E24*Lancsatsr Farming, Saturday, April 2, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. APR. 16 - 2PM Real estate known as 297 rolling terrace (Forest Hills) Leola, Pa. Upper Leacock Twp, lane. Co. By Robert W. & Emma W. Good. Samuel H. Stoltzfus, auct. SAT. APR. 16 - 4PM 9th Annual Leb. Valley Farm Toy Show and Sale, at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, Leb., Pa. SUN. APR. 17 -12 Noon, Restaurant Equipment, Complete Liquidation Of Equipment & Furniture. Bob's Big Boy, Lindle Road, Swatara Township. Mark Baranowski, AU-2570 (717) 657-2317. MON. APR. 18 - 3PM, Household Goods & Tools. Located Dover Township Fire Hall Building On Davidsburg Road. Seller, Robert & Joyce Caplinger. Rentzel's Auction Service. MON. APR, 18 - 4PM, Hubley Toys, Winross Trucks & Other Collectible Toys & Baseball Cards. Located In The Former Reinholds Elementary School Banquet Hall, Rt 897, Village Of Reinholds, W. Cocalico Twp. Terms By, Eugene Leisey Estate. Art Pannebecker, Aucts. MON. APR. 18-SPM Ford trucks w/welding rigs, weld ing equip, tools, hardware & office equip. Rapho Twp., Manheim area. Located at 1828 Shumaker Rd., Rapho Twp., Lane. Co. Mam St. (Rt. 72) Manheim, PA. Turn W. onto Cole brook St., continue onto Old Line Rd., turn right onto Shumaker Rd. to sale on die right. For Clifford F. Steely. Horst, aucts. THURS. APR. 19 - BAM. Real Estate, Store Eq., Inventory & Supplies. Located Windy Acre Store, 'A Mile East Of Madison bura, Pa., Or 3 Miles West Of Rebersburg, Pa., Along Route 192. Owners, Ben S. & Naomi Fisher. Mark Qlick, Aucts. THURS. APR. 19 - 7PM, Qreek Easter Lamb Sale. Located Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 South Oft 1-81. THURS. APR. 19 - 7PM, Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Westminster Livestock Auction. WED. APR. 20 & THURS. APR. 21 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. At Our Place Of Busi ness Six Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa. And One Mile East Of Marion, Pa. Owners And Mana gers, Marion Auction Ser vice, 5174 Horst Rd., Chambersburg, Pa. 17201. WED. APR. 20 - 9:3OAM Judy Breeden Estate com plete farm dispersal, 170 head of Holsteins, com plete line of farm machin ery, vehicles, produce, tools, barn equip, and even the complete household! Andrews Settlement, Pa. Pirrung, Aucts., Inc. 716-728-2520. WED. APR. 20 -10 AM Machinery, truck & van, orchard equip., packaging equip, green house. Located in Blair Co., Pa. 1 mile S. of the Blad Eagle stop light on the Old Rt. 220 S. or 2 miles N. of Tyrone, Pa. By 0 & A Orchards. Ronald J. & Ronald S. Qilli gan, aucts. THURS. APR. 21 - 9AM, Antiques, Household Goods, Tools. Located 42 W. Oregon Road, Lititz, Pa. Prom Lancaster Take Rt. 501 North Go Through Neffsville Square To Next Traffic Light, Turn West On Oregon Rd. To Ist House Left. Terms By, Dora C. Reichard. Aucts. Kreider, Kline & Good. FRI. APR. 22 - 2 Farms -107 Acres & 292 Acres & 400 Acres (Combined). Quinton Township, Salem Co. N.J. Bankruptcy Auction Sale Ryan Jewelers Ltd., BK Case *93-126 Foraiirlj >r 1450 KlrkwoaO Hl,h*«y (Shoaaw or MIU) Newark, OE Salt held at Mill Creek Fire Hall, 3900 Kirkwood Highway Marshallton (between Wilmington and Newark, DE) Sale Date: Wed., April 6, 1994 At «t3O PJVt JEWELRY • Chattels favantoy bum Ryan hmkn Ltd. Over 300 pieces, appemimatt vatu* $72,000.00. bvantory to indnde 14K, 16K, UK Odd Quin Necklaces, Sapphire tad Diamond Neddaee, 14K Odd Barrings 23 Odd Wedding Hint* (soraa with Diamonds). Appradmaniy 70 Odd with Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, Opals. Amethyst, Emeralds, 2 Diamond Temii Bracelets, 24 Solid Odd Wadding Sands, IWi Barrings and Necklaces, 14K Odd and Diamond Necklace, Jade and Ftd Bracelet, Chaim Bracelets and 14K Odd Chaims, Odd Bangle Bracelet*, Diamond Stud Barrings, 10 Qtiaan Watchaa (quartz). Pulsar Watches, 20 Seiko Watches, 14K Gold Heart Barrings, Diamond Anniversary Diamond Sditaira Rings, Diamond, Amathyit and Sapphire Ring, Values from $20.00 to $2,000.00. Everything Sells At Absolute Auction • No Reserves INSfECTiONi From 5:00 r.M. until 0:30 r.M. Salt Unit. TERMS: Cub «r CcrlllM Fund* Checks with Bank letter ef Credit (NO Credit Cards). Fall payment at sate and Immediate removal. TRUSTEE: Norman L. Pcrnlcks Esquire 1310 King Street P,a Box 1320 Wilmington, DC INH RUDNICK ASSOCIATES, AUCTIONEERS P.O. Box 3586 Wilmington, Delaware 19807 Phone 302-764-3347 Food served by Mill Creek Auxiliary ’ -7 -r JT r“-T -T -7 -7 77 7 77-' 77777 7 7 7 77 i PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY • BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 9 AT 10:00 A. M. LOCATED IN MIFFUN COUNTY, 14 MILES NORTH OF LEWISTOWN, PA. OR 3 MILES SOUTH OF McCLURE, PA., TURN WEST OFF ROUTE 522 {AT MAIL POUCH BARN), ONTO WHISKEY ROAD, 2 MILES TO FARM LANE. BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT Hobart no. 5212 band meat saw, Wells splitting saw, U.S. scales, Stillard scales, Hobart 1 h.p. grinder, Holly-matic grinder, Hobart model 6 patty maker, tenderizer machine, sausage staffer, 7 iron butchering kettles, dippers, hooks, pans and misc. butchering items. MODERN FARM MACHINERY AND TOOLS N.H. no. L-250 skid loader run 750 hrs., I.H. no. 784 dsl. tractor 1230 hrs., I.H. no. 2250 hyd. loader, round bale fork for loader, and 3 pt. bale fork, Ford 5000 dsl. tractor 2735 hrs., Ford 3-14 in. plow, J.D. 4-14 in. 3 pt. plow, Ford 3000 dsl. tractor w/3525 hrs., M.F. no. 65 dsl. tractor w/N.I. 2 row mounted com picker, N.H. no. 351 grinder mixer, J.D. no. 7200 Max Emerge 2 planter, 4 row, (new, planted 12 acres), J.D. no. 335 round baler (used 800 bales), N.H. no. 310 baler w/thrower, N.H. no. 479 haybine, N.H. no. 256 rake, F.M.C. 5 ft. rotary mower, Kewanee 24 ft. elevator, round bale flat wagon, 2 good bale rack wagons, 2 large gravity bin wagons, J.D. no. 714-A forage wagon w/roof (like new), N.H. no. 518 beater spreader, Baltic 3 pt. spinner spreader, harrow, disk, J.D. heavy duty 3 pt. blade, Ford 3 pt. post hole digger, two 10 ft. feed troughs, 2 metal round hay feeders, platform scales, Sanborn 5 h. p. upright air comp., Walker 4 ton floor jack, large bench vise, 3/4 h.p. bench grinder, acetylene torch w/cart and tanks, 2 anvils, 10 in. power mitre saw, Craftsman 10 in. radial saw, 2 Rem Line tool chests, assorted hand tools, sockets, screwdrivers, chisels, etc., log chains, binders and misc. farm items. THIS ISA VERY GOOD LINE OF MACHINERY! SALE ORDER: WAGON ITEMS, BUTCHERING EQ., MACHINERY AROUND NOON. Terms - CASH OR GOOD CHECK Food stand GEORGE AND CAROL LEACY 717-543-5952 Mark Qlick • Auctionaar AU-349-L FRI. APR. 22 - B:3OAM, Antique China. Glassware, Primitives, Pottery, Late 20th Cent. Western Art, Indian Artifacts, L. Breinin ger Pottery, Antique Furni ture, Quality Reproduction Furniture By Lane. Co., Pa. Craftsmen, Oriental Rugs, Etc. Located At Horst Auc tion Center, SO Durlach Road (Comer Of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., West Of Eph: i). Ephr" Lar .phrala), cphrata, _jnc. Co:, Penna. 17522. The Late Walter Himmelreich & The Late Robert F. & Amy Lausch. Horst Aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION Located 20 mite South of Youngs, Oh. or 15 ml. North of E. Liverpool OH. on ST. RT. 11 to tha Llabon/Rogars Interchange Oust 2 mi. East of Lisbon 0(1.). Then East on St. Rt. 154 1 mile to Elkton Ohio, then continuing East on Middle Beaver Rd. 1 block to the Elkton Rd. then South 1 block to Eells Poul try farm on SAT., APRIL 9th, 1994 At 11:00 AM REAL ESTATE 112 ACRE POULTRY FARM NORTH EAST OHIO-COLUMBIANA COUNTY ELKRUN TWP-BEAVER LOCAL SCH.-ROUTE 11 Show Data: Wad. Eva. March 23 RD From 3:00 to 6:00 PM PARCEL #1: Over 75,000 equate feel of build ings, 3 phase electric; 4 water wells; lake; Bid. 1 is 45x530 ft.; Bid. 2 is 50x420 with equipment for 40.000 birds; Bid. 3 is 45x270 w/equipment for 30.000 birds; Bid. 4 is 45x225 ft storage bldg, with a 45x80 insulated cooler room and 62,000 BTU Burch cooler comp.; Bid. 5 is 30x50 processing bid. with rest room facility; Bid. 6 is 40x100 Butler bid.; Bid 7 is 40x60 pin and frame batik bam; All this is situated on 38.53 acres of land bordering scenic Beaver Creek in Elkton Ohio. NOTE; Although built for poultry, these build ings could be well adapted for many other uses. PARCEL 2 and 3: Containing 6.38 and 5.09 acres respectively w/approx. 2SO ft of frontage on Elkton road. PARCEL 4: Contains 22.47 active creek and is partially wooded (Excellent log cabin site). PARCEL 5: Contains 8.97 acres with approx. 600 ft. of frontage on Elkton road. PARCEL 6: Contains 30.76 acres with 100 ft. frontage along Elkton road (another excellent log cabin site). Auctioneers note; Real Estate will be offered in parcels, combination of parcels, (ie: parcels 1-4 and parcels 5 & 6), and as a whole farm to be sold the method bringing the most Real Estate sells at 12:00 sharp! TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 15% down pay ment day of sale. Balance upon delivery of deed and guarantee title. This property will sell to the highest bidder without reservation. FARM MACHINERY 1987 Case International diesel tractor, model 2294, 4WD, 130 hp, cab, air, 540 and 1000 pto, front weights, app 2000 hrs.; 1979 International model 886 diesel tractor, 85 hp, 4440 hrs. black stripe wfcartial cab; Owatoima 440 Mustang skid steer loader w/dirt and manure buckets; Taylor Way 12 chisel plow; 1989 Kent 12 ft. discovator; Miller 12 ft. offset disc used very little since rebuild; 1986 International model 50 12 ft. stalk shredder; Deutz model 385 4 row no till air planter with dry fertiliz ers, insecticide applicators, and seed monitors; 2 Allis Chalmers model 333 no till air planters with dry fertilizers, insecticide applicators and seed monitors; 1987 Knight 1500 gal. slinger manure spreader; 1984 Knight 2500 gal. slinger spreader. Winpower pto-60 KW 1000 RPM generator; Unverferth hyd auger. Ski Doo 340 snowmobile: Lincoln 225 amp welder; 12-5 shelf carts; Model 34 Burn Easy Incinerator 80 to 95 Ib./hour cap.; Harris cutting torch set; 8 ft. 3 pt hitch blade; 17-48 inch fan blades w/pulleys; 12” side extension and tarp hoops for I.H. dump; Note: Not many misc. items be on time. GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT GLEANER N-5 - BINS - GRINDER MIXER - GRAIN DRYER 1984 Gleaner model N-5 combine with 4 row 38 in. corn head, IS ft. flex grainhead, ISSO thresher hrs. 2000 combine hrs. complete with all the extras (TO BE OFFERED SEPARATELY AND TOGETHER); Continuous Mix-Mill Inc. grinder mixer with 4-20 ton bin tower; Parker model 6000 - 400 bus. tandem axle grain buggy pto auger with hydraulic swing; new IS ton feed bin; 2 used IS ton feed bins; 197 S International Fleets tar 2010 tandem axle truck with 20 ft Midwest (7 yrs. old) grain body with 2 cylinder hoist and 534 cu. in. gas engine; 3-22000 bu. bins; 42000 bu. bin; 8000 bn. bin; 6000 bu. bin w/dryer and stirator; Kan Sun con tinuous flow 300 buThour dryer, 2000 bu. bin; 12 ft.-8" bin sweep auger w/motor; 2-16 ft -4" bin sweep auger, 20 ft.-6" bin sweep auger w/motor; Hance 90 ft grain elevator leg complete with down spouts (Note: GRAIN BINS WILL SELL AFTER REAL ESTATE) BELLS POULTRY FARM INC. Owners Lunch On The Grounds TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK. Jim Baer, Auotloneer/Reelty (216) 227-3236 Ken Baer, Auctioneer BIN Baer, Auctioneer Gordon Koahlar, Auetlonaar/Salaaman Mark Harding, Auotlenaar JIM BAER Auctioneer A Realty PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ON: SAT., APRIL 9, 1994 AT 9 A.M. At 1335 West Market St., York, Pa. The undersigned will offer antiques, collectibles, dishes, glassware, personal property & Household goods. Not responsible for accidents On day of auction. Refreshments by Fire Co. Parking Nearby. TERMS: Cash or personal check with auctioneer approval OWNER ANNA. E. KNAUB BY: Qomuui J. Knaub Julia E. Stamar Power of Attornay Jacob A. Gilbert, Lie. #336 Brian L. Gilbert, Lie. #2256 Auctioneers ImiMMl Q 3.2 ACRE FARMETTE WITH If \ STOREHOUSE / | HOUSEHOLD GOODS • FARM V il EQUIPMENT • TOOLS A g MON., APRIL 11, 1994 T 4:OOPM f » LOCATED: West of York, PA. 4 Miles \ jl Along Rt. 234 • East Berlin Rd. •On Left. A g 6:00 PM REAL ESTATE « V 3.2 Acres in Jackson Township, York Co. I? \ improved with a 2 story stone house, • I frame bam with steel siding and 2 car pole \ jl building. House has kitchen, dining room, n 2? living room, bath and closed-in porch on U the Ist floor, 3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor. II \ Cement basement, oil hot air heat and I f wood stove, all replacement windows and V jl carpet in bedrooms. 231’ Road frontage n g on Rt. 234, fenced in fields. £ iQ TERMS: 10% DOWN DAY OF SALE, /I \ BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. { I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT* PHONE \ il (717) 792-2528 Q ' 4800 PM .FARM f EQUIPMENT? - n OQOPS. i Massey Ferguson 135 Gas, 3 Cylinder O with 600 hours, 3 pt. Power steering • If \ Purchased New; M.F. 2x16 Trip Back f | Plow, 3 pt. 2 Row Culti., Black Hawk 2 \ if Row Corn Planter • 3 pt.. Drag Disk, m Spring Harrow, 2 New Idea 12A 2* A Spreaders, Bale Elevator w/Electric Tf \ Motor, 3 pt. Post Hole Digger, New / | Holland 68 PTO Baler, Int. 3 pt. Dyna 1 if Balancer Mower, Int. Mfg. S’3 pt. Rotary jk v|« Mower, 3 pt. 6’ Scraper Blade, Co-op Hay JB A Rake, 3 pt. Hitch Arps Snow Blower, Tv \ Straw Shredder, Echo Weedeater with I ■ Brush Head, Home-lite XL9O3 Chain Saw, & if New Polan 1800 Chain Saw, Used Polan jk Si, Chain Saw, 2 Notary Mowers, Blacksmith w A Tools, Long Handle Tools, Gas Tank & T Pump, Farm Gates, Fencing, Electric P J Fencer, Tire & Tow Chains, Cable, Horse f ,/ Culti., Shallow Well Pump, Misc. Lumber, V Dog Kennel, Hand Clover Seeder, B&D Q A Hedge Trimmer, Buck Saw, Hudson V Sprayer, 2 Man Saw, Stewart Clippers, 3 P \ Western Horse Saddles and Bridles, Misc. I I Horse Gear, Metal Cattle Rack for Pick- \ Up, Wrenches and Tools, Etc. A Philco Refrigerator, Admiral Electric Stove, Maytag Wringer Washer, Double P | Tubs, Kitchen Cabinet, Footlocker, f ./ Window Air Conditioner, Kerosene Light, V Golf Balls, Hanging Light with red shade Q ffk & prisms, Misc. Household Goods and *ts V other items of interest. P ) TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK I i! SELLER: Jk X* Elwood L. & Ruth N. Rohrbauflh £ A R.D. #6, Box 20, York, PA Tf \ 717-792-2528 ( J MICTION CONDUCTED BY 1 <L Rental 1 * Auction Service « A Emigsville, PA, PA Lie. «761 T
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