PUBLIC AUCTION Annual Belleville Mennonlte School Front Mountain Road. Belleville, Pa. Sat, April 16, At 9:00 A.M. 25 handmade quilts, wall hangings, etc., crafts, gift certificates, football and basketballs signed by Pa. State coaches, a lot of new items, some used items and firewood. Breakfast starting at 6:30 a.m. - auction at 9:00 a.m,, quilts at 12 noon and chicken bar-b -que Fri. evening April 15 from 4:00-7:30 p.m. Bring your friends and enjoy the day. Auctioneers, Mark and Brian Click Dale Gibboney AU «349-L Belleville Mennonlte School PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE OF JEAN B. SUNDAY SAT., APRIL 16, 1994 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: 445 Union Street, Mlllersburg, PA ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Toys Include Marx Tin Airplane, Cast Iron Motorcycle Cop, Kilgore bon Airplane, Rail way bon Express Truck, Geneva bon Racing Car, Tea Set, Misc. Board Games • Many in Original Boxes. 8 Sets of Soldiers, Metal Tootsie Toys, Wooden Popeye, Sandy & Min nie, Wooden Toys by Mickey McGuire; Selection of Ned Smith Items - 1968 & 1969 Bird Print, Game Birds Prints - Bobwhite, Ruffed Grouse, Chukar Patridge, Mountain Quail, Mourning Dove, Ringneck Pheasant, Wild Turkey & Valley Quail, Books - Gone for the Day, Game News, The Pennsyvlania Woodcock, The American Woodcock, Pen nsylvania Birdlife & Pennsylvania Big Game Records, Mug; Shirley Temple Pitcher & Col lection of App, 200 Misc. Pitchers; Selection of Christmas Decorations - Early Santa on Sled w/Reindeer, Celluloid Santa Marked Occupied Japan, Etc.; Collection of Presiden tial Spoons; 2 Peanut Jars; Pink Depression Glass; Fostoria; Misc. Crocks; Plates - 6 Lim ited Edition Wildlife Plates by Claik Bron som. Calendar Plates, Mlllersburg Ferry & Bi- Centennial, Etc.; 2 Pin Boxes -1 Cloisonne, 1 Compliments of James Furlong Christmas 1898; Costume Jewelry; Milk Cans; "Putnam Dyes & Tints” Tin Adv. Display Case; 4 Vol umes “Chronicles of Central PA” by Godchar les & Lg. Selection of Other Books; Merry Christmas Penmanship in Walnut Frame; Mis sion Oak Mantle Clock; “Citizens National Bank of Newport, Bank; Copper Items by Stailey Bros. Liverpool - Pr. of Dippers. Coal Bucket, Lantern. Basket, 2 Sconces. Pitcher & Small Bucket; Electric Crystal Chandelier; World’s Fiar Memorabilia; WWII Items; Japanese Field Radio Complete w/ Documentation Papers; School Desk; Asst. Wooden Shipping Crates; Mission Oak Rock er; 2 Room Dividers: 4-Drawer Chest of Drawers; Oak-Case Sewing Machines; Wil cox & Gray Table Radio; 4-String Banjo w/ Case; 1 Silver & 1 Black Clarinet w/Cases; Telephone Lamp; Asst. Gold Leaf Frames; Numerous Small Items. HOUSEHOLD & MISC. ITEMS 30” Hotpoint Electric Stove; Whirlpool Refrigerator; Wcstinghouse-White Automatic Washer; Kelvinator Heavy-Duty Propane Gas Dryer, 2 Electric Sewing Machines; 6-Pc. Wooden Breakfast Set; Misc. Upholstered Chairs: Collection of Baskets; Set of Pfaltz graff Yorktowne Pattern Dishes; Lg. Selection of Linens, Dishes, Pots, Pans & Small Items; Picnic Table w/Benches; Electric 18” Master Cut Lawn Mower; Assorted Hand & Power Tools; Etc. TERMS: CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ' ACCEPTED ONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT W/AUCTIONEER OR APPROVAL PRIOR TO DAY OF AUCTION. SUZANNE SUNDAY, Executrix Auctioneers: Dockey #AU229L, Dockey-Romberger #AUI6B3L & Deppen #AUI9S7L VS + 1.. It. 7i11.« 7. 17010 ? -/-Af . Oh.n. 780 8004 v MEL’S STABLE E C T WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE HORSES HITCHED AT 1:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT <34 WALLACE RO, NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS: FROM RT. 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, OO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE, QO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD. TURN LEFT ON HLL RD. PROCEED 1.2 ISLES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD, 2.8 ISLES TO HILL RD, RIGHT ON HILL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. APPROX. 15 HEAD OF WORK HORSES A MULES APPROX. 55 HEAD OF STANDARDBRED HORSES APPROX. 55 HEAD OF SADDLEBRED HORSES 1 Load Driving Horaaa For Elam Stoltzfua 1 Load Driving Mortal For Jacob Zook 1 Load Standardly ad Horaaa From Canada 1 Load Horaaa For Mai Hoovar PLUS MANY MORE HAND PICKED TOP QUALITY HOftSESII DON'T MISS THIS SALEIII IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A HORSE, COME AND FIND THAT SPECIAL HORSE. Coma and drivo tham yourtaK. Bam opan on Thun, a Fri., April 14 a IS from 9:00 A.M. Ml daifc. MEL’S STABLE OWNER • MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME- 717-3544397 BARM- 717-3544431 AUCTS. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PREMISES RICHARD TEBBS POTATO FARMING AND GENERAL EQUIPMENT AUCTION WED., APRIL 6,11:00 A.M. WILLIAMSPORT, PENNSYLVANIA Sala to be heM at the farm Juat outside tha Village of NitbaL From US. 15-220 and MM uae Maynard Street Exit, Croat tha river and turn right onto State Route 6s4 West, follow 4 nilaa to “Y” In road and bear right onto East Village Road and follow through Niabot 1/2 mile to farm aita. Ntibct it off Rtc. 654 about midway between Dubobtown and Oval, Penna. la Susquehanna Township, Lycoming County. Mr. Tebtx hit devoted hi* entire lifetime to a very lucceuful farming and marketing career. Now retiring, he ha* *old out to hi* ion* who win continue in general fanning. Selling will be everything aitodated with the I potato farming buiineu a* well a* tome equipment tried in their beef cattle operation which alio i* being i terminated. iSelllng on April <th to the high bidder will be: SPECIALIZED POTATO FARMING EQUIPMENT Lockwood 4 row model 6200 pull behind potato planter (pick type) with dry felt, happen, box exteniiani, and Gandy applicator*. Planted only 500 acre* in it* lifetime lince purchaied new by Mr. Tebtwl Hauia two row potato-artichoke (and other root crop) Harveiter, all belted chain, full width ptimariei, four tow axle, only 50 acre* lifetime u*el; Lockwood conventional two row potato windrower, J.D. 30 two row potato digger, 1978 Maine* 22 ft. conventional bulk body with grain pan, original owner); Maine* 14 ft. conventional bulk body with grain pan, original owner); Maine* iwivel type potato •eed unloading conveyor for bulk bodiei; Two (2) Ziggy 14 ft. and 16 ft. bulk bodiei each on tandem axle trailer*; Weigh O Malic double nation automatic imall pack bagger with "Swift Weight” over-under icale head*; Hamer SO lb. round wire bag doling machine; Hamer imall pack round wire bag do*er. Two (2) tub* of new round wire in 12 and 14 ga.; Diltz Wetzel ipool type teed cotter; Maine* auger type teed treater; Maine* 16 in. wide 10 ft. long flighted belt conveyor. Advanced 16 in. wide 18 ft. bag conveyor on icinor leg*; Advanced bin itacker with 24 ft. boom; Bogg* wooden 18 in. bnnher, McGlenn 3 pc p.Lo. 4 ft. rolovator; 8 roll* of John Bean digger chain for a harveiter. TRACTORS-BUNK FEEDER■ TRAILER - TRUCKS: J.D. 4020 dieiel tractor with two hydraulic outlet*, 16.9-38 rubber; Ford 8N tractor, A.C. “G" manual let tractor, Eager Beaver tri-axle comliuction type equip ment trailer with pintle hitch, and ram pi, 14 ft. flat deck plu* 4 ft. beaver tail; 22 ft. flat bed for track; Oliver 13 diik grain drill (hydraulic «el) with dry fert and gtai* leeder, 6 in. x 26 ft. traniport grain auger. Sun Muter S ft. 3 pc rotary mower, Caldwell 6 ft. 3 pc rotary mower (need* gear box); Two (2) Gandy applicator* for 14 and 12 ft. di*ki; Schwartz model 130 lingle axle forage feed wagon for bunk feeding, like new); Ten (10) lection* of concrete “J" bunk; Three (3) Reel round bale feeder*; Agri bunk feeder, cattle headgate; 3 calf feeder*; 1972 Ford 750 cab over lingle axle track, 5/2 tram., with aux.; 1972 Ford 600 Louiiville cab lingle axle track, 4/2 Iran*.; A good little tale here with iome dean, hard to find item*) Lunch on litel Tcrmt: CASH or honorable cheek eale day. Accept* able ID required! Owned By: MR. AND MRS. RICHARD TEBBS 717-326-3974 AucUon Conducted By: James P. Pirrung PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. Wayland, New York 716-728-2520 PA Lie. #1672 Dairy and Livestock Sales G N M Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication WED. MAY 18 & THURS. MAY ifc - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. At Qur Place Of Busi nesc Six -Mile* South Of Chambereburg, Pa. And One Mile East Of Marion, Pa. Owners And Mana gers, Marion Auction Ser vice, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambersburg, Pa. 17201. FRI. MAY 20 - I:3OPM, State Graded Pig Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction, West minster, Md. FRI. MAY 20 - 7PM, Horse Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - Real estate, furniture, personal property for the Chester Keeport Estate. Located 109 Ben der Mill Road, Lancaster, Pa. John D. Stauffer, auct PUBLIC AUCTION APRIL 9, 1994 9 A.M. SHARP Location: This auction will be located at 6245 Lewis Road, Trumans burg, NY, (Fingerlakes region north of Ithaca), From water tower in Trumansburg, take Searsburg Road to Lewis Road and right to auction. Please note. We will accept NYS checks day of auction only. Out of state buyers must have a current bank letter of credit on file with our auction firm as they receive a buyers number. Private Tractor Collection (23) TWENTY THREE TRACTORS (23) JD R; JD 50; ID B 1935; unttyled brass tag; ID B 1940; ID B 1941; JD B 1937 unstyled, restoration needed; OC 3; Oliver HG, engine bad; JD H; JD A 1952; JD AW; JD BW; JD B; JD AO; JD A 1939; Farmall F 20; Case R “rare”; Case C; JD A pts.; JD A 1949 “very restorable”; JD B pts.; JD 50 Pts.; consigned ABSO LUTE Ford 8N with tack “nice estate unit”. Hesston 5500 round baler, “extremely well maintained"; Hesston PTIO haybine; Grimm 1 row pull type tedder/rake “NEW IN 1993”; JD 40’ elevator “mint”; JD #lO belly mower; NH 256 hay rake; JD 3 and 2 bot. trailer plows; cultipacker with pups; NI S’ pull type rotary chopper; small machinery trailer (as is); harrows; automatic unloading pulp wood trailer and more. ORIGINAL SIGNS JD Dealer, 4 legged oval; Oliver tractor & machinery; Frick sawmill and farm machinery; Fairbanks Morse Marine; Ford; AC and more. TRACTOR STEEL Rear and front JD A; rear and front IH-H; rear and front 9N Ford; (2) sets AC rear; others. READ BELOW FOR THE MOST INTERESTING ITEMS OF THE AUCTION High wheeled farm wagon; (2) Honda generators; Bellsaw planer; potato grader; qty. tractor tires; JD BICYCLE; new JD A head; hoods, tanks, grills, shields; Oliver 60 head; 4 and 2 row JD cultivators; AUTOMATIC SLAB/SWING SAW WITH INCREMENTAL FORWARDING TABLE; scores of mags and carbs; RR CONSTRUCTION AND TRACK LAYING ITEMS; walking plows; sap pan; JD #1 ONE HORSE MOWER, “very rare”; JD #4 mower; sickle bar lawn mower; one horse com planters); butcher block table; old well pumps; cable; ant. boat motors; Ig. ant. chain saw collection; 12' flat bolt elevator with reversing motor; Massey Harris display rack; JD ram; BROOM MAKER; (2) MAYTAG ENGINES: banding machine; Campbell boat and little lake trappers scow; RR scale cart; huge coil cotton 1” tape; literally 1000's of tractor and machinery parts; Oliver JD radiators; Lg. qty. alum, diamond plate. CAST IRON SEATS To include Victor type 1 a #lOl4 ; Bradleys type 2 #9 Syracuse; Oliver Chilled plow and many more. CONSIGNED ITEMS ID 12S0 6 row plateless narrow planter; IH 61S combine with 3 row wide com head & 10' grain head; 10 ton gear; 35’ wood extension ladder; flat bed wagons; squeeze shute; equipment trailer; lumber; chain saws; nice steel wheel farm wagon; 2 row Ford 3 ph planter; IH 350 G, LIVE PTO AND HYD. FAST HITCH, nice clean unit; (2) aeration fans; NH 320 WIRE BALER and more by auction time. More consignments Just In: JD-A 1948, restored; Super C, wfe, fast hitch; Fox/Brady 15’ flail chopper; NI 44’x6" transport auger; Century 35’ transport sprayer; PTO dump trailer; Soilmover mod 21, 114 yd. earthmover; PONY WAGON: SMALL HUFF PAYLOADER; radial arm saw; several running gears; kiln dried lumber, and more. luemf Fupilng, Saturday, April 2, IM4-E37 SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Per sonal property & real estate for the Estate of Dorothy G. Malloy, 17 Marge rote Ter race, Winfield, Pa. Coins, Pa. House Furniture & household goods. Hassinger/Courtney, auts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Real eatate, household goods, antiques, riding mower, guns & coins. 2 miles NE of Jue Ball turn off Rt 23 on 625 N sale at comer of Goods Store Rd. & Rt. 625 East Earl Twp. Lane. Co., Pa. By Joseph H. Jr. & Etta W. Weaver. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Farm real estate, antique auto, antiques and household goods, 140 E. Woods Drive, Lititz, Pa. Walter Carpenter Estate. Bank of Lancaster county, Execu tor. E.M. Murry Assoc, aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM Sale for Mary Marinkov, Freder- FARM MACHINERY SIDEKICK AUCTION SERVICE 6245 Lewis Road, Trumtnsburg, NY 607-387-6721 ioksburg, Pa. Dwight 0. Miller, auct. SAT. MAY 21 - SAM, Real Estate (IK Story House), Plumbing & Bldg. Tools & Equipment, Personal Prop erty. Located 2376 North Penryn Rd., Manheim. Owner, Harold & Arlene Kleinfelter. Kline, Kreider & Good, Aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9AM, 87 Acre Farm, Antique Furni ture A Collectibles, Antique China & Dishes, Household Goods, Hay, Tin Roof Shel ters, Yard & Hand Tools. Located Approx. 3 Miles East Of Klingerstown In Upper Mahanoy Twp., Northumberland Co. Turn North On Boyer Road Pro ceed Approximately 1/2 Mile To Sale. (Watch For Signs). Owner, Bessie Clark. David Dei bier & Ed Shoop, Aucts. SAT. MAY 21 - 9:3OAM Auction of milk bottles to be held at the Blue Ball Fire Hall, located along Rt. 322, Blue Ball, Pa. By Snyders Auction Service, agent for owners. SAT. MAY 21 -11 AM, The Opportunity Sale—Semax East Located At Lampeter Fairgrounds. Managed By Don Welk & Kris Knutsen.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers