AttMUncMiar Faming, Saturday, Sapiambar 18,199 a Hampshire Entries Take Supreme Titles In Junior Sheep Show JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent YORK (York Co.) Hamp shire entries swept top honors at the York Fair’s junior sheep breeding competition, winning the supreme awards for ram, ewe and pair. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, York RB, claimed both the supreme ram and pairs titles with her entries that topped the Hampshire breed show. The 12-year-old shepherd also took champions in several other breed divisions. Taking the supreme ewe award was Matt Trostle, Red Lion R 3. with his Hampshire breed champion. York Fair Junior market lamb champion honors went to Jennifer Fiinchbaugh. Fiinchbaugh Shows York Fair Market Lamb JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent YORK (York Co.) —A dapplc gray market lamb, appropriately named “Dappy,” lived up to the winning bloodlines of his family and took the York Fair junior market lamb champion honors for exhibitors Jennifer Flinchbaugh. Jennifer, 12, topped the large junior market lamb show with the Suffolk crossbred wether, pur chased out of breeding lines that took top honors early this year at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. The well-grown, but lean and muscled lamb was one of a string of 32 York Fair Lamb Champion Named JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent YORK (York Fair) Junior exhibitor Adam Sellers took champion honors at the York Fair’s open class market lamb show. The 14-year-old Thomas ville youth topped an impressive group of contending weight divi sion champions, selected from a large show of open class entries. Judge and Suffolk breeder Bill MacCauley, Atglen, praised the tall, muscled lamb for its smooth ness and style. Reserve champion honors went to young Travis Flory, exhibiting a crossbred entry to take the run ner-up award. Division champion awards also went to GinaJShelton, Both Jennifer and Matt are ve teran shepherds and members of the York County 4-H Lamb Club. Champion fitter was Tabitha Gbersole, Red Lion and reserve champion fitter was Shanna Daughterly. In the showmanship competition, Matt Trostle was named champion and Jacob Eber sole was chosen the reserve cham pion. A partial list of York Fair junior sheep breeding winners follows: DORSET Ram Lamb: 1. Julie Kern, 2. Ken Snyder, 3 Paul Kitzmlller. Champion Ram: Julie Kern; Reserve - Ken Snyder. Yearling Ewe: 1. and 2. Julie Kem, 3. Jen nifer Snyder. Junior Champion head brought to the fair for junior and open showing by Jennifer and her parents, Lou Ann and Ed Kee ney, York RB. “I like to show at the York Fair because they have special classes for the junior exhibitors, like showmanship, fitting and decora tor classes.” says the experienced young shephenl who has taken several top market and sheep breeding honors in her four years of junior and 4-H competition. Reserve champion honors went to another junior market lamb show winning veteran, 17-year- (Turn to Pago A3l) Open Class Market Drew Bankert, Jennifer Flinch baugh and Mike Burrell, all youth exhibitors competing in the open market lamb show. A partial list of winners fol lows: Lightweight, Class 1; 1. Mindy Albright, 2. Tim Caudill, 3. Shawm Howard. Llghlwslght, Class 2:1. Gina Shstton, 2, Draw Bankart, 3. Mindy Albright. Llghtwalghl, Class 3:1. Patrick Good, 2. Lisa Oshoff, 3. Lindsay Jonas. Llghtwalght Champion: Gina Shelton; Rasarvs • Draw Bankart Light Medium, Class 1; 1. Draw Bankart, 2. and 3. Nathan Good. Light Madlum, Class 2:1. Kanianna Rar ick, 2. Melissa Trostla, 3. Haathar Bankart. Light Medium, Class 3:1. Stsward Ebar sola, 2. Haathar Moyer, 3. Paul KtamWar. Light Madlum Weight Champion: Draw Bankart; Raaarva • Nathan Good. Medium weight, Claaa 1: 1. Shanna Daugherty, 2. Stsward Ebarsola, 3. Adam Fall Ewe Lamb: 1. and 2. Ken Snyder, 3. Rebecca Emmett. Spring Ewe Lamb: 1. Julie Kern, 2. and 3. Paul Kitzmlller. Champion Ewe: Julie Kem; Reserve - Ken Snyder. Pairs: 1. Julie Kem, 2. Jennifer Snyder, 3. Ken Snyder. HAMPSHIRE Ram Lamb: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Man Troitls, 3. Jacob Eberaole. Champion Ram: Jennffar Flinchbaugh; Rsasrvs • Matt Troada. Yearling Ewe: 1. Tabitha Eberaols, 2. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 3. Shanna Daughterly. Spring Ewe Lamb: 1. Matt Troade, 2. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 3. Jacob Eberaole. Champion Ewa: ManTroids; Reserve - Jennifer Flinchbaugh. Pairs: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Matt Troade, 3. Jacob Eberaole. SOUTHDOWN Ram Lamb: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Heather Banker!, 3. Matt Troade. Champion Ram: Jonnllar FHnchbaugh; Rsaarvs • Heather Bankert. Yearling Ewa: 1. Jennifer Fllnchbeugh, 2. and 3. Man Trotde. Fall Ewa Lamb: 1. Heather Bankart, 2. Matt Troalla. Spring Ewa Lamb: 1. Heather Bankert, 2. Draw Bankert, 3. Jennifer FHnchbaugh. Champion Ewa: Jennifer FHnchbaugh; Reserve - Heather Bankert. Pairs -1. Jennifer FHnchbaugh, 2. Heath er Bankert, 3. Matt Trestle. SUFFOLK Ram Lamb: 1. and 2. Michael Burrell. Champion Ram: Michael Burrell. Yearling Ewe; 1. and 2. Christina Cyprl otls; 3. Shawn Howard. Fall Ewe Lamb: 1. Julia Kern. Spring Ewe Lamb: 1. Julie Kern, 2. Chris tina Cypriotfs, 3. Julie Kern. Champion Ewe: Julie Kern; Raaarva - Julie Kent. Pairs: 1. Julie Kern, 2. Christina Cypriotis, Gabrieli* Dissinger. OXFORD Spring Ewe Lamb; 1. Nathan Good, 2. and 3. Patrick Good. Champion Ewe: Nathan Good; Re carve - Patrick Good. Palre: 1. Patrick Good. CHEVIOT Yearling Ewe: Tracey Willwert. Champion: Tracey Willwert. OTHER BREEDS Ram Lamb; 1. and 2. Meghan Hayes. Champion: Meghan Hayes; Raaarva - Meghan Hayes. Yearling Ewe: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. and 3. Meghan Hayes. Champion Ewe: Jennifer Flinchbaugh; Reserve • Meghan Hayes. NATURAL COLORED Ram Lamb; 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Nathan Good, 3. Emily Bankert. Champion Ram: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh; Reserve - Nathan Good. Yearling Ewe; 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Nathan Good, 3. Jennifer Flinchbaugh. Spring Ewe Lamb; 1. Emily Bankert, 2. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 3.. Nathan Good. Champion Ewe; Jennifer Flinchbaugh; Raaarva - Nathan Good. Pairs: 1. and 2 Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 3. Emily Bankart. Supreme Ram: Jennifer Flinchbaugh. Supreme Ewe: Matt Troetle. Supreme Pair: Jennifer Flinchbaugh. FITTING Age IS and ever: 1. Mika Olaon, 2. Ilia Dehoff, 3. Tracey Wlllwart. Agel3-15; I.Shanna Daugherty, 2. Matt Trosde. 3. LeAnn Graham. Aga 10 • 12; 1. Tabitha Ebersoie, 2. Molly Ault. 3. Michelle Millar. Aga S -0; 1. Lindsay Jones, 2. Jacob Ebersoie, 3. Emily GraybfN. Champion: Tabitha Ebersoie; Reserve - Shanna Daugherty. SHOWMANSHIP Ago IS and ever: 1. Lisa Dehoff, 2. Mike Olson, 3. Tracey Wlllwart. Aga IS -15:1. Matt Trosde, 2. Gina Shel ton, 3. Kan Snyder. Age 10 -12: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Rebecca Emmett, 3. Michelle Miller. Age S • f: 1. Jacob Ebersola, 2. Lindsay Jones, 3. Gabriel la Oissinger. Stilors Msdlumweight, Glut 2: 1. Hilltop Ha ven, 2. Julio Korn, 3. Dave Olson. Madlumwaight, Clast 3: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Gina Sehlton, 3. Julia Walk er. MtdlumwtlgM Champion: 1. Jennifer Flinchbaugh; Reserve • Hilltop Haven. Light Heavy, Claas 1:1. Bully Dehofl, 2. Nick Wire, 3. Hilltop Haven. Light Heavy, Class 2:1. Lisa Deholl, 2. Tyler Rory. 3. Lisa Dehofl. Light Heavy, Claaa 3; 1. Michael Burrell, 2. Jacob Ebersola. 3. Lindsay Jones. Light Heavyweight Champion: Mika Burrell; Reasrve - Bully Deholl. Heavyweight, Claaa 1: 1. Tammy Nel son, 2. Man Sellers, 3. Tabitha Eborsolo. Heavyweight, Claaa 2:1. Adam Sellars, 2. Jacob Ebarsde, 3. Gold Star Shrape, Tom. Heavyweight, Class 3:1. Tiawia Rory, 2. Michelle Miller, 3. Jennifer Flinchbaugh. Heavyweight Champion; Adams Sellers: Reserve - Trawls Fkxy. Grand Champion: Adam Sellars; Re asrve Grand Champion - Travis Fkxy. Supreme champion ram in the York Fair Junior aheep breeding ahow was the homebred Hampshire shown by Jennifer Flinehbaugh. Flinchbaugh also showed the Veteran Junior showman Matt Troetle exhibited his home bred Hsmpshire ewe to the supreme champion title in the York Fair’s Junior sheep breeding competition. Fair opan„ *** market lamb honors want to Junior axhi jot Adam Sailers. With the champion is Bill MacCau ley. Judge.
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