C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 15, 1994 POULTRY HOUSES WASHED jOl yt High Pressure Low Volume is Less work For You When I Leave. So, If You're Tired Of All The Water And Equipment Failure, Give Me A Call Next Timell Cheaper Tool Will Travel Ray Eager ft Sons 717-949-3212 Leave Message Ring Neck Pheasants and Key-Cross Mutant Pheasants and Canadian Goose Goslings Cross Keys Pheasantry P.O. Box 594 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 (814) 695-3063 yyyyV y y yyyyyyyywWYV WANTED: Single Story Floor Housing For Growing Specialty Broilers, Prefer Lancaster or Lebanon County, 5000-10,000 sq. ft. (717) 872-7621 Ken (717) 295-8792 Earl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT, ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY DUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FRFP CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS. CHICKS? TURKEYS, GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS, QUAIL, CHUKARS, SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. GRATZ, PA 17030 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses * Hog Finishing Bams • Layer Houses * Sow Units • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We Spray For All Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZBL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED EMU’S FOR SALE ■ S TT* 2 pair 8 month old Emus $13,000/pr 1 pair 6 month old Emus $11,780/pr 1 pair of breeder Emus $33.000/pr. 1 proven breeder pair Rhaa'a sll,ooo/pr. ELITE GENETIC INC. 3333 Harvest Dr. Gordonville, PA 17529 1-800-333-3548 717-768-7135 Chukare 650 Ea.-2500 Quail 220 Ea.-2500 Chukar Bobwhlte $4B 50 $3O 50 $BO 100 $3B 100 $lB2 250 $BB 250 $345 500 $145 500 $660 1000 $230 1000 DOUBLE R FARMS RD #2 Box 92 i j ] Templeton, PA 16259 I 412-868-2173 I l-31 [Spilll Chicks Shippsd Anywhere In USA. Gusrenteed Live Delivery. Chukare Avallsble Year-Round Northeast Agri I Systems |Oi Your Authorized “JfjH MASTER DISTRIBUTOR a servos the needs of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine industries WcWßy) • Bulk teed bint In a wldt variety o( > *sl capadllea, tor any application. I • Genuina Chort-Tima FLEX-AUGER'' _ *4 lead delivery floxibl* augar s/slamt • Broiler A broiler breeding feeding ySJ' 1 eytteme, Including the new Chora-Tlmo TfeA • W kV Modal 2000 and the Modal C leader*. SHt • Font S complete ventilation tyttorm, Including the now fan otdllalor. “ • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH water- ill Ing lor any kind of poultry wtpllcatlon. • Chora-Tlma'e aaduehra MEAL-TIME* pig and hog leading A watering tyttamt. VOHM • Chore-Tlme'a produdlon-bootfing cow «■ leading lyttam lor dairy operationt. “1 Shenandoah space HEATERS INCINERATORS , ' > * If § BROODERS TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1 ■BOO-673-2580 Pennsylvania's Authorized Mailer Distributor Northeast Agri Systems, Inc Ftyway Businas* Park store hours moo r«i 7 mto 4 jo 13VA W«<t Airport Road ,oS?«IS.»S iH UWz RA 17543 ** Ph (717)569-2702 1-100-473-2510 m Goslings, Ducklings, Guineas, Turkeys, Chicks, Bantams, Pheasants, Chuckars, Quail, Books and Ei u Clearview Stock Farm ft Hatcheiy Box 399 Grate, Pa., 17030 717-368-3234 Fax 717-368-3804, IQ POULTRY* We Buy Poult; Weekly For Cash! • Leghorn Fowl • Spent Fowl • White Plgeone • Benteme • Bentem Rooetere • Brollere • Rebblte • Guinea Hone • Muacovy Dueka Wo Pick Up At The Farm Walkings Live Poultry 718-272-6712 bat. 7 AM 6 6 PM 718-843-9302 After 7 PM FEED & SEED Ist & 2nd cutting Alfalfa- Orchard Grass mix hay, 401 b. bales, $B5-$lOO/ton. 717/789-4433. Ist and 2nd cutting Clover, Timothy baleage, avg. 1500 lb. bales. 607-756-0311 3000 bu Sorghum for cattle feed Can deliver. 908-735-7273 3rd cutting alfalfa, excellent quality, $llO/ton at the barn Can deliver 717/359-9052 Alfalfa Ist and 2nd cutting, square and round bales, delivery available. (814)652-9512 Alfalfa hay for sale, Ist and 2nd cutting Blair Co. 814-944-7489 AMUNDSON HAY COM PANY Dairy quality, Al falfa, small squares David Amundson, Route 2, Box 103, Westbrook MN 56183 1-800/398-5931. Approx 800 bushel gram sorghum 717/653-5244. Baleage 1500-1800 lbs., Ist, 3rd Alfalfa and grass; Ist dry hay 315-637-3692 Baled shavings, baled shredded paper Storage' Problems 7 Use our vans, i 30 day free use. SUNRISE FARMS, York Springs, PA. 717/528-4505 ( Big square bales of oats straw, and small square bales of wheat straw Call after 6pm, (215)779-3284 Clean, good quality, corn silage Hauling available. (215)932 8999 Clean Wheat Straw for sale, $lOO at barn. Lancas ter Co 717-653-5144. CORN SILAGE FOR SALE, DELIVERY AVAIL ABLE 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. Excellent Quality Alfalfa Raylage In Chester County, 22%CP, $3B/Ton picked up Can arrange trucking and can unload into anything. Call Walt or Bill at (215)869-3940. Feed by-products, sweet corn silage, $l5/ton; mixed w/field corn $25/ton. Clyde Kreider Lancaster, PA 717-898-8927 FOR SALE Corn silage $25 ton at farm. Chester County (215)869-3824. Hay for heifers or steers, clover $llO/ton, grass $75/ton Lane Co. 215/445-7422. Hay, Mixed Hay, 2nd Cut ting Alfalfa All good qual ity Several thousand bales 410-877-9889. Hay for Sale! 717/862-3213; 717/927-9483 Heifer for sale. $55/ton al falfa, hay $75/ton. Both in round bales. Delivery avail able Call after 6pm (717)375-2449. High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered; also straw & mixed hay. Martin Brothers. Olivet, Ml, 517/643-1642. Good Com Silage, Delivery Available. (717)872-5554. Good Quality Timothy, Al falfa Hay, in Round Bales. (717)866-4919. Good quality Ist and 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay. Call 215-932-5274; 215-932-9583. Good quality corn silage from Ag-Bag. Call after 6pm, (717)665-3435. HAY FOR SALE. Wrapped round bales 4th cutting al falfa, round bales 3rd cut ting alfalfa, square bales alfalfa 717/258-5224. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. Over 35 years of business. Refer ence in your area upon re- Suest. We deliver. No or ers too large. L. J. Hay, Inc. 1-800-622-9902. Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver. 717-393-4683 Call 7AM Good quality Corn SHage from Ag Bag Delivered in your silo Satisfaction Guaranteed. Reasonable Prices. GARBER'S SILAGE SALES, Willow Street. 717-464-2894. Wrapped round bales, Al falfa, some rain, cheap heifer hay. Make offer. 717-345-3307. BUYING EAR CORN Shelled Corn Soybeans Contract or Spot Purchase Picked Up At Your Farm Or Delivered To Manhelm NOLL GRAIN 341 Weaver Rd., Manhelm, PA (717) 665-4785 (717) 665-9463 WANTED MULCH HAY Round Bales, Square Bales We Need Much More Hayl Bodman Farms Gerald Bodman & Sons 717-437-2076 TRIPLE-M-FARMS 1525 King Str., Lebanon, PA 17042 Sailing & Buying Soybeans Call Glenn @ 717-272-3225 Roaatad Grains CUSTOMER FORMULA FEED MFC. Ronald S. Keener Grain Buying and Selling Ear and Shelled Corn and Soybeans 60’ Trailer Scales Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-6309 Hoire 717-653-5254 Elevator if Good quality wrapped bales \\ liP of n'falfa haylage. Nutrient < tested 23.4% protein, \ 57% moisture. Baled \ w/Ag Master preservers. % Berks County, “ (717) 933-0953 = w (717) 866-4299 J Improved open pollinated seed $27-529 bushel. High feed value silage and gram (419)657-6727. Mixed grass hay, squared bales, $1 50/ea. Quanity discounts 814-695-8478 days. 814-695-3421 nights Quality alfalfa hay with pre servatives Lancaster County Call (717)336-3209. Round bales orchard • grass, stored under cover, s approximately 700 lbs., $25/bale at farm. (410)833-8870. Timothy Hay, cut young. Chester Co. 215/593-5665 Aaron Kauffman, 215/593-2751 Clifford Stoltzfus. Trailer load of 2nd cutting Alfalfa, $ll5/per ton, deliv ered. 717-534-1253. WANTED: Damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans 717/733-4616 WANTED; Good quality ti mothy & straw for horses. (215)444-1651. WANTED: Mulch Hay. Ist Cut Timothy or Orchard Grass ONLY. Prompt Pay. (717)866-4919. WANTED: Mulch hay, round or square bales. Will pickup at your farm. (215)444-1651.
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