Rag. Hobtein Bui, 14 mo., Sire Mark-O-Polo Dam VGB6, 30,000 of milk, \ 000 of fat. (717)872-8318. Registered polled Hereford bulls bom April/May, well muscled, Determinator Mondline Also cows due April. Evenings (717)833-5007. Registered Holstein bulb, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat Stump Acres, 717-792-3216. York County. Registered Angus Bull calf 6 months old, excellent confirmation, should make good herd sire. $750. 215/536-4190. Service Age Bull, Dam VG-85, making over 40,000 milk this year. G- Dam EX9O, 41,920, 3.5%, 1470 f. One of the highest producing cows in PA thb year. Lancaster County. 717-265-7426. Can deliver. Simmental cattle, qualify polled heifers, bulls & club calves. 410/442-1546 eves.. Small beef herd, 7 head, cows and calves. Chester County. (215)363-5837. Springing Heifers, From 19,800 Lb. Herd Average, Both Registered and Grade. Lancaster County, Quarryville. (717)786-0109. GRIST BOLL HILL FARM Dalton, PA 717-563-2322 Reg. Polled Hereford* Bull Calrei w/BPD’s * Fab. Ascendant X Knight Ryder * Mar. Columbua Son X Wall Street * May Deliverance SOU X Mr. Goodbar * Weaned Heifer Calvea out of popular A-l alrae * Cow/calf palra * Bred Helfara * Starling at $6OO l Partners in Progress ] Fall Feature Sale December 11. 1993 • 1:00 PM EST Meadow Hill Farm, Purcellville, Virginia Offering 65 Lots of Simmental Cattle With emphasis on growth and maternal traits! • 30 heifer calves. Our best. Many show prospects; including four daughters of Fast Forward. All polled and good. 20 are black • 10 bred heifers • 20 cow/calf pairs, many bred back. • 5 service age bulls, black baldies and polled fullbloods. 3 black bull calves sell • 7 steer calves, solid black, red with white face, right age for Farm Show 30 ml. from Frederick MD, 35 ml. from Winchester, VA For complete sale information and catalogue, please contact one qf the following: Donald T. Vlrts and Family SALE CONSULTANTS: Rt 1 Box 635 Doug Paul (405) 840-9012 Purcellvllle, VA 22132 Doug Parke (606) 987-5758 (703) 668-6777 Auctioneer; Merrill Anderson Sale Headquarters: Carradoc Hall 800-552-6702 cSVjf£ADOW Wta “Faj* m Open Hobtain heifers, vac cinated, dehorned and wormed. Call after 7PM. Perry. (717)789-4172. Polled Herefords: cow/calf pairs, heifers, dub calves. Quality stock, good prices. 215/879-0321 evenings. Reg. Hobtekt buds, service age, records on dams, po pular sires, certified accre dited herd. 717-532-7905. Reg. Hobteins: Springing Heifers, popular sires, from herd avg. of 23.000 M; ser vice age bulb. Top quality alfalfa hay. Shelmar-Acres 717/653-5663. STARTED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and multi-type bulls from $2lO. 301/432-8973, 301/432-5070. Thirty beef cows: Hereford Angus Limousine crosses, bred to Angus Red Angus bulb. 814/765-5868. WANTED: Buffalo bull and cows. 203/263-2294. WANTED Holstein heifers, 300-800 lbs. Chester County. (215)593-5665, (215)593-2751. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS -Pasture-exposed Yearling heifers -growthy, good frames and confor mation. Steers and bull calves. Reasonable prices. Health and registration cer tificates. Come see or call. 814-742-8118; 814-742-7476 Box 10. Bellwood, PA. 16617. K. Annual Fall Female Sale Is 12 p.m.. Saturday, November 20. 1003 ■A IBT At the famous Buck & Doe Run Farm \ near Coatesullle, Pennsylvania r&v Over 150 Head Sell l]v The largest selection of u y' RRFFDFRS performance Angus genetics I / DRBBU&RO to sell at auction In the v Eastern United States! • ANNAIEA FARMS, LTD. TWIN CUT FARMS BUCK RUN FARMS DEEP RUN FARM TWIN OAK FARMS TmiiA MscDulot t-mnk A buwn WUHon ThU f3klna Jim A Octsy Svornl Fntl A iriu buy I'O (hit 773 HDA thocin IVu4.IJ HwOlO Us J72PuiwyxillcHo.nl htukMKiigCAtnMd tAMfsrttk tfXIJO (micsvtlle IS 1*1330 llnlomlllc IS HJO7S Ounnyvllk IS 17WI 1707) «n afWH utfiidAa-uuri (2i«4SO-o?K) onw-fla.m irmrsnst-tn For your free reference catalog, contact anyone In the office of the Sales Managers. TOM BURKE AND DICK BECK. AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME, at the WORLD ANCUS HEADQUARTERS. Box C-2. Smlthvllle. MO 64089-0817 Phone (816) 532-0811 Jersey and Guernsey buds ready for service. STUMP ACRES. 717-792-3216 York Co. Jersey cows and heifers due from Dec. thru Spring, $7OO and up. (717)436-8790. Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at Ad Times. 703-869-2622 or 703-869-4276. LIMOUSIN/ FULL BLOODS: 2 yearling bulb, Seven-Forty-Seven blood lines; 1 open heifer. West minster, MD (410)857-0176. LOST; (3) steers, Mack An gus, White Horse area. 717-442-4529. Now bu] entire daii herds and springing heif ers. Highest cash price paid. Call Reuben Green berg, Inc., Columbus, NJ (609)298-1021. BUFFALO Calves - Yearlings Mature Bulls - Mature Heifers Clean Skulls Tan Hides Plus Meats 717-373-1181 Between 8 and 5 717-672-2656 After 5 PM Ask For Don Broken Wheel Bison r'ar.sss, >»i Down Cow & Horse Removal (For Pet Food) LEBANON, BERKS, LANCASTER AND CHESTER COUNTIES 1-800-234-2697 215-286-9400 WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 BUT DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop TOP PRICES FOR ALL TYPES OF CATTLE - Also Down A Crippled Cattle Tom Mulvaney, Jr. nH¥ Emton. PA *pfH %/jgSsT ( 21S ) 258-1670 JSZ} J* In NJ-Wanen, Sussex And Hunteidon Counties | NOW IN NEW YORK • ORANGE CdUNTY In PA-Northampton, Bucks, Lehigh, Bedes And Schuylkill Counties A All Cattle Paid On Hanging Dressed Weight Buffalo i Calves (717) 222-9815 WSM horses & WMmules^ 18 months Parch eroo geld ing, green broke, rides, good disposition, $2OOO. 215/723-8499. 2 BEAUTIFUL DAPPLE GRAY REG. PERCHE RON MARES, in foal, S24SO/each. Saddle, har ness & gentleman's cart. 301/473-5985. 2 Horse IB Aluminum Trailer, Good Condition, New Floor, Electric Brakes. $l4OO. Call After 9PM (215)932-8966. (2) young saddlebred driving horses, broke & sound, $BOO/$9OO each. (717)354-9370. 5 Year Old Black Stan dardbred Trotter, Needs Work. (717)666-6712. 5 year old standardbred trotter, 16H, traffic safe, sound, white markings, good broke carriage horse. 717-442-9559. 8 year old standardbred solid trotter, traffic safe, sound, has style and snap, 16H, real road horse. 717-442-9559. AMHA, AMHR, APESA Reg miniature horses; reg. miniature mule (mare). 814-643t2806. Amish Carriage for sale, 4Vi years old, still in good shape. 215/273-7536. Bay 5 year old top trotter, 16.1 H, traffic safe and sound, $2450 080, must sell. 717/354-6336. Stack antique Park Phae ton carriage, red wheels and undercarriage and lin ing of new hood, $7500. 410-734-7680. Black Saddlebred horse, 7 yr. old, traffic safe and sound, ready for tripe. Sa muel StoHzfus, 204 Eden Road, Quarryville, PA 17566. ----X HORSE nwM EMfUI qq HY-TECH Mushroom Compost, Inc. West Grove, PA 19390 * 215-869-0202 Fanrfng, Saturday, Novunbar 13,1M3C23 t WOOD SHAVINGS/ J J SAWDUST { j for bedding S 5 3Vi Ton Truck Loads $125.00 £ J 717-299-6288 y J Free Delivery In k J Lancaster County | WATjrjrjrjrjrjr Looking For A Herd? If So Give Us A CALL! We have access to Reg. & Grade Herds Of All Sizes Tie Stall & Parlor Moved Directly From Farm To Farm (717) 786-1146 HIGHLAND CATTLE Grass fed, organically raised, docile, prime regis tered breeding stock. Unrelated bulls, heifers, and occasionally cows. Acclimated to people and farm equipment. Three generations of brood cows on farm for inspection. The Highland Breed still retains its special traits from its ancestors. Our herd is organically raised - excel lent beef producers. Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and innoculated against rabies. Transportation avail able. Visitors welcomed. Breed information available upon request. Cal! Joe or Sue 908-303-0798 El HORSES & MULES S WOOD SHAVINGS/ { } SAWDUST S J FOR BEDDING \ J 3V» Ton Truck Loads $125.00 k ! 717-299-6288 k J Free Delivery in J Lancaster County jMMT Jtmp K & K HORSE SALE Fredericksburg, PA NOVEMBER 27th Directions 1-78 to Exit #l, Lebanon Val ley Livestock Market, Next To Esther’s Diner on Old Route 22. New and Used Tack 2 PM Horses 6:00 PM Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day Of Sale 717-865-2881 Regularly Scheduled Sales Will Be Held The 4th Saturday Of Each Month, No Sale December. CLIP AND SAVE MANURE Straw Only. 15 Horse Minimum Pick-up
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