AMjncoUf Farming, Saturday. D*c«nb«r 25,1993 " IJ jp First Footer The first person to cross the threshold in the new year, the “first footer,” will bring either good or bad luck into the house for the year. Although this custom is known in coun tries from Ireland to China, it is particularly well-observed in Scotland and parts of England. Generally a tall, dark male brings the best luck, but m some regions fair men (especially redheads) are preferred. Regardless of his looks, the visitor must never, ever arrive empty-handed. Traditional gifts are a piece of coal for the fire, a loaf of bread, and a glass of whiskey for the master of the house. Let us th ’ important now employ, AnJ live as those who never Jie. Robert Burns, New Year’s Day, 1790 ra-Use stum to loosened drii briefly boil a cup of water then Earhl'lsE Since January 2 marks the 20th anniversary of the 55 mph highway speed limit, it’s a good time to reflect on our crude oil consumption, both private and national. Although the “energy crisis” is considered to be over, in fact it will never be over since fossil fuels are nonrenewable. As we stand at the threshold of another new year, continu ing our inexorable march to the next century, we must £ seriously consider our alternatives. We’ll be J.’ looking at some of those in the next few weeks. sd-on food In tha microwave: wipe Inleriorelean. Cheesy Nut Wafers 1 pound thorp choddar chataa, gralod 1 cup butter or margarine 2 cups Hour XteeepoonaaH coyonnopopportotMto 1 cup finely chopped pecan ptoco* Cream together cheese and butter. Add flour, salt, and pepper and mix well. Stir in nuts. Shape into a roll and refrigerate for 2 hours or more. Cut into Vi-inch slices. Bake at 350° F for 8 ■“■v, to 10 minutes. MikM (0 to 70 v wafer*. ±0 ATTENTION DODGE CITY •* OKLAHOMA NATIONAL STOCK YARDS WEEKLY CATTLE SUM MARY: Compared to last week: Feeder •teen and steer calves steady to $l.OO higher, most advance on 800-900 lbs.. Feeder heifers and heifer calves steady to $2.00 higher. Trade active on light pre holiday supplies. Demand excellent for both calves and yearlings. Quality average and attractive. Flesh mostly in buyers favor, slightly thin to average. Weigh-ups mostly avenge to gaunt. Slaughter cows fully $2.00 higher. Slaughter bulls firm to $l.OO higher. Demand from packers con tinue good as supplies shorten. Total of 4SI cows and bulls sold. Receipts this week 3,213; last week 7,580; last year 2,629. Supply consisted of 63 percent year lings and few calves over 600 lbs.; 22 per cent calves under 600 lbs.; 15 percent cows <# OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECAST *oj}» Northeast: Snow, severe cold; clearing briefly then snow and freezing rain. Southeast; Clear and mild; turning colder; freezing rain and snow; scattered showers Florida. Midwest: Sunny and mild; then cold, light snow, freezing ram. Northwest; Cold and snowy; warmer and rain on the coast. Southwest: Clear and warm east; cold, light rain and snow north and west; hot southern California; then clear and seasonable. Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, Okie. Wednesday, December 22, 1993 I IMiraiFD % IS C.B. HOOBER & SON, INC. 5 MW HOOBER EQUIPMENT, INC. |l Intercourse, PA Middletown, DE A g (717) 768-8231 ■ m TWO LOCATIONS (302) 378-9555 g The Saving Place | A MERRY CHRISTMAS ’MI fe From All Of Us In The Parts Department » 1 | M 3 I I I $ I I I I $ s* I s $ if 1 I < I I 27 PARTSMEN DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU I 1 I I 8 I 1 I I <R if 8 I $ « M I m 8 8 I * a i § I WE SHIP PARTS DAILY .1 g Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT, ETC. || 'M HOURS P'P.TJMiSa if W Mon.-Fri. 7 AM-5 PM; Sat: 7 AM-Noon | 1 GALL US,~ Authorized I 8 It CetiU Be We Hm It UPS Station Jj and bulls. Prices follow with weighted avenge weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steen: Medium and Large Frame 1: 350-400 lbs. (363 lbs.) $113.00- $115.00 ($113.89); 400-450 lbs. (436 lbs.) $99.50-$! 11.00 ($106.83); 450- 500 lbs. (466 lbs.) $98.00-$104.50 ($102.45); 500-550 lbs. (533 lbs.) $89.25-$97.00 ($94.52); 550-600 lbs. (582 lbs.) $BB.OO-$91.50 ($90.45); 600-650 lbs. (625 lbs.) $85.50-$91.50 ($88.34); 650-700 lbs. (677 lbs.) $85.50-$89.7S ($87.51); 700-800 lbs. (750 lbs.) $84.50-$86.50 ($85.59) 800-900 lbs. (850 lbs.) $81.75-$86.00 ($83.71); 900-950 lbs. (919 lbs.) $78.35-$81.25 (180.06); 1000-1050 lbs. (1021 lbs.) $73.50-$74.85 ($74.06). Holstein Steen: Large Frame 2: pkg 520 lbs. $77.50; few 700-825 lbs. $62.25-$65.00. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large Frame 1: pkg 290 lbs. $105.00; 350- 400 lbs. (3571b5.) 599.00-SlOO.OO ($99.54); 400-450 lbs. (4361b5.) $88.75-$99.00 ($93.01); 450-500 lbs. (470 lbs.) $84.00-$90.00 ($87.00); 500600 lbs. (550 lbs.) 584.50-589.00 ($87.09), pkg thin $95.75; 600- 700 Ibi. (650 Ibi.) $8235-$85.75 ($83.14); 700-800 Ibi. (750 Um.) $77.75-$82.25 ($79.13); 800-850 Ibi. (817 Ibi.) $75.00-$81.50 ($78.06). Slaughter Cow«: Cutter, Boning and Breaking Utility Y. 0.1-4 average dreiiing $45.00-$48.50; high drening $48.50-SSI.SO, very high drening SS2.2S-$52.75; low drening $41.00-$44.50. Canner and low Qttter S3S.SO-$39.50. Slaughter BuUi: Y.O. 1 1575-1975 Ibi. avenge drening $57.00- $60.00; few high drening and high boning $61.00-$62.00. Replacement Cowi: Pre-teited for Bangi, pregnancy and age Medium and Laige Frame 1 avenge quality: 6-8 yn old 1025-1475 Ibi. 6-8 monthi bred $650.00-S77S.OQ/hd 9-10yn old 900-1250 Ibi. 5-8 monthi bred $475.00-$550.00/hd lot 1435 Ibi. 6-8 monthi bred $655.00/hd. Pain: Medium and Large Frame 1 5-7 year old 900-1100 lb. cowi with 100-150 lb. calvei $735.00-$790.00/p«ir. Garden Spot Tobacco We are now receiving tobacco daily at our warehouse - Rt. 322 & Reidenbach Rd. Highest prices paid for top quality tobacco. Call us before you deliver 700 Reidenbach Rd., New Holland, PA (717) 354-6934 (717) 354-2340 msTAYPur < Pick Up Your Phone And / r\P lace Your r'-C-lwt Parts ! Order r-iv I With 1 Us $• rf
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