Onbei a farm -And a bazar Joyce B Mysterious little things poke out of the ground in April. A lot of them turn out to be weeds. But others prove to be con siderably more pleasant or pro ductive surprises. “I have green things coming up around the house,” confides a dear Mend, having just acquired her first home. “But I have no idea what they are.” As the blanket of snow eased away into meltdown, cheery green almost instantly pushed up in its place. Real growth became appa- DIESBL FUEL USERS... Help Prevent Low Sulfur Fuel Problems Use Fuel Treatments With Every Fill Up. r“~| FUEL POWER On • #1 Year 'Round Addltlva QuH • Totally Dlaparaaa Watar • Lubrleataa Enllra Injaotlon Syalam • Claana A Dacarbonlzaa Injaotlon Syatam • Pravanta Algaa Growth JHK • Provides Graatar Powar, Mora MPG. LUBRICITY PLUS • Incraaaaa Lubricity of Todaya Low Sulfur Fuala. • Pravanta Fuat Injaotlon Syatam Waar Dua To Low Lubricity In Dloaal Fuel • Pravanta Stalling. •• For Pramlum Dlaaal Fual • Wo Racommond a rmHHHH Combination of Fual Power and Lubricity Plua i ■*- '\<3 For further Information, write/call: MILLER DIESEL INC. DIESEL FUEL INJECTION & TURBO CHARGER SPECIALIST TUNE UPS AVAIL. BT APPT. 6030 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-545-5931 Interstate 81 Exit 26 1-800-296-5931 Burns Coal, Wood, Oil or Natural Gas FUEL USED IN STANDARD UNIT: WOOD & COAL & WOOD BY PRODUCTS (SAWDUST, PAPER, ETC.) FUEL USED IN MULTI-FUEL MODEL: SAME AS ABOVE INCLUDING OIL, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS Efficiency Rating 83% to 85% - Cut Emissions by 90% 3-Year Warranty Except Electrical Components (1 Year) 35 Years Heating Experience PROUDLY BUILT IN INDIANA COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA lOO,OOO - 500,000 BTU Fire Boxes ★ The only outdoor furnace made with a Catalytic Combuster. ★ Mahoning Catalytic Combuster Will Help In The Following Ways; 1. Burn one cord of wood which equals 166 gallons of oil. 2. Your fuel source becomes enor mous inexhaustible and poses few risks to public safety. 3. Overall efficiency of 85% which means the heat no longer goes up the chimneyl SCHOENLY'S NURSERY 5510'Boyertown Pike, Birdsboro, PA 19508 (610) 689-5230 rent the morning The Fanner pointed oiit the window at part of the heifer herd on the meadow hillside. Black and white muzzles were all tight against the pasture grass. Spring grazing had begun with the “girts” were busy nosing for the choicest, most tender new shoots. Probably garlic, if they can find it. Heifers favor a little flavor ing in their food when they can find it, just like we do. First signs df growth around the yard usually show in the bare soil MAHONING OUTDOOR FURNACES "Tke A/afar a/k/af To Meat tfmtr ffomt" 4. You get more heat from a log com pared to the non-cat furnace. 5. More burn time - less reloading timel 6. Zap 90% of pollutants, made from fire source. 7. Saves you a lot of money! 8. User friendly, emits no smoke! of a sheltered, sun-warmed comer near die basement porch. Slender, dark-green crocus foliage emerges early, often shoving the first blos som up through soggy patches of snow. Enjoying the unexpected show of color there, I only vaguely recall sticking in crocus bulbs that had been unearthed from one of the borders while weeding. Their tiny blooms open wide to early April sunshine, snuggled close to the ground as if for warmth, but petals sprawled like bodies on a beach, “catching rays.” One lar ger, more stately purple bloom seems out of place. Flanking the crocus ate clusters of lime-colored primrose leaves and lavendar-green columbine foliage. And nearby,' radish seeds sprout atop the dark, moist soil, my concession to an earlier, 70-degree afternoon when it became simply impossible not to plant something anything! in the ground. Found poking up through the residue of dried grass that had overgrown part the asparagus patch was a row of hollyhock see dlings. Memory jogged, I did recall planting the pack of seeds I there and tending the resulting infant perennials. These rugged, old-fashioned flowers, patron symbol of the Society of Farm If you’re particular ab m Woods mow’n machine is the particular mower for you... • True 360° zero turning • Finger-tip control of speed, direction and braking • Maneuverability that lets you trim as you mow • Convenient 'out-front' mowing • Choice of 44", 48", 52", 61" or 72" cutting widths • Easy-on, easy-off attachments - snowblower, brush and dozer blade ..,come in for a demonstration R.S. HOLLINGER & ECKROTH BROS. THOMAS POWER SON, INC. FARM EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT Mountville, PA Naw Ringgold, PA Avondala, PA 717-285-4538 717-943-2131 215-268-2181 N.H. FUCKER & SONS, INC. Maxatawny, PA 218-883-7282 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994>85 Women, hold a special place in my heart. Single-bloom hollyhocks that grew at my childhood home woe often denuded of their blossoms for the sake of dollmaldng. A wide-open bloom forms the doll’s wide skirt, while a tight bud. showing some color, is used for the head. And on the day of our daught er’s early July wedding five years ago, several maroon double holly hock plants, shared by a friend as seedlings, had reached their peak of bloom. They added consider able color for the lawn reception we hosted and promptly earned Canned Soup Substitution Use this instead of cream soups in casserole recipes. It has about one-third the calories. 2 cups nonfat dry milk powder V* cup cornstarch V* cup instant reduced sodium chicken or beef bouillon 'A teaspoon dried crushed thyme 'A teaspoon dried crushed basil V* teaspoon pepper NESLEY EQUIPMENT CO. Pottatown, PA 215-469-6391 themselves a place in the floral scheme of things around here. We recognize the sprouts of daffodils and daylilies, tulips, iris, peonies and various other peren nials reappearing in the beds and borders, and wait with eagerness to see what mysterious newcom ers turn up beside them. And in the springs that have again opened up and trickle among die swampy mess that pas ses for a back yard, I fully expect to some morning find yet another volunteer green sprout poking through. Skunk cabbage. Combine all ingredients using blender or food processor. Store in an airtight container. To prepare as substitute for one can of condensed cream soup in recipes, stir together 'A cup dry mix and I'A cups water in a saucepan. Cook and stir until thickened. PIPERSVILLE GARDEN CENTER PI pars villa, PA 218-766-0414 BANGOR IMPLEMENT Bangor, PA 215-888-8924
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