Stacy Says: Don't Forget Regular Deadline For Public Sale & Auction Ads is Tuesday At Noon! Thanksgiving Week, November 27, The Deadline is Monday, November 22, At Noon! Mail Or Fax (717-733-6053) Your Ad Early! STOLTZFUS LANDSCAPE AND NURSERY LIQUIDATION AUCTION FARM & HYDROSEEDING EQUIPMENT SATURDAY MORN. NOVEMBER 9:30 A.M. LIQUIDATING THE HYDROSEEDING BUSINESS 346 BEECHDALE ROAD, BIRD-IN-HAND, PENNA. 717-397-8777 NO SALES BEFORE AUCTION DIRECTIONS: 6 Miles East Of Lancaster, Pa. From The West: Exit Off Pa. Turnpike Exit 21 Onto Rt. 72 South To Lancaster To Rt. 283 East Which Would Also Be Rt. 30 East, Go Approx. 2-3 Miles To Intercourse Exit. Turn East Onto Rt. 340 Go Approx. 4 Miles Thru Smoketown To Bird-In-Hand, Go Thru Railroad Underpass And Make Immediate left Onto Beechdale Road, 2nd Place On Left. From The East: Exit Off PA Turnpike At Exit 19, Take Rt. 283 East To Lancaster. Follow Above Directions From Lancaster. EQUIPMENT: 1992 Ford #1620 Diesel Tractor, 4x4, Hydrostat, 350 Hrs., 1992 Zimmerman 30’ Trailer, 18,000 GVW, Tri Axle, 1991 Easy Lawn Trailer, 12.000 GVW, w/Hydroseeder, 1989 Ford #350 Dump Truck w/Eby Body, 26.000 GVW, 1989 Brillion Seeder GIP-342,1989 Ag-Tech Pre Seeder #PROS6, John Deere Roto Tiller #624, Bush Hog 5’ Rototiller Rt. 550,1988 Red Trailer 16’ Twin Axle, 5000 GVW, 5 HP Honda Sump Pump, Fuel Tanks, Office Supplies, Hand Tools, And Much More. NURSERY STOCK: 19 Maples, Ash And Honey Locust Trees 13/4” To 2” Cal. 18 Crabs, Dogwoods & Cherry 5-6’. TERMS: Payable in Full Day Of Auction. By Cash, Certified Monies Or Company Check With Bank Letter Or Prior Check Approval With Auctioneers. REIMOLD BROTHERS AUCTION & MARKETING SERVICE TRANSFER PA. & DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA 808 REIMOLD AUCTIONEER AU-000753-L PHONE: 1-800-772-7653 SPECIALIZING IN HORTICULTURE LIQUIDATIONS COAST TO COAST #1 SINCE 1914 - NOW ENTERING OUR 80TH YEAR Undstvr Fanrtnfl.Saturdar,November 13, If#t»W7 Sale Reports SWEIGART ESTATE SALE • A Public Sale of real estate and household goods was held Novem- ber 6 for the estate of Anna M. Sweigart, 25 S. Oak Street, Ephrata, FORBES ESTATE Lane. Co., Pa. There SALE were 335 registered bid- A pu blic gale of per ders at this sale. gona j property was held The 214 story house November 6 by the was sold to Marlin Fox estate 0 f j ames e. For of Denver for $57,000. bes> 9709 Sherwood Other prices Road, Owings Mills, • 0ur ’ < * 00r Maryland. There were sedan over 200 people attend s73oo, debormed jug the ule. - ( . child’s push sleigh Some prices received $950, comer cupboard wcre; im. Cub tractor $470. 6 piece maple sjsc& J923Rardroad dmmgjoom suite 3550, st er $l4OO, pair Wards setiae'ssso. desk 3500, ’ Bibs, decoys $775, desk painted shade table light $350, cast iron lawn $6OO, string of sleigh jockey $275 and Steiner bells $475, blue Cami- mower $3300. val glass bowl $290, The auctioneers were Planters peanut jar p.B. Russo, Jr., D. $ll5, small round wall- Andrew Cashman and paper box $155, small pamk B. Russo, Jr. wood deed chest $270, COMPLETE FARM DISPERSAL CATTLE - MACHINERY - BARN EQUIPMENT WED. NOV. 24, 11:00 a.m. REXVILLE (STEUBEN CO.) NEW YORK Auction to be held at the farm located at the Intersec tion of King Hill Road (off State Rte. 248 midway between Greenwood and Rexville) AND Cemetery Hill Road (off State Rte. 248 In Rexville). Discontinuing farming operation selling will be: DAIRY BARN EQUIPMENT: Mueller “model O” bulk tank calibrated to 1080 gallons (ser. #037397) complete with nearly new compresior and auto, wash unit; Surge stainless steel 2 in. pipeline milker system for 70 tie stalls (app. 370 ft. pipe); DeLaval S h.p. vacuum pump: 5 DeLaval flow view daw milker units; Clay 2 yr. old gutter deaner, app. 350 ft. chain counter clockwise direc tion); Waikato milk test meter, 2 16 ft ring drive silo uloaden with manual winches; Kelly 8 ft. tingle chain feed conveyor; 4 ft. alley fan; 4 wall mount bam fans; dozen tied gates; pile of Patz gutter chain and drive unit; 4 Poly calf hutches. HOLSTEINS-59 (1 Jersey) This tie stall herd consists of 59 milking age females pasture bred to a Holstein bull. 11 head are currently dry and the balance will be pregnancy exa mined! The cattle are large framed and in good flesh and will respond to more sophisticated management tech niques! See you here on die 24th I Cattle told under tent! MACHINERY: JD 4020 diesd tractor, power shift, 18.4- rubber; JD 4520 diesd tractor, ROPS enclosure, 24.5- rubber; IH “1466 Blade Stripe" diesel tractor, ROPS canopy, 18.4-38 rubber, IH 656 diesel tractor, 3 pt. 15.5- rubber; IH 3200 gat skid steer loader; Ford 8N tractor, Ford 9N tractor, NI 353 tandem axle spreader with end gate; NH 680 tandem spreader with end gate; JD 40 spreader, NH 56 take; Dearborn rake; JD 5 ft. 3 pt. rotary mower, Kewanee and NH (app. 36 ft) bale-grain transport elevators; 2 steel rack and 2 wooden rack bale kicker wagons; NH 479 haybine; NH 469 haybine for parts; 2 JD 1209 haybinet (one for parts); NH conven tional baler; NH 275 kicker baler; NH 269 baler for parts; NH 354 grinder mixer, as is; JD 694 A 6-row narrow com planter, Gehl KS 600 field chopper with 2-row com and hay pickup heads; NH 717 chopper with pickup head and 1-tow com head; 3 2 beater s.u. wagons; forage blower; 2 tunning gears for parts; IH 1016 disc grain drill with front grass seeder; Century 200 gal. poly tank sprayer, 2 fuel skid tanks; IH 550 5-bottom semi-mount plow; IH 4 bottom plow; AC 10 ft. transport disk; Dunham 12 ft. cultipacker, AC 20 ft. transport drag; older 10KW (Army Surplus) generator system; etc.l SALE ORDER: 11:00 A.M. Machinery; App. 1:00 P.M. Barn Equipment Followed By Cattle at about 1:30 P.M. Tent-Lunch-Portajohns on Site! Terms: CASH or honorable check day of auction. Acceptable ID required. OWNED BY: MR. VINCENZO D’ANTONI RIDGEWOOD, NEW YORK Auction Conducted By James P. Firming PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. Wayland, New York jelly cupboard $3OO and marble-top table $375. T. Glenn. Timothy G. and Thomas A. Horst were the auctioneers. '.ESTATE TESTED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers