your kitchen drawers and cabinets. Then, sort them into sev eral different categories, accord ing to where they’re used. Dishes, silverware, and clean ing tools belong near the sink. Pots and pans, cooking spices and other cooking utensils should be placed within easy reach of the range. Raw foodstuffs, baking spices and food preparation equip ment, such as mixing bowls and measuring cups, belong near the food preparation area. NICARRY EQUIPMENT, INC. 215-926-2441 MARYLAND Hagerstown ARNETT’S GARAGE 301-733-0515 If you often find yourself searching frantically for the right measuring spoon, a bottle opener or your complete set of com-on the-cob holders, here’s a simple solution: keep kitchenware sets together by storing them in sepa rate plastic bags or small contain ers. As you are cleaning the kitch en area, look for dishes, utensils or cutting boards which do not meet food safety standards and dispose of them accordingly. Things to look for include dishes or glass ware that are chipped or cracked. Discard knives and other utensils such as cutting boards that arc split and have cracks, crevices in which food particles may become lodged. §iS%ow MATTRESSES The Answer To Cow Contfort! • Fits Any Stall • Polyestar Bag Filled With Rubber • Bag Sewn Every 4” To Prevent Shifting • Heavy Nylon Fabric Top Cover With 3 Year Warranty • Easier for cows to get up & down • Reduces Bedding costs • Installation available 215-593-6959 CALL FOR DETAILS SAMUEL S. PETERSHEIM 117 Christiana Pika, Chriatlana, PA 17509 Answering Service 215-593-2242 NEW JERSEY Remington & Clinton PONIATOWSKI BROS. EQUIP. CO. INC. 908-735-2149 Hawasoort MATERIAL HANDUNG SYSTEMS 609-267-6100 DELAWARE Newark NEWARK KUBOTA, INC. 1-800-955-3031 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994-89 For a more organized look in your pantry, repackage items such as coffee, flour, sugar, beans, pas ta and other dry goods in similar containers such as clear glass can ning jars or stackable containers or plastic bags in a storage bin. A desk in the kitchen can also be a source of clutter if cook books, magazines and recipes are not organized. Many of us are cookbook fanatics and we collect more cookbooks than we’ll ever use in a lifetime. If storage space is limited in desk area, only store the cookbooks that are used most often in that area and set up another area in the home for stor ing your entire collection. Once you’ve successfully reor ganized your kitchen and other rooms in your home, you’ll prob ably find you’ve got more free time on your hands. So, why not sign up for the Penn State Weight Management classes... or get involved with Cooperative Exten sion Family Living Advisory Committee... or become a 4-H leader. Moms-At- Home To Meet LEESPORT (Berks Co.)—The Moms-at-Home meeting on April 28, will focus on “Understanding the Nutrition Facts,” as taught by Fay Strickler. extension home eco nomist. It will be held at the Berks County Agricultural Center, audi torium from 7-9 p.m. For more information, call (215) 378-1327. B&B SPRAT PAINTING SANDBLASTING SPRAT - ROLL - BRUSH Specializing In Buildings, Feed Mills - Roofs - Tanks - Etc., Aerial Ladder Equip. Stone - Barn - Restoration 574 Gibbon’s Rd., Bird-In-Hand, Pa. Aaiv«rin| Berries (717) 354-5561
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