Livestock Ledger (Continued from Pago ASS) pounds of or commercial feed daily. If the horse is too thin, you may need to feed it greater amounts. If you use more than six pounds of grain, feed twice a day. A pellet feed may help if the horse has a chewing problem. A PUBLIC AUCTION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28lh, 1994 @ 10 A.M. On Premises: 401 EAST ERIE AVE. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WAREHOUSE (215) 739-1021 $450,000 WHOLESALE INVENTORY BUILDING MATERIALS FURNITURE, CARPETS. PANELING, PLYWOOD, MARBLE. CERAMIC. DOORS. WINDOWS. OAK FLOORING ** # SPECIAL INVENTORY *** 25,000 SY Commercial & Residential Carpets - All Sizes Includes Oriental Rugs Lots Of All Sizes For Dealers, Distributors ft Individuals MARBLE ft TILES: 8,000 sf 12x12 marble, 10.000 sf BxB ceramic floor & wall tile, 1.000 sf vinyl tile, 1,000 sy (12’ rolls) kitch en inlaid, asst colors. PLYWOOD ft PANELING: 11,200 sf 4xB Georgia Pacific tileboard - 6 colors, 625 pcs 4xB G.P. wood paneling, 960 pcs exterior plywood CDX - 1/2 to 3/4", 150 pcs 1/2" #1 birch 4xB ply wood, 250 sheets paneling, 50 sheets tile board. DOORS ft WINDOWS: 800 pcs Taylor steel door blanks 30” & 32”, 25 pre hung leaded glass doors, 6 full view glass doors (tinted), 20 pcs 6 panel & solid wood doors, 25 pcs 24" to 36” pine & luan doors, 350 windows, dble hung alum & vinyl, decorator type, 30 steel doors - flush & panel, 50 pine doors - panel and louver, 75 solid core & fire rated doors, 50 hollow core flush, 150 hollow core 6 panel doors, 75 windows, 50 prehung interior & qty pre hung exterior doors, 20 storm & storm sec urity doors, 100 sets exterior door Jambs. FURNITURE: 10 sofa love seats, 6 sets tables & chairs, 30 lamps. 250 brass ceil ing lights, 50 brass wall lights, 50 brass bathroom lights, 30 gold frame wall pic tures, 4 wall mirrors, kitchen appliances. MOULDING: 10,000 If clam shell, casing, base, cove, stop, in & outside corners, hand railing, 10,000 If white pine moulding. PLUMBING: 20 vanities - 19” to 36” w/ marble tops, 3 pcs bath tub & walls, show er doors. KITCHEN CABINETS ft APPLIANCES: 20 kitchen cabinet units - base & wall cabinets, counter tops, 6 pcs gas & electric appliances, 200 If counter tops, kitchen appliances. CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT: includes cement pans, ladders, jacks, Impact wrenches, cement buggies, wood ladders. MISCELLANEOUS: paint brushes, drop cloths, caulking, roof cement, 90 lb roofing paper, shingles, roof insulation, 7,000 st ceiling tile 2x4 & 2x2 & 1 xi, 10,000 sf ceil ing grid, 8,000 If dry wall corner & s beads, 250 ft white pine hand rail, 20 cases roof cement, 100-4’ fluorescent lights. TERMS: 25% deposit, cash or certified funds. 10% Buyer's Premium. INSPEC TION: Sat. 2/26 & Sun. 2/27 from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Sale held rain or shine • Indoors In heated warehouse. Com plimentary food & beverages to all registered bidders. No children allowed sale day. DIRECTIONS: Rte. 95 south on Pa. side, off (3> Bridge St. exit & make right, 3 blocks & make left on Torres dale Ave., becomes Erie & L Bridge, keep going down Erie to auction signs. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Wide variety of merchandise. Huge selections. Some thing for everyone. Don’t miss this saiel vitamin-mineral supplement also may help an aged hone. Vitamins are important in various digestive processes. Some studies also indi cate a mineral supplement may aid bone mineralization in older hones. Penn State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity univenity. LOCATION: York Co., PA. From 1-83 exit 7 (E Prospect Rd) take Rt. 124 E ±1.5 ml. Turn R onto Rt. 24 S for ±4.8 ml. Turn L at Rutter’s store & follow Pros pect Rd. ±1.2 mi. to sale on R at corner of Prospect Rd. & Kendale Rd. This attractive ±l3 acre farmette is located in Windsor Twp., Red Lion Sch Dist. approx. 10 acres of nearly level, tillable soil. Property is in Clean & Green. Zoned residential. Recorded in York Co. courthouse Deed Bk 36-0 Pg 622. Subdivision possible. Buildings include: 2'A story frame house w/vinyl siding, front & back porches, pantry, eat-in kitchen w/ wainscoating, LR w/chestnut trim, room w fA bath, 3 BRs & full bath on 2nd floor, full attic, wood/ground floor basement, forced hot air/ gas furnace, elect hot water heater. Utilities: city gas, water & sewer. 30’x36'/4 ’ frame bank bam w/1 Ig bay & 2 hay mows, hay racks, concrete floor & cemented bam yard. 18’x25’ galvanized 1-car utility shed w/ ground cellar, 16’xl8* cement block 1-car gar age. 2-story hog pen. Comcrib. Property is being offered for sale free & clear in its AS IS condition. This is an excellent property for horse owners or someone wanting a quiet country setting, yet only 1 mi. from town. Must see to appreciate! Call today for appt! TO INSPECT: By appt only call 717-266-3503 or auctioneers at 717-757-5130. TERMS: 10% down day of sale in cash, certified, cashier’s or personal check w/ bank letter of credit dated for this sale! Balance in 90 days. AUCTIONEERS NOTE; Antiques, col lectables, house items, guns, tools, riding mower, truck & misc. to be sold at this sale starting at 10:00 AM. AUCTIONEERS: Melvin Haines Lie 379 L Ralph Brenneman Lie 708 L 717-757-5130, 741-1728 Lancaster Barn Meeting: LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) —The Lancaster County Holstein Club bam meeting is set for this week, Monday. February 21. at the Gary and Robert Bow man farm in Paradise. Starting time is 12:30 p.m. right after noon. The local committee has espe cially invited neighbors and friends who may not be members but who have an interest in looking at good cows and learning more PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE ±l3 ACRE FARMETTE SAT., APRIL 2,1994 At 1:00 PM Owner JOHN H. REXROTH POA: Richard E. Rexroth Atty: David Laucks “Owner & Auctioneers Not Responsible For Accidents** Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, Fabruary 19, 1994-A39 about them. Located along Harristown Road, the Bowmans milk about 65 registered Holsteins in a tie-stall barn. Clarence Stauffer of Ephrata, a field representative and classifier for the Holslein-Friesian Associa tion of America, will be available for discussion on any subject about the dairy industry. Generally, the ' topics slated for discussion are herd classification, registration, pedigrees, the qualified herd book. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FEBRUARY SAT. FEB. 19 • 10AM Repossession Sale, Approx. 180 Repo's Off Lease Vehicles. Keystone Public Auto Exchange. Ker ry Pae, auct. SUN. FEB. 20 -10 AM Till? Toy Auction. Located Hum melstovyn Fire Company, 249 E. Main St., Hummel stown, Pa. Gary Fasnacht, Auct. THURS. FEB. 24 & FRi. FEB. 2S • Consignment auction of carriages, sleighs & antiques. Pa. Turnpike to exit 20 (Leb.-Lanc.), (5.4 miles to auction site). After exiting turnpike, go N. on Rte. 72 to Rocherty Rd. (second LAND PRIDE ES Productive Planting from the Seeding Experts Land Pride quality and Great Plains grain drill technology is built into this rugged and productive Primary Seeder. Used for planting a wide variety of grass seed in prepared seedbeds, this tool is designed for low maintenance and easy of use. Features are built-in to assure you of a top quality planting job and top quality results. PENNSYLVANIA Stouffer Bros. Inc. Strsley F«rm Supply, Inc. 1066 Lincoln Way West 1760 East Canal Road Chambersburg. PA 17201 Dover, PA 17315 717-263-8424 717-292-2631 Keller Brothers R 7 Box 405 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-949-6501 1950 Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 717-569-2500 Marshall Machinery, Inc. Route 642 Honesdale, PA 18431 717-729-7117 Plkavllle Equipment Jnc. RD 2, Oysterdale Road Oley, PA 19547 215-987-6277 Tractor Parts Co. 335 Central Road Bloomsburg, PA 17815 717-784-0250 Noon Monday and other Holstein Association programs. All dairy farmers are invited to attend. To get to the farm take Route 30 east across the Leant an Place railroad bridge to Belmont Road. Turn left (north) on Belmont for a short distance to first right (Harristown Road). Go three quar ters of a mile to a group of three houses, turn left between the sec ond and third house into the farm lane. traffic light). Turn right (east) onto Rochorty Rd. & proceed to fairgrounds (about 'A mile). From the South: Take Rt. 72 N. and proceed as described above. From Leb.: Proceed on 10th St (Rte. 72 S.) until it Intersects with Cornwall Rd. (at Quality Inn) Go S. on Cornwall Rd. for about 2 miles to fairgrounds. Martin Aucts., Inc. MON. FEB. 28 - 9:3OAM, Brickajlik Bros. Farm Equipment Parts. Located Along Rt. 113, 1 Mi. N. Of Rt. 309 Or 1 Mi. S. Of Silverdale, Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. Selling For, Brickajlik Bros. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co.. Inc. Stoltzfus Farm Service Cochranville, PA 215-593-2407 M.S. Yeartley & Sons West Chester, PA 215-696-2990 Norman 0. Clark & Son, Inc. Honey Grove, PA 717-734-3682 Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 Nlcarry Equipment Co. RO 2, Rt. 61. 3 Miles S. of Leesport, Reading, PA 215-926-2441 MON. FEB. 28 -10 AM. Building Materials, Furni ture, Carpets, Paneling, Plywood, Marble, Ceramic, Doors, Windows, Oak Flooring. Located Rte. 95 South On Pa. Side, Off @ Bridge St. Exit & Make Right, 3 Blocks & Make Left On Torresdale Ave., Becomes Erie & L Bridge, Keep Going Down Erie To Auction Signs. Peter Cos tanzo Aucts. Inc. Rescheduled Public Sales Due To “Inclement Weather” Public Sale of Antiques, Antique Furniture, Glass ware, Tools, Milk Bottles, Tins. Scheduled for Sat., FEb. 12 is postponed to Sat., Feb. 26 same time. Deerfield Ag & Turf Center, Inc. RR 2 Box 212 Watsonlown, PA 17777 717-538-3557 NEW JERSEY Caldwell Tractor & - Equipment, Inc. 480 U S. Route 46 Fairfield, N J. 07006 201-227-6772 Rodlo Tractor Sales North White Horse Pike Hammonlon, NJ. 08037 609-561-0141 Frank Rymon & Sons, RD 3, Box 355 Washington, N.J. 07882 201-689-1464 Reed Brothers Petticoat Bridge Rd Columbus, N.J. 08022 609-267-3363
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