824-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Novambar 13. 1993 .jer, ig man. jrm jmen, presents checks for $750, from left, to Christa Fabian of the Mason-Dixon Food Locker, Lt. Tho mas Pierce of the York Salvation Army and Mary Lou Hendrix representing the Ameri can Red Cross. tion are Nora Kilgore, front, and from left, Doris Herman, Martha Yost, Ruth Willis, and Pauline Schaeffer. 90-year-old award recipient Is Devoltes Fillmore, Group 12, who accepts her honor pin from state president Arlene Wltman. (Continued from Pago B 14) A memorial service honored county society members deceased since the prior annual meeting. Memorialized in a remembrance ceremony were Elfreda Herbst, Group 1; Charlotte Herbst, Group 2; former county president lona Krone and Lura Seifert, Group 4; Anna Wallace, Bertha Myers and Grace Hartsough, Group S; Gertrude Hoffman, Group 6; Nancy Emswiler, Group 7; charter member Erma McDowell, Group 9; Lavina Howard, Carrie Saylor and Romaine Trout, Group 12; Mildred Gross, Group 13; Mabel Bentzel, Group IS; Claudia Bailey. Group 20; Annetta Grove, Group 21; Annabelle Able, Group 25; and Nancy Mosebrook, Group 33. Honored during the meeting were society members reaching their 90-year and and 80-year birthdays in the previous year. Recipient of the 90-year-old award was Devoltes Fillmore, Group 12. Awards for 80-year-birthdays were presented to Dor othy Enders, Evelyn Lauer and Evelyn Leib, Group 4; Genet Sellers, Group 9; Edna McFadgen, Group 10; Ruth Runkle and Margaret Tyson, Group 12; Lura Flohr, Group 16; Dorothy Toomey, Group 17; Anna Burkins, Group 18; Ida Boyle and Irene Hunt, Group 20; Nora Kilgore, Group 21; Martha Yost and Ruth Willis, Group 26; Doris Her man and Pauline Schaeffer, Group 27; and Anna Snel becker, Group 30. Accepting 80-year recognition belated ly were Margaret Ness, Group 1; Cora Miller and Hester Keeney, Group 11. Entertainment during the program included a piano violin-ilute musical trio with Katie and Linda Davidson and Trudy Reichard, the Whippersnappers Barbershop Chorus from Hanover and a humerous monologue by Pat Women SEE ONE OF THESE DEALERS FOR A DEMONSTRATION: ADAMSTOWN CARROLL'S EQUIPMENT DEERRELD AG & _ n| N ,w Ho||an<| ; pA EQUIPMENT INC. RouU 235 TURF CENTER, INC. 717-354-4191 Mohnton, PA Damtron, MO Witsontown, PA WnllMOfa, MD (mw Ad.mitown) 301472-5553 301452-5252 717-484-4391 BARTRON SUPPLY, INC. Tunkhannoek, PA 717-030-4011 CARLYLE & MARTIN, INC. Hagaratown, MD 301-733-1873 CLUGSTON FARM DUNKLE A EVERGREEN GUTSHALL'S INC. EQUIPMENT GRIEB INC. TRACTOR CO, INC. RD «2 Box 7<-A Naadmoia, PA Cantra HaH, PA Labawn. PA Uyavllla, PA 717-573-2215 314-304-1421 717-272-4641 CLUGSTON AG & TURF, INC. Chambaraburg, PA 717-203-4103 PLAN TILLAGE SYSTEMS NOW. PLAN TILLAGE SAVINGS NOW There’s never been a better time to talk tillage with us. And there’s never been a better time to save big on Tillage and Crop Care equipment than now. Froth now until January 31, 1994, stop in and discuss your tillage needs because no one offers you more quality equipment choices or better information on complete cropping systems than we do. Receiving awards for the best project books were and Brad Rife, in back, and Crystal Meyers and Jus DUNKLE & FWCH SERVICES- GRIEB INC. Mill Hill, PA 717-72M115 Baby Beef HANOVER INC. Hmovir, PA 717-632-234 S GUTSHALL’S INC. Cirfftlt, PA 717-249-2313
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