C3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 1994 Excellent Quality Alfalfa ha v for Sale' mmm Haylage in Chester 71 7/862-3213, mWim oniurov t County, 22%CP, $3B/Ton 717/927-9463 rwLrnr a MwißHllflljllllH picked up Dan arrange ■— 1 ■■ ■———^sssi SUPPLIES trucking and can unload High Quality Alfalfa Hay RTTVTIVO Eastern Hay •Bs= into anything Call Walt or tested and delivered, also UUYIWIj . —————— ■SiUEBUIBIBH Bill at (215)869-3940 straw & mixed hay Martin SHIHLTJCTk Transporters DUy «!-' hk II 5 - Brothers, Olivet, Ml, . POULTRY HOUSES Excellent quality 517/543-1642 CORN IRQ large lots Of High RiJSfe’SPvolume StolX Call IDAHO'S BEST ALFALFA timothy, tilTlothy/al -3SsWork For «h 1n r ?Lea W veSo m rf ™ l SaturdayTAM 6Ph pe^eredanywhere , ° you Pick-Up On YOUf f a | faj brjght wheat You're Tired Of All The Water And Equipment 215 - 649 2954 1 800 ssi 2378 ask for Fafm and barlev Straw Failure, Give Me A Call Next Timell Feed by-products, sweet Darren R. y [H “ saiass Year'round buyer. U Leave Message j USJ Kreider Lancaster PA seed $27-$29 bushel High 717-653-8783 Can pickup and -| 717898 - 8927 gmin OT deliver. 100 ton corn silage, 70 ton iy*^|jP com Mixed round bales of hay II 1*800*844-4574 || I (703)665-9706 I i«horf e ri« s ro S'tL $lOO, Barley straw $lOO stored inside Also alfalfa H ..... V / “ R h r f Picked up Cumberland ha y |a 9 e round bales - , d ®- spring Located Little Bn- 717-532-4423 livery available . - tain Twpship area, Lancas- 609-935-0613 —«- JL, J S. -ter Co 717-529-6488 Good Corn Silage, Delivery . ... . —-— WANTRTI „ rrt A| . |ta hau Available (717)872-5554 P ld Al ’ al,a ha V' $B5/ton de- "nil 1 CdMJ 3rd cutting Alfalfa hay hvered, trailer load lots IUTTIT PII U4V $llO/ton at barn Will de- Good Quality Timothy. Al- 717 534-1253 iUUIA/Xl XIXXZ liver to Lancaster Co 700 talfa Hay, in Round Bales _ ._ . _ bale load, $l5/ton, 300 (717)866-4919 Orchard Grass mixed Round Bales, Square Bales ;,■;&&& * 2o,,<> '' HAY FOR SALE H.und KI'SS'S'S W * ““ Ch M °™ Ha »' bales of alfalfa Square s6otosl2o/ton Bright bar- Bfldmui Farms 3rd cutting alfalfa baleage, bales alfalfa & alfalfa ley straw $250/bale Dairy _ „ T* Karras 12001 b round bales, will brome mix 717/258-5224 quality alfalfa 8 mile local GCMId BOOmail & SOXIS deliver, no Sunday calls - delivery available Eli- *7l *7 7 04V74* 1 717/258-6682 z a b e t h t o w n 717-437-2076 (717)367-3801 * ~~ J -»'* -«■- i E. AMUNDSON HAV COM- HAY AN ?. STR^ W *%L PANY Dairy quality, Al Worses and dairy Over 35 falfa, small squares David y ears °* business Refer- FPFF MEW 1994 CHICK A Amundson, Route 2, Box ence in your area upon re- TKCE new 1/74 V*nlV*l\ <X 103, Westbrook MN 56183 quest We deliver No or- TURKEY CATALOG **»*>*>* SVSdSII-sW H,, ‘ “WHOLESALE PRICES” shredded paper Storage RaY straw tor s, . Jumbo Cornish Cross. Sexlinks, TtX* £ sunrlse c3?Sm ® old ® n Re^ s ' Leghorns. W. Rocks, farms. York Springs, pa Clean good qua | ltyi Barred Rocks, Guineas, Pheasants, 717/528-4505 siiage 9 High moisture Ducks. Goslings, Plus Fancy Bantams, utv rr m ground ear corn Hauling Buff Orpingtons. Aroucons, SSSSSaSi? A"S “SS “Sg c “- Black Austraiorps Large Mushroom Firm in tyu ' (6 0)932 ' 8999 Booking Orders Now For Large Chester County, Top Clover seed, large round Brnnrihr*actMl Whites inX n „ Dollar Yearly Contract timothy bales, Int 720 5 UrTOdbreasted Whites And Giant Bronze Available Using 18,000 bottom plow, 7000 4R luncey Poults. Special Wholesale Prices Tons Yearly Paid By The planter (610)381-3043 JVriV Write or Phone For a 1 1 Harry CORN SILAGE FOR Free Catalog Today (610)932-9457 S aue, DELIVERY avail- We Guarantee You dairy quality hay, 4x4 872 ' 9152 The Best Quality And Lowest Prices Anywhere round bales wrapped al- ._ , . .falta Delivery available PHONE (717) 426-3411 __ Dried shelled corn for sale I Wrapped Ktlvn stump acres Round Bales, POULTRY FARMS t Haylage I Northeast Agri | Systems Mm Your Authorized MASTER DISTRIBUTOR servos the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries • Bulk (Md bint In a wlda variety of capacities, for any application. I • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER'* - J teed delivery flexible auger systems • Broiler A broiler breeding feeding Pr \\ systems. Including the new Chore-Tlmo ft mi W V tJJ l ti Model 2000 and the Modal C feeders > V WBH • Fans A complete ventilation systems, Including the new tan osdllalor. ” ** ' ■ Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH water- Ing lor any Kind of poultry application. [RdJjfTVr • Chore-Time’s axduslvs MEAL-TIME* pig and hog feeding A watering systems • Chore-Time’s production-boosting cow feed'ng system lor dairy operations. i Shenandoah space BROODERS HEATERS J INCINERATORS—, - v & T-~ TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 ■ Pennsylvania’s Authorized Master Distributor m Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc Ftyway Bininost Park sro« mouoi Mon-fit 7Mto4 30 MB 139AWs»t Airport Road soi •oo to Noon m/m Utltz PA 17643 ** ’***•££**: Jii Ph (717)569-2702 l-«00-«73-2MII P |PP| SOT ear corn in narrow crib No Sunday calls 717-589-7481 Alfalfa Ist and 2nd cutting, square and round bales, delivery available (814)652-9512 Alfalfa and alfalfa orchard grass mixed hay, excellent quality, $2 50/bale 717/235-2730 Dry shelled corn, H M shelled corn, corn silage, and alfalfa hay Hunting don Blair & surrounding counties 814/669-4536 Dry shelled corn and soy beans Berks County (610)779-3284 Mixed grass hay, round bales very good quality, stored indoors, $l9 each at farm Quamty discounts 814-695-8478 days. eekends and nights 814-695-3421 i i mii a ii i_n a 11 L-i i_ *HAY*&*STRAW*' Harvey E. Heller 717-393-4683 Can Deliver Mulch Hay and Orchard Grass 717/933-4854 SELLING HIGH MOISTURE CORN Will Deliver LUKE H. KURTZ 215-944-0263 Berks Co. HAY FOR SALE Ocia or ganic certified Alfalfa $l5O/ton Grass $lOO/ton, Clean straw $l2O/ton, Ist cut hay $7O/ton BRIAR PATCH ORGANIC FARMS 717-966-1658 Hay, 2nd & 3rd cutting al falfa, large round bales, dry or wrapped, also small bales dry hay Southern Lancaster Co 717/529-2294 Track quality hay and straw wanted, square bales only! Clark Farms (908) 938-4947 WANTED: Mulch Hay Ist cut timothy, and orchard grass; also feed hay and straw. David W. Rohrer Parma (717) 866-4919 Prompt Pay No Sunday Calls pjTlj KEYSTONE MILLS Buying Shelled Com Also Buying Wheat and Barlay During parvaat Season Call 717/354-4616 or 717/738-4251 Round bales 2nd cutting al falfa Reasonably priced Call evenings, MILK . > (717)872-9296 Q| , . S Round bales orchard Is I Ia I grass stored under cover X Oj*. K approximately 700 lbs v *7 >* ' C $25/bale at farm ►« /W Rj (410)833-8870 Q It ' pi V t. Seed oats, hardy brand. 44 m H bushels, $4 00 per bushel. M&R GRAINS* INC. 2 717-652-6842 < * ♦' Small square bales of l%\ ROASTED SOYBEANS |»| 6pm a (610)779-3 ( 2e4 a,tef § DEALERS IN BARLEY. CORN & SOYBEANS B STRAW WANTED, 3-6 ton FITNESS YOU CAN DXItNK loads, within 30 miles of Kutztown, PA Up to $lOO/ton We load $lO/944-0686 Wanted Mulch Hay 215-869 2078 John H. Lloyd Square bales of bright timothy, and 2nd & 3rd cutting alfalfa hay, S7S-$lOO per ton (814) 749-0879 Round Bales Wanted For Mulch New or Old Hay Call Evenings 215/593-7317 NELSON L. ROHRER Extruded •ppyhtmu . Begged 80 lb. or Bulk Shelled Com, Ear Com and Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting ■■ (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 ! "buying iVEiirNG - ; Shelled Corn #3 Barley 48% Soybean Meal Feed Ingredients ;all 1.800-692-6001 For Sale Peanut Hulls, Bag or Bulk, Delivery Anywhere I Order Early, Short Crop | 717/758-3108 Bags 717/758-2223 Bulk Heldel Hollow Farm Inc. 215-767-1408 FAX 215-767-1312 Selling 3rd and 4th cutting balage, Ist cutting alfalfa and mixed hay. WE DELIVER WORLD-WIDE _ DAVID O. FINK \ MW—^— Germansvllle, PA 18053 \wggu *1
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