E2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 30 - Arnold/ Risser dub pig sale, Leba non Area Fairgrounds, Lab., Pa Harry H. Bach man, auct. SAT. APR. 30-9 AM Spring Mower & Equipment Sale, held at Bonnie Brae Auc tion Center, Rt 724, Spring City, Pa. Tools, mowers, tractors, autos, boats & equip. Richard J. Moyer, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - SAM, Real Estate- 12 Nooh. Butcher ing Equipment, Tractors & Trucks, Farm Equipment, Small Equipment & Misc. & Real Estate, 96.3 Acre Farm. Located From Har risburg, Pa., Rt. 22 East (Allentown Blvd.) To The Traffic Light At Rt. 743 (East Hanover Twp,). Go South On Rt. 743 Approx. 3 Miles To The Auction. Signs Posted. The Estate Of Henry (Junior) Turns. Richard & Rick McNeal, Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM, (± 23 Ac. Farmette w/2 Dwell ings), Farm Mach., Equip. & Tools, Butchering Tools, Antiques A Collectibles. Located 1147 Scalpy Hol low Rd., Drumore Twp., Lane. Co., Pa (Dir.: Rte. 272 South Of Lancaster Approx. 13 Miles, V< Mi. West On Oregon Hollow Rd., Veer Left To Auction). Sale By, Mrs. Elias (Rebec ca W.) Miller. Roy A Eric Probst, Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM 37 Acre Farm. Car A Truck, Yard A Farm Machinery, Horse Drawn Equip, Mechanical, Power, Gar den, Hand Machinery A Tools, antique furniture A collectibles, glassware, dis hes A china, household goods. Approx. 4 miles N. of Clarks Ferry Bridge along Rt. 147, Reed Twp., Dauphin Co. 12 miles from SPRING MOWER & EQUIPMENT SALE Held at BONNIE BRAE AUCTION CENTER Rt. 724, Spring City, PA SAT., APRIL 30th 9 AM Tools - Mown - Tractors - Autos - Boats * Equipment Consignment! being accepted. Call for dalalla. Richard J. Moyar Auctioneer AU00642L 610-948-8050 9TH ANNUAL SCHUYLKILL COUNTY FAIR - ABSOLUTE - PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT. , APRIL 23, 1994 - 8:30 a.m. VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, ANTIQUES, NURSERY STOCK HOUSEHOLD GOODS, NEW BUILDING SUPPLIES, FARM TOYS & ETC. At The Schuylkill County Fairgrounds Located On Route 895,1.5 miles East of Route 183 & 9 miles West of Auburn off Route 61. Nursery stock sells at 10:00 A.M., Toy Auction at 12:00 Noon, everything else sells intermittently. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items - local auctioneers - flea market tables available - $lO.OO To consign items or for more information please call Curt at 739-4554 or Jim at 345-8528. Consignments will be accepted Thursday, April 21 and Friday, April 22 from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Loader tractor will be available. Please Note: The sale committee reserves the right not to consign any merchandise not deemed saleable. This is an absolute auction. Everything sells to the highest bidder. No Reserves 1 COME OUT, ENJOY A DAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS & HELP SUPPORT THE FAIRI Good Food By The Fair Association “Full Ad To Follow’ Harrisburg. Estate of: Hany & Arlene Peck. David Dei bler, auct SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM Real estate, household, anti ques, Bolens riding mower. In Paradise turn off Rt 30 first road West of railroad bridge turn S. on Bethany Ave., Paradise Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. By Martha H. Landis. Robert E & Jeffrey R Martin, aucts. Public Sale Of Tractors, Threshing Machine & Machinery Friday, April 15, 1994 Turn south off U.S. 30 at blinker light at Fort Loudon, Franklin Co. Pa. onto Route 75, go 1 mile to Rices Fish Ponds, turn right in lane to farm. Watch for sale signs. Sale At 11:00 A.M. MM Ugas tractor narrow front, running order, on good rubber, cultivators for same: JD H tractor on good rubber: JD 45 self-propelled combine w/12 ft. grain head & cab in good condition; Red River 22 in. steel threshing machine on rubber, work ing order; IHIISO PTO grinder mixer; Burr grinder: Papec 10 in. PTO hammermill on rubber; JD 2700 four bottom automatic reset plow; Glencoe 7 tooth chisel plow & disc soil saver; two 12 ft. Rhino transport discs: JD KBA 9 ft. disc; 12 ft. cultipacker; IH two row corn planter w/fertilizer attach ments: JD 17-7 grain drill on rubber; all purpose alfalfa seeder on rubber; 12 ft. lime sower on rubber; Ml 205 PTO manure spreader; NH mower conditioner; Kosh 7 ft. side mounted mower for 240 IH tractor; NH 276 baler W/PTO thrower: 3 gravity wagons w/350 Killbros gravity bins; 2 rub ber tire wagons w/16 ft. flats & bale racks; bale elevator: drag elevator; corn elevator; small grain auger; McCormick Deering 8 ft. grain binder; Case ensilage cutter on steel; 4xlB ft. feed trough trailer; front end tractor wood saw & blade; rip saw; combi nation rip saw & joiner; 2 hole corn shelter; Surge RV milker compressor: platform scales; 2 grain airovac; 8 hole steel hog feeder; 2 ensilage carts; 15x38 tractor chains: hydraulic cylinder; barshare plow; horse bridles; collars; wood hames; 2 hand force water pumps; American wire fence stretchers; Clipper seed cleaner; bark spuds; large clamp; 6 iron butcher kettles; kettle furnace; 3 foots; large meat block; scalding trough; tripods; stirrers. John S. Mellott Phone 717-369-3580 Edgar J. Stull & Lynn A. Dietrich, Auctioneers AU-000921-L AU-001464-L SAT. APR. 30 - Furniture, antiques, tools. For Clar ence and Elizabeth Huber. At 1046 Letort Road, Con estoga. John D. Stauffer, Auct. SAT. APR. 30 - 9AM, Real Estate, Oak Roll Top Desk, Tools. Real Estate- 12 Noon. Located Take Rt. 419 South Through New manstown, At The South End Of Town. Turn Left At The Arrowhead Spring Trout Sign. Go 3/10 Of A Mile ToY In Rd. Keep Right & Proceed 2 Miles To Sale On Right. From Rt. 897 Take The Stricklertown Road For About 3 Miles To Auction. Auction For The Amanda Weaver Estate. Dwight Miller, auct PIRRUNG’S SPRING CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FARM MACHINERY - LIGHT CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED ITEMS SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1994 9:00 AM. COHOCTON, (STEUBEN CO.) NEW YORK Once stain we will be idling a large selection of machinery and related Item* from farm era, estate* and lending Institutions and expoelng It to a largs crowd of dedicated followers insuring consignors of the most for their equipment consignments. For yean this established auction marketplace has served a marketing need for both buyer and seller. This year will be no exception! Good, clean, field ready machinery is in demand! DAVE BOSSARD SENDS ALL HIS CROP EQUIP MENT Including; Oliver 1650 diesel tractor, Degelman reel type stone picker with dump box; N.H. 782 chopper with elect controls; N.H. 822 adjustable 2-row com head; N.H. 770 W hay pickup head; N.H. 36 flail chopper; H.&S. anger front, 3 beater s.u. wagon with roof on tandem gear, Hesston 1060 disebine; N.H. 55 rake; Vicon 3 pc 2 wheel rake; 2 wooden rack hay kicker wagons; Little Giant 24 ft transport elevator; J.D. lift, heavy plowing disk; While 4-16 semi-mt. plow; I.H. 20 ft. transport drag; Oliver 2 row 3 pL cultivator. A MASONARY CONTRACTOR it tending in all of hit tools I IRRIGATION PIPE; 90 pcs. of Tico 5 in. in 30 ft. lengths; 70 pcs. of Tico 3 in. in 30 ft. lengths; Two wheel irrigation pipe trailer. A Line Of Two Row Potato Farm Machinery has been promised to utl Plus the usual big run of goods. MARK your calendar for this important agricultural event! Condgnmenta will be Accepted! Wed. Afternoon, April 13 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. Thun. April 14 9:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Fri. April IS 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS INC. WAYLAND, NEW YORK 716-728-2520 “HORST AUCTION CENTER” PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, COLLECTIBLES & TOOLS WED., APRIL 13, 1994 AT 2:00 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center located at the corner of Route 322 and Durlach Road (approximately 2Vi miles west of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster Co., PA. FURNITURE MAHOGANY 5 Pc. Bedroom Suite; 4 Pc. Bed room Suite; Dining Room Table & 6 Chairs, Break front, Buffet; Fine Lampstands; Card/Wall Table; Bookcase; Buffet Mirror; Birch Vanity; Modem Wal nut Bedroom Suite; Oak Kneehole Desk & Chair; Cedar Chest; Coffee Table; Formica Breakfast Set; Rocker; Sofa; Recliner; Upholstered Chairs; Box Springs & Mattresses; Trunk; Patio Set; Shelves; Stepstool; Lawn Chairs. APPLIANCES: Maytag Automatic Washer A Dryer; Microwave; Dehumidifier; Kirby Sweeper; Portable TV; Sewing Machine; Table A Floor Lamps; Sm. Kitchen Appliances; Kettles; Tupperware; Clock; Antique Picnic Set; Flatware; Sterling A Silver Plated Items; Candleholders; Brass Ladle; Butcher Forks; Skater's Lantern; Iron Doorstops; Beer Trays. CHINA & GLASSWARE Noritake Tea Set; Chocolate Set; Meissen Dish; Alfred Meakin China; Franciscan China; Bone China Plates, Cupa A Saucers; Haviland Limoges; Austrian Cake Plates: China Salts; DAVID WINTER COT TAGES (Collection of 13); Pennsbury Pottery; HUM MEL FIGURINES; Pressed A Pattern Glass; Carni val Glass Vases; Candlewyck Glassware; Stemware; Fostoria Cream A Sugar; Watts Bowl; Roseville Plan ters A Jardiniere; Mixing Bowls; Kerosene Lamps; Redware. LINENS: Quilts; Homespun; Blankets; Beds preads; Hats A Hat Boxes; Braided Rugs; Wallpaper Box; Costume Jewelry; Baskets; French Fashion Print; Cookbooks; Games; TOYS (Steam Shovel, Garbage Truck, Coca-Cola Truck, Hubley Taxi, Lumar Earth Mover, Stuffed Animals, Wyndotle Trac tor Trailer, Marx Car Carrier); Banjo; Violin; Mandolin. TOOLS: 5 Hp. Snowblower; Lawnmower; Lawn Sweeper; Hedge Trimmer; Edger; Line Trimmer; Vise; Stepladders; Extension Ladder; Hand A Gar den Tools; Fishing Equipment; Bamboo Fly Rods; Golf Clubs; Pellet Gun; Wooden Ammo Boxes; Wooden Brace; Brass Nozzles; Oilers; Old Spark Plugs; Steam Regulator and many other items to be soldi No Out Of State Chocks Unless Accompanied By A Currant Bank Latter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. Sate For: IRENE WALLACE, MR. & MRS. JAY MACK AND OTHERS Horst aucts. T. GLENN TIMOTHY 6. THOMAS A, AU43IL (717) 159-1331 • (717) 733-39 M ta# (717)733-3133 “YOKES OF uRMENK” BONNIE BRAE AUCTION CENTER RT #724, SPRING CITY, PENNA. (8 MUet West of Valley Forge, Pa.) SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH AT 9:00 AM. AUCTION OF NEW FURNISHINGS • DECORATOR ITEMS • FINE INLAID FUR. NITURE « INLAID MUSIC BOXES AND CHESS SETS • LARGE CAPO-DI-MONTE STATUARY • BRASS ft STATUE LAMPS • LARGE INLAID PICTURES SIGNED * LAMPS • CHANDELIER • CURIO CABINETS • LOT OF CARVINGS BY “ANRT’-SEVRE’S Being the Balance of the Con tents of an International Decorator. ALSO: Contents of Furnishings- Living Rooms- Recliners- Etc From an Upstate Penna Warehouse, being sold for Insurance Claim Plus; Fine Office Furnishings - Desks, Chairs, File Cabinets, Board Room Table & Chairs Etc. and many others. INSPECTION; Friday, April Bth from 8 AM. to 4 P.M. Call For More Detailed Listing. RICHARD J. MOYER Phone: Auctioneer Fax: 215-948-8050 AU-00642L 948-6959 ywiSAiWi'ii/wiiAlfW'ii k PUBLIC AUCTION \ if SAT., APRIL 16,1994 / 2 •» iOIOO A.M. \ 1 Mile North of PILLOW, watch for Auction ♦1 S/ga along Route 225 at Bings Road tf between PiUow and Mandata, IS Miles V South of Sunbury V < < iJ ALLIS CHALMERS 7020 TRACTOR, *S *4 CAB, AIR, POWER SHIFT, DOUBLE € Kj HYDRAULICS, FRONT & REAR v? X WEIGHTS; NEW HOLLAND 667 TANK- V £ TYPE MANURE SPREADER; Inn .435 f Jjj Baler w/No. 15 Thrower; White 5400 4-Row *1 3 Com Planter w/Liquid & Dry Fertilizer ft Attachments; Int. 1150 Portable Grinder/ Jf Mixer; Brady 10-frt. Chisel Plow; A.C. 13-Ft. Jj V 2300 Series Transport Disk; Brady 17-Ft. v 4r 1000 Field Cultivator; 10-Ft. Bush Hog % Rotary Mower; 6-Ft. 3-Pt. Rotary Mower; 5- V •%» Bottom 16” A.C. Semi-mounted Plow fji Jr w/Automatic Reset; 3-Pt. Ford 14” Mounted la Plow; 3-Pt. 7-Ft. Scraper Blade; Huskee 8- \ Ton Gravity Flow Wagon; (2) Huskee Hay Y Jf Wagons, one w/Metal Rack;; New Idea 41-Ft. J 4 6” Auger on Wheels; 18-Ft. 6” Auger; 4” £ Auger; Harvey Bale & Grain Elevator; A.C. *5 PTO Hay Rake; 11-Ft. Cultipacker; 4-Row * *4 Ford Cultivator; Int. 56 4-Row Planter for Parts; Sm. Trailer; 6-Ton Dump Hoist; w X Homelite R-5 Roto-Tiller; A.C. B-210 Riding J 4 Mower w/Blade; Red Lion Super 3 Pressure % * Washer; Poulan Chain Saw; Lincoln 180 *1 q AMP Welder; Sm. Air Compressor; Fencing f & Stakes; Feed Bags; Used Tires; Hardware f It Items, Bolts, etc.; 1-Ton Straw m/1 to be sold % % in bulk. 1977 J-20 JEEP 4-WHEEL DRIVE % Jf TRUCK, one owner, 61,000 miles; 1971 j 4 Ford 350 Dump Truck; 1967 Int. 1890 t Loadstar Dump Truck, good 10-Ft. Box m P HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. ? > iWTioim i I J . WW—.BW ■ IBhEJ j s' Dovetailed Blanket Chest original Strap £ Hinges; Sideboard, Dresser, Washstand, Bed, "J 5 Highback Chairs & Rocker in OAK; <£ Bentwood Chairs; Plank Seat Chair; Sm. £ JP Cradle; Metal Bed; School Desk; Beveled J* V Glass Wall Mirror; End Table w/Blue Glass; 'v jB Dining Room Table w/4-Chairs; Telephone jJ Bench; Coffee & End Tables; Table Lamp; Nj P Portable TV; Sm. Electric Appliances; Fls|t *fa jJ Top Desk; Wooden Dinette w/6-Chairs; % Butcher Fork; Hog Scrapers; Lantern; Avon % iVP, Bottles; Kerosene Lamp; Cut Iron Skillets; \ Jf Canning Jars; Stoneware Mixing Bowls; J Crocks; Dishes & Cooking Utensils including C Set English China w/Butter Chips, Covered S Butter Dish & Tureens; etc. 5 NOTE: Seller has retired. If you are looking % V. for farm equipment ready to work for you, ,Jf plan now to attend! Sale will begin with 4 t household items. BE PROMPT, NOT £ ,S MANY SMALL ITEMS. Lunch Available. J p Ownars 5 > BENJAMIN M. SHAFFER A Vfc. % ALMA M. SHAFFER S C MIKE, AUCTIONEER AUISW-L M t £ DEIBERT qeorqe, REALTOR A AUCTIONEER, M1289-L 1 P 717-425-3313
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