Dio-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fatyiwy 19, 1994 NH 779 skid steer, 57 hp Perkins, 2324 hours, new paint, very good condition, $8,500 Loegerlng track to fit 779, $l5OO Farmall Super AV high clearance, new paint, good condition, $2500 Farmall Cub w/ belly mount blade, new paint, good condition, $2,500 Log Bafn Nursery 717/387-1779 717/784-0111 MFWDs JD 2940 1 Owner $14,500 DeuU Dxl6o Cab $17,500 2 WDs (3) Case 900. 500 (2) MF 65. 50 (2) DB 990. 1200 (5) Ford BNs Mint Ford 620 w/Tools MH 33 Wide Front Formal! H Widefront (i 0) JD D.G.8.430.630 50 Others Call or Write for Tractor List GOODRICH Ur TRACTOR p PARTS RT. 38 ft 388 NEWARK VALLEY See Our Tire Chain Ad in This Section 607-642-3293 NEW & USED TRACTOR & COMBINE PARTS Large Selection Save 50% WE BUY & SELL FARM TOYS, TRUCK BANKS & AIRPLANES 25, 30. 35. & 40 PTO generators in stock ALSO, 4400 & 4800 Watt BHP, gas. portable generators in stock :dti B 414 diesel tractor w/lH 2001 loader, motor needs overhauled $2500 as is JD 820, 3 cyl. diesel tractor w/complete motor overhaul $6,800 Viking 1987 80001 diesel fork lift, 30’ mast, 475 hours, was sltjJsoo... reduced to sell $15,500 080 MF 1030 23 HP diesel compact tractor JD H tractor, as is $l,OOO 080 NI tandem axle spreader $750 as is Motor for IH 915 turbo combine JD 2240, diesel tractor w/JD #37 loader, $9,500 Ford 9600 diesel tractor $B,OOO Oliver 1855 diesel tractor, $5,500 JD Model R ground dnven manure spreader $750 AC model 2300 16’ disc, like new $2,500 JD model F 1450 58, 18" semi-mount plow $l,OOO IH 454 diesel w/loader $7,000 JD 2630 diesel, 2350 hrs. W. C. Littleton ft Son Inc. Laurel, DE 19956 1-800-842-7445 EHELUND INC. ROUND BALE WRAPPERS Excellent For Dry Hay & Hl-Molsture Bales Made In USA A One Man Operatlon-y^fc£ . one. This hydraulic bale wrapper wraps bales fast and can be used to move bales to barn or feed lot. 3164 Oregon Pike, Leola, Pa. 17540 Lancaster County 717-656-7499 Call Collect Dealerships Available P Diesel I Injection Pumps SS i ? CAV | I Cummins 1 | Diesel Kiki | Minimec. * Nippon Denso I Roosa Master f Roto Diesel X Simms I Stanadyne 1 United Tech I Yanmar I I Zexel ? | Don't Gamble The Heart Of Your Engine On | (An Unauthorized Shop. We Have What It Takes i To Do The Job Right! I • Technical Expertise f J- Experience (40+ years) jj • Advanced Computerized Equipment I - Current Specifications * 1 - Factory Training A I • Factory Warranty Service I i - Original Parts ! i - Custom & Standard Rebuilding I | Free Injector Check With Each Pump Rebuild. I x We Will Honor Other Suppliers Coupons. x I All Makes Serviced I f Penn Diesel Service Co. I I Interstate 81, Exit 27 I I Harrisburg, PA 17112 I 545-4207 (800) 535-2913 J Excellent Ford Tractors 8700, cab, air, DP, weights, 3,700 hrs. 7710, cab, air, DP. 18.4x34, 2,100 hrs. 7710, cab, DP, 18.4x34, 1,700 hrs. 6610, DP, dual deluxe hyd., 18x34, 2,000 hrs. 6610, DP, dual remotes, roll bar, 18x34,1,900 hrs. 5600, DP, dual remotes, 18.4x30, 3,200 hrs. 4630, Bx 2 trans., 1 remote, 16.9x30, 300 hrs. 3930, 4WD, Bx 2 trans., 14.9x28, 180 hrs. 3910, 4WD, syncro w/Ford loader, 250 hrs. 3910, dsl., rollbar w/Ford loader, 600 hrs. 3910, diesel, rollbar 16.9x28, 2,100 hrs. 3000, gas, 8 spd., PS, LPTO, only 1,000 hrs. 2600, diesel, 8 spd., LPTO, PS, 3,100 hrs. 1620, 4WD, hydro, remotes, 400 hrs. JD 2955, hi/low, 18.4x38, 1,900 hrs. JD 1070, 4Wlß»li»frv w/JD 80 loader, 175 hrs. JD 1070, 4WD, weights w/)D 80 loader, 185 hrs. JD 870, 4WD w/JD 80 loader, 110 hrs. Equipment FNH 144 windrow inverter, like new FNH 489 haybine, like new FNFI 824 corn head, like new NH 28 forage blower, good condition NH 25 forage blower, good condition Roll bar fits 5000 thru 7610 Ford Loaders 7210 QT fits 2WD, 5000 thru 7610 7410 QT fits 4WD, 5610 thru 7610 Dunham loader w/valve, fits Ford 3000 All Tractora Taatad On Our Fame. Plaaaa Call For Appointment Burkholder Bros. Lebanon, PA 717-272-2352 717-949-2123 SUPER TARP™ SLEEVE STYLE TIE DOWN METHOD A QUALITY PRODUCT AT A REASONABLE PRICE * 5 to 7 years of service (when secured properly) * Triple sewn seams * Silver on outside to reflect sunlight * Long life UV fabric * One of the heaviest materials on the market SLEEVE GOES FULL WIDTH OF THE SUPER TARP™ SO PIPE CAN BE USED TO TIE DOWN TARP ADVANCED SCIENTIFICS, INC. RD 2, Box 52, Millbrsburg, PA 17061 1-800-724-4158 Dealers Wanted In Many Areas m "Wamerr steer 1 Tractor Tires Fabricated (2) 16.9x28 (2) 7.50x16 Written Bids Accepted ‘Til 2/28/94 North Penn Beagle Club Cobbler Rd. Quakertown, PA 189S1 (215) 536-1587 (215) 536-8858 All Steel Frame Hay Wagon, BxlB All Sizes, Steel Hay Feeders 24’ Feeder On Whls. Self Locking Panels J & L EQUIPMENT St. Thomas, PA 717-369-2637
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