D36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 1994 IH 1080, cab ft air, new TA ft clutch, super sharp IH 2 post roll bar w/roof One set of loader brackets for 74 ft 84 series of tractors IH 786 Black Strip, new TA, new clutch ft paint IH 1586 cab ft air, new rubber, new paint IH 1466, recent overhaul, TA ft clutch $11,900 IH 966 black stripe, new rubber, TA, clutch ft paint $11,500 Ford 8N $2,500 IH Hydro 70 Rebuilt engine, rebuilt hydro, new rubber, new paint $9,500 Financing Available 717-776-5291 SHOWAKBR Clean off-the-farm, field test tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty Positively no out-of-state Personal checks want power right away. Katolight gives it to you. As fast as you can hook up the PTO shaft to your tractor and connect and throw the transfer switch, you can be operating normally ... FAST!! Katolight innovations make this speedy operation possible. Let’s take a closer look at some of them. Speed Monitor Light —permits you to easily maintain proper speed. Because our speed monitor light is a solid state device (the only one in the industry) it is not subject to the vibration, moisture, heat and cold that can make a voltmeter (found in most competitive machines) difficult to operate. Our speed monitor light is easy to operate, which means time saved for you in an emergency situation. Full load connectors — and easy hook up to the transfer switch. Katolight’s models are all UL approved. It only fits one way, thus reducing your chances of making a time consuming error during an emergency situation. These are just a few of the many manufacturing innovations that have enabled Katolight to pace the industry. And innovative engineering continues to mark the path of the Katolight PTO line in all phases of its design to produce emergency power for you when you need it... FAST!! 5-Year PTO Warranty. The longest in the industry. ON-HAND • 5. 35000 Watts • 5. Power Shafts • 4. Trailers • 10 Power Cabl< ATTENTION FARMERS If you have deterlor ating concrete masonary or stone walls, have it repaired with GUNITE® For information and estimates call Martins Silo Repair (215) 445-9834 .$16,900 s7so $l5O $10,500 $12,500 .IH: 915,815,715,615,315,205,203,503,403,303,93.91,141,105,101.82,80,76.74. JD: 7720,7700,6620,6600,4420,4400,3300,105,95,55.45.40. MF' 760,750, 510,410,300,205,35,92.82,72,90,80,70,60,27,26. AC: Gleaner, AC N 5, F, F 2, L, M, M 2, K, G, E, C, C 2, A, 60,66. Oliver: 7600,545,535,525,430,40.35,33. Nl: Uni, 709,710 Combine, Nl 717, Huskers, 705,702, 701, Combine shelters & harvesters. Case: 1160,960, 700,660,600. NHM400,975,985, TR7O. MM; 5297,3496, MM Uni, White 8600, Field Boss, 7300, Massey 7500, Straw Spreaders & Choppers: JD 7720, Motors, transmissions, tires, com & grain heads, grain savers, 1984 JD 66.20 side hill w/heavy steering axle. j D 546 0 SP Harvester NH 785 Skid Loader AC Hydro Skid Loader Parts For IH 1440, 1460 Rotarys & Nl 717 Combine Nl 802 w/Harvester JD 4425 500 Hrs. JD 6600 & 6620 S de Hills CORN PLANTERS & DRILLS 30 FMd sprayar, trail typa (2) JD 8250 Drill!, Grass Sssd & Fartilizar. Navar Ussd, Nlcs (2) JD 7000, 4H Dry Fertilizer IH 800 Early Rlsar, 4R Dry Fertilizer Dautz Allis 6R Dry Fertilizer IH 58 4R Dry Fartizar, Sharp IH 400 Air, 4R Dry Fertilizer, Mica IH 400 Air, 4R IH 400 Air, 6R AC 333, 6R Dry Fertilizer (2) IH «. 4R JD 1240, 1440, 4R's JD FBB 17D Disc, Grass & Fartizar IH. JO 2R Raman, Pul & 3 PL Oliver 76 Grass & Fertilizer, $BOO Omaris Grass A Fanßizsr, $5OO (2) MF Drills. $375/Ea. BALERS & RAKES JD 336 w/Throwar (3) Bala Rack Wagons. $550 To $2OOO NH 276 w/Throwar NH 269 w/Throwar NH 273 w/Thtowar NH 273 w/Chuta JD 336 w/Kickar NH 56 Raka MF 1560 Balt Round Balar Gahl 1500 Ball Round Balar IH 24t bait round balar NH 852 round balar auto wrap COMBINES JD 7720 (Haul, hydra, nice, always shaddad ACF diesel w/graln saver (2) IH 93 w/10’ Massey Hams 72 w/10' MF 510 diesel, nice MF 510 diesel, nice MF 410 diesel, nice lata JD 7700 hydra diesel, turbo w/4WO, out of wheat haivest JD 4400 gas Nl 705 diesel, w/717 combine 4R 30* com, 4R 38’ com, 13' gram Nl 729 husker & 767 harvester w/plckup & com head White 6600 hydro diesel, 4R 36" & 4R 30*. IS' flex out of wheat, 6R 30* IH SO. 7' Pull Type 1979 IH 715, Hydr German Diesel Sharp 1960 IH 1440 Rotary w/Heads MF 62 w/12' AC N 6 Rotary 4WD w/6 Row 30' & 15' Flax JD 7700 Hydra Diesel Lata JD 6600 Hydro 404 Diesel MF 750 Hydro Diesel Late MF 550 Hydra Diesel, 4x4 AC F Diesel w/Heade 1977 MF 510, Hydra Diesel 1975 6600 Side Hill, Diesel 1961 AC, N 5 Rotary Combine JD 7720 hydra diesel, 1800 his NH TR 65, hydro. Cat diesel Late IH 915 hydra diesel, turbo ACK w/cab And Heads ACA w/graln, 2R 30' or 3R 30' NH TR7O Cat diesal, hydra AC F 2 diesel turbo, hydro JD 6620 diesel, hydra, $15,000 JD 7700 del gear drive w/heads 1979 JD 4400 3000 hrs., nice JD 4400 diesel w/heads IH: 3414,1256,1066,666,656,666 Hydro, 606,706, 704,674,664,660,656,574, 560, T, 544 Hydro. 544 Gear, 504,404,460,450,444, B 414,400,350,340,300, 8275, 240,230,200, MTA, M, H, C, BN, A, Cub, 154 Cub, F3O, F2O, Fl 4, Fl 2. JO: M, 4230,4020 dsl., 4010,3020 del., 3010, 2510,2020 dsl., 2010,7300, 720,520, 430,420,70, 60.50, A, B. AC; 5050, AC 200,190XT, AC 170,180, AC 185,014,015,017,019, WO, WC, CA, C, B. MF: 1155,90,85,444,333,175,65,44.33,30,20. Case 600,530, 440,310,300, DC. SC, VC, VAC. Ford: 9600,6000,5000,4500,4100, 40000,3400 ind., 960,861,860,800,800,641,600,8 N, 9N. Ford major, 5000. Oliver: OC3 Crawler, 0C6,1800,1600,880,770,550,88,77,70.66.60,55. MM U, MM 5 Star, MM Jet Star 3, MM 335, MMGIOOO, R, Z, E 3 Coop, David Brown 990. Nufield & 345 Leyland, gas AC: HD 5 crawler Idr., 200. Sheppard diesel. All Combines Sold Free Parts For One Season If In Our Parts Lot Take Exit 208 i taka Exit Off Of 83, S'A Ml. f A ™ •*« s * To Farm.Mß I M ■■■HBi I Dl4 AC 220 Nice Cond., 125 HP 54.600 410-833-9091 Ml 709-802 4X4 Kit Financing or Lease Available 1979 JD 4400 dfeel 1976 AC F D w/choice of heads 1979 MF 550 hydra D MF 760 diesel, turtw, hydro MF 35 SP w/8' grain & 2R com (2) IH 62 pull type auger feed Late IH 715 w/Geiman diesel NH TR7O Ford diesel Choice Of Heads HARVESTERS & UNLOADING WAGONS JD 16A Flail Chopper IH *lO flail chopper NH 770 w/ear com hopper & screens, 2x3o* com A open end pickup (2) NH 38 V Flail Chopper! Gehl 6' Flal Chopper Nl Uni Hay Pickup Nl Uni 767 Harvaetsr (2) IH 120 Tandem unloading wagons, nice HEADS: JD 2R 30", 2R 38'; 1R fits 38', 3800,35, IH 2R 30", 2R 38', fils 720 A 830, Nl Uni 2fl 38', 3R JO- NH 892 w/2R And Pickup (2) bln com wagons, $6OO, $BOO Fox 2300 A 2R cord bek type IH 781 w/2R A pickup Gehl 3R harvester head, $750 Gehl CBBOO w/2R 30 com (3) IH 720 w/2R com A pickup JD ISA 5’ Gehl 600 w/lR NH 890 A 880 P/U A com head (2) JD 34 2R, A pickup, $1,500 JD direct cut for 38 - 3800 • 35 JD 2R lor 38 - 3800 - 35 Cob/ 3 beater unloading wagon w/ roof Badger 3 beater, roof unloading wagon (3) Gravity Boxes w/Wagons Fruehauf 28' (ramaless dump trailer, 22" rub bar, haulad grain only, $6,500 MOWERS/ ROTARY MOWERS 12' Bush Hog S' 3 Pi. finish mower, $685 USED 3 R S' Finish Mower w/4 Gauge Wheels, $B5O JD 6R Rotary Hoe IH 40. 6R Stalk Cutler, $l5OO AC trailer type bell drive JD 7' trailer, offset wheels 3 pt 6, 7 & 8' JO 14' 1408 , 3 pt JO 15' *737 rotary mower NEW 11' rotary mowers HD up to 125 HP NEW 3 PT. EQUIPMENT Post Hole Diggers Snow, Dm, Manure Blades Stone Rakes Rotary Cutters Box Blades Discs Bale Movers Hay Tedders Finishing Mowers Potato Plows New Trailers, all sizes Fert Spreaders Cement Minis KEITER’S FARM MACHINERY HcllUx, PA 17032 Rt. 225; 20 ml. north of Hbg. PHONE: 717-362-9574 POSITIVELY NO OUT OF STATE PERSONAL CHECKS ■-+- 1 ■ Combines for Salvage GOOD RUNNING MOTORS Tractors: JD: 4440,4240, 4320, 4020, 4010, 2640, 2510, 2010,2020,1010 IH. 1066, 966, 856, 806, 756, 706, 656, 560, 460, 400, 450, 584, 574, 664, 544, 504, 340,300, C, H. M. AC:DIS, Dl7, 019, WD, WC, XT 190,210,220, CA.C. Casa: 530, 300. Ford: 6N, NAA, 800.871.3000,4000,5000, 9600 Combines: JD: 7720, 7700, 6620, 6600, 4420, 4400, 3300 IH: 1480, 1440, 915, 815, 715, 615, 315, 205, 203. AC: L, M 2, F, C 2, G. E MF: 760, 750, 510, 410, 300. Nl: V 8 gas A diesel (2) IH 6 cyl. gas w/clutch Chrysler Ind 8 cyl w/clutch 6 cyl. Hercules w/clutch Dismantling For Parts: Balers Mowers Combines Pickers Cultivators Planters Discs Plows Drills Spreader Harvesters Tractors Haybines SPREADERS IH 575 tandem wheels (2) Nl 213, beaters Hawk Bunt Tandam Tank, Right Hand NH 688 tandem wheel tank, right hand NH tank spreader Nl 244 tandem NH 667 tank rt. hand throw MISC. (2) 30' Bale & Gram Elevators Lincoln generator welder on trail- er. $950 Nl 36' bale & gram elevator (3) IH semi & trailer belt drive JD elevator w/drag elevator New Case backhoe loader bucket IH & JD mowers 60 PLOWS Athens 7T Chisel Plow IH StO, 5 Bottom, 16' IH 6X 16' qring reset IH 5X 16* firing reset IH 450 3 R. 3 Bottom 16”, Reset JO F 145 485 Bottoms IH 710,7 b 16' Spring Reset On-Land Hitch IH 700,7x16* On-Land Hitch, $2,875 (4) JO 2500 Spring Reset Plows SXIB, 6xlB IH 720 6xlB, Toggle Trip (8) JD 1450 6xlB, sxlB, 5x16 Whit* 540 5x16 Trip Ford 4x20 Rot Ovtr JD 3xlB Or 4xlB Roll Ovor, 3 Pi. AC 6x187 Monofnmt IH 5x16 Spring Rasat IH 4x16 Spring Rom 2,3, 4 Bottom 3 Pt Rows IH 2,3, 4 Bottom Fast Hitch 2,3, 4 Bottom Drag Plows Whits 466 Chlsal Plow, 6T Massay 10 T Chlaal Plow Tractors for Salvage Clean, Straight, Midwest Tractor $1,900 410-833-9091 EXTRA CORN HEADS & GRAIN HEADS 200 To ChooM From 2,3,4, 6 Row Com Heeds. All Slzo Grain Heeds, Flox t RidoM 35 DISCS & ROLLER HARROWS JD 220, 20' offset IN 475 hyd. wings, 18' BrilHon 12' insldo * l 'eels JD 210 14' Block Cong (3) JD 380 Off-Set 12 & 14’ Millor 20' Offset Hyd. Wing Bush Hog 12' Offset IH 475 18' Wing JD 230 22'Rock Flex Hyd Wing JD 230 22' Hyd. Wing w/24‘ New Bledes Kewonoo 730 Rock Flex, 20' Wing (2) IH 500 14' JO RBW 12' Plowing Disc IH 25' Hyd. Wing White 252 10' (10) Older 7' To 14' JD 950 11’ Inside Wheels (2) JD 10' Outside Wheels McKee 18'Hyd. Wing Field Cult)- voter w/Rolling Bosket Biillion 18' Wing Wheel Herrow WIDE FRONT ENDS & DUAL WHEELS 2 Sets IH 5080 & 1566,20x38 Duals 2 Sets 20x38, 15x38, 16x38, 18x26, 18x34, 18x38 Duals, $950 WF Ends IH 460, 560, 706, 806, 856, 756, 1256 AC Dl9 Ford 5000 MM GlOOO Oliver 88, 1800 JD. 2510 thru 4020, 4020 WF. 2 sets of 1834 duals C Or Super C w/Wide Front CORN PICKERS Nl Uni Husking Unit Off Ml 705 (2) Nl 310 1R Late Nl 323 Real Nice, $2,675 Nl 323 Real Nice, $2,800 IH 460 w/IH 2 MH Mounted (3) Nl 324 2R 38' (2) Nl 325 2R 30- (20) Nl *lO 1R JD 300 w/2R 30' (2) Nl 318 14 IR's, 2R’s, 38", 2R’e XT. 10 To Choose From Other Makes & Models Available HAYBINES NH 404 hay crasher Gehl hay crusher NH 1495 gas, cab, 12' good rolls NH 495 12' pull type NH 411 Dlscblne Gehl 440, 9' NH 499 Hydro Swing, New Rolls, $5,950 NH 469 9' MC Rotary Scythe MF Flail Mower Hesston 1010 Hydra Swing IH 990 9' NH 477 7' JO 1209, 9' NEW FARMCO ITEMS Nsw Buffalo Vallay 36' I. 40' alavators Bala wagons, 20' cattla faadar w/whaals Cattla faadar, w/laga LOADERS NH 775 hyd w/Deutz dieeel, new tine Gehl Skid Loeder, w/3 Buckets New IH 2255, 4x4 loeder, list $5,900, Sell $3,875 Ounheni loeder w/hyd bucket, $l,BOO IH 424 $ 444 AC Dl5-Dl7 Snow bledee (or loeder or front mounled IH fits Super M JD 45 loeder Nl w/hyd bucket GRINDER/MIXER NH 357 w/Extended Auger, Nice NH 354 w/extended euger, nice $3850 NH 358 long extension euger IH 1150 $1875 TRACTORS Lets IH 1066 Red Cob, Air, Redio Fermell Super M, Nice Formeil A w/CuHlveton Ford 850 w/Loeder Ford Dexter Diesel Fermell BN AC WO Gee IH 580 Diesel Ferguson 30, 3 Pi IH 560 Diesel New Motor IH 460 ges w/loeder Fermell 340 UtiMy, PS, Loeder Fermell 606 Utility, PS, Loeder Ford 3000 Ges, PS w/Fronl Snow Blede IH 560 Diesel, WF, w/FuD Hydraulic. Loader IH 460 Diesel Loader Backhoe JD 4010 Diesel. NF. $5,500 IH 450 Gas. PS. Fast Hitch IH 450-400 diesel w/belt pulley IH 1466 black strpe, cab, dual hyd 1000 & 540 PTO, new paint Faimall 656 WF, 301 Diesel Engine Farmall Super M, M&W Live PTO, New Paint Late Fold 7000 Flat Deck Diesel, WF. ROPS w/Roof Ford 5550 Diesel, Loader Backhoe w/ Cab Farmall Super C, w/Fast Hitch Michigan 4WD Pay Loader, $6,000 (2) JD 5010 Diesel Self-Loading Pans JO 4230 4 post, cab JD 4230 Cab 8 Quad IH 784, 4x4, New Paint Case Vac, New Paint MF 85 gas. 3 pt AC Dl7 diesel, WF Farmall 400 diesel, PS, raal nice IH 340 Crawler Loader W/4-N-1 Bucket Farmall 706 dweel Ford 600 FoikHtt Ford 7000, flat deck w/canopy Farmall 656 gas, WF, $3,950 JD MT (4) Farmall F2O 2 motors stuck Oliver Super 86 Oliver 66 gas, nice Oliver crawler w/rall guard Ferguson 30, 3PT, $1,950 Oiver OC3 crawler, wide track & PTO Case 4WD Pay loader, $3,000
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