C22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January IS, 1994 Hi HORSES & MULES rWOOD y SAWDUST y } for bedding > J 3% Ton Truck Loads $125.00 J 717-299-6288 J J Free Delivery In J| J Lancaster County SI VINE SWINE ARNOLD S 88 th HOG SALE Saturday Afternoon 1:00 P.M. February 5, 1994 Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pa. Auctioneer - Harry Bachman - (717) 867-1809 AU-000033-L CROSSBRED - HAMPSHIRE - LANDRACE - YORKSHIRE 150 BRED GILTS! Hand mated due February thru April. Regis tered Yorkshire & Landrace. Excellent gilts mated to Duroc (IST CHOICE) mate to dam of S.E. Market Hog Derby Champion & Res. Champion on Foot and Rail and Hampshire (ARAB). Sire of two crossbred weight division champions 1993 Pa. Farm Show. 130 TESTED SERVICE BOARS (Growth, backfat & loin figures will be furnished on all boars. REALTIME ULTRASONIC SCAN NING by Mike Cherchuck (717) 258-1056 since 1989. 1073 Yorkshire boars scanned to date average 250 pounds, .76 backfat (.68 adjusted/230#) 5.52 loin eye. OPEN GILTSI Approximately 50 head. Registered & Crossbred. All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1-800-222-4084. Ct. Pork Producers Sale: Sat, Feb. 19, 1994 Storrs, Ct. New York Sale: Saturday, March 26, Pavilion, NY 89th Hog Sale: Sat, April 9, 1994 100 Head Project Feeder Pigs (May-June-July Shows). Bred Gilts, Open Gilts, Boars Project Feeder Pig Sale: Sat, April 30th 100-150 head. Guest Consignors. Lebanon, Pa. Yorkshlres-Landrace Hamoshlre-Durocs Leon L. Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 Ivery to Storrs, MULES FOR SALE Top Quality Mulas Right Out Of Tha South Location Ben K. Kauffman Park Road, Honay Brook, PA 215-273-3082 Call batwaan 7:30 AM A • AM MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 [717) 949-3246 KISI SHEEP & ■ 60»TS Sheep shearing, foot trim ming. deworming, all areas, Dave DeLamater, (410)476-3821 evenings. Targee ram, 3 years old, good breeder, excellent fleece and feet, $l5O (215)869-4039. Reg. Rama, Ewaa, brad A open. Avg. 5-6+ lamba per awe par year. Braad any time, gnat eroaa breeder*. Canadian Stock Jeff Qlntnar 814/371-3081 Catalogs Avallal Call or Write eb. 19 & Registered Hampshire boars, eight months olds, for sale. Todd Cauffman, (717)444-3232. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B and Mark W. Hall. RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian. PA 16844 Centre County (814)355-1647 HOG FARMERS: We offer the largest selection of performance tested and high health breeding stock available. YoikiNra - Hanpjhlfi • Duroc • Landrace • Hybrids THAMES BEND PENN JAY ft CLAUDETTE HORST Schaeffeistown, PA 17088 Phone 717-9494-3381 Fax 949-2204 Mike Lelnlngor - Denver, PA - 717-338-3387 Home Of ‘SWn’ Oeneffe* tom Canada’s large d Rogklmmd and 2.0. P. Totting OporaHon Th* Hg Of Temenww At Oer Haee TRdajt -bhMi 40 yam ofTaatod Qo n«tlcs I'A R> I\a -s BRED OILTB - OPEN GILTS ■ BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. Cartlflad Bruealloala snd Paaudorablaa Fro* Hard thns Thomas Dark Thomas Math Hah. Pl 7/ MMO2I (717) HMM4 (717) Ha-7007 RD #l, Boa 3441, ■aavartawn, Ml7ll* lei Lawrence Arnold R.D. 1, Box 309 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-933-8153 ilion, NY, March 26 'avl FOR SALE-Vdrkshire Service Boars. Ehwood I Houser, 2150 Quentin Rtf' Lebanon, PA 1704 ft 71 7-272-5798 or 273-2921 Registered Swedish Harnp Boars and Gifts, sired by Muscle and Jolly. 412/459-6616 Westmore land Co. Undue* Dune Yeriahln* Urg* WtJtM FI Craetbrid*
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