352 Mixar. Good Uaod Spring Plow Colton. COMING IN SOON IH 10$t w/Cab Com MO w/Cab AC 190 JD 4320 w/Cab AC 2R 3 PL No Til Complanter Dautz AH is Rotary flaka < IH 720 7* Auto Roaat w/On Land Hitch JD 245 Loadar w/6* And Wobbla Stick JD 43 Loadar w/0‘ And Valva 16.0x33 Snap On Duals ROLLER HARROWS AND PACKERS P-M I' culllmulchsr, nice Dunham 10* rollar harrow Kawanaa 10* rollar harrow Brllllon 12’ cultimulchar JD 950 IS’ rollar harrow, aharp (3) Brllllon 10’ packar w/4" axla Dunham 12’ w/and Iranaport Brllllon 14' w/End Iranaport, 4" Axla Brllllon 10' Cuttipackar, 4” Axla Brllllon 10' Packar w/End Iranaport MISCELLANEOUS 8* 3 Pt Fuerst Chain Harrow Wastgo Rock Plckar Apache 3 Pt. PTO Bruah Chlppar Slda draasara tor Cub and Supar A Farmhand 880 Tub Grlndar (10) aata of tractor duals- call Campbell 400 gal. sprayer (2) Brllllon s’B" seeders- (1 New) New and Usad spike harrows Manure buckets and loader buckets New Long Rotary Tillers, 55”, 63” (5) Gravity Bln Wagons 1 Row 3 PL Tatar Digger New 9” A 12” post hole diggers Farmall Cub Cultivators A Super 'A' Westfield 4xll And oxlo Augers Shaver HDB And HDIO Post Drivers •ID 10' 3 pt. spring tooth harrow Brlnly Disc And Plow For Garden Tr. Haban Sickle Bar For Cub Cadet Knoedlar PTO Burr Mill E 2 Flow 10' Lime Spreader •ID 10' Lime Spreader WANTED TO BUY - EXCELLENT USED FARM TRACTORS, ANY SIZE - ASK FOR DAVE WENGER , » —— KuboU U4s 29 HP w/3 PL, P.S., Ag Internalional 786, 2R, 2 PTO's, w/Cab And Haat, Tlraa, 1R Only 422 Hours. 3,264 Hoi - Shr- hU| Low Houf * And 1968 John Doors 3020 4278 Hours, vary met 2 R, w ,|g htg 15 . 5x38 n re a, Syncro Rsnge Transmission. Fartilizar. (Mailt Jr* 0 1 naaeHeld a** Dhlk JD 7200 PlanlarTunlt ML No Til Plow Plantara, Inaacllcldo, Disk Vacuum, Hydraulic Markors, Nlca Coulloro. Vacuum, Dry Fortlllzar, - « owncoo »• And IH Pull op * n * r *‘ Condition, Compu Irak 100. Super Sharp, Compu Trak 100. Typoa A Many Mom 3 PL Chlaola. CORN PLANTERS AND DRILLS JD 7200 4R w/Dry, Hyd. Markets (2) JD 7000 4R w/Dry JD 7200 4R w/Dry « No Til IH 000 4R 30" Cornplantar w/Dry JD 7000 6x30 plate type plantar IH 249 2 row pull type (2) JD 1240 4R Piatelasa Plantar MF 43 21x7 DO Grain Drill FARM TRACTORS Kubota L 345 2WD, 422 Houra Whita 2-105 w/Canopy 2,340 Hours Caaa 4090 4WO 250 HP, 3 Pt., PTO Caaa 4490 4WD, 175 HP, 3 Pt., PTO JD 2350 R&T Rollbar, Nice JD 4020 LP Gas, WF, Cab JD 3020 Diesel, WF, 2R, Vary Nice JD 2440 w/Cab, Low Hours IH 786 Fender, Very Nice IH 706 Diesel, WF, 3 PL IH 686 Diesel, 2R, Sharp IH 656 Gas, WF, 3 PL IH 454 Gas, P.S., Live PT01205 Hours. Sharp IH 454 Gas, P.S., Live PTO, Nice IH 284 Gas, 28 HP w/3 PI. Allis Chalmers 6060 Diesel, 1R MF 255 Diesel w/Canopy, New Tires, V. Nice Farmall 140 w/Cult., Good Condition Farmall Super A w/Culllvator Oliver 1655 Gas, WF Farmall 140 Hl-Clear While 271 21' Rock Flex Dlac Krause 1425 20' Rockflex Disc Miller 11’ Offset White 281 10%' Offset Disc IH 8' Offset Disc- Small Frame JD 111 8' Rock Flex Disc (Sharp) JD 115 10' Disc, New Blades Kawanae 730 10’ Rock Flex (Sharp) JD BW 13’ Disc JD 110 14' Disc Bush Hog 12' Cutting Disc IH 500 13' Cutting Disc JD KBA 20 Blade Drag Disc (3) Farmall Cub Drag Disc Several 3 PL Hitch Discs- Call •if 1983 John Deere 2350, Rabbit & John Deere 1710 11' Mulch-Tiller International 6000 11’ Conaertil Turtle, Rollber, 16.9x30 Tires. A Chisel Plow With Diae Blades At Chisel Plow With Coulters. Very Nice Tractor. Front (Can Remove 2 Shanks). SEES While 588 4xlB Auto Reset White 549 4x16 Auto Reset White 549 sxlB Auto Reset White 548 6xlB Auto Reset IH 450 3x16 3 PL Auto IH 720 7x16 Auto reset, on land IH 710 6xlB On Land, Trip IH 720 6x16 Auto Reset IH 700 6x16 Auto reset (sharp) IH 720 5x16 Auto reset IH 730 4x Vari-WMth. Toggle IH 710 3x16 Auto reset (2) IH 2x last hitch (2) IH 311 3x fast hitch White 6342 3x 16 Rollover (2) White 348 3x16 3 PL Auto Reset White 346 4x16 3 PL Cushion While SOS 4x16 SemFML MF 57 4x16 roll-over plows JD 2700 sxlB Auto Reset JD 2700 7x On Land Toggle Trip JD 4600-4xlB roll-over on-land hitch JD 4200 3x Roll-Over (2) IMCO lx 3 pL plows (2) IMCO 2x 3 PL Plows JD 336 Balar w/Ejactor JD 327 Balar w/E)aetor (Kapt Inalda) JD 346 Balar w/Ejaelor JO 1219 Mo/Co, Cut 40 Acraa 1 Tima Caaa IH 3206 T 3 PL Dlac Mowar JD 240 64" 3 PL (Mac Mowar Ford NH 451 T 3 PL Slckla Mowar, Sharp (3) NH 451 r 3 PL Slckla Mowar Caaa IH 1300 9' 3 PL Slckla Mowar, Sharp MF 41 T 3 PL Slckla Mowar NH 455 T Pull Typa Slckla IH 1100 T Pull Typa Slckla JD 50 r Slda Mount Slckla Triumph 6’ Hyd. Driva Slda ML Slckla, Sharp Poquoa 710 PTC Taddar NH 55 Hay Raka NH 256 Hay Raka NH 258 Hay Raka w/Dolly (4) Bala Throw Wagona, 2 Now Onaa Sltrax 4 Whoal 3 PL Hay Raka Buffalo Vallay 36' Elovator, Naw Naw Idaa 40' Elovator w/Motor And PTC LOADER ATTACHMENTS JD ISO Loader w/O' And Wobble Stick (4020) (2) JD 145 w/0' Bucket And Valve Snow blades for Farmall Cub And Super-A Bush Hog 2840 QT To Fit F 07700 He salon L 350 OT Loader Westendorf TA2S QT Loader w/0' Bucket 1973 JD 4400 Dlaaei Combine 1974 JD 4400 dleaal rotary acraan Combine JD 213 Flex Black Reel, Sharp (2) JD 213 Ilex head, yellow reel JD 15' grain head JD 10* grain head 6T Lo Profile Header Transport JD 343 3RN Corn Head JD 443 4RN Corn Hoad ROTARY MOWERS Naw Wood MD 315 15’ Batwing John Dotra 1505 15* Wing Mo war Alamo TK-15' Wing Mowar Wooda RM 400 oatata Wood* RM 500 oatata Wooda RMS 9 total* Mott flail to fit cub Naw Wooda 5260 3 pL dilch/bank Now Wooda S9C bally mowar for cub Naw Wooda L 59 for AC ‘B’ Wooda L 306 to tit Ford 8N Buah Hog S' 3 pL flail mowar M-C r 3 PL Flail Mowera, Nlca Naw Wooda 214 14' Mowar/Shraddar Naw Wooda 121 10* Rotary Mowar Wood DOBO Offaat Pull Mowar CHISEL PLOWS & FIELD CULTIVATORS Hosslon 9T Soil Savor w/Hyd. Disco JD 900 5x30 V-Rlppor IH 6000 IT Consortil Chlsol (Soil Savor) JD 1710 IT Disc Chlsol (Soil Savor) Hlnlkor 1120 18' Flat Fold Flold Cull.- Sharp IH 45 12’ 3 pt flold cultivator (2) IH 45 IS' flold cultivators, pull typo Lororat 13' flold finisher w/rolllng baskets IH IT 3 pt 5500 chlsol (3) JD 1600 10’ 3 Pt. Chlsol And 12' Brltlton 10' pull chlsol IH 55 10’ pull typo chlsol or 12' Gloneoo T And 9' Pull Chlsolo (2) IH 55 7' 3 Pt. Chlsol AC 1200 3 Pt. Flold Cult.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers