A4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 25,1993 Markets LANCASTER FARMING STAFF Everett R. Newswanger, Managing Editor Lou Ann Good, Staff Andy Andrawa, Staff Vamon Achanbaeh Jr., Staff NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Joyce Oupp, York County :Seven Valleys (717) 421-IMS ’ Connie Lelnbach, Berks County Boyartown (21$) 3*7-437# Randy Wads, Indiana Marlon Canlar (412) 397-2529 Judith Patton, Union MHfllnbuig (717) 966-4770 Gall Stroek, Mifflin Belleville (71V) 935-5675 Unda Williams, Bedford Bedford (814) 623-5745 Gay Brownlee, Somerset Salisbury (814) 662-2127 Carol Pearce, Bradford Wysox (717) 265-5172 Bonnie Brechblll, Franklin Chambemburg (717) 369-2916 David Hiebert, Westmoreland Scottdale (412) 667-5929 Agnee Smith, Northampton Ml. Bethel (215) 566-8262 Christine McCahren, Juniata Mifflintown (717) 436-2886 Carol A Onalee Smith, Mercer Greenville (412) 586-6203 C.J. Houghtaling, Tioga Middlebury Center (717) 376-2821 Beth Miller, Cumberland Newvill* (717.* 776-65'1 SHjiom SchusVr, Mjiybnd New Windsor (301) 635-2654 Eva Martin, Maryland Srmlhtburg (301) 824-2106 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Pries: $19.75 psr year; $37.50 - 2 years $30.00 per year outside of: PA, NJ, MD, DE, NY. OH, VA & WV $5B 00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Fanning (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $l9 75 per year, $37.50 - 2 years by Lan caster Farming, P.O. Box 609 1 E, Main Street, Ephrata, PA 17522 Second Class postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522 POSTMASTER- Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING. 1 East Main Street, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA-17522. Phone- Lititz (717)626-1164 jor Ephrata (717)733-6397, Lancaster (717)394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 For address Change form or now subscription sss nsar Mailbox Markets. Members of National Aaaoeiatlon Of Agricultural Joumallata Pa. Newspaper Publlahera Aaaoeiatlon, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Farmakis, Inc, Phone (203)966-1746 Available On Microfilm Copies of Lancaster Farming are available on microfilm from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Any questions about their service should be directed to the publishing manager. PUBLISHER S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typo graphical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertise ment The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is stnctly limited to publica tion of the advertisement in any subsequent Issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. New York & Phila. Frozen Egg Report Tuesday, December 21, 1993 Prices were edging higher under a cau tious trade sentiment A difference of opinion existed arid both buyers and sellers were confused and unsure of what to do. Trading was spotty. Raw materials were currently adequate for further processors to maintain their reduced holiday schedules. Floor stocks were usually sufficient to cov er dealers needs. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT.) RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 47-5048-49 51-60 BLEND (/) - - 58-68 WHITES 37-39 38-39 40-48 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 58-62 59-60 62-68 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 55-58 56-57 59-65 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes From Frl., December 17 to Wed, December 22 FRI. MON. TUBS. WED. WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS OFF GRADE BROWN EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM OFF GRADE UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS BREAKING STOCKS; FRI. 42-44 LBS. 33.00-35.00,48-50 LBS. 39.00-4 LOO. 50 LBS AND UP 41.00-42.00. POULTRY SOFTWARE... Layer Performance layer management Pullet Performance pullet management ESP Egg Supply Projection EMAS Egg Marketing Accounting Software Herit-W Computer Solutions (a division of Hereitage PMS, Inc.) Annville, PA 1-800-388-BGGS New England Shell Eggs Wcdneaday, December 22, 1993 NEW ENGLAND: Cartoned egg prices were unchanged to higher on the larger sizes. Loose egg prices trended higher on large. Market tone was fully steady to film. Demand was good to instances very good. Some traders reported that they were run ning with barely any inventory. Supplies were generally tight PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS, CASES EXCHANGED, GRADE YIELD BASIS, BROWN EGOS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE JUMBO .81-.84, EXTRA LARGE .81-.84, LARGE .77-.80, MEDIUM .52-. SS, SMALL .20-.23. BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A. BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE EXTRA LARGE .98-1.02, LARGE .91-.96, MEDIUM .71-.73. New York Egg Market Wednesday, December 22, 1993 Prices were higher for the large sizes, and unchanged for medium. Trade senti ment continued firm for large, and steady for mediums. Demand was good to very good at expected for the holiday week. Supplies of the large sizes were short to closely balanced, and mediums were about adequate. PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A. WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE EXTRA LARGE .SO-.82, LARGE .77-.80, MEDIUM .S9-.62. .86 .86 .87 .89 .84 .84 .86 .88 .78 .78 .80 .82 .64 .64 .64 .64 .49 .49 .50 .50 .66 .66 .68 .70 .82 .82 .82 .84 78 .78 .78 .80 .61 .61 .61 .61 .26 .26 .26 .26 Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, December 22, 1993 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT: TRADE SEN TIMENT WAS FIRM FOR LARGE. AND STEADYS FOR MEDIUMS. DEMAND WAS GOOD TO EXCELLENT, BEST FOR GRADED EGGS. SUPPLIES OF THE LARGE SIZES WERE SHORT TO BARELY ADEQUATE. AND MEDIUM SUPPLIES WERE GENERALLY ADEQUATE. A EXTRA LARGE .71-.80, A LARGE .69-.78, A MEDIUM .57-.59. N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report December 21 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES: MAINE N. HAMP. MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY Northeast Chicken Parts Wednesday, December 22, 1993 Trucklot buying interest was fairly light for immediate delivery, fairly good for the start of next week. Boneless skinless breasts were irregularly distributed. Small er volumes traded at 1.80 while larger vol umes were offered at lower prices and slow to clear. Line tun breasts were at least adequate but most buyers limited receipts to commitments only. Light volumes traded at lower trending prices and the undertone was unsettled. Dark meat items cleared fairly well at current prices. Whole wings were short of trade needs, prices trended higher, and the undertone was fully steady to firm. PRICES PAID PER POUND, ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS. DELIV ERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGO TIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S (W & W/O TENDERS) 175-180 BREAST • WITH RIBS 80-81 BREAST - LINE RUN 79-80 LEGS 41-42 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 30 DRUMSTICKS 34-35 THIGHS 35-36 WINGS (WHOLE) 57-58 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 35-40 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 25-30 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY METRO POLITAN AREA, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CON NECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND. AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF LARGE I.QS EX. LARGE 1.12 1.07-1.11 1.09- 1.04-1.12 1.04 1.10- 1.15 1.01-1.05 1.03-1.04 .97-1.05 .97 LOS-1.08 1.08 HARRISBURG). * TODAY’S NEGO TIATED SALES AS OF 11:30 A.M. Delmarva Broiler/Fryer Market Wcdnodi;, December 22, 1993 Movement of teady-to-cook whole birdi wn seasonally fair to good in moit quar ter!. Seller offerings were generally well balanced to closely cleared. Live supplies were moderate to light; weights were most ly desirable. Processing schedules were very heavy. Most plants are suspending operations on Friday, some Thursday also. Less than trucklot asking prices were unchanged at SO to 62 cents. Trade senti ment was fully steady to firm. In the parts complex, wings were short. Leg items were in fairly good balance. Breast items were irregularly balanced; however, where extra supplies were available they were difficult to place. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 12/2212/2012/2012/1512/132,2172.009 4.64 2,226 4.66 ♦BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIPMENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 48-62 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 51.93 NO. OF BOXES 10,259. *7 of 9 plants reporting. MEDIUM .85 .78-.52 .80-.81 .77-. BS .77 .88.89 .88 SMALL .53 .46.50 •4S-.49 •45-.53 .45 We Buy Poultry Weekly For Cash! • Leghorn Fowl • Spent Fowl • White Plgeone • Bantame • Bantam Roosters • Broilers • Rabbits • Guinea Hens • Muscovy Ducks We Pick Up At The Farm Watkln’s Live Poultry 718-272-6712 between 7 AM & 6 PM 718-843-0302 After 7 PM ——————l ) JACKSON AVE. | j LIVE POULTRY \4\ I WE BUY POULTRY I FOR TOP CASH i I WEEKLY V • Leghorn Fowl I | • Spent Fowl i I • Bantam Roosters ' f • White Pigeons I | • Guinea Hens i ! We Buy 1000-1500 I Red Spent Fowl | | and j i Leghorn Fowl V Weekly | We pick up at the farm I (718) 665-1441 j f betwaan 7 am • 5 pm I | OVER 35 yura In ttw IC*J
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