D42-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, Seplembar 11,1993 JD 4650, 4WD, cab & air JD 4250, cab & air, quad JD 2550 (3) JD 4450, MFWD, cab & air, powershlft, sharp JD 4430, 1976, excellent JD 4320 JD 4240, cab & air JO 4240, 4 post IH 544 JD 4230, cab & air, power shift M 384, power steering JD 4030, gas Ford 2000, gas JD 2940, 4WD Ford 4000, gas JO 2010 Case IH 595, Ilka new, 640 hrs. JD 310 TLB w/eab, excellent MF 200 diesel crawler loader, 4 Case 1835 skid steer In 1 bucket Ford 1710 TLB, 4WD Gehl 4400 skid steer loader Ford 3 btm. 3 pt. hitch, spring JD 8 btm. 2800 varied width on Plow land hitch plow White 6 btm. 16" spring reset IH 710 8 btm. 18” spring reset, „ P |o w on land hitch IH consertm 10’ JD 2500 5 btm. 18” spring reset JD 3 btm. roll over plow JD 2500 6 btm. auto reset JD 5 btm. on land hitch 244 JD corn heads 444 JD corn heads 443 corn head 643 corn head IH 1640, 400 hra., like new | HAY EQUIPMENT Ku «« f° uI Z? baler JD 346 wire baler w/thrower NH 472 hqyblna JD 410 round ba|er Gehl 1850 round baler NH 320 baler w/klcker, like new Vermeer 403 round baler JD 7000 6 row liquid planter JD 110 dlac Field Queen 3 row wide JD 115 dlac cornhead IH 760 offeet dlac, very good Brllllon 21’ hyd. fold roller Gehl 72C flail chopper, excellent harrow Gehl 960 forage wagon w/roof Kewanee hyd. fold 20’ roller Glenco soil finisher, 12’ harrow, like new AC Air Champ 6 row bean Kewanee 21’ hyd. fold disc planter, no till Taylorway 25’ disc D & R EQUIPMENT INC. USED TRACTORS INDUSTRIAL USED PLOWS USED COMBINES JD 215 flex head JD 6620, 1982, sharp JD 6620, 1979, excellent MISCELLANEOUS Rt. 570, Rlngoea, New Jersey (908) 782-5082 JD 2550 w/240 loader JD 830, 2 cylinder JD 2350 JD 1050 w/470 hrs. IH 3088, cab & air IH 885 w/cab IH 766 IH 656, gas NOTICE September 25 Issue Early Deadline Farm Equipment Classified Wed., Sept. 22, 9 AM Delivery, Financing, Warranty and Leasing Ford TW2O, factory cab, air, dual ramotaa, dual ahafta, walghta all around, vary nlca Ford TWIS, cab, air, 1985 model, 4x4, triple outlata, radial tlraa, walghta all around, excellent Ford TWIS, cab, air, deluxe hydraulics, 20.8x38 liras, vary nlca Ford 7700 dsl. 8 speed, HOPS, dual remotes, weights, dual PTO’a, 1800 hours, excellent Ford 7700, roll bar & canopy, dual ramotaa, dual power, very nice Ford 7600, 4WD, front weights, dual power, dual ramotaa, excellent Ford 7000 diaael flat deck, w/roll bar ft canopy, dual ramotaa, front walghta, vary clean ft nice Ford 5600 dal, dual ramotaa w/like new Allied 580 loader, vary nice outfit Ford 5000 dal, 8 speed w/dual remotes, 38” tires ft weights Ford 4600 dsl, SU, w/hsavy duty Ford leader, power steering ft dual remotes JD 4440 cab, air, power shift, weights, all around, vary clean and sharp JD 4240, cab, air, quad, weights, radlals, 4x4, vary nice USED PLANTERS AND DRILLS IH 510 18x7 DD, sssd ft grass sssd, vsry nlcs Brlllion SSIO Surs tssdar w/transport whaals ft acrt malar JD 1240, 4R platalass, disc opanars, monitor, must ba saen to ba appraciatad JD 7000, 6R eonaarvatlon plantar, fully aqulppad, good condition JD 7000, 4RW plantar, Insaetleldo boxaa and monitor, very nice JD 7000 4RN, dry, platalass, inssctlelds boxes JD 8300,18x7 slngls disc, w/sssd ft grass seed, very nice JD ’“B" 18x7 DD w/ssad ft grass sssd, excellent USED PLOWS AND CHISELS White 508 4xlB cushion trip w/sprlng loadsd coulters Whits sbB, 4x16, spring auto, fully aqulppad, good condition White 598, 4 or 5 betom, variable widths, spring automatic, excellent condition Casa IH 720 5 or 6xlB spring auto, excellent Oliver 548 5x16 auto reset w/curved coulters, side hill hitch gauge wheal, sxcallant Glance 9 tooth soil savar, vary good condition IH 710 5x16 Auto Rasat, eouKara & gauga whaal, vary nlea USED DISCS AND HARROWS Whlta 271 23’ hyd. fold rock flax disc Brllllon 10’ doubla packar JD 16' transport typa spring tooth harrow, good condition IH 133 4R cultivator w/rolllng shields, excellent McConnell 16’ transport spring tooth harrow Kswanea 12’ rock flex finishing disc, very nice White 253 12’ finishing disc w/tandem wheals, vsry nice Brllllon 12’ roller harrow, excellent Brllllon 10’ packer w/4” axle, very nice White 265 11’ heavy frame cutting disc w/tandem wheels & 24” blades Gahl 1260, fully equipped with all tha options, cholca of haads, vary nica Gahl 970 wagon, 3 baatsr tandam, no roof, Ilka naw FNH 790, alaetrlc controls, lata modal haads, vary nlea JD 3950, alaetrlc controls, hyd. tongua, 2RN corn, excellent JD 3960, electric controls, hyd. tongue, T pickup head, cholca of corn heads Gahl 1250, tandam axle, electric controls, 2 or 3 RN, T pickup, nice condition Rax 3 baatsr w/roof tandam axle wagon, steal sides, vary nice condition (Lameo) Gahl 970 wagon, jdrfiHtar tandem w/roof, excellent USED HAY EQUIPMENT NH 258 rate* w/rubbar teeth NH 258 raka w/dolly whaal NH 847 round balar FNH 848 round balar w/bala command, axcallent condition NH trallar mowar, lata modal, vary nlca NH 276 balar w/throwar, alaetric controls, cylinders & hosas, very nlca NH 489 hayblna, stub guards, axcallent, 2 to choose from USED HARVESTER HEADS JD 2RW w/clutch NH 824 2R corn Qahl 6’ olckup w/dolly whaals NH gfiwßita 770, 717,718 FNH 790 hay head, Ilka new Ford 777 F QT w/QT buck*! Wastondorf QT for largar IH tractors MISCELLANEOUS JD 780 hydro push sprssdsr, tandsm axis w/hyd. gats USED TRACTORS JD 4230, cab, air, power shift, dual remotes, nlea tractor w/axcallant 18x38 radlals JD 4020 dlaaal, syncro range, side console, factory cab, 4000 original hours, excellent JD 4020 diesel, syncro range, side console, no cab, 4700 original hours, excellent JD 2950, non cab, 2 remotes, hl-low, 2300 hours, real nice IH 5088, 4WD, 1984 model, cab, air. duals, weights, triple outlets, 2 shafts, excellent IH 3688, factory cab S air, 18x38 tires, 1200 hours, excellent IH 886,1981, cab, air, digital, one of the cleanest you could find IH 786, 1981, W/4 post HOPS, 18x38 tires, 2 remotes, extra nice w/2800 original hours MF 165 dal 8 speed w/heavy duty MF all hyd. loader David Brown 1200 diesel w/loader, very nice original condition Case David Brown 990 dal 2500 original hours, very nice FNH 900 hay haad, Ilka naw NH 3 RN Augar baaa packaga w/8’ pickup JD 3 RN com haad w/multl lubar, and clutch LOADERS Alllad 580 QT w/Ford brackata, Ilka naw Uaad 18.4x34 anap-on duala NOTICE September 25 Issue Early Deadline Public Sales Mon., Sept. 20, 12 Noon
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