New Idea Dell chopper, one large enow V blade, oate. Wanted: New Holland hop per blower. Sch. Co. 717-345-8815. Antique one hone cultiva tor, good oond. York Co. 717-755-1364. Reg. T.W.H. Mare 4 ym. rides, drives, ex. blood lines, IS hands, black, ready for trail or show. $2OOO. Col. Co. 717-784-8193. Asplundh 12 inch chipper 4 cylinder Ford good mech. cond. $3750. Leb. Co. 717-865-3025 after 5 p.m. Sheep shears two motor in hand one shaft driven with hand piece extra combs and cutters for both sheam. Indiana Co. 412-676-5123. Barn beams 10' to 40' loong milled or hand hewn. York Co. 717-235-4338 or 410-357-5700. New Holland spreader tan dem axle, single beater $575 080. Lane. Co. 717-445-6880. Universal tractor mower (sickle mower) for Farmall H or 6 or M $lOO. 717-872-6615. V y*. k -* \ * v s* JHBHHII ♦V ,•*< * ■■> /V s ‘ O . X .i*'' : ' Jt t v '** NORTH AMERICA'S /I V-TANK SPREADER delivers outstanding performance in all types of manure, from liquid to semi-solid to pen-packed or even frozen manure. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR CASH DISCOUNTS OR FINANCE OPTIONS UUBERGEirS MILLER EQUIPMENT OF FONTANA CO. rIR 04 IPonttm) RN 01 otoutMr Rd. Lobonon, PA Boehtolovtlla, PA ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIPMENT RR 02, Box 24A Now Ringgold, PA TOM DUNLAP Rt. 220 - Main 81. Jotaay Bhora, PA Feeder cattle, 400-600 lb. Leer fiberglass hi-cap for S' tk„ dark bwe, now 3 PA Nl Fert. spreader $125. 48* Satoh snow blower ex. $4500. Sch. Co. 717-366-0790 or 366-0635. Dry cherry lumber 5 quar ters thick, 4* to 10* widths, 4' to 8' lengths, app. 3,000 bd. ft Jesse Weaver, 14 Swatara Dr., Leb. Pa. 17046. Baler Gehl 1500 large round bales, always under roof, very good cond. used on small farm. $l5OO. Alleghany Co. Md. 301-478-2510. 1980 Dual wheal F3SO cab and chassis 429 auto, no rust $2500 or best offer. Somerset Co. evenings 814-267-5052. Wheel Horse 8 HP Kohler 36’ mower, good cond. 350.00 Bucks Co. 215-757-6667. 1975 Int Scout motor run ning gear or naede body work $l5O. Lane. Co. 717-684-5310 have title. Alfalfa Ist cutting 200 bales 2.15, wheat straw 100 bales 2.25. Flatbed wagons 7x14 285.00 each. York Co. 717-292-6441 eves. V -v > mm Patented square-tube auger - Hydraulically powers up and down to break up solid material. w Variflo discharge - Spreads smoothly and evenly for complete application control. w Five models - From 192 to 596 bushel heaped capacities to match your operation. m 10-Year warranty - Against rust-through on the tank for peace of mind. mm Options include - Truck-mounted units and hydraulic Kite. Available From Your Local Participating Dealer HINES EQUIPMENT PO Box 8, Rt. 22 Ciaaaon, PA RR 03, Box 850, Altoona (Ballwood) Farmall F3O parts tractor, rear steal wheels, front round spoke rubber front steal wheels for 20-35 rum ly oil pull. Carroll Co. 410-230-8055. Certiac coal stove for sale, Sam S. Stohzfus, 5540 Old Phila. Pike, Gap, Pa. 17527 Lane. Co. 717-768-7529. 1985 Ford 700 2V Eby cattle body 5&2 mint cond. $12,500. Berks Co. 610-678-2933. 67 MGS 4x14 dual axle trailer 950. also heavy duty tri-axle with brakes BxlB 1,850. Berks Co. 610-683-7498. Commercial mowers 52* bunion hydro walkbehind 2 seasons $1995. 48* goo dall walkbehind new 12.5 hp Kawasaki $705. Dela ware Co. 215-390-3359. JO 8350 18 disc grain drill, seed, fertilizer boxes, $l4OO. Übler feed cart $lOOO. Warren Co. 908-995-7534. Haybine self-propelled JD 2260 diesel, cab and air, 12* cut crimper rolls, ex. cond. $6200. Berkeley 304-274-3412. 3 Charolais steers weight 500-600 lb. York Co. Para dise Twp. 717-259-7000. EHL ( •■; t* cT » <TTj’,' *T^ LEBANON VALLEY GUTSHALL’S, INC. IMPLEMENT CO., INC. B . P 2 R <* « B - O . W 700 E. Llndon «t. Loyavlllo, PA Rlehland, PA spring Rd. Carllalo, PA BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Roihavllla Station Rd. LltHz, PA Brillion 8' seeder, alfalfa boxes good, gran boxes ruatad 8750. Lehigh Co. 610-787-3203. Chicken roll away nett* Dau. Co. 717-602-3034. Hough model HO 4 wheel drivle 2Y loader, cab, gat eng., runt well $2OOO. Cat 315 power unit clutch direct elec, atari $BOO after 5 PM 215-536-5877. Badger 3000 gallon tank spreader with injector tan dems wiht activated brakes $2500. Bucks Co. 215-257-7582. Mathews 70 rotary scythe, $750. Int. 46 baler, $300.4 wheel Vicon rake $750, Call mornings, Cumb. Co. NJ 609-455-2458. Zimmerman 28 ft elevator with motor and steel wheels $4OO. Estate Heat rola Shop stove $3O PTO. Hay rake $3O. Lane. Co. 717-445-9158. Tiller, Troybilt "Horse* new C.l. engine, new tines, V.Q. C. Wanted: Weights 6 M. bracket lor Ford 2810 Cam den Co. 609-561-4618. Badger 12 manure pump, just rebuilt, very good cond. $l6OO or best offer. Lane. Co. 717-698-4685. *s^ r %<\''> I iMk MM M j , §:i (K* ■fc. w* \ PM i n STOUFFER BROS. INC. 1088 Lincoln Way Wool Chamboraburg, PA Miniature horse 36* high bay color 10 mo. old has papers $5OO firm. Also exo tic pheasants Morris 201-368-6969. JD «24-T baler, #5 mower #25 combine, #43 8 #l2-B shelters, (2) IHC soil pulverizers, other equip, parting out 77 Chev, 71 Pont. Gran Prix Hunterdon Co. 906-782-1725. Gas Boy electric gas pump, like new S2OO Firm. B. Hartlauef. Adams Co. 717-632-7117. Allis Chalmers pull type combine No. 72 first $750. takes it. 716-554-3106 Yates Co. Rushville, N.Y. 250 corrugated boxes 26x21x19 $1.20 each. 250 size 21x21x19 $l.OO each. Lqnc. Co. 717-733-0511. AC 600 insecticide boxes and row markers, AC 500 series 4 row com planter, nice, bam stored, Lab. Co. 717-838-8219. Jersey cow due to freshen soon, hand milked, lame. Samuel M. Hoover, 898 Reading Rd„ East Earl, Pa. 17819. Damco 750 gal. sprayer, two exits 40 root hydraulic booms foam markers, Car roll Co. Md. 410-374-6216. ** ' S w s<\ sX v a?'' a V'VV v ' V ' GEHL FINANCE A DIVISION OF GEHL D.W. OGG EQUIPMENT CO. Main Location II 4t Cap Stina Rd. Fradarick, MO Ml Lalatufc Church Rd. A.L HERR ft BRO. Waalminalar, MO 312 Park Ava. Quarryvllla, PA MILLER-LAKE LEHIGH AG EG. INC. RR 02, Bex 273 A 6670 Rupptvllle Rd. Belleville, PA Allentown. PA 18106 L<nc««t«f Firming, Saturday, April 9, 1994-E5 Axle dual* 15-5-38 3% ’ ax., swaths wide front for 3010 3020 etc, alar car motor 19267, Case 3 pt. 3-16' plow, Buck* Co. 215-968-4806. 1979 VW Rabbit aa I* good motor, poor body, need* inspection $lOO. Lane. Co. 717-336-5366. Tenn. walkers exc. trail & field trial, several to choose from 100% sound. Cold Springs Farm, Luz. Co. 717-379-3217 after 5 p.m. Int. 400 air planter 4 row narrow, 2 row mechanical transplanter 3 pt. 1 row mechanical transplanter 3 pt. good shape. Berks Co. 717-933-4571. Naturlife Bodi Bouncer (Rebounder) real good shape $75. or best offer. Lane. Co. 610-286-9052. Case 750 crawler loader 300 HR engine fair cond. poor tracks w/Hpper.ss9oo or best offer. Berks Co. 610-929-3930. New Holland 38 crop chop par. $2500. New Holland 8 forage wagon with unload extension, two beaters. Lehigh Co. 610-395-1701. > i. ' cU t s m **visV ICKES FARM SUPPLY Rt. 1 Hwy 669 Weet Oeterburg, PA Used bam siding 80 gaßon horlz. air oomprsasor. 3 pt 3 16* JD Plow tog grabs. Perry Co. eves 717-789-3979. 3-7x14 Grove wagons side boards JD hay rake, crim per disk harrow, cuttipack er, pony cart, bam boards. York Co. 717-755-4317. JD-Kl3l 3 pt disc6‘ good cond. 1-steel vat 50x30x26 2-steel vats 48x25x26. Montg. Co. 215-723-4093. 2’ Pacer S series pump 5 HP l/C Briggs rollcage $175. IVt * elec, transfer pump $5O both good cond. Lane. Co. 717-445-4802. D 4 Cat 7-U Series parts 1/3 of new. Good cond. D-4 motor $3OO. run 5 years ago. Cambria Co. 814-886-2401. Hummel plates 1972 thru 1986 125.00 ea. or best offer. Berks Co. 610-678-2591. Australian blue heeler (cattle) pups, ready to go by 4/14/94 (Bom 2/24/94), Cheap $5O each. Lane. Co. 717-354-0291. Ford 4 row 3 pt cultivator $290. Luzerne Co. 717-379-3954. New two wheeled cart $6OO, new carriage pole $2OO. R 3 Box 585, MW Hall, Pa. 17751. ' Limousin bull fullblood w/ papers Dakota Klondike blood 3 yrs. can see calves on ground $l5OO. Hamp shire Co. W. Va. 304-492-5281. Single double 1-8 hitches yokes, tongues jockey sticks, scrapers, pokers, wearier, roasters, hanging basket poles. Pota nd cup hanger. Chaster Co. 717-273-2112. Front end roll-o-matic for JD 295. No till coulters for JD 7000 6 bolt hub, 4 new JDS wane flute sellf or $2l each Almost new 6 bubble flute slight used 10.00 each. Fill rite rotary gas pump hose $5O. Union Co 717-524-4901. Bilco cellar doors, complete new units, many sizes $l5O each, while they last. Even ings 610-380-1225 Ches ter, list $250. Rankling electric continu ous duty submersible water pump $B5. Hayward S2OO pool filter, motor, pump, valve $195. Chester Co. 610-383-7496 between 6-7 a.m. JD three bottom 14' plow, three point hitch $350. Crop sprayer 27' booms, 400 gal. tank, centrifugal pump $650. Bucks Co. 215-257-2377. John Deere 440 crawler loader, nice cond. new paint, seat redone uses oil $4500 080. Small Warm Morning Heatrola $5O Schuylkill Co 717-386-3143. McCurdy 13' S-tine field cultivator with roller bakset, like new, field ready $2lOO Franklin Co 717-530-8260. Timothy, orchard hay, nice color, made young, guaran teed no mold, good for work horses, $ll5/ton, deliver in 7 ton load Sch Co. 717-345-4109 eves. 1964 Chevy V. i ton pickup truck 66,000 ml original, one owner, restorable $lOOO. Leb Co 717-272-2477. Polled dorset fall born year ling rams, ex. bloodlines. S Lane. Co. 717-284-4797. CASH FOR YOUR MORTGAGE II you sold your homo and aro raeaivlng paymanta on a mortgage, Wa will buy it FOR CASH) Call Stan at SJS Invttlmtnl Attoc. (215) 449-0402 Wa also buy structured asttlsmants A annuitlss.
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