C26-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 15, 1994 NELSON L. ROHRER Extruded * Soybeans Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk Shelled Com, Ear Com and Soybeans - Barley & Wheat Buying - Drying - Contracting (717) 569-7929 (717) 569-4383 Timothy & Mixed Grass Hay for horses, heifers or steers $llO/per ton Also, Alfalfa & Straw Available Delivered “FREE” in truck load lots within 100 miles of Hanover, PA PLEASANT HILL FARM James Horak 717-637-7586 Evenings FOR SALE HORSE & COW HAY STRAW & MULCH Trailer Load Lots JANOWSKI BROS. 315-829-3771 315-829-3794 ~ Eastern Hay Transporters buy ing large lots of timothy, timothy/al falfa, bright wheat and barley straw. Year ‘round buyer. Can pickup and deliver. (703) 665-9706 MULCH HAY WANTED Call 215-929-5753 For Current Prices ONTELAUNEE FARMS INC. Temple, PA SHREDDED NEWSPAPER * FOR ANIMAL BEDDING NOW AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA PA, NY. NJ. DE, MD. OH Cut your straw bedding costs in half. Call for deltveiy 60% More absorb ant than straw - Excel for gravity & manure systems - Lower cell counts - All products are hand so< & magnetized and put through a dust collecting system ALTERNATIVE RECYCLING, INC. 127 Seymour St. Lancaster, PA 17603 717-393-2777 717-393-2374 For Sale Peanut Hulls, Bag or Bulk, Delivery Anywhere | Order Early, Short Crop | 717/758-3108 Bags 717/758-2223 Bulk Kiln Dried Wood Shavings & Sawdust Delivered In Bags or Bulk ★ Ideal Material For Dairy Cows ★ Bales of Pine Shavings ★ Clean Shavings and Sawdust For Horses ★ Mushroom Mulch Penn Ag Products \ 1 rKHJ 11 ) 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 Ph. 717/354-4174 lime: • Dump Truck Loads • Spreaders Available 92% CCE Calcium Oxide 43% ENP 69 Magnesium Oxide 6% 55% passing 100 mesh 65% passing 60 mesh 98% passing 20 mesh NOW ONLY $ 5 50 Per Ton (Picked Up) Lititz, PA • (717) 626-9760 ★ CRUSHED STONE & READY-MIX CONCRETE* Registered with PA Department Of Agriculture FRUITS A VEGETABLES Wet Brewers Grain - Sawdust Ernest J. Tomer Trucking, Inc. 3109 Belvidere Rd. Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 908-475-2578 FERTILIZER kEN HOUSE FERTILIZER Delivered Dry Layer or Spread Per Ton Door Custom Spreading Per Ton N P K Spreader Rental Available 50 60 30 717-684-3490 Round Ban| Wanted?! For Mulch New or Old Hay Call Evening! 215/593-7317 FERTILIZER 71 Mack spreader tni3E air slide pup trajjft $14,000 410-556-6200?' 75 GMC Big Wheels, dy line spreader, $lB 00(1 410-556-6200, Poultry Manure For Sale Spreading available locally also mushroom mulch for sale 717/354-41741 TURKEY MANURE FOR SALE $6 PER TON Loaded On Truck 717-882-2383 717-882-4431 m PLANTS Taking orders for peppa transplants for spring deliv ery $65/per thousand. FREE delivery within 31 mile radius of PA w/orders of 5000 o more Top quality dlseM free plants. State in spooled, grown w/balana nutrition GROFF BROS FARM 717-768-8087. Zonial Geranium* Ivy Geranium* Fuschia rooted cutting* Call for price and availability at BUSH-BERRY FARM! AND GREENHOUBB 3 (717)538-2029
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