PUBLIC AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES THUR., APRIL 7, 1994 Sal* at 6:00 P.M. LoeaM at 9M Waat Main SL, Maw Holts nd, In village of Grolfdala, Lane. Co., PA. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION Fumltura and Appllaneaa aold at 6:00 P.M. Old Spool Ropa Bad, Old Dovetailed Blanket Cheat • 2 drawers in bottom, 2 Pc. Lime Oak Bad room Suita w/Bookease Bed, Oak Bed, Metal Single Bed, Wood Single Bed. Box Spring A Mattress. Chest of Drawers; Cedar Lined Wardrobe, Nits Stand. 5 Pc. Kitchen Set w/Extsnsion Table A Swivel Chairs, Sofa Occasional Chair, Duncan Phyla Round Table, Bookcases, Utility Cabinet. Step Stool, Old Market Basket Luggage, Bedding, Linens, Pictures, Picture Frames, Mirror, Family Bible, Books, Dolls. APPLIANCES: Q.E. 19 Cu. Ft Refrigerator w/ Freezer Top, Q.E. Microwave, Small Appliances, Small T.V., Electrolux Sweeper, Electric Heater, Fan, Floor A Table Lamps, Some Glassware, Flatware, Cooking Utenails, Tupparware, Crock. Hand A Garden Tools, Bucksaw, Apple Picker, Rotary Mower, many other items not mentioned. Terms By GRACE B. KING Aueta. Robert E. A Jeffrey R. Merlin, 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Randall L. Ranck Refreshmanta by S&S Grilling No Out of State Chacka DTAR-ACRES HOLSTEINS COMPLETE DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL Thursday, April 7, 1994 - ukjoail Located in Cumberland County - 3 miles West of Newville, 7 miles East of Shippensburg, on Route 533. Turn on Red Shed Road • 2nd Farm • Lane on Left. Watch for Sale Signs. 69 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Free Stall - Parlor Milked Dairy consisting of 44 Mature animals - 6 dry now - 7 recently Fresh - Balance a Base-time Calving Herd. 10 Bred Heifers due Sale Time through June - 9 Open Heifers - Several close to Breeding age - 8 Heifer Calves - Some good Show Age Prospects here. Rolling Herd Average over 18,000 -3. S Fat - 3.3 Protein -100% Calfhood vaccinated - Vaccinated for Shipping fever complex - Certified and Accredited for 42 years - Everything selling is a Home Bred Animal. 9 Registered Red & Whites sell - 7 in milk now - 12 more are true R & W Carriers. Featured Animals Include: R & W VG 88 Pl 4 Yr. old Ridgedale Missle Red • projected over 23,000 this time - Due in August to Mr. K.G. Andy Red - Dam 84 Pt. Lovedale Chief Falcon with over 24,000. VG 86 Pt. R & W Leadfleld Prestar with over 19,000-100,000 Lifetime - Grand Dam VG - Great Grand Dam EX - Both with top records. Reserve All Pennsylvania Daughter-Dam 1993. Other R & W Animals tell Bred to: Masai Challenger Red - Horizon Aerosonic ET RC-Mr. X.G. Andy Red - Derrwyn Select RC • and others. Special Mention: 3 R A W Daughters of Ridgedale Missle Red - all milking - all Super uddeted. 84 Pl Fond Reliance • with records over 20,000 - Been over 100 lbs. several months - Sells Safe in Calf to Carnation Counselor - Due October. Sells with 2 Daughters: 3 Yr. old Hanover Hill Raven - milking 80 lbs. and bred to Hanover Hill S.S. Clyde. 2 Yr. old Hurtgen-Vue Marathon- averaging over 60 lbs. and Safe in Calf for Septem ber to Hanover Hill Regency. VG 86 Pt. Mookown Prince Valiant - Due in July to Hanover Hill Charmer • Projected at 23,000 - Sells with OP-83 Maternal Sister by Triple Crown - making 23,000 also - over 100 lbs. and just bred to Hanover Hill Charmer. Watch for this one: VG Drcamstreet Black Jack - due earl/June to H.H. Charmer - made 21,000 this lactation so far. Her bred Heifer sells, sired by Pantom Blackstar Sunbuck. Don’t Bliss These: 3 Daughters of Sprucedge Majesty - all making 20,000 records - All GP and bred back for Summer and Fall. Make Note of: This VG S Yr. old Vincent View Marvatkm • 4 Yr. old record right at 20,000 - True Red Carrier - Sells Fresh - 90 lbs. First Test Others sell Sired By the Bulls previously mentioned and: H.H. Raven - Browndale Maverick - H.H. Logic - H.H. Starman - H.H. Renegade - Ridgedale Kalit • Marathon - Rolling Lawns Gabriel and others. Service Sires include: H.H. Review - H.H. S.S. Clyde - H.H. Precisionist - Ridgedale Veeman and McKenzie - Counselor • Sunnylodge Linjet and Sunnylodge Major. 2 Service Age Bulls plus 1 R & W Bull born December 1993 This outstanding Dairy is only being offered due to the passing of Mr. Paul Dyarman, Lifelong Holstein Breeder. Sale Managed By: KUng’a Auctions, Inc. Jeff Reasner - Pedigrees R.D. 1, Bose 66, Landiaburg. PA PA License - #OSOO For Information - Call: Jeff Reasner, Owner- MARY DYARMAN 122 Red She'd Road Shlppensburg, PA 17287 lllllllllimiWlllHHMHMlllllllHlllMllHlimillllllHMMHMMMlltliniln, [erdtman Dairy and. Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI. SEPT. 23 - I:3OPM. State Graded Feeder Pig WED. SEPT. 28 - 34 Acre Sale. Located At Carlisle farm. Farm machinery, per il veetock Market, Inc. Exit • onal property, antiques. 12 South OH 1-81. Left Onto From Rt 897 In FivMotnt- Alexander Spring Road. vide, take Fivepointville (717) 249-4511. Road approx. 214 mi les Ip . . - farm on right Brecknock Ff y,-- S .FS T : g 3.: 7PM D»- Twp. Lane. Co. Also known aater Relief heifer auction, M 888 Fivepointville Rd. Lebanon Area Fair- By Daniel H. and Lydia W. grounds, Lebanon. Pa. Martin. Kline. Kreider. Harry H. Bachman, auct Good aucte. SAT. SEPT. 24 -10 AM, pm SEPT 30 - 7PM, Hejfer Sale Reg. » Qmde de r clttle Located I New Holland Sales Stables nc 'J h 1 lno - 101 w - Ful,on St l F I *" St, £*** Holtend, New Holland, Pa. Norman Pa Norman Or David Kolb, ©r David Kolb, Aucte. Aucte. Green Dragon Livestock Sales lull Located 1 Mi. N. On HrJ North State St., Ephrata Sale Every Friday 11:00 A.M. Beef 7:00 P.M. Small Animal Sale. 200-300 Stocker & Feeders Every Fri day. Regular Shippers Of Northern Cattle. WALTER H. RISSER, Prop. Home 717-838-4318 Office 717-733-2444 CONSIGNMENT mMStx MACHINERY SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1994 # 9 a.m. Sharp Keister’s Mlddleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522 3 miles east of Mlddleburg, PA, 5 miles west of Sellnsgrove, PA. TRACTORS, TRUCKS, ALL TYPES OF FARM MACHINERY, ALSO, HORSE DRAWN MACHINERY, EAR CORN, HAY, STRAW, LUMBER Consignments must be In by Wednesday or Thursday. No consignments on Friday. Buy a load, Bring a load. For Information call 717-837-2222,717-966-2856,717-523-0360 Owners DON & WALT KEISTER Auctioneers: Bryan Imes & Ray Long // Terms: Cash \ Restaurant Open \ Fanners Market Open \ GREENCASTLE LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. Off Exit 3 of 1-81 GREENCASTLE, PA. 17225 SPECIAL BROOD COW ft BULL SALE FRIDAY EVENING APRIL I 5 at 7:ISPM Wc Sell AU Kinds of • Bre«dCows • Calving Pairs Konten Cows 8t Bulls Cows Will Bfe Kegnancy Checked Day of Sale Charles “Jim" Metz, OFF. MGR. Res. (301) 739-4470 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2,19M-E4l OFFICE - 717-597-2171 OCTOBER SAT. OCT. 1 - Farm Equip ment, Orchard Equipment, Personal Property. Located From BowmansviHe Taka Route 62S North Approxi mately IV4 Mile Turn Left On E. Bowmanevßle Road To T Turn Right Onto Bow manavilla Road To Orchard Road Turn Left Go Approxi mately 3/4 Mile To Property On Right (Known As 390 Orchard Road). Terms By, Amazia Zimmerman. (Cine Kreider & Good Aucle. FRI. OCT. 7 - 6PM Hamp shire & Yorkshire Keystone Classic, KILE, Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg, Pa. Harry H. Bachman, auct. FRI. OCT. 7 - TPM. Horse Sale. Located New Holland Salea Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. FRI. OCT. 14 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12SoulhOff 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. FRI. OCT. 14-7 PM, Feed er Cattle. Located New Hol land Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St., New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. SAT. OCT. 15-Arnold Hog Production Sale, Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Leba non, Pa. Harry H. Bach man, auct Jeffrey S. Craig, OWNER Res. (717) 532-5224
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