C36-Lancasttr Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1994 TRUCKSS TRAILERS Bmam 1986 FORD F 250 1948 FORD WORK TRUCK 300-6cyl, Auto, P.S. $2,500 $2, 900 Rafail m* _ 4 jyiMlfr ‘9O DODGE ‘B5 MACK DIESEL PICKUP 29.500 GVW, 20 R. 318 Auto. PS, Box,, Lift Gate, Nice 68,204 Miles $8,450 $5,400 1979 International Crane Truck $4,900 1989 Chevrolet Cargo Van $4,900 1981 Intonation Dump Diesel $8,700 1989 Toyota 4x4 Pickup $9,900 One Horse Carriage $1,575 1986 CHEV 12’ 85 CHEVROLET ALUMINUM sii S VFn**?ndY4 WALK-IN VAN 350 v ' B - Auto - ps - Roll {•£>,'&. Upß^2S’, r ' Dual $7,900 $7,900 WILLIAM H. WESSELS USED CARS 811 Route 15 Dillsburg, PA 1-800-440-4433 1-717-432-2918 Notary Public - Temporary Tags TIRONIE’S TARPS 717/584-2928 1/800/874-2928 from $1 (U repair). Delin- tax property Repos- REAL sessions Your area (1) cgtaTP 80S 962*8000 Ext. coim ic GH-4156 for current repo lief Mennonite family wishes to JUNIATA COUNIT 15.4 A rent farm in the Bethel, PA tomtand/ woodland along or Pine Grove. PA Area near Rich! eld Preferably dairy $37,500 717-653-1728 (717)866-4919 owner financing. Opening, for preferraWely a young couple, to share our 1/2 house and dairy stable plus some farm land. Available soon. Chester County. (215)593-6390. Port Trevorton, RDI. 9A farmette, barn outbuild ings, very nice SBR house, IV4 baths, just remodeled, new hot water oil furnace. 717-539-8846. SNYDER COUNTY- Small farm, 14 acres, all fenced in Modern farmhouse w/3-bedroom, 2/> baths, full finished insulated base ment, oil baseboard heat, TV dish, 2nd floor can be finished, large barn, very good condition w/stalls 8 silo Perfect for raising small animals. WALTER AGENCY. INC. 717/374-8191. Turn-key dairy operation, like new buildings and equipment, other farms and mountain ground avail able in MD and PA. Smith and Associates Real Es tate, Jackie Provard, (717)762-8449, (717)597-8161. Two farms for sale by owner in upstate NY, On tario County, between Geneva and Hall. Farm No 1 has 183 acres of work land Farm No. 2 has 137 of work land. The farms are connected and have well maintained two story coun try homes Farm No. 1 has farm shop and 60' by 120' Morton building for stor age Information packets are available by calling (315)789-9592 (evenings) or (315)365-2816 (days) or by writing Howard Hem mmger, Jr, 3773 Savage Rd . Geneva. NY 14456 Due to ill health, selling my Eastern Bradford Co farm on black-top road. New 50-cow freestall barn w/ milkroom equipment all se tup to go 29V4 A, 2 wells, 1990 14x80 trailer, 40x40 shop Excellent hunting. (717)596-3729. FARM FOR RENT 72 acres, 37 tie stalls, 2 silos, horse stable, room to hang 4 acres tobacco, 7 room house Available March 1, 1994 $lOOO/per month rent Enos S King, Box 153, Rebersburg, PA 16872 Centre Co Brush Valley Farm tor sale, 375 acres, 10 room house, 62 stanch ion barn App 200 acres tillable For more details call 814-326-4188. Farmland Wanted To Rent: In Lancaster or York County 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058 FOR RENT- 180 acres w/42 tie stalls, and bank barn, SBR, 2 BA house, near Mercersburg, PA. (301)733-1231 FOR RENT 150 acre, Cumberland Co. Dairy Farm, 108 free stalls with double six milking parlor, 4 silos (717)438-3205 no Sunday calls. FOR RENT' Dairy farm, Hunt Co , 100 A tillable, +pasture Class 1-2 solid, 50-60 cow capacity plus young stock R-35, %Lan caster Farming, ROB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. FOR RENT Dairy farm, in Cumberland Valley, brick house, large barn, 90 cow free stall barn, level crop land Telephone 717-423-6216 For sale by owner, 8A w/ house and barn Perry Co 717-442-9206 Monday thru Thursday GOVERNMENT HOMES Two modern poultry houses w/large home lo cated in Lebanon County. Situated on (2) 10-acre tracts. Only those w/a seri ous interest need inquire. For an appointment 717-865-5654. WISCONSIN DAIRY FARMS, 30 cow to 150 cow, Up, Excellent Prices & Terms for Spring Pos session. Call now I L.L STEWART, Realtors. 2007 Hogeboom, Eau Claire, Wl 54701, 715/834-6664. Want To RENT Farm ground in Eastern Lebanon, or Berks County. Excellent financial references. Reply to: Lancaster Farming (G-131) P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 HOG FARM Franklin County, PA For sale by owner 1000 Sow Farrow-to-Feeder Confinement Hog Unit, 65+- tillable acres. Newer large Morton implement shed. 3 bedroom, 2 bath lovely historic farmhouse, completely remodeled. $650,000 080. For Information; 606/878-0930 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. PA Approx. 170 Acre Nursery and Christmas Tree Farm. Turn-Key Operation- Complete. Since 1946. Quality known nationwide 717/345-4952 Northwestern Illinois farm 605 acres, flat and black, 1 set buildings, ideal Investment property or buy it and farm it your self. $1,950 per acre. Others available in Northwest Illinois. Call Phil (815) 946-2113 Looking to rent tillable acreage in Lebanon, Dauphin, or Cumberland Counties. References Available Reply to Lancaster Farming (S-29) P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Commercial Zoned Prop erty: 1.33 acres, 36x48 2-story shop building, 32x36 2-story house, w/ attached 2BR apartment. 24x36 barn and 2 car gar age, established Stihl deal ership and hardware inven tory also available. Aaron E. Seiler, RD2, Box 54, Watsontown, PA 17777. Deer Hunting land South ern Steuben Co., N.Y. 114 acres, 25 cleared, balance woods and brush land. By owner, Ph. 814-326-4188. Working dairy farm 135 acres 75 tillable. 4$ meadow w/stream. Included: pipeline, milk tank, gutter cleaner, silo w/unloader, machine sheds, fog bedroom, one and half bath house. Paved road frontage near Schellsburg. Only $225,000. Cattle & machinery negotiable. Stover/Slick, Inc Real Estate 814-224-2161 or 814/623-7009 13 Acre Parmette - 5 Bedroom Frame House, 40x60 Bank Barn, Other Outbuildings Lane. Co. 717/665-9298 Large 2000 +/- Acre potato and grain opera tion; rated as one of the top five farms on the Eastern Seaboard. Meticulously kept Irrigated, deep wells and ponds v excellent sys tems. Modem potato packing facility, handy to many of America’s largest markets. State-of-the art grain handling and storage systems. Owner seeking retirement. Serious inquiries only to; George H. Chabbott, CCIM, CRA Chsbbott Petrosky Commercial Realtors, Ltd. 1404 Forrest Avenue, Suite B Dover, Delaware 19901 302-678-3276 '•••••••••••••••••••II FARM FOR SALE J 69 ac Rt. 77 North of Manhelm, ' • Lane Co. well preserved historic, a. 4BR stone farm house, w/barn, J accessory buildings, i stream pasture 9 $480,000 i FARM LAND FOR SALE 4 Rolling Farmland | Just North of Manhelm, a Rapho Twp. Lane. Co. ■ Valuable Land for Increasing your • tillable acreage. Accessible from 9 Rt. 72. • $lOO,OOO g call Gordon Hoover 717-397-7101 A Lifetime Experience In Agriculture Residence (717) 291-9600 Office (717) 464-4700 ’ V 113 ACRES Dairy farm with 98 acres tillable, stanchions for 51, excellent crop land. ML#BOB42. Call Mark at 717-464-4700. Onhjjj^ Willow SITMt 717/464-4700 Quarryvills 717/786-0191 Strasburg 717/687-0800 "DELIGHTFULLY COUNTKT" Is this renovated farmhouie, on 10+ acs. Min. from Wellsboro. Lots of living sp w/3. bdrms, 2 ba. ft new kitchen. $160,000. W-987 BEAUTIFUL CHALET 5 Bdrms.. 2 1/2 bath. 2 hu# fireplaces, appllanced kitchen, ft sauna. Dbl. garage, Story barn all this on 16+/- acs. BPP $141,500. W-996 RB| BRA Homestead Realty CMS] 23 East Ave. naM Wellsboro. PA 16901 (800)879-1590 | FANTASTIC VIEWS can be yours from this hilltop ra home located on 36+/- acsl 3 bdrms, 2 bath. & ul room. ONLY $117,000. M-701 BBKENB COUNTKT VIEWS 3 bdrms. 2 bath ranch on W* bsmt. Home has many extras. Nestled on 56 acres !•» wooded) fenced pasture 4 horse shed. Great view; $137,500. M-687 iga| ERA Homestead Realty RBB9 1 N Main St |AIU Mansfield, PA 16933 KSBi (800)429-3287 Farm Fob Sale AMERICAN HERITAGE
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