•Auction. COUNTRY STORE PUBLIC AUCTION COMPLETE LIQUIDATION LARGE 2 DAY AUCTION FRI., MAY 13, 1994 <g> 9:00 A.M. SAT., MAY 14,1994 @ 9:00 A.M. In the Village of Hamlin, Bethel Town* ship, Lebanon County, Pa. REAL ESTATE - FIXTURES - ALL CONTENTS ■ EQUIPMENT ■ ANTIQUES ■ HOUSEHOLD - FURNISHINGS (Real estate to be sold on Saturday, May 14 @ 12:00 Noon) LOOK FOR FULL LISTING IN FUTURE ADS Conditions by: JAY BROWN, Owner Attorney: Tim Cooper, Esq. DIRECTIONS: Go 2 miles east of Fre dericksburg on Rt. 22 to Esther's Diner, turn right on Blue Mountain Road, go K mile then left on Chestnut Hill Road for 1 mile to Hamlin. Auction Conducted By: NELSON L. EBERSOLE, AUCTIONEER License «AU-001307-L Phone (717) 867-5221 Fax (717) 867-5606 30 West Main Street, Annvllle, PA 17003 % PUBLIC AUCTION Estate of Taxnie E. Maurer V Saturday, April 30, 1994 At 9:00 A.M. Located 2 miles East of Kllngerstown, PA, Upper Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County. Approximately 40 miles Northeast of Harrisburg, Pa. MAHANTONGO VALLEY FARM • To Be Offered In 2 Parcels PARCEL #1 has beautiful brick VA story home built in 1954.15 t floor kitch en w/natuial wood cupboards, dining room, living room, 2 bedrooms, and full bath. 2nd floor: 2 bedrooms, half bath, walk in cedar closet. Oil H.W. heat, natur al woodwork throughout. Also unique old farm house with kettle fireplace in kitch en, living room, pantry. 2 bedrooms upstairs. In need of repair. Numerous other outbuildings. Situated on approxi mately 13. S acres of which 2.S acres more or less lays on the West side of township road 454, tax map 31-7-17 and 11 acres more or less on East side of township road 454 with block chicken house and other outbuildings, tax map 31-7-18. PARCEL #2: 71 acres more or less of farm land, approximately 68 acres tillable being major portion of tax map parcel 31-7-17. Frontage along state road. Above acreage estimated. NOTE PARCELS #1 and #2 will be offered separate and in its entirety. Land being surveyed. Above parcels subject to subdivision approval. PARCEL 27 acres more or less of mountain land in Upper Mahantongo Township and Hublcy Township, Schuylkill County, tax map 31-7-72 (1). This parcel may be land locked. INFORMATION OR INSPECTION: Phone (717) 425-3385. TERMS: 10% down day of auction, balance due in 45 days. REAL ESTATE: To be offered at 12:00 noon. ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES COINS - 1795 SILVER DOLLAR 1991 Chev. Cavalier, 2 Dr., Auto, Air, Blue, 1 Owner w/Less than 5,000 Miles GUNS BUTCHER TOOLS, FARM TRACTOR & MACHINERY. TERMS: Cash or PA Check. Executors: CAROL A. SHOMPER and LESLIE S. MAURER Attorney: Harry J. Brown Mark J.' Jones. Auctioneering Service Phone (717) 286-0052 - Lie. «AU-1595-L Jeff Dunkelberger - Lie. #AU3O43-L SAI F. ORDER: (Approximate Times) 9:00 a.m. H.H. - Antiques, 12:30 Coins - Guns, 1:00 p.m. BROWNS . Public Auction Of Valuable Real Estate • Tues., April 5, 1994 Sale At 7:00 P.M. Located VA Miles East Of Blue Ball Along RL 23 East Earl Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. VA Acres MIL VA Story Brick Dwelling w/Slate Roof, Kitchen w/Built-In Cabinets, Electric Stove, Chimney For Stove. Laundry w/Washer & Dryer Hook-up, Family Room w/Wall To Wall Carpet, Living Room, Den, Full Bath. 2nd Floor* 4 Bedrooms, Closets, Full Base ment w/Outside Entrance, Cold Room, Oil Fired Hot Water Heat w/Summer & Winter Hookup, Well w/Pressurc System, Cistern w/ Pressure System On Site Sewer. 22’x70’ 2-Story Concrete Block & Frame Barn w/2 Car Garage Elect Door Opener, Four Farrowing Pens & Pens 2nd Floor For Chickens, Running Water. Concrete Block & Frame Barn w/Shop Stove, Equipment Space. 2nd Floor Ground Level In Rear w/Horse Stables. Storage, Fenced In Pasture, w/Extension 2 Car Garage Or For Equipment Open For Inspection Sat, March 19 & 26 From 2:00 Till 4:00 P.M. Or For Appoint ment Call 445-4229. 10% Down Day Of Sale, Balance On Or Before June 4, 1994. Terms By, Ernest & Wilma Witmer Aucts. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin 656-7770 AUOOOSBOL Douglas Good Atty. For Wentz, Weaver & Kling FOOD STAND: Salem United Church of Christ Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 30 - 9;3OAM, Ringo Hill Farm Equipment Auction. Located Burtville (Potter Co.) Penna. William Weierbach Family. Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc., Way land, New York, 716:728-2520. SAT. APR. 30 - B:3OAM Inventory reduction all new items Olde Mill Wood-N- Crafts. Located Midway between Gap and Inter course, 2Vi miles NW of Route 30 from Gap, at 4887 Newport Rd., Route 772, Lane. Co., Pa. By Olde Mill Wood-N-Crafts. Oiffenbachs, aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 9:3OAM, Household Goods, Anti ?ues, Garden Equipment, te. Located Near Parfces bun, Take Route 10 To Parkesburg, Go West On Main Street, Right On Strasburg Rd. Approx. 1 Mile To Auction. West Sadsbury Twp., Chester County. Terms By, Estate Of Ernest R. Sharitz. Hom- Ing Farm Agency. Inc. SAT. APR. 30-10 AM Real estate, 4 parcels. At Cross Roads Boro, York Co., Pa. From Rt. #24 N. of Stew artstown, turn right at Sam- 9:30 A.M. FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Location Route 23 In NEW Holland go South on Custer Ave. 2.5 miles to Sale on Left or From 340 take New Holland Rd. North to Peters RD., (left) go to Custer Ave., turn right to sale on right. Watch for signs. FARM MACHINERY 4 TWO CYLINDER J.D. TRACTORS 2 John Deere B Tractors on Steel with cultivator, 2 John Deere Cyclone A Tractors on Rubber, 10 C Hammer Mill with Bin, Massey- Harris Model 97 Baler, Old Carriage, Flat Wagon, two wheel cart, Generator, 225 AMP. Line. Welder, Dewalt table saw, 2 Bottom trailer Plow, Hay Rake, 1 row New Idea Tobacco Planter, elevator, KRA. Disc, Oliver grain drill, John Deere #5 grass Mower, Potatoe r jw, 2 row Black Kawk corn Planter, 2 New Idea 4 wheel Horse awn Manure Spreaders for parts, Dirt scoop. TOOLS 2 Hole Corn Shelter, Old Anvil, 1000 lb. Fairbanks Scales, Cement Mixer, Vise, Iron kettle, Dehorner, 2 Scythe, Draw knife, 2 & 3 Prong Forks and many other Forks, Wood Planes, Tobacco Bale Box, and Tobacco Shears & Spears, 2 Paint Sprayers, Tobacco lath, electric Motors, Jig Saw, Ridgid Pipe Threader, Brooder Stove, Hack Saw Chain Saws, Black & Decker Circular Saw, Hedge Trimmers, Drill bits, Old Wooden Handled Wheelbarrow, Air Compressor, Old Wooden Barrels, Old Metal Trunk, Plumbing Fixtures, Grind Stone, Drill Press Come-A-Long, Block & Tacklings, 4 In. Plastic Pipe, Large Saw Blade, 2 Meat Grinders, Milk Cans, Electric Weed Eater, 200 Gal. Poly Sprayer Tank, cyclone seeder. ANTIQUES - HOUSEHOLD GOODS Approx. 25 Crocks, 5 gal. Crocks with handles 2 & 1 gal. Crocks, Tobacco Sizing Box, Old Table, Copper Kettle & Stirrer (good con dition) 1 Dresser with 3 Drawers & 2 Doors, Old Wooden Pulley, 2 Dresser with 4 Drawer, Electric Incubator, Old Baby Couch, Old Rockers, Old Play Pen, Kerosene Heater, Old Double Bed, Old Crib, Old Shutters, Old Dolls, Old Calendars, Family Life Maga zines, Sharpening Stone Penn. Dairies, Butter Print, Beachle Hardy Seed Bags and other old Cloth Bags, Old Post Cards, Feather Bed Pillows, Braided Carpet Runners, Corn Dryer Pan, Cloth Trees, 4 round Bottom High Back Chairs, Wicker Baskets, 2 Plank Bottom Rockers, Cushion Bottom Rockers, Cherry Seeder, Apple Peeler, Cream Separator, Egg Scales, Meat Sheer, Flour Grinder, Ker osene Lantern, Bushel Crates. Cash or Honorabls Pa. Checks Only. All announcements sale day take precedence over all advertising. Not responsible for accidents. mis Chevrolet go to Cross Roads, approx. 1 mile straight on Main St. on right, Geraldine E. Smith, eatate. Bradley K. Smith, auct SAT. APR. 30-10 AM Real estate A Personal property. East Bradford Twp., West Chester, Pa. Take 842 E. of Unionville or 842 West of West Chester onto Soon nelltown Rd. right onto Springwood Dr., house on right #919. By Joan Wag ner. Kenneth Griest, John Stoltzfus, aucts. SAT. APR. 30 -10 AM, Public Auction Of Wood working Equipment And Toots, Lumber And House hold Goods. Located At 630 A Brunnetville Road, 2 Blocks From Utitz, Warwick Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Owners, Larry E. and Charmaine Royer. Snyd er's Auction Service. SAT. APR. 30 - 10:30AM, 11 Acres Wooded Building Site. Located From Harris burg Travel North On Rts. 11 & 15 North To Rt. 104 N. Travel On Rt 104 Through Penns Creek, Cross Penns Creek Bridge And Immedi ately Turn Left And Pro- PUBLIC SALE SAT. APRIL 23, 1994 GUN & COINS GUN 220 Swift, 8 Silver Dollars Dated From 1902 to 1923 OWNER, NOAH Z. & ELLA HOOVER 855 SOUTH CUSTER AVE. NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 Food On Promises Auctioneer Mel Hoover AU-003111-L 354-8397 354-6431 tuctioi Ai On Right Signs Posted. Hassinger/Courtney. Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 -11 AM Quarter Acre Farm, Spring Horse Auction Consign ment Sale, Hack, Horses. Farm located 54 mile off Rt 414 7 miles from Towanda, Pa. Hugh Cole, auct. SAT. APR. 30 - IPM, 8.7 Acre Snyder Co. Farmetle Lg. Colonial Brick 3 Bed room Home, With Open Stainway & Fireplace Man tels. Located 114 Miles From Selinegrove A Sus quehanna University. Located On The Property Is A 75x45 Bank Barn A 48x32 Com Crib A Imple ment Building. Beautiful Scenery. Great Place For Horses. Also 3 Bedroom 2 Story Home Located Adja cent To Farmette On 1 Acre Of Country Beauty. Hassinger/Courtney, Aucts. SAT. APR. 30 - 3PM Real estate, antiques, collecti bles, household, tools A miso. Property located approx. 4 mi. N. of Mifflin town, along the Arch Rock Rd., but will be Offered for sale at Juniata Markets, Jet of Rts. 75 & old 22, at the blinking lights, 1 mi. N of Port Royal, Juniata Co. The Estate of Miles B. Gray. Long’s Auction Service. 9:30 A.M. in
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