D34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 1994 lease IH 2250 Loader w/Mounts For 85 & 95 Series Tractors | Case IH 415 Packer Mulcher, 10T” Demo $4,950! | Case IH 395, 495, and 695 Tractors - 2WD - call for details! | «* SPECIAL lease IH 1140 Compact Diesel, 2WD, Gear, Turf Tires?clearance I J DEAL! | Case IH 1845 C Skid Loader (Demo) I Case IH 1840 Skid Loader ■ MAXXUM TRACTOR... 5130, 4WD, Cab OLD PRICE! | Case IH 1063 6 Row Narrow Corn Head | Case IH 3900 187 Disk Harrow, 7'A ” Spacing OLD PRICE! | Case IH 380 Q 12’ Disk Harrow, 9" Spacing | Case IH 3800 11V4' Disk Harrow, 7'A " Spacing | Case IH 496 Disk Harrow, 24’ 10”, 9” Spacing | Demo! Must Sell!! | Case IH 181 Min. Till Rotary Hoe | Case IH 900 6-Row Planter, Liq. or Dry \ | Case IH 183 4& 6 Row Cultivator of ncW'A I New Haying Equipment \ f ,na \ | Case IH 8309 Disc Mower Conditioner \ off .-mef'lwi |Case IH 8340 Mower Conditioner \ | Case IH 8520 Baler \ | Case IH 8530 Baler | Case IH 600 Blower I Watch For Open House Feb. 21 Thru 26 I Make Plans Now Door Prizes Specials I | ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. I |m| New Beiilnvllle, PA Es One Mile North of Boyertown H <p*rS 610-367-2169 .WWBB FAX: 610-367-6715 TRACTORS: ULLAGE: Farmall Cub Lowboy w/Woods L 59 Rotary JO 12 Ft. Transport Disk Mowtr, Lata Modal 12V Cats IH 475 Cushion Gang Disk Harrow, (2) 154 Low Boy w/C3 Mower 13'5, 9” Spacing IH 460 Diesel Tricycle • Nice Shape! COMBINES !h Im r W b !' /G li°* der MF 1144 4-Row Wide CH, Ex. Cond. t . 744 Wide Comhead lor 715, Ex. Cond. T IH 81015 ’ G ” ln H,,d W/H,rt c,rt,r Ftort - In 365 4WD w/2200 Loader t na d.. IH 2500 A w/Loader Shuttle Shift 3d sS bStiSI a Rim. e~ iu non nr Ford 2110 Gas w/Turf Tires ‘ Rl "" FW,H1420 °' Case 2590, 2WD, Cab, Air, 180 HP MISCELLANEOUS' JD Q? 1 w Mi n “? u ! l,ed ” yd ' FMC DO-25 SOOGaLw/Gun * Hose Reel, Sickle Bar Mower ■ Real nice... Low Tra) „ nB 2 Cy|. Kohler Engine, iirS« | ii.. y.^ JD h!J 0 Snt Hra kl Lik ß e B New OWer ’ C * nfury 250 “■ Tr * illn ß Sprayer Kubota M4osfl' 2WD, 45 PTC Hp. Start* M ” K ° hl * r p ii ay| tngme, biec* otan Far Belly H Mowe U r CkMW And Wood * 5R ‘ Poal'Tlolw Be " y MOWer HS 105 Woods Hyd. 3 pt. Hitch Ditch HAY * FORAGE: Bank Mower IH 440 Baler w/Thrower Morbark Busy Beaver Disk Chipper Trail- IH 990, 9 Ft. Mower Conditioner Ing Model With Engine, 5" Capacity, Badger Forage Box w/Tandem Axis Nice Shape! Heaston 4500 Wire Bcler w/Thrower FMC 500 Gal. Trailing Sprayer w/Boom Ford 530 Baler w/Thrower Platon Pump 4-Ton Tandem Axle Hydraulic Dump OUTDOOR POWER EQUIP.- Trailer Good Selection Of Older New Meyers Snow Plows A Mounts For Cub Cadet Lawn l> Garden Trucks I Tractors Tractors f All Makes And Models! 1987 Cub Cadet, Model 1872 IBHP.w/50’ Deck tar. 8 Cub Cadet 1450 L -3 With Deckel ", \ Toro 7 Gang Pull-Ty, j Golf Course Mower Snip \ . j (1) National 3-Gang Triplex, 1987 Model, UPS K vb 61" Cut- Was $2,000 • Now $l,BOO #Nm , 71 IK Grasshopper w/52’ Deck Daily! . s v£*'"" v l"* MytfllMl |S- Hour*: Dally 7:30 to 5; SaL 7:30 to 3 2 CAT D-3’s 1-1981 All new undercarriage, bolt-on segments, very very nice. $20,500 obo, 1-1976 70% Undercarriage, also nice tractor. $15,000. HERR & LEAMAN Used Farm Equipment Sales & Service 10 rrtiles S. of Lancaster along A 1976 JD 4630 SGB, 20" tires W JD 4630, SGBiawlAr shift, hyd. front X JD 4430 SGB, quad, new radlals m JD 4230 SGB. quad, very nice Y JD 4030 quadgySSbr tractor, 77 model AJD 4020 D, WFldual hyd., power shift ▼ JD 4020 gas, power shift, WF A JD 3020, diesel, NF, power shift W JD B3OD 2 cyl. 1 JD 300 hydro lawn mower W JD 316 hydro lawn mower Implements & MAsc. Stocking Now Koyker Quick Attach Loaders For Most JD & IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To 180 HP. NH 900 chopper w/2RN & hay head, nice IH 720 6x18” auto reset IH 720 6x16” auto reset IH 720 5x18” auto reset IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, semi mount IH 710 auto reset on-land hitch, 7b, 16” IH 710 4x16 auto reset IH 700, 5x16” auto reset IH 470, manual fold 16’ disc, needs blades IH 480 Wing Fold Disc JD 210 Disc Kewanee rock flax wingfold disc, 21 Vi ’ JD 10T chisel Case 12T chisel KMC disc chisel IH sa»H»reader JD slb round baler JD 640 hay rake MF 1163 6RN MF 1143 4RN MF 1859, 16’ 6 Bat Ull Reel MF 1859, 13’, Flex IH 943 4RN, very nice IH 843 4RN, Good IH 810 rldgid head, nice condition JD 443 4RN High Tin, Very Nice JD 444 hl-tln, very nice JD 216 flex Black Reel JD 213 flex, black reel JD 13’ & 15’ rigid head JD adapter for ear corn head to chopper Nl 766 hay pickup head Nl 713 grain head Nl 763, 3 Row Chopper Head Nl 741 quick attach throat Have Part Number Ready We Ship U.P.B. Used Parts IH 2355 Quick Attach Loader, For IH 88 Series _ Brady l44gaS3 stalk chopper Factory JD WF to fit 520 thru 730 Factory JD WF to fit 3020 thru 4020 (2) ’9O Case 1840 skid steer Case 1835 C, diesel, skid loader Combines 1983 JD 7720 combine, nice JD 4420 air, monitors, haadar height 1976 JD 4400 diesel, nice JD 4400 D, air, 1974 modal A Dual whaala - 34’a and 38’a ▼ Tractor Walghta JD & IH A IH 544 dlaaal, hydro Farmall W IH 504 utility X IH 856 dlaaal # IH 706 dlaaal 7 IH 1256 ♦ Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 Mon.-Rl fr 6, Sat. 8-12 FAX 717-786-4773 (410) 557-9559 QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPUENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED & AVAILABLE WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DELIVERY AVAILABLE r D, 30.5x32 tires, 1987 IFWD, dual & weights, 1 power shift, very nice w/front wheel assist shift ils IH 70 hydro IH 806 dlasal & gas IH 560 D IH 706 gas tractor IH dual PTO units IH 826 dlsssl IH 1026 hydro 1991 F 350 7.3 Liter Diesel GVM Sprayer Truck 16.000 miles. Raven Flow Meter, 500 gal. Tank, 30 gal. Rinse Tank (610) 593-5026 Tractors ‘B3 Case 2090 cab, at hra., vary nice Casa 2090 Power shift, IH 3588, ESQUIIca Trar IH 3488,1984, Factory Hrs. IH 1486 Factory Cab, IH 1086 cab, air, 20” original hrs., vary n IH 1086 cab, air 3500 IH 1086 cab, air, sharp IH 986 factory cab, af w/2600 hrs. IH 986 factory cab, air, 2500 hrs., sharp IH 986 factory cab, air IH 886, cab, air w/rebullt engine IH 886 4 post, 2900 original hrs. IH 786 fender tractor, 1 owner, 2600 hrs. Case IH 995 turbo row crop, like new, 910 hrs. Case IH 885 fender tractor, 38” tires, roll guard Lata IH 784 utility, dual PTO, dual hyd., TA, sharp IH 684 D Lata IH 684 utility, 1400 hrs., extra sharp IH 84 hydro, 2800 hrs. IH 1468 V 8 cab, air, vary nice IH 1066 rad cab w/alr IH 1066 fender tractor IH IH IH 1066 w/ysar-a-round cab, air, very nice 100 hydro, cab, air 966 w/cab & air IH 966 fender tractor, WF, 3 pt. Farmall H White 2-70 w/roll guard, 1400 original hrs., very nice AC 185 diesel, 2800 hrs., nice /t" Heads Farmall 400 & 450 D ft gaa Farmall H & M Nl 713 & 715 grain haada Ml 702 D & 701 G & 702 G Nl 717 comblna JD 4020 dal., powarahlft JD 3020 G
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers