New Holland Fair 62 Years Running ofW . rwillte „ iymgtt NEW HOLLAND (Lancaster Once again, the fair will be ous categories for beautiful tro- at 8 p.m. in front of the judges’ Co.) New Holland will cele- highlighted with the Spectacle of phics. Also included in the line of stand on Franklin Street Semifi brate the 62nd anniversary of the Bands Parade at 7 p.m. on Wed- march will be more than 100 floats nals will be held at the same loca- Farmers Fair from Wednesday, nesday. Parade-goers will thrill to and marching units that will com- tion on Friday night with the finals September 29 through Saturday, the sounds of approximately 20 pete for cash prizes. scheduled for 8 p.m. Saturday. October 2. bands which will compete in van- Preliminary and elimination A day of fun is scheduled for competition for the Fireman’s Tug the Idds on Friday. "Cupcake the CASE PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., OCT. 2, 1993 10 A.M. Boom Station Road Off Rte. 49 West Of Lawrancavllla (Doga County), Pa. (Follow Slgna From Rta. 15) REAL ESTATE - WOOD SHOP - HOUSEHOLD - TRAIN COLLECTION - TOOLS - GUNS REAL ESTATE: 4 Rm. Bungalow w/Full Basement, Large Garage On VA Acres On Twp. Road.* VA Miles From Cowan esque Lake - Come Take A Look! Terms On Real Estate: 10% Down At Close Of Bidding- Balance Due At Closing Within 30 Days. Subject To Owner's Confirmation. Other Terms Day Of Sale. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Antique Step- Back Cupboard, Ladies Rocker, Lincoln Rocker, Wood Iron Board, School Desk, Antique Oak Wall Clock, Drop Front Desk, Glass Door Jelly Cupboard w/Drwr., Queen Size Sofa Bed, Several Mattress Sets. Beaded Purse, Buttons, Flatware Set, Quilts, Pocket Knives, Sled, Lots Of Nice Glass Including German China Set (Syc. For 12+ Servers), Quantity Of Craft Goods, Sm. Chest Freezer, Box Lots, Much More! TOOLS: Woodmaster 18 Inch Var. Spd. Planer (w/Paneling Table & Cut ters, Sanding & Moulding Heads, Extra Set Of Knives), Floor Mod. Drill Press, Craftsman 12” Wood Lathe w/Copy Graf ter & Lathe Tools, Craftsman 10” Table Saw, Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw, Craftsman 6” Jointer/Planer, Craftsman 12” Band Saw, Belt/Oisc Combo Sander, Woodmaster Scroll Saw, Grizzly Dust Col lection System w/Pipes & Hose, Hitachi 3 HP Router w/Attachments (Like New), Porter-Cable Random Orbit Sander, Quantity Of Elec. Belt Sanders, Drills, Routers, Circ. Saws, Sabre Saws, Hand Saws, Bar And C-Clamps, Drill Bits, Rou ter Bits, Dadd's, Planes, Mechanics Tools, Socket Sets, Panel Riser Bit (New), 3V* ” Clock Makers Bit, 6 Ft. Alum. Stepladder, Sm. Air Compressor & Spray Outfit, Much More! LUMBER: Approx. 400 Bd. Ft. 6/4 Cherry Lumber, Approx. 200 Bd. Ft. But ternut T&G Paneling, 17”x1"x12 Ft. Cherry Bd., Misc. Lumber Incl. Walnut, Butternut, Poplar, Other, John Deere R-72 8 HP Rid ing Mower, J.D. Rototiller, Wheelbarrow, Approx. 4 Tons Hard Coal, Kero Htr. GUNS: H&R 9 Shot .22 Revolver, Savage Mod. 101 Single Shot Pistol, Pellet Gun Pistol. TRAINS: Lionel Std. Ga. 33, (2) 35's, 36, #8 w/Pullman, Observation And Track In Orig. Box, Lionel ‘O’ & ‘o27’ Ga.: 9359, 6469, 50, 6560, 6017, 246, 9360, 9362, 3472. (2) 9140, 9136, 1002, 6162, (2) 25,000, 9016, 6057, 9077, 2034, 6650, 204, X 3464, 6462, 1688, 2680, 1682, 3659,3651,3652,1688-E, 651,654, 652, 659, 1682, 604, 603, 2679, 1682, 657, 653, 1679, 3659, 807, 3651, 1630, 654, 1680, The Express H-0 Collector Set In Sealed Box, MARX 10,005 Elec. Set (Red), Marx Boxed Set, Marx Eng. 400 And 333, Boxed Erector Set. NOTE: Antiques & Household At Start, Real Estate At 11 A.M., Shop Tools, Lumber, Mower Following Real Estate. Trains Starting At 1 P.M. Mixed With Balance Of Auction. Sals Under Tent- Bring A Chair- Food Available- Great Merchandise- Don’t Miss Itl TERMS: (Personal Property): Cosh Or Approved Check* I.D. Required. OWNERS: MR. & MRS. HAROLD CASE Professional Auction Management And Appralials By /j /) JeuifF fIiACTIOhJ Tioga. PA AU-1543-L 717-US-4214 "A JeWtf Auction Is An Action Auctionr (Continued from Pago A 35) Baal Udder-1. and 2. Ray-Knoll Farm; 3. Draam-Vallay Farm. Seat Br. Brad/Ownad- 1. Ray-Knoll Farm*; 2. and 3. Draam-Vallay Farm. Banlar and Grand Champlan and Raaaiva Banlar and Grand Champion-1. Ray-Knoll Farm*. Baal Br. Thraa-1. Draam-Vallay Farm; 2. Ray-Knoll Farm*. Dairy Hard- 1. Ray-Knoll Farm*; 2. AUCTION PENNSYLVANIA ACREAGE 2550-3000 acres located In Clinton County surrounded by 280,000 acres of Sproul State Forest. November 14, 1993 At 2:00 P.M. Abundant in wildlife & natural resources, this could be your last chance to acquire a large tract of land in the Keystone state. Conveniently located off Route 44 & PA Route 120 near Hyner Lookout. Property con tains a beautiful mountainstone cabin with well & protective shutters. ON-SITE OPEN HOUSE October 9 (1 pm - 4 pm) Contact Michael Roan tor specifics & terms. Realtor Participation Fee offered. Bob, Chuck & Rich ROAN, INC Auctioneers A Appraisers AU-000777-L RR 3 Box 118 * Cogan Station, PA 17728 (717) 494-0170 * (717) 494-1911 FALL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION TRACTORS, FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS SAT., OCT. 2, 1993 At 9:00 AM Isennock Auctions, New'Parte, PA JD 4010 Tractor, Tricycle Front-End, Front Weights, 18-4-34 Tires, Cub Cadet Hydrosta tic Tractor 4/Mower, NH 472 Haybine, JD T 24 Baler, NH 38 Flail Chopper, NI Com Picker & Husker, Killbros Grain Wagon, 2 Hay Wagons, Oliver 13-Disc Grain Drill, JD 15-Disc Grain Drill, Inti. 4-Row Com Planter, JD 16-Offset Disc, NH 20’ Elevator. Smoke 30’ Elevator w/Elec. Motor, JD S’ Rotary Mower, 3-Bottom Pull-Type Plow, PTO Post Hole Digger, Myers Sprayer on Cart, 16 HP Wards Riding Mower w/42” Cut, 2-Sectin Spring Tooth Harrow. 2 Cyl. Saylor-Beall Air Compressor on Wheels, S Ton Hoist, Many tools & Misc. inch Tool Box on Wheels, Tool Boxes, Wheelbarrow, Jack Hammer w/Bits, Ext Ladders. Powwer Mate w/Batteries, Tur botorch, Spartan 77 Drain-A-Mite, Threaders, Drills, Heaters, Marlow Pump w/Motor, Vice, Many Hand and Garden Tools, Circular Saw & More. PARTIAL LISTING ONLY - Items Com ing in every day. OPEN FRIDAY. 10/01/93 9 am - 6 pm for Consignments TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Good Food Served. Located along Marstellar Rd. From Stawartstown, taka Rt. 24 S. to MD, L at “Y” at Wiley’s. R. on Marstellar Rd. to Auction. IsHMiy AucllßlfM Supreme Dairy Award Dream-Valley Farm; 3. Trlpla-J Farm. Produce ef Dam-1. and 2. Triple-J Farm. Dam/DaLighter- 1. Triple-J Farm; 2. Ray- Knoll Farm*; 3. Dream-Valley Farm. BROWN SWISS Sr. Call-1. Kelly Jo Myera. Summer Yrlg.-1. Joyel Dairy Farm. Jr. Yrlg.-1. Joyel Dairy Farm; 2. Heather Crawl. Ini. Yrlg.-1. Joyel Dairy Farm. Sr. Yrlg.-1. Joyel Dairy Farm. Beat Jr. Three-1. Joyel Dairy Farm; 2. Heather Crawl; 3. Joyel Dairy Farm. Junior Champion and Reaarva Junior Champion- Joyel Dairy Farm. MMiWta tm AUCTIOMItIS 410-557-1052 717*093-2564 I Lie. MU2M2-E •r- f ,• 1% I r.s I*■,. » f ■ rf I ■ , '(• Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 25, 1913-A37 gf EAiHERRgS OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 7:30 am - 8 pm IF WE DON’T HAVE IT. WE’LL GET IT! PRESSURE POWER WASHER 2000 P 3 G.P. $799 Alio Available -3000 P.S,' 4 G.P.M, $1,59 Mira Fount _jf“V=r x THE ORIGINAL ENERGY \ FREE WATERER...COPIED \ / l BUT NEVER EQUALLED \TI/ K ~~\jj 2 HOLE MIRAFOUNT 1 HOLE MIRAFOUNT 20 Gal. Capacity... $349.99 IS Gal. Capacity.... $3OO Cradty; SO barf, 2S laoS itiry, Cipadty: ISO hood bnf, 60 hud d«uy. 2-1" qpnints. No. 3360 30 hm, 1-0“ opuin*. No. 33360 I * Full Lino Peru Dopt * Rt. 272 South a I * Soil, Sofvioo ft Install ★ 14 Horrvlllo Road MM aM/C _ willow Shoot, PA 17594 ImEH Hardware Ph: 717-464-3321' or MBS * ups Toll Fra * 900-732-0053 »>i»pMg Poim I'BMhHm||hH|m I Stora Houra: Qffl VJ——Mon. -8 at 7:3OAM to 9:OOPM W*® 9.2 s Clown” will be strolling among the crowd with his balloons before a special magic show from 4 p.m.-S p.m. at die reviewing stand on Franklin stand. At S p.m. the drawings will be held for savings bonds and cash prizes at this same location. Jr. Qol and Bml Throe Female** 1. Joy •I Dairy Farm. Throa-Yr.*Old-1. Joyal Dairy Farm. Faur*Yr.-Old- 1. Joyal Dairy Farm. Baal Udder-1. Joyal Dairy Farm. Baal Br. Brad/Ownad- 1. and 2. Joyal Dairy Farm. Sanlar and Qrand Champion, and Raaarva Bonier and Qrand Champion* Joyal Dairy Farm. Produce at Dam and Dam/DaugMor* 1. Joyal Dairy Farm. MILKING SHORTHORN All placing* and champion* want to Joyal Dairy Farm. 0 HIGH TENSILE FENCE WERE 12% Ga. - 4400 200,009 PSI $59.99 HEAT LAMP BULBS Cltar • 125 W ■ 250 W [O' Rad 2SOW $3.69 b. HEY ■PRI X POULTRYMEN /VvlklSl \ LONG LIFE LIGHT BULBS I ( 125 Witt 130 V V V Bf|l/<0 Wtt 5000 Hr. \VJUIi COWitt CaaaLat \ ■■■ 15 Witt (190 Mka) IMW “37«/buib PIG . LAMPS Haauy duty alumkv raflaclor conpMr hangar and * guard. High •ock at with Mad oord (i S' cord Rag. MUt $5 By Car TEXACO ANTI-FREBZB COOLANT Special Price For Cases More $2.99 Per Gallon
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