No matter how you look at medium-duty Batwing® rotary mowers, Woods new MD3IS has the advantage. Feature for feature the MD3IS is a leader... and the ideal choice for maintaining APR acres plus a wide variety of commercial mowing applica tions. See for yourself. * Cutting: Advantage Woods Cutting height is conveniently adjusted from 1 M 15" and kept level across the entire 15' cutting swath with a single hydraulic cylinder The MD3ls’s six blades provide clean, even mowing, cutting and shredding of grass, weeds and light brush BANGOR IMPLEMENT Bangor, PA 218-888-8924 BELMONT FARM Glyndon, MD 301-833-9081 B. EQUIP., INC. Waynesboro, PA 717-782-3193 ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUIP. New Ringgold, PA 717-043-2131 NORMAN D. CLARK & SON, INC. Honey Grave, PA 717-734-3882 ERB & HENRY EQUIP. INC. New BerKnvllle, PA 215-387-2180 FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT. INC. Ephrata, PA 717-884-2180 Advantage: Transport: Advantage Woods The model MD3IS wing, sections hydraulically fold up and lock (o a very compact 78" transport width Road travel, gate clearance and storage are easier and safer N.H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Maxalawnoy, PA 218-683-7282 GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE Quarryvillo, PA 717-786-7318 HINES EQUIPMENT Craaaon, PA 814-886-4188 Ballwood, PA 814-742-8171 R.S. HOLUNGER & SON. INC. Mountvllle, PA 717-288-4838 C.B. HOOBER A SON, INC. Intercourse, PA 717-788-8231 INCH EQUIPMENT CO. MoAlllatervllla, PA 717-483-2101 KAUFFMAN FARM SUPPLY ML Ptouant Mills, PA S.G. LEWIS AND SON 717-839-4571 Wsst Grovs, PA NESLEY EQUIPMENT CO. Bsllsvllls, PA 315-889-9440 Pottstown, PA 717-035-2131 315-800-3314 315-400-0301 Construction Advantage Woods 7 gauge center frame deck plate, 8-gauge wmg frame deck (dates, 1/4" steel side frames with adjustable full length skids and full length box frame sections across the entire maclyne these are just some of (he construction features (hat give this 40-80 hp tractor rated machine the heft to meet the rigorous demands of daily commercial use Driveline: Advantage Woods A 35R three joint input drive and Woods exclusive slide-through wing drive design results In the most compact, maneuverabfe cutter in its class Geartox: Advantage 'vnHPdr Woods " Designed, built and field tested by Woods, parts are always available for our U S **~*~'**~**—■—■-•—■■l manufactured gearboxes Our network of 4,000 dealers ensure prompt service and parts supply WOODS KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Lebanon, PA 717-949-6801 KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. Quakartown, PA 218-536-4046 KERMtT K. KISTLER Lynnport, PA 218-296-2011 LAMB'S FARM MACHINERY Thom date, PA 218-260-2070 LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. La neuter, PA 717-800-7063 LAWN CARE OF PA. Martindate, PA 210-448*4541 Woods Model MD3I IwiSirg ROBERT E. LITTLE, INC. NICARRY EQUIPMENT CO. C.H. WALTZ SONS, IN( Zlaglarvllla, PA (Route 2 Box 2008) PA 21 5-387-Q643 RlldfnQt PA 717*465*2921 215-926*2441 WENGERS* FARM M.M. WEAVER A SONS, INC. NIC MOLS FARM EQUIP. MACHINERY INC. Ho* PA Myaratown, PA 717-856-2331 717-784-7741 717-866-31 SB MANOR EQUIPMENT INC. Sinking Spring, PA , 318-678-0628 MESSICK FARM EQUIP.. INC. Elizabethtown, PA 717-367-1319 MIFFLINBURG FARM SUPPLY, INC. MiHllnburo, PA 717-000-3114 MORRIS INTL, INC. Evaran, PA 014-082-0101 Laneatlw Firming, Saturday, Saptambar 18, Woods PIKEVILLE EQUIP. INC. CLARENCE WILSON ' ofcy. pa sons 318-987-6277 Klmbarton, PA 318-933-3081 SHUEY SALES & SERVICE C.J. WONSIDIER BRI Ono, PA Quakerlown, PA 717-865-4915 216-536-1936 215-536-7523 STRALEY FARM SUPPLY, INC. Dover, PA 717-293-4443 717-292-2631 THOMAS POWER EQUIPMENT Avondale, PA 215-268-2161 TRACTOR PARTS CO. Bloom* burg, PA 717-764-0250 Rotaxy Cutler Rt 309 A 100 N*W Tripoli, PA 215-767-7611 Olay, PA 215-087-6257 YORK CO. FARM IND., INC. Emlgavilla, PA 717-764-6412 ZIMMERMAN FARM SERVICE Btdwl, PA 717-9SS-4114 II
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