SB9I", <■ - s 1977 International 1086 18.4x36, 3 Remotes 540/1000 2,400 Hours, Sharp. Nlca. »*y < 7*N,(a^' ’<%. _ (10) Gravity Flow Wagons • Now I Ussd. FARM TRACTORS 19771 H 1086 Cab, Air 2,400 Hours, Sharp 1981 Casa 4890 4WD 250 HP, 3 PL, PTO 1982 Casa 4490 4WD, 175 HP, 3 PL And PTO 1972 IH 454 Gas, PS, IR, Wts., Sharp 1987 JD 2355 w/240 loadar, hl-10, vary nlca 1974 IH Hydro 100, 38", weights, nlca 1972 IH 786 eah/alr, 18.4x34 4720 hours 1974 IH 966 w/rad cab, 18.4x34 radlals 1970 IH 656 cab, gas, WF, 3 pt., 1R 1979 JD 4040 rops, powarahilt, 18.4x38 Farmall 140 w/Cult. Farmall 100 w/Cult. Farmall 460 Gas,WF 1973 IH 574 Dlasel, 1R 1971 IH 454 Gas, 1R AC-G w/Cultlvator Oliver OC6 Crawler w/3 Pt. MF 135 Diesel, P.B. CORN PLANTERS Dautz AMs SIS 4R w/dry tart. JD 7000 ox3o plait typt planter Ford 300 2x 3 pL planter IH 800 4xlo cycle air planter JD 246 2x 3 pt w/dlac openers Cola 1 row 3 pL plantar PLOWS IH 720 7xll Auto reset, on land IH 720 6x13 Auto reset IH 720 6xlo Auto resat IH 720 5x20 Auto resat IH 720 5x Auto roast IH 710 4x16 Auto reset (2) IH 710 3x16 Auto reset IH 700 6x on land IH 2x last hitch IH 450 3xlo 3 pt auto reset (2) IH 311 3x test hitch Farmall cub and super A, IX plows (2) MF 57 4x16 roll-over plows (2) JD F 145 3x14 3 pt JD 1450 5x16 trip JD 1450 6x trip JD 2700 7X on land toggle trip JD 4600 4x13 roll-over on-land JD 4200 4X roll-over Oliver 6x16 Auto reset Ford 2x 3 pt plows (2) IMCO lx 3 pt plows Ford 3x16 Rollover IH 3X 2 Way F.H. Disc Plow IH 4X Pull Type Trip Back MF 160 PTO apraadar David Bradlay ground driva (2) Farmall Cub apraadar 1973 International 454 Gas, PS, Wsighte, IR, 1,193 Hours, Sharp. Fan Elevator, Sharp. t ' Gahl 1200 Tandam Axla Harvaalar W/2RN Com And Hay Hoad. ROTARY MOWERS (4) Buah Hog 2615-15’ wing mowara Woods 121 offsat orchard 10’ Naw King Kutlar 4’, s’, 6’ mowara Wooda RM 400 astate Woods RM 500 aatala Woods RMS 9 asuta Mott flail to fit cub Naw Woods 5260 3 pt dltch/bank Naw Woods S9C bally mo war for cub Naw Woods L 59 for Super A Woods L 306 to til Ford SN Buah Hog 5’ 3 pt flail mower Woods 72" Cadet pull type BMB 12’ stalk shredder MISCELLANEOUS (11) sets of tractor duals- call Farm! 3 pt logging winch Campbell 400 gal. sprayer JD 400 grain cart w/12" unloading auger Brilllon S' seeder (2) Brilllon 5’6" seeders New and Used aplke harrows Manure buckets and loader buckets Automatic 3 pt forklift attachment Worksavar 3 pt forklift attachment Ford 4 cyl and 6 cyl power units New Long Rotary Tillers, 72" New Maletti Rotary Tillers. 52" (IQ) Gravity Bin Wagons (2) 1 Row Potato Diggers (2) 2 Row Potato Diggers New Baltic broadcast seeder, 3 pt. Land Pride 5' landscape box (2) Used Wagon Gears Rlehardton 1200 side dump Danuaar F 6 commercial hole digger New 9" A 12" post hole diggers Shaver HDB Post Driver Com Drag Farmall Cub Cultivators A Super 'A* IH #lO grain drill w/graas seed COMBINES (2) JD 4400 dtaaat- Coming In JD 4400 gaa« Sharp JD 213 flax haad, black rad JD IS' grain haad JD 13' grain haad JD 10' grain haad JD 443 4RN com haad JD 343 3RN corn haad JD 243 2RN corn haad MF 1143 4RN oom haad 1974 International Hydro 100 IMxM, 2 PTO’a, Full Walghto, A Good Hydro Tractor. John Dow* 400 Grain Cart w/12” JoKn Deere 4400 Gaa Combine Ki Unloading Augar. w/443 Corn Head And 13' Grain - Net Will Separate. w *< r< Wmtf> JfflD , , _ , . - . BMBI2' Dyna-Flail Sulk Shredder, Wagon, 10:00x20 Tlraa, Good f.*. mh _.? nd Jff. J" b Grlnd#r w/ - 1000 PTO. Cond. Unloading Bavator. JD 327 Baler w/ejector NH 68 Super baler #54 Thrower To FH 273 Baler NH 851 round baler Kuhn 440 Turbo Tedder Pequea 710 PTO Tedder Grimm Hay Tedder JD 1219 IKVCO like new Sitrex 3 pt. 4 wheel rake Ford-NH 451 tickle mower Sickle Mower for Farm Cub (2) JD #lO aide mL aiekle IH 110 aide mount aidde for Super A IH 1100 T pull type aiekle mower NH 55 hay rake NH 258 Rake w/Oolty Wheel (2) Farmoo 18x8 Steel Wagon 18’ Wooden Hay Wagon New Idea 270 eut/dMonar IH #5 flail chopper Used Steel Daneo Hay Wagon Buffalo Valley 38' Elevator HARVESTERS AND PICKERS JD 3970, elec. control*, long tongue, nice IH 781, elec, control*, hay and 2RN IH 830, elec, controls, hay head Gehl 1200, tandem, 2RN and hay JD direct cut head NH 880-S direct cut head New Idea 325 2RN 12 roll New Idea 324 2RW 12 roll, late Now Idea 324 2RW 12 roll JD 300 Husker w/243 2RN- Coming In CHISEL PLOWS & FIELD CULTIVATORS Glencoe Sartos 111 9T soil ssvsr- sharp Kswanss 20' hyd. fold 3 pt field culL IH 45 12' 3 pt field cultivator (4) IH 45 IS’ Held cultivators, pull type Lorenz 13’ Held finisher w/rolling baskets JD 12' 3 pt field finisher IH 11' 3 pt 5500 chisel Brlllion 10' pull chisel Oliver O' 3 pt chisel JD IS' wing fold pull chisel IH 55 7 pull type chisel IH 55 10’ pull type chisel S' drag spring tooth harrow Bush Hog S’ 3 pt. chisel plow HF 160 U' transport spring tooth Glencoe 7 And 9' Pull Chisels ROLLER HARROWS AND PACKERS New Btilllon 12' puMmulchar- Coming In Dunham 14* roller harrow Dunham 10' roller harrow Brllllon 12’ oulllmulohera JD 950 15* roller harrow, aharp JD 930 12' 3 pt roller harrow JD 12’ packer w/ond transport Chatanooga 12' c rows foot packer Brllllon 10' packer w/4" axle Dunham 12’ w/end transport IH 1066 facL cab w/air (3) JD 4020 caba Case 2090 cab (while) Caaa 2096 cab (red) IH 884 roll bar w/rool JD 2020 rollbar JD 4020 roll bar w/roof Kubota roll bar IH 464 roll bar MF 1105 roll bar w/roof JD rollbar tor 850 compact (new) Ford 4610 orchard rollbar mas NH OD 100 11' offset disc, sharp JD 111 8' rock flex - nice JD 110 14' finishing disc JD BW 13' disc IH 350 10' disc • nice IH 500 13' cutting disc IH 470 14' finishing disc IH 37 9'/i' wheal disc IH 8' offset disc w/lrsnsport JD KBA 28 Made (2) IH cub discs Millar 11* offset Krause 1587 15' rock flex bl-fold Kewanee 12' finishing Kewanee 18' rock flax w/manual wlnga Whit* 281 10'/> ’ offset Buah Hog 12' cutting dlac (4) 3 pt. hitch discs 4' to 8' Rhino 167 •' offset disc White 252 11' finish disc SEE Ford one arm to fit 600-800 Snow blades for Farmall Cub (2) JD 45 to tit 2 eyl. tractor McCormick 2032 to fit Super 'C Saudar Snow Blade Great band QT to lit IH 784 IH 3050 t* fit IH 674 1993*033
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers