CONVEYOR CHAIN For Every Make & Model Manure Spreaders Feed Wagons Forage Boxes ■kka MoM T'Bar Pint I* khfca MocM lain Cam. X-Con*. < IMi Main Can. Maw. M(w iW SornSSs Ariaway MOJ66 “tftoi ~^ Stm ladgar NO-14 “fillfr" ' Oahl UO KUO 92244 Art away 710 AM 199941 Hon 292. N HAS IN 977.49 941.14 Butlar 190 294.91 o*hl 910440 999.77 M 990 310.39 979.04 |UU(I 920 207.91 O*W 700-990 299.19 101.97 e= —*-«m» a * —-“W 1 mu Haaaay 209 494.99 97749 Hank* KwlkMx 149.91 JD 110 299.99 111.01 NH 919419 942.49 997.70 Oehular 170 400.01 JO 214 22044 120.21 NH 070 919.29 470.92 ItllUlf 900 79041 JO 714 223.39 1 94.20 m 79Q-791 94943 04040 «jkw»s m "SSTJi pCttD EKIC—2HZt =_ Ml 219.244 49041 43949 Waawln* 490 09.91 timeo flu 229.03 91.44 Patz 191 991.79 949.90 Wlc a 74.01 NH 9 227.12 99.99 ■* 140 224.99 r SINGLE CONVEYOR CHAIN With Rubber Paddle 10K ” SPROCKETS M7H For Butbr. *l»"»«w»y. Clay, Etc. $6. 28 Par R. BEARING caE iiPm«arwTM»nini ■!>< ■ ■L>*x H «LSJ-| ii'jn kikti kith ennrie ■;f i i m ii ii ■fti EKLJ KLi_l KUL_B KIZI3 HKanviKit'flnt'HiK'X i [TTimifTni! v ■■:» i :i mm i'i »• r ~ ■ »■■ ■ i Mocks 1144 11. >4 PRATT INDUSTRIES CALL FREE 800-342-3522 - 800-392-3377 au iprt nmm. mmmm, mm**. MOLTS TIRE CENTER GALAXY 23.1x2612 ply $590 12 4x286 ply $175 13.6X28 6 ply $2OO 184x30 8 Dlv $315 FIRESTONE 750X22 $165 13.6X26 6 ply $235 18.4X30 6 ply $265 18.4x34 6 ply $345 20.8x34 8 ply $595 18.4Rx34 8 ply $490 20.8x38 8 ply $575 18.4R38 $525 SPECIAL 18.4x34 8 Ply $315 s26s $365 s4r 15 5x386 ply 184X38 8 ply 20 Bx3B 8 ply Call for Prices JMfh, . Wkaais • Km^ z&kir* SW&^ ¥ UNITS 11.44 44.14 M«n «w uhi pm iiMiiMa wmra. am. »a it n mt mhju that mt nwr urn. m nm raMver Waterloo. NY 1 -800-548-1884 GOODYEAR 20.8RX38 $685 24.5x3210 ply $695 30.5LX3210 ply $950 281x26 10 ply $690 18.4x38 8 ply $425 TIRES AND WHEELS Step Up Rims and Wheels for 42" Tires Step Up Blocks to Go From 34” to 38" 20“ Wheels with 6 Bolt & 8 Bolt 14x161 Wheels 11x16.1 8 Bolt for Tank Manure Spreaders 6, 8,10x16" Wheels 6& 8 Bolt 8 410x15“ 64 8 Bolt STANDARD ROLLER CHAIN RIVETED i ARMSTRONG 16.9X24 6 ply $239 20.8x34 R/C $690 18.4X28 6 ply $369 30.51x32 12 ply $1,090 20.8RX42 $765 8.3x24 4 ply $95 12.4x24 4 ply $155 12.4X28 4 ply $169 Running Gears: With Tires 12 ton $ll9O 10 ton $7OO 8 ton $575 NEW ANSI COTTERED Chain Chain Pilch Double Sing la SI rand We Ship UPS WE MOUNT TIRES Utica, Binghamton, Buf falo, Watertown, Roches ter, Syracuse, Johnstown, Norwich, Ithaca, Mt. Mor ris, Lockport, Auburn, Canandaigua, Wolcott, Mexico and Surrounding Areas. ALLIANCE 16.9Rx308p1y $375 16.9Rx34 Bply $4OO 18.4Rx34 10 ply $425 18.4RX3S 10 ply $425 20.8Rx38 10 ply $650 Power Mach 23.1X30 1-800-548-1884 or 315-539-2764 3022 Rte. 96 Waterloo, NY 13165 STOUFFER BROS. INC. TRACTORS Maaaay Ferguson 95 Gas Traetor David Brawn 1212 IH 460 Traetor PLANTERS IH 400 Cycle Plantar FORAGE JD 3960 Harvester w/2-Row Head <■ Pickup Gahl 1250 Harvester w/Hay Pickup Gahl CB4OO Harvester Assortment of Gahl 99 Forage Blowars IH 550 Harvester NH 27 Blower MOWER CONDITIONERS Hesston 6200 Self-Propelled 12 Ft.- Very Good Condition Vloon 201 Disc Mower Conditioner Hesston Pl 7 (1) Case 555 Mower Conditioners Cass 650 Self Propelled IH 1190 Mower Conditioner NH 1495 Self Propelled Gehl 880 JD 830 Self Propelled Triple Strand '*.l2 «■** Sales, Parts And Service For... ★ CASE UTILITY ★ GEHL ★ VICON ★ WFE ★ KUBOTA * HESSTON ★ SAME J.L. HOLLINGER & SONS INC. RT. 72N, Manhelm, PA. 717-664-2444 717-665-2354 FAX 717-664-2835 NEW & USED Farm & Construction Equip. John Deere 21OC TLB w/ROPS John Deere 555 A Crewter/Loeder/ Canopy, Standard Hoe, Rune A Bepkhoe w/Ropa Canopy, GP Bucket, Operates Very Good V.G. Undercarriage, Runs & Operates $13,900 . *6 $18,500 JD 24 diesel Case 1840 skid loader, w/light package, aux. hyd., runs & operates like new, low hrs $14,250 1989 Bobcat 743, aux. hyd. low hrs., 60" bucket, runs & operates like new.slo,BOO $590 (2) Case 5808 TLB, ROPS Case 580, TLB, ROPS canopy, runs & operates good JD 310 TLB, full cab, standard hoe, good condition 1988 Case SBOK, 4x4, w/full cab, extend a hoe, very good cond. Ford SSSA, cab, 4x4, standard hoe, excellent cond (2) JD 310 A TLB, w/ROPS canopy, standard hoe, good cond FARM TRACTORS IH 460 diesel engine, runs good JD 750 Dozer Call Cat 951 Loader Call (2) IH 17SB crawler loaders, 4NI buckets, excel. U/C, vg cond $12,000/ea. JD SSSB crawler loader, backhoe attach., runs & operates like new, excel, cond $18,500 Case 11S0B crawler loader, ROPS canopy, sweeps, very good U/C, 4NI bucket, runs & operates vg Call Case BSOB crawler dozer, 6 way angle blade, ROPS canopy, 90% U/C, runs & operates excel $18,500 1986 Manitiou 522 shooting boom forklift, SOOO lb, lift csp., 22' mist $18,500 TCI DP-460 shooting boom foiklift, 32' mast, stabilizers, power by diesel engine, good cond ; $18,500 1980 Eager Beaver 9 ton, 3 axle lag-a-long, ex. cond $3,100 Cub Cadet 884, diesel engine, SO” mower, like new $3,650 Onan 10KW generator, 2 cyl. Qnan gas engine, excel $1,550 Miller portable welder $2,250 Oliver forklift w/14’ mast, gas, good tires, runs & operates good $3,800 Bobcat 743 Skid Loader, w/60" Bucket, Aux. Hydroa, Dlaaal Engine, Low Houra, VG Cond. $10,500 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 11, 1993-D29 1066 Lincoln Way West, Chambersburg, Pa. Phone 717-263-8424 SKID LOADERS BACKHOES CRAWLERS MISCELLANEOUS SKID LOADERS & UTILITY C>m 455 Track Loader Caaa SSOC, Cab * Standard Hoc (1 In Stock) Caaa SSOE, HOPS, Std. Hot Caaa 1737 Unloadar Dynahoa 120 Loadar/Backhoa NH L-455 Skid Loader Gahl 4510 Skid Loader Gehl 4010 Skid Loader Ford 1600 w/Loadar a Backhoa LAWN & GARDEN - ■ - - ■ Kubote F2lOO w/5 Ft. Mower 8 Dump Cress Catcher Kubota 87100 Hsd - With 60 H Mower Arlene Rider Satoh 370 D w/Loader, 4WO Wheelhorse 312-8 With Mower 8 Grass Catcher MISCELLANEOUS JD 740 Field Cultivator (16 Ft.) JD 10 Ft. Disk Harrow Baltimatlc Spinner Spreader NH 304 Spreader Oliver 62T Beler With Thrower Schwartz 750 Mixer Feeder Caee BSOB Crawler/Dozer w/ROPS Canopy, 6-Way Anglo' Blade, Excellent Cond/. $18,500 $5,400 $8,750/ea. 56,750 59,500 .... $28,500 517,500 ....$10,750 $2,350
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