De-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 19, 1994 5 ton Wilmar fertilizer spreader, brand new After 7pm (717)547-1731 656 Farmall wide front end tractor, good shape, $2,950 Evenings and weekends, (914)255-1621. (6) Kmze double disc dry fertilizer openers, $B5/per row 717-649-5945 (6) no-till coulters plus brackets for Kmze or JD corn planter, 1" wavey, very good, $lOO/per row 717-649-5945 #B4 Athens disk 14’, field ready, no Sunday calls 717-589-7481 855 NH round baler, com pletely rebuilt, new roller chain, $BOOO 302/398-8754 8700 Ford cab & air, duals, excellent condition 1988 16' 5 ton Centerville 10-boy trailer 609-935-0613 96 Bushel Oswalt TMR tumble mixer w/beam scales and electronic beeper 4 years old. good condition $5BOO 814/349-5697 AC 210 exceptional condi tion, cab. new radials, low hours, owned since new, fenders included, $7BOO 717/872-8445 AC tractor, 1940 B, plow, cut harrow, cultivators, side dresser, cord saw w/2 large blades 609-935-5558 Anhydros Ammonia Stor age Tank for sale, 6000 gallons, good shape, mounted on flatbed trailer Call evenings 717/425-2774 Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrala, Pa. 17522 717-394-3047 or Ulltz 717-526-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tuas., Wad. & Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thura. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising. In Section D. Deadline* Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq. Wanted The following categories are available in your calsslfie* advertising. In Section C. Deadline- Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week’s publication. la-Construction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq. & Supplies 14- & Supplies 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities! 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate Antique Bull Dozer, 1938 IH T2O w/D-l factory blade, not stuck, extra complete motor 610/488-7695 Athens #l3l, 12', heavy disc, excellent $lBOO, White #543, no-till corn planter, 4RN, $BOO. Wash Co. MD 301-824-3202 eves BATWING MOWER WOODS B-320, demo, new, $7,500 410-833-9091 BATWING WOODS 3180 (shown at Farm Show) Make Offer 410-833-9091 Beam Speed Sprayer, 1992 model 587, used 170 hrs Gloc Co , NJ 609/478-2478 Berthoud air blast sprayer, 3pt, like new Kenco plant setter Evenings, (301)829-0943 Bobcat M 825 Perkins Diesel, aux hydraulics, new bucket and tires, 800 hrs on complete recondi tion very dependable. $8,500 412-926-9610 Dismantling for Parts Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders Call for any part you might need Atkins Tractor Salvage Union WV 24983 Phone CAMPBELL CHAINS OFF- 304-772-3741. BUSH HOG 10' pull type mowers, complete, set up and ready to go, $3795 Taneytown Farm & Hard ware, 410/751-1500. ROAD, 2 prs 16 00x20/21, 17 5x25, used 30 hrs , non commercial use, new $1 197 Make offer (301)842-2722, fax (301)733-7385 Chisle plow, 7T, Taylorway w/depth wheels, spring trip, high clearance shanks, $650 717-649-5945 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK MAIL TO: LANCASTER FARMING P:0. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see Instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Address Please startin Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement. SECTION C • WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION Cole Powell 12MX planter, two row, one year old , $1,500. (717)586-0832. CRAWLER LOADER CAT 977 K, ROPS, sweeps, poor UC, rebuilt engine & trans , $9,500 410-833-9091 Cub Tractor $l7OO, Cub Disc, snow blades and chains tor reg 10-boy and 154 184 Cubs, $450/each Thom Wheary (717)687-0102 DISC IH 475, 12', new blades, $2,200 410-833-9091 DISMANTLING FOR PARTS' Just arrived for parts CAT 225 s/n 51U, partially dismantled unit We have both finals, swing group, rotex, and some U/C - both - hy J/C parts- - mam hy dralic control valves and more Call for parts that are available BALANDA EQUIPMENT P O Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070 1-800-322-8030 DISMANTLING FOR PARTS D 1402 ahd V 1902 Kubota engines, 85D333 or 201 CID, Ford 3-cyl diesel engines, VH4 Wis consin engine, L 553 NH skid loader Complete re pairs on skid loaders in cluding hydrostatics GD EQUIPMENT 717-859-3533 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY Phone (. üblish m word ad times with the I enclose DEADLINES: FARMALL C w/cultivators, runs well, $1,250 410-833-9091 Farmed Cub 59' Woods mower $1350. Snow plow lor Cub JD A 6 volt for parts $225. 2R JD cult), fits 2010 $125. Case CC trac tor stuck $3OO Dearmom 6' 3pt disk $350 Bnllion 5' pull Bushhog' $4OO (215)968-4808 nights Farmall H rebuilt motor, new paint, tires like new, $1,600 Bucks County. (21 Farmall M w/full weights & hyd , real nice, $-1800, Bush Hog 8-tooth chisel plow, 3pt, like new, $1450, NH 256 hay rake, like new, $lB5O 610/562-4464 JD 3020, gas, NF, nice midwest tractor, 70 h.p, $4,800 410-833-9091 JD 3800 Harvester 3-heads, $4OOO, JD 2030 D w/loader rollguard $7OOO, Walsh 300 gal 30’ sprayer, $lOOO, JD 54 manure spreader $750, Bale-King hay wagons (2) $2600, JD 4558 combine w/2 heads $4OOO 814-267-3165 JD 400 series 15 ft rotary hoe, good condition (717)672-2213 JD 4030, quad, FIOPS, re cent engine, good rubber, $9,500 410-833-9091 JD 4430 tractor, cab, air, quad, 20.8x38, 6100 hrs , $14,000 (610)593-2751 JD 444 cornhead, field ready, $2,950. 4 no-till coulters and fert openers f/IH 800-900 model corn planter Make offer (301)371-5964 PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER. State issue. Classify under 37 38 39 (Phone Numbers Count As One Word* Farmers = Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164 Fencing Equipment for sale Ford tractor, front mount, commercial shaver post driver, 4" hyd auger, 5 reel wire dispenser, plus extras Summit Systems, Inc. 814/735-3293. Fidelity generator, 25KW, excellent condition, $l7OO 717-547-1789 FORD 3600, gas. 1,200 original Ivs , live PTO, power steering, nice, $4,200 410-833-9091 JD 555 crawler loader, 1977, 4-N-1 bucket, $14,250, JD 850 hayrake, $650, Century 3pt hitch sprayer, 200 gal tank, 28' boom, $ 1350 201-579-3740 JD 630 disc, 15', very good, used little. $4500 717-649-5945 JD 6R 7000 conservation corn planter, field ready, liquid fertilizer, (610)779-3284. JD 7000 6 row, maxi merge corn plantar, moni tor, liquid fertilizer, msecti cide hoppers (717)672-2213 JD 900 HC tractor w/ cultivator and sidedresser, $9500 Delivery available. 508-573-3356 days. 508-249-8561 evenings JO A w/cultivators and side hill hitch, Farmall BN w/ wood saw Will consider trade 717/543-5999 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 380 per word per week - 1 or 2 times 320 per word per week - 3 or more times 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 4.18 8.36 4.56 9.12 4.94 9.88 5.32 10.64 5.70 11.40 6.08 12.16 6.46 12.92 6.84 13.68 7.72 14.44 7.60 15.20 Words up to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Int 606 diesel NFE, 18.4x34, $5,500. 540 4xl6' semi-mounted plow, $6OO. Model 60 3xl4' trailer plow, $350 Un iflnCo, (717)922-1591 International 674, $4900 Taneytown Farm Equip ment 410/751-1500 JD 1250 6R 30" corn planter, plateless, monitor, dry fertilizer, excellent $1,200 (301)898-7426 JO 1450 , SXIB bottom plow, excellent cond. $1250, JD 125 2 bottom 16" plow w/culters, $5OO, Oliver 12 ft disc, $lOOO, Oliver 4 bottom 16" cush ion trip plow, $750, Ford 2 bottom 3 pt plow, $350; IH 3 bottom 14’ fast hitch plow, $3OO (609)767-0444 JD 2010, tricycle, field ready, $2,200 410-833-9091 JD 230 wing disc, 24', nar row base, good condition (610)779-3284 JD 2750 18-4-34 new ra- ,arveater * /ha /Jl ead an " dial tires. SGB, 3000 hrs., . ® ad ; * ■ , excellent, $20,000 OBO; ’ Kidd modal 6-10 bale * BOO (814)275-3033. chopper, used very little |H 966 cab, A/C, heat, $4500 080 Call good shape. 17'Papecen -301-371-6141 silage cutter w/shredder JD 2800 mold board plow, £ars, 2 sets of knives SX, on land, variable width, Horse ? ra * n 999 2R Midwest harrow, also “ rn p l a " plat ®'® ss chisels, $3BOO, JD- 724 Stevie Miller 64A Chbris mulch tiller, 7or 9 true ka ™ Plk ®’ Christiana, PA depth standards, disc 17509 blades in front. Midwest ih 966 cab, A/C. heat, harrow $5OOO To save good shape 17"Papecen money call Sheaffer even- silage cutter w/shredder mgs 410/778-0185 bars, 2 sets of kmveb J 03020 diesel with 148 Horse drawn 999 J 9 2R loader, 7-ft bucket, 4xl6’ ® orn p l a .® ,er, „ , p ; a !?,l? ss plow, weights, chains Call Stevie Miller 64A Chbris -410-452-5039 tiana Pike, Christiana, PA ■ TOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc Trade ins wel comed. New and used parts in stock, belts, bear ings, sprockets, pulleys, PTO, bolts, baler twine, etc KIRKWOOD REPAIR, 550 Coopers DR, Kirk wood, PA. -17536 717-529-3299 BAM-8.30AM. Ford 7710 Tractor, diesel 5375 hrs WFE cab AC heater, good condition, $12,000 York Co Call 717-225-7125 or 717-225-1465. IN 784, 2700 hrs. 1983, new TA, dual hydraulic, nice, $ll,OOO IH 656 diesel, TA, runs good, $4,800 (717)423-6719 IHBOO 6R 30" corn planter, dry fertilizer, msdecticide, $3,850 Hutchison 6"x4l' transport gram auger. $785 MF 200 forage hr 'str v/tu - head ’•id 3 Times 10.56 11.52 12.48 13.44 14.40 15.36 16.32 17.28 18.24 19.20 20-
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