STARTED CAPONS AND CAPONIZING Very Low Slip Percentage SCHOPF BROS. Well Feathered Bird 3493 Marietta Avo. Great 4-H Project Lanc £!!? r ,’.P£A 76oi Also Available: Started < S2e*?j* *«"?«• * Uv or Dressed Market Weight Capons. Additional Pickup Locations Mltllnburfl/UiUon Co. Uks MoVWsyno Co. EvirM/Mfißl COi Ntw EmUCmtnl ftu BWaofcmnjH/Frsnlilln Ca Stov^ST Alburtls/Lshtfh Co. PrsttoSoraW SCHOPF BROS. Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized MASTER Ss@W DISTRIBUTOR ■ serves the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries ■ Bulk laid bkn In ■ wid* wMy d capadtlaa, lor any application. [ • Genuina Choro-Tlmo FLEX-AUGER I - i faed dal (vary (lexMa augar t/tlarm. vW ' 'liaii • Brollar t brolar braadlng loading PT" '\V syttama, Including tha navv Choro-Tkno \ % Modal ZOOO and tha Modal C taadora. \\Tt PPM • Font S eompMo vantlatlon ayttorm, Including tha now fan oadMor. — J • InnovoDva OHORE-TIME/SWISH wntar- Ing lor any kind ol poultry appleatkm. BiQjijViJ • Chora-nmat akduahra MEAL-TIME* pig and hog loading t wearing tyatarm. • Chora-Tlma’a produdkm-taoaallng cow nL|ufi] loading ayalam lor dairy aparatlona. TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 ■ PcniMylvanU 1 ! Author! zad Matter Distributor Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc. Byway Burtn—i Parte sro«HOu«.Mcm-M.7.soio*» IWAWtetAtportßoad M U«i.m 17643 Ph. l4OO-<73-2510 j|| JBP 1W FEED i ■■ SEED 100 tons alfalfa haylage, $4O ton Lab. County 717/865-3602 18 acres of established rye to come off this Spring UtUe Britain Twp, Lancas ter County (717)529-6488. 25 round bales, 5x5, tor beet cattle or mulch, $l5 each, will load. (301)898-7426 2nd Cutting of Alfalfa Hayl age. 20%+ protein, 55% moisture, $3B/ton. 717/445-6402 4-7 pm. 2nd cutting alfalfa, $125/ton delivered, trailer load lots 717/534-1253. 3000 Bales Hay, Orchard Grass and Alfalfa First Cut ting No Ram, Also 2-3-4 Cutting Alfalfa Perry County (717)789-9373 (717)697-9103 3rd cutting Alfalfa hay, $llO/ton at barn. Will de liver to Lancaster Co. 700 bale load, SIS/ton; 300 bale load, $2O/ton. 717-359-9052 3rd cutting alfalfa bale age, 12001 b round bales, will deliver, no Sunday calls 717/258-6682 3rd cutting alfalfa hay, small sq.bales, excellent shape, $125 at barn 410/357-5326 call after spm Receive healthy 3J4 week old surgically eeponlzed chick* OR Wa will coma to your farm to caponlza your chicks All Size Orders Accepted Large or Small SPACE HEATERS BROODERS 55 ton 22% protein, first cutting alfalfa haylade, ex cellent, 100 ton quality corn silage, 190 bu. roasted soybeans Near Akron, Lane Co 717-859-1523 ALFALFA HAY $1 75 bale Dauphin Co Call 717/944-3620 Alfalfa Ist and 2nd cutting, square and round bales, delivery available (814)652-9512 Alfalfa Seed For Sale, ex cellent germination, excel lent quality, $1,50/lb., 601 b. bushel. Order immediately, Homestead Nutrition, 717/354-4398. AMUNDSON HAY COM PANY Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares David Amundson, Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56163 1-800/398-5931 Approximately 500 round bales, some mixed, some all alfalfa Approximately 4000 square bales, Ist, 2nd and 3rd cuttings avail able (717)527-4785. Baled shavings, baled shredded paper. Storage Problems? Use our vans, 30 day free use. SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA. 717/528-4505 Wheat straw, pickup at barn Call evenings, (610)837-1967. BUYING HAY- Timothy Orchard Grass, Buying for Large Mushroom Farm in Chester County. Top Dollar Yearly Contract Available Using 16,000 Tons Yearly. Paid By The Load Call Harry (610)932-9457 Clover seed lor sale, $6O per bushel. (Bowmansville, LanCo ) James Martin, 1305 Reading Road, Den ver, PA 17517. Clover seed, nice, clean, home grown York Co. Call evenings, (717)235-1479. CORN SILAGE FOR RoilXld BaleS SALE, DELIVERY AVAIL- - _ . - ABLE 717/872-9152, WantCa 717/872-4058 - Dried shelled corn for sale. MUICh STUMP ACRES NOW Of Old Hay (717)792-3216, York Co. £g|| EVOllingS Dry shelled com. H.M. „ , tfna shelled corn, corn silage, 215/593'7317 and alfalfa hay. Hunting- ' don, Blair & surrounding counties 814/669-4536 Dry shelled corn and soy beans Berks County (610)770-3264. Excellent Quality Alfalfa Hayiage in Chester County, 22%CP, $3B/Ton picked up Can arrange trucking and can unload into anything. Call Walt or Bill at (215)869-3940. Excellent quality Alafala Hay. you pick up. Christ K. Stoltzfus Call Wednesday- Saturday 7AM-6PM 215-649-2954 Feed by-products, sweet corn silage, SIS/ton, mixed w/field corn $25/ton Clyde Kreider Lancaster, PA 717 898-8927 For Sale. Soybeans XL4IS From last Years. Certified Seed Cleaned or Un cleaned. (717)866-2406. Good Com Silage, Delivery Available (717)872-5554 HAY Bales lor cattle or mulch Call 908-439-2600. MERRYWIND FARM, Pot lersville, NJ HAY FOR SALE: Round bales of alfalfa. Square bales alfalfa & alfalfa brome mix. 717/258-5224. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy Over 35 years of business Refer ence in your area upon re quest We deliver No or ders too large L J Hay, Inc 1-800-622-9902 Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver. 717-393-4683 Call 7AM. Hay for Sale! 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 High moisture ground ear corn, Ag Bqg. Coehranville area, Chester Co 717-529-2944 High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered, also straw & mixed hqy. Martin Brothers, Olivet, Ml, 517/543-1642. Improved open poNinated seed $27-s£9 bushel. High teed value silqge and grain (419)657-6727 MD 609 fobacqo seed, S6.QO/per 14 oz pack. W# mail. Daniel S Esh, 3840 E Newport RD, Gordon ville, PA 17529-9725. Mixed round bales of hay stored inside Also alfalfa haylage in round bales, de livery available 609-935-0613. Quality round bales, stored inside, Alfalfa and grass. Delivery available. 717-382-4659. Second and third crop al falfa, excellent quality, and oats (412)758-9948 Timothy Hay, $lOO/ton, Al falfa Hay $l2O/lon, Mixed Hay $l2O/ton. Schuylkill Co. (717)875-4616. WANTED or moldy corn, gram or soy beans 717/733-4516 WANTEP: JD PTO corn shelter on wheels w/ conveyor to take cobs away 717-896-3350. WANTED; Used tub grin der suitable for chopping newspaper 717/432-4822 York Co. Wheat straw Bright and clean Pick up at barn. 717-872-7801 FOR SALE Mulch Hay and Orchard Grass 717/933-4854 WANTED MULCH HAY Round Bales, Square Bales We Need Much More Hay I Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman & Sons 717-437-2076 RISSER GRAIN Buying & Selling Ear & Shelled Com, Wheat. Barley & Soybeans. Roasted Soybeans For Sale Holtwood, PA 717-284-4628 717-284-3362 WANTED TO BUT: Organic Com, Soybeans Barley or Wheat Must Be All Chemical and Commercial Fertilizer Free For At Least Last 3 Years Affadavlt Required Paying Premium Prices CORNERSTONE GRAIN 215-693-5027 ml KEYSTONE MILLS <St\vUiq ieuClui* — Busring Shelled Com Alto Buying Wheat and Barley During Harvest Seaaon Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 For Sale Peanut Hulls, Bag or Bulk, Delivery Anywhere I Order Early, Short Crop | 717/758-3108 Bags 717/758-2223 Bulk Alfalfa 4x4 wrapped or ganic haylage. guaran teed, reduced price. We deliver. 717-068-8220. Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 8, IW4-C25 Ronald 8. Keener Grain fIK Heidel Hollow Farm Inc. 215-767-1408 FAX 215-767-1312 Selling 3rd and 4th cutting balage, Ist cutting alfalfa and mixed hay. WE DELIVER WORLD-WIDE DAVID O. FINK \HH i— Germansville, PA 18053 VIWk MILK ■ > §i -*** n | J M&R GRAINS, INC # | g SOYBEANS » g DEALERS IN BARLEY, CORN & SOYBEANS g FITNESS YOU CAN DRINK *
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