D4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 8, 1994 Penn UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Each spring, college stu dents from Pennsylvania to Maine gather for the Northeast Student Affiliate (NESA) of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Society of Animal Science. This year’s meeting was held during the last weekend in Febru ary and hosted by Penn State’s Dairy Science and Block and Bridle clubs. Sarah Johnson and Shannon Peterman co-chaired the event. Mdl Announces Century Farm Program ANNAPOLIS, Md. Gover nor William Donald Schaefer an nounced the creation of a Mary land Century Farm program to re cognize Maryland farms that have stayed in the same family for a century or more. “Our century farm families need to be recognized. They repre sent a durability and love of the land that is the heritage of Mary land,” said Governor Schaefer. “Agriculture continues as Mary land’s leading industry because of the hard work, dedication and in novation of our long time farm families.” The Maryland Century Farm Program will honor families whose farms have been in the same family for more than 100 consecutive years, contain at least 10 of the original acres, and gross more than $2,500 annually from the sale of farm products. “I urge all those who think they may qualify to fill out an applica uon. Century families will partici pate in an annual awards cere mony and receive a certificate from the Department of Agricul ture and recognition by the gover nor,” said Maryland Secretary of Agriculture Robert L. Walker. Applications may be obtained from the Maryland Department of State Garners First Placings At NESA which began with registration and a social in the Agricultural Sci ences and Industries Building. Institutions represented at this year’s meeting included Universi ty of Connecticut, Cornell Univer sity, University of Delaware, Dela ware Valley College, University of Maine, University of Vermont, Vermont Technical College, and of course, Penn Slate. Competition began on Saturday with a judging contest. Students judged a total of eight classes, including 3-year-old Holstein Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401, or from local cooperative exten sion service offices. cows, American Quarter Horse yearlings, Dorset yearling ewes, market hogs, Simmental heifers, Leghorn laying hens, hams, and frankfurters. Penn Stale students garnered the first six placings and eight of the top 10 individual placings. Nineteen four-person teams competed in the judging contest, with Penn Slate taking first, sec ond. and third. The following stu dents made up the Penn State teams (individual placings shown in parentheses): First place A Team included John Penny (2nd), Daryl Bomgardner (10th), Brenda Mahaliak (3rd), and Cathy Pavels ki (sth); second place B Team included Tom Gibney (6th), Andy Mclntire, John Foster (13th), and Chad Henry (1st); third place C team included Scott Myers (4th), Gain capacity without sacrificing bird comfort or aisle width Chore-Time Duratrim Cage Systems are designed to be perfect for remodeling! flgiß DURATRIM-CB DURATRIM- DBS Curtain Back Dropping Board and Scraper You get more room In our top cage (or extra birds Note the extra wire In partitions, backs and tops for added strength ULTRAFLO* 80 feet per minute ai has a 5 year warrant Special wire on cagi floors is welded belt being galvanized. Thl gives stronger weldr and battar coating, one more reason why Chore-Time 2 outlasts other systems Here ere Hie feels why ULTRAFLO® outperforms chein feeders SIMPLE OPERATION. EAST AUGER CONNEC “Push-PulT Power Units TOR. Allows fast and with low HP motor are simple Installation, nl«n located along the feeder quick and easy repair of line as needed. auger If ever necessary. Pennsylvania’s Authorized Master Distributor Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Lititz, PA 17543 Ph: (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 . Bryan Dean, Jen Trout (Bth), and Adam Tanis (17th). In quiz bowl competition, the Penn State A team, made up of Henry Zerby, Andrew Morley, Thad Will, and Jason Ahola, placed first. The B team, including Jeff Hosteller, Jayne Hess. Vince Smith, and Ryan Mattocks, placed second. And the C team, with Ben McConaughey, Matt Espenshade, Brian McAllister, and Brenda Hor gan, finished fourth out of 17 teams. In the paper presentation con test, Marel Raub placed first with her topic. “The Impact of the Nutrient Management Act on Pen nsylvania Dairy Farms.” Michele Ruffing spoke on dispelling false propaganda being spread against the use of animal products. Her talk, “Fight Back," brought her a MNBS. Curiomon to 2 fat par 100 Hr*/ 110,000 poryMr i lOO.OOtkWrfhooM STORE HOURS; Mon.-Frl. 7:30 to 4:30 Sat. 8:00 to Noon 24 Hr. 7 Day Repair Service f r f Remodel with Chore-Time and you can have more birds, better per formance and less maintenance. Chore- Time’s 4 tier, 20 inch deep Duratrlms are the same width as 3 tier dropping board systems and 4 tier reverse cages. Go from 60,000 birds to 80,000 birds. Over 80% of the nation’s top egg producers* have already switched to Chore-Time cages with ULTRAFLO® Feeders!* Egg producers have been putting up with obsolete chain feeders far too long. Now there's a better way; Chore-Time’s proven ULTRAFLO Cage Feeding System. Since introduction, more than 80% of the top 54 egg producers* have gone to ULTRAFLO. A lot of smaller ones have too. They've all looked at the advantages and chosen ULTRAFLO. That's because it makes them more profitable Total egg production and egg size—these are the best benefits of our complete feeding system. Why not check out the facts for yourself? Contact us now—or ask any producer who owns ULTRAFLO. Because the only negative comments about our feeding system come from our competition—not from our customers *The Top 54 U S tgg Producers as listed In Nov Alec 1991 tG6 INDUSTRY Call or send for the list of over 80% top egg producers who have switched to Chore-Time! Call or send for the list of over 200 Ultraflo" houses in the Northeast. fourth place. Jen Furl also pre sented a talk, “Stray Voltage and Its Impact on Cows and Lactation.” In the final two competitions of the weekend, Penn State also emerged victorious. Henry Zerby, a dairy and animal science major with dual minors in International Agriculture and Poultry Technolo gy and Management, was selected as the NESA outstanding senior. This is the second time in three years that a Penn State student has been recognized with this honor. In overall outstanding team competition, Penn State placed first, second, and fourth, overall, distinguishing Penn Slate as the outstanding student affiliate chap ter in the Northeast region. Next year’s NESA meeting will be held at Cornell University. Contracts Take advantage qf this ideal income opportunity for family forma. Call for information on production eontracta for new and remodeled layer houses. 1-800-673-2580 BB m yaar warranty cages. Call or sand (or a copy Egg tray Is out Iher to provant egg jam-ups 'his sxtra high lip on ths sgg ■«y saves aggs ■ Available with 24”x20” cages 16"x20” cages Get 33% more Irds because It i only 73” wide
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