El4-Lanca»tw Farming, Saturday, April 9. 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 9 - 9:3OAM Tractor, HD equip, building supplies. Located at Sham rock Auction Center, Rt. 267 N. of Meshoppen, Pa. off of Rt. 6, Wyoming Co. Shamrock Auction Service. SAT. APR. 9 • 9:3OAM Farm machinery, tools, antiques, primitives, furni ture. Held at the farm of the late Robert Schooley. Approx. 1 mile from the Vil lage of Elimsport, .PA. Sell ers: Twyla Ryan & Karen Schooley. Kenneth D. Young, Scott A. Young, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9:3OAM, Public Auction Of Farm Equipment & Farm Related Items. Located Between Middleburg And New Ber lin, Pa. (Snyder County). Sale To Be Held Along Osik Lane Road, 1/4 Mile Off Middleburg - New Berlin Highway. Watch For Signs In Middleburg & New Berlin Day Of Sale. Owners, Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Royer. Ken Smith, Auct AU-867-L SAT. APR. 9 - 9:30 AM Public sale of real estate, sheep A farm machinery, 27.6 acre farm - 26 sheep & farm machinery. In Franklin County 5 miles W. of Chambersburg off Rt 30 W, turn right onto Coble Rd. thence 1/10 mile, turn left in lane at Cemetery. James R. Mellott, owner. Art Rife Auction Service. SAT. APR. 9 - 9:3OAM, Camp Espy Farm, Modem Farm Machinery Like New Equipment Trucks & Etc. Located Huntingdon Co., Approx. 17 Miles West Of State College, Pa. Just Off Route 45 In Spruce Creek, Pa. Watch For Auction Signs Along Rt. 45 In Spruce Creek. Aucts. Ron Qilligan A Son SAU339L A AA2223L. SAT. APR. 9 - 9:3OAM, Household Goods, Farm Eq„ Butchering Eq., Tools, Real Estate- 12 Noon. Located Rt 419 North Of Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. Owners, Ellwood & Dorothy Lutz. Sylvan Wit mer & Ben Habecker, Aucts. SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM, 6th Annual Farm Bureau Abso lute Consignment Auction. Located On The Broome County Fairgrounds On Rt. 11, Whitney Point, Exit #8 Off 1-81. Managed By, Broome County Farm Bureau. Mel & Matt Manas se, Aucts. SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM Real estate, antiques, collecti bles. tools, guns, swords, civil war stamps, coins, tools. Located at 161 Tuck ahoe Rd„ Dillsburg, Pa. From Rt. 15 in Dillsburg, turn E. on Mountain Rd. go to stop sign turn right on Camp Ground Rd. go to Pine SL turn left. Continue straight to Tuckahoe Rd. to house on left near Boy Scout retreat Camp. For Mickey A Janet Tallon. Ker ry Pae, aucts. SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM Farm auction, complete cattle & equip, dispersal. Ripley, NY. Approx. 7 miles N. ot Sherman, NY or 2 miles S. of Ripley, NY on Rte. 76 turn W. on Wattlesburg Rd (Lewis Welding Shop on comer) Ist farm on right Larry, Harold & Lillian Het rick. Ronald & Ronalc Read II aucts. SAT. APR. 0 -10 AM Mod em farm machinery, trac tors, tools and parts. Inter state 81 to Weyers Cave, Va. exit 235, turn E. on Rt 256 to the town of Grottoes. Turn S. on Rt. 825 (South River Rd.), go approx. 0.8 of a mile to the Leon Greene farm on the left. Leon H. Greene Jr., owner. Jon B. Cook, auct. SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM Farm Equip, tools, etc. Arthur Dale W.V. On Q. Road - Near Post office at the resi dence of the late David Fink, 16 miles E. of Mor gantown, WV. Sunny Auc tion and Co. PUBLIC AUCTION Annual Belleville Mennonite School Front Mountain Road, Belleville. Pa. Sat, April 16, At 9:00 A.M. 25 handmade quilts, wall hangings, etc., crafts, gift certificates, football and basketballs signed by Pa. State coaches, a lot of new items, some used items and firewood. Breakfast starting at 6:30 a.m. - auction at 9:00 a.m., quilts at 12 noon and chicken bar-b -quc Fri. evening April 15 from 4:00-7:30 p.m. Bring your friends and enjoy the day. Auctioneers, Mark and Brian Click Dale Gibboney AU #349-L Belleville Mennonite School Annual Public Consignment Sale Sat., April 16th, 1994 Time 9:00 A.M. Located 3 Mi. North Of Carlisle Along Rt. 74 • Waggoners Gap Rd., Carlisle, Pa. Will Be Selling: Farm Machinery, Farm Related Items, Lawn & Garden, Butcher Equip., Lumber And “100 Head Of Feeder Cattle 100". J.D. 40 Tractor w/Cultivators & Weights, Farmall H Tractor, Other Tractors. J.D. 4400 Combine 13’ Floating Hd. (Gas), & Others, 817 Farm Hand Grinder Mixer, 20’ Field Cultivator w/Wings, Grove Self Unloading Silage Wagon w/J.D. Gear, 3 Beater 16* Forage Wagon, J.D. 2500 sxlB Auto. Spring Reset Plow, A.C. 2x16 3 Pt. Plow, Balers, 16’ Feeder Wagon, New Gravity Bin, Rack Wagons, Elevators, Planters, Drills, Harrows, Discs, N.H. Pull Type Mower, New 5’ Rotary Mower, N.l. #l7 Manure Spreader & Others, 15000 Watt Generator 540 PTO, 27 N.H. Blower. J.D. #43 Corn Sheller, Brillion 6 Row Nar row Cultivator, Jacobsen 38" Snow Blower (New), Several Loads Of Small Items. Vehicles 1974 Kenworth C-0 238 Detroit Diesel w/Factory Turbo 265 HP 10 Speed Trans mission, 1967 Chevy Ton Truck 30 Series w/Cattle Rack, 1981 Yamaha 850 Special Motorcycle, Farmall 450 Pedal Tractor. Lawn & Garden Work Horse Tractor w/Blade, 16 H. Twin Cylinder Gilson Tractor w/38” Rear Discharge Mower, Husky Rototiller. Lumber Poultry Butcher Equip. “100 Hd Of Feeder Cattle 100” Consist ing Of Holstein, Angus, Hereford & Charo lais, All Cattle Wormed & Dehorned, Weighing From 200 To 700 Lb. No Con signed Cattle. This Is A Partial Listing: Household, Junk Glass & Old Tires Will Not Be Accepted. Consignments Will Be Taken Until 5:00 P.M. Apr. 15th. No Sunday Business. TERMS: Cash Or Pa Check - Settlement Day Of Sale. Owners: Wickard Bros. 1690 Waggoners Gap Rd. Carlisle, Pa. 17013 Ph. (717) 243-1018 Aucts: R. Mullendore Lie. 641 L K. Wickard Lie. 2541 L R. Foreman Lie. 1163 L P. Eppley SAT. APR. 9-10 AM Abso lute Machinery Auction, at J. Frank Schrecengost farm at village of Bryan, located 10 m E. of Kittan ning, 3 M N. of Rural Valley, 6m S. of Dayton, PA. From Rt. 422 go to 66N to light & take Rt 65 E to Rural Val ley, from Rt. 119 go Rt. 85 W to Rural Valley, From Rt. 80 take Exit 10 to Rt. 66 S. tort. 85 E. William H.Wolf gang, auct. SAT. APR. 9 -10 AM Larry Romance & Son, Ford Dealer inventory reduction auction. Located At The Arcade Store Rt 39, 25 Miles S.E. Of Buffalo. Roy Teitsworth, Inc., aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE ONPREMISES ' At 10:00 A.M. APRIL 12, 1994 1701 West Lehigh Ave., Phila. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT • ‘ 10’ Cincinnati 10 ga shear -12’ Cincinnati #3 Press Brake 75 ton, Chicago #BL 10 Press Brake 10’ 60 ton - 131 Chicago Brake 4’ 11 ton - Chicago No. 34 Box & Pan brake 4’ -14 Punch Presses 10 to 60 ton - 5 Spot Welders, 4 Mig Welders - 36” Pexto Rolls -6” Notcher - 2 Wiedeman Turret Punches RA4IP & R 5 - Coil Reels & Straightner • Sheet Lifters - 6 Drill Presses- Few Tapping Machine - Radial Drill- Arbor Press - 5 & 10 HP Air Compres sor - Bridgeport 114 HP VS Miller - 10x20 South Bend Lathe -16” W-T Band Saw - 6x12 Delta Grinder - Belt Block Sander - Big Joe lift truck - tables - dies - punches - etc. Quanti ty of electrical boxes Screw & Hinge Cover, weatherproof, rain tight JIC Nema 1-4-12 Call for complete description, list and terms of sale. Modem Farm Machinery Auction Saturday, April 23, 1994 10:30 A.M. Owner retiring from terming end will offer at public auction located In Perry County 1 mile west of New Bloomfield, PA. along Rt. 274. Modem Farm Machinery AC Gleaner M 2 Corn-Soybean Special Hydro Traction Driven Combine With A 630 6 N.R. Ear Shaver Attachment And 13% ’ Rigid Grain Head; M.F. Super 90 Del. W.F. 18.4-30 Tire And 3 Point; M.F. 65 Del. W.F. 3 Point With M.F. 99 Hydraul ic Loader; Tractor Monitor; J.D. 7000 Con servation 6 Row Corn Planter With Elec tronic Monitor, Liquid Fertilizer Attach ment, Insecticide Boxes; 6 Soybean Units To Fit J.D. 7000 Planter: N.H. 469 Hay bine; IH 440 PTO Thrower Baler With #l5 Thrower; IH 35 Hay Rake; NH 36’ Hay And Grain Elevator With 2 H.P. Motor; Pequea 8 Ton Chassis With BxlB Wooden Bale Rack With Flotation Tire And Adjustable Tongue; J.D. 106SA10 Ton Chassis With 10x20 Wooden Bale Rack. Rotation Tire, Adjustable Tongue; Oliver Chassis With BxlB Wooden Bale Rack; United 10 Ton Chassis With 300 Bu. J&M Gravity Box, Flotation Tire; J.D. 8300 18 Dbl. Disk Grain Drill With Seed Attach. Woods 6' 3 Pt. Rotary Mower, 200 Gal lon 3 Pt. Field Sprayer With Rotary Pump; Century 1000 Tandem Axle Field Sprayer With 40’ Booms, Foamer And Motorized Pump; Ajax 5000 Watt Generator With 10 H.P. Briggs & Stratton Engine; Pacer Liq uid Fertilizer Pump, 3 H.P. Gas Motor, 2“ Cuplings And Hose; Tank; AC Front End Suitcase Weights; 2-AC Dl7 One Piece Rear Wheel Weights; Twin Lid Pickup Tool Box; 2 Used Tractor Tires 20.8x38 20% Tread; 400 Gal. Fertilizer Nurse Tank For Pickup. Grain Storage Equipment GSI - Grain Storage System: 2 GSI 7 Ring x 42’ Grain Storage Units 24,000 Bu. One With Sweep Auger And Aerated Floor; 4000 Bu. Storage Bin With Shiwers Circu-Trol Auto. Gas Drying Unit; West field WBO-51 P.T.O. Auger Elevator; Grain Elevator Hopper; 12 n x2o' Grain Auger Trough With 10 HP. Elec. Motor. Term: Cash Or Good Check Owners, John & Rena Adams Bryan D. lines, Auctioneer Phone 717-527-2449 AU-001656-L Lunch Stand Will offer at Public Auction Sat., Aug. 13,1994 If not sold prior to sale. * A 21 acre Perry County Farmette * PUBLIC AUCTION MODERN FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS, TOOLS AND PARTS SAT., APRIL 9. 1994 10:00 A.M. Rain Data April 30 Thoa* Coming From Out Of Town, Ptoaaa Call Safer* Coming. (703) 240-4552 I am dlaeonllnulng my farming operation and will aall tha following at Qrottoaa, VA. Direction* - IntaraUta 81 to Weyara Cava, VA, exit 235, turn aaat on Ht 266 to tha town of Grottoaa. Turn south on Rt 625 (South River Rd.), go approximately 0.8 of a mile to the Leon Groan* farm on tha left. Watch for auction alone tha day of the aale. Tractors: Oliver 1750 dieMl (wido from). International 460 utility dieed, Fannall Cub with bally mower. IHC "B", me “A", Small Casa Dear Tomirao (Ou), Cm 660 Combine (10 ft. inin, 2 raw com, |d oond). Fox lelf-propelled com chopper (CAT diaad, 3m, 2 rw pickup hood) Equipment NH 1469 Haybino, Bi| wheal take, 2 eieklobar moweis, 1 row pull type com picker, bole apoara, Oliver 2 bottom plow, firm dovator, wagona, Indian, 1970 K tan Chevy pickup. Parte: Now and naad for firm A equipment, electric motora, gaa mown (Ford, Chevy, Wiaconain, ate.). Diced moloia A paita (Ciierpillir and International). Shop Equip: AC olocttie welder, acetylene torch, metal lath (6 in.), driUa, power aaw, jocka, hand lode. Mlec. Itemai Old oek bem timber md aheetmetil, icnp metal, other old fans equipment. 1957 Studabekor (notenbla), 1953 Chevy 4 dr. (pane). TcnM art cut or check! (wtth • bank letter of credit) Food Available LEON H. GREENE JR. of Rt. 1 GrottOM (703) 249-4552 Jon B. Cook, Auetlonoor (VA Iks. «1S38) (703) 249-5380 PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT; W 3 TRUCK; W ANTIQUES; ETC. Sat., April 16 At 10 a.m. Located between Allentown & Hamburg, exit 1-78 at New Smithville & Rt 8635, travel 1 block E on old Rt 22 to Ist lane on R. Lehigh Co, PA. TRACTORS* Faimall 544 tricycle firt. fh; Farmall 460 tricycle firt. w/fh; Faimall Super M w/remolc control; Farmall M w/wf; Farmall H; JD 620; JD M w/culti. & R A L pi; Oliver 88 burned out (as is). TILLAGE & PLANTING* MC 311- 3-14" fh trip pj; 3 pt 2-14” pi; JD 7’ transport offset disc; Brillion 10* inside whls transport culti mulcher, 3 pt 3 sec. harrow; 3 pt. 10* weeder; JD 494-A c planter w/herbicide; Ontario 14-8 hoe drill on rubber. HAYING- NH 478 haybine; MC 120-7" mower; Pequea PTO hay tedder, NH 56 Rola bar rake; Int 47 PTO baler, (3) 4 whl farm trailers, 1 is a dump; NH 28’ c & bale elev. w/ swivel chute: Smoker 22’ bale A c elev; JD 990 bale loader. MISC.- Int 2000 fit end loader, MC firt end loader for H or M; 16’ & 8* alum, grain elevs. w/motors; N 1206 three beater manure spread er; Feig. 3 pt 2 r culti; Oliver 1 r PTO potato digger, Vicon 3 pt fert spreader; (3) Fav-O- Rite 180 bu. gravity wagons; Little Giant drag elev; NI 323 one r c busker, NI 305 & 319 two r mtd c buskers; 200 gal. weed sprayer, Brady 2 r stalk shredder w/com stalk A hay chutes to wagon; JD 10” hammer mill; fh to 3 pt adap ter, cement mixer (3) 150 gal. fuel tanks; (3) 500 lb. platform stale; port, air comp; (3) ci 4’ & 6* cattle water troughs; ci hog troughs; 1 & 2 hole c shelters; 3* A 5’ slant feed chests; 3 pt utility box; 2 sets 38” tractor chain*; 30’ wdn. ext ladder, 9 bags bal er twine; rubber tire whlbarrow. ANTIQUES & BUTCHERING EQUIP.* Keystone horse tread pwr, horse culds A pi; 2 JF Seiberling A 1 Buckeye ci seats; ci school bell from Apple’s School (needs repair); hog scalding trough; hog carrier; 2 sausage snif fers: elec, meat sheer, 2 ci kettles; brass face pan scale; 1 sm. & 1 Ig. home made hand carts; exp. wagon; grain cradle; sm. 2 whl. c cracker. Schnitzel bank; poultry crates: 4 old milk cans; milk stool; tobacco press; tobacco baths; horse tongues, sngle A dW trees; claw ft bath tub; poultry crates; wagon whls; lot of traps; (3) rope beds; oak chest of drawers; treadle sew mach. TRUCK* 1986 Foid F-350, 4 spd. trans., 84,000 K, w/Ely 12’ alum, diamond plate body (nice). Sale Order* Sm. Farm Items 10:00 A.M., Antiques 10:30 A.M., Lg. Equip. Approx. 12 Noon. Terms- Cash Or Acceptable Check Selling For MRS. PAULINE (CLEON) KISTLER Refnthnuntt Available MUe mu MUM L W«HW j
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